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23-12-2013, 11:14 AM
Oh heck sorry to keep on but this is really nasty now.
I'm worried about my Rowan tree that is swaying dangerously.

btw Brian just went to the park with Peps so he was ok. He says what time is the party!
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Norma808 is offline  
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23-12-2013, 11:54 AM
Do hope everyone is safe and well with this dreadful weather
Wet slushy snow here but winds picking up guess it's our turn
Power been flickering a bit ,just hope no cuts
Muppets not amused at being dragged out even with their coats on
Oh been sent for the food shop ,which could be interesting will probably end up with beans on toast
Do hope all poorly dogs and peeps are better soon
Take extra special care and stay safe and warm
At the coo,s tail as usual with still thing to do
Looking forward to the party to night
See you all later
Take carexxxxxx
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23-12-2013, 12:13 PM
Party tonight? Oh 'eck, I guess that means yet another late night for moi, wot wiv you lot abein' 2 'ours ahind moi.

Mutter mutter mutter mutter - dese peeps ain't not got no considherashun for hus anshunts wot needs us sleepies.


[ps - what time does it start? An' will dere be 'exy strippers of de male variety?]
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23-12-2013, 12:21 PM
Good afternoon one and all - I'm now all done so let Christmas commence

Ended up sleeping downstairs with Marco last night as the boys next door (not THOSE neighbours) made a fair bit of noise coming in not long after we'd gone to bed so he started barking and then couldn't settle - anyway I had a lovely sleep and Marco only woke at 7:50.

Have been into Wigan to pick up last minute bits, our grandchildren are with us from Christmas Eve so I'm making them a Christmas Eve box with pyjamas, new cups, sachet of hot chocolate, colouring books and pencils and some chocolate - all to be opened after they have their bath tomorrow night - can't wait

Then went to Asda for cream etc, only one person in front of us at the till hurray! Then went straight to beauticians so now have lovely eyebrows and tinted eyelashes so no need for mascara

Malka I can't believe your road still isn't complete, so unfair that you keep having to struggle on with this

Hope everyone has a good day despite the horrid weather and that you're all set for the party tonight
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23-12-2013, 12:23 PM
Nippy that doesn't sound good, hope it stays upright - is it close enough to hit anything?

Ooh Malka I never even thought of strippers!
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23-12-2013, 12:48 PM
Morning all

Oh Lordy, it's getting very bad here now, and I've just read your last post there Jen about how it's getting worse, and we haven't had yours yet Is Brian back with Pepsi now though? My big fir trees down the bottom by the road are bending over sideways but not much rain yet.

I came out of the hairdressers, and as I turned the corner onto the seafront where I'd parked the car, jeesus christ, it threw me backwards, I had to fight my way down the little alleyway to the seafront, but once there I managed to stay upright, but it sure was blowy and that was 11 am.

Fought my way to Asda, cos Sainsbury's traffic was unbelievable, but I had to get some ice cream for over Christmas which I managed to get. The queues for the checkouts were half way down each aisle but thankfully, I only had a short queue for the self service.

Oh blimey, this wind is now whistleing through the patio doors and it never does that

Stay safe everyone, I'm off to put some lunch in and will be back. I have read, glad you're all safe, but no time to answer today I'm afraid.

Catch you later.
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23-12-2013, 01:13 PM
Originally Posted by Cath View Post
Ooh Malka I never even thought of strippers!
Have no fear
Cath my dear
De strippers dey
Be ready near

Just gotta shave
Or wax or wot
To show what they
Have got or not

So close your eyes
Who don't want to see
What Malka has
Oh joy or glee

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23-12-2013, 01:23 PM
Afternoon all and I'm late again on parade .

We have just watched a boat drift down river (at quite a speed) with nobody on it so alerted the lock keeper . Fortunately it missed out boats boat due to the wind being stronger than the current .... usually loose boats hit ours because our plot is the most southerly on the whole of the Thames and we are on the outside of a large bend. The rain is torrential and the wind really scary .

After the dogs had been in the garden first thing I made a dash to Tesco as I hadn't done a proper food shop for weeks. Then home to take the dogs out as at that point it was just breezy and drizzling. I'm very very glad I did then 'cos they won't even want to go into the garden as it is now. ..... they'll just have to cross their legs I then dashed down to Waitrose to buy a choc Gu pudding to take up to our friends (I've already got the xmas pud and made the mince pies (yuck!!!!)and will be making a trifle too).
My brother came down fortunately before the weather turned really nasty to exchange presents and have a coffee. I'll be seeing him again on Boxing Day at my our Mum's nursing home.

I've finished wrapping all the presents and will start shortly on the housework

I hope for those of you who had to go out have managed to do so and got back safely.

I must press on now or I won't have time to drop in tonight otherwise.

See you all later and stay safe.
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23-12-2013, 01:25 PM
Heavy rain here now and very blowy. Sat waiting for youngest son appearing as we are off to the butchers to collect his turkey and I want some pet mince and some more chicken wings for the babies.
Don't know whats in this rain, its murky sandy sort of stuff.
Every morning recently when I empty, clean and refill the water buckets its very cloudy and there's stuff like fine gravel at the bottom. When the babies are out I put a big water bowl down for them and it hasn't been down more than an hour and its already cloudy.
I've put rubber matting down for them to get into the big kennel as well as their own, and a couple have already had a peek inside and then hurried back to their heat lamp and shredded paper.
I've had 3 of them sat at the door crying to come in, I've gone out, picked them up and taken them into their cosy little nest with that heat lamp, sprinted back across the yard in the rain, and they've followed me
They have the brains of rocking horse sh!t
Kitchen floor all mopped, got coal on the fire to keep the place really warm, still not put any decs on my horrid tree, I suppose I'll have to, but I don't like it, it says 6ft on the box but its barely taller than I am.
Looking forward to the party tonight, I'm bringing lots of different choklit
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23-12-2013, 02:07 PM
Aw Tawney, the wee souls were determined to get it inside weren't they.

We have heard from the Puppy's owners. She is residing with us cause they don't want her going into kennels cause she is so young. Her name is Iona, and the pic I found she just is gorgeous. Apparently she is walked on a harness but doesn't like it, flops down and refuses to move so she has it on all the time just now to get her used to it. She is another ear cleaner, so sounds a right wee character

I've got the dishes done, that's about all I've got done so far, Brian insisted on watching Flash Gordon and fell asleep. I'm currently upstairs watching The Santa Clause, but once I've had a coffee I have to go see Mum and make arrangements for picking her up on Christmas day. Going to write up my cards first though.
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