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10-12-2012, 06:52 AM

Morning Dogsey daily thread. Monday again.

How are we all today ? I need matchsticks today to keep my eyes open. Dillon had me up at 2.30am and then at 3.30am just after I managed to get back to sleep.

He did need to go out though so I forgive him.
Gorden got up at the 6am bark and again he did need to go out so I am wondering what awaits me on the top bit of garden.

His limp seems to of mysteriously cleared up he was playing fine yesterday afternoon and this morning when I got up he is now laying quietly waiting for breakfast which makes a change.

Lots of washing to do here today and I may get myself out to get the bits to do the christmas cakes I keep threatening to do very late this year. But we and Mark and Tracey and some friends of ours do love a home made christmas cake, so I better get on and do them what do you think ?

Off to get some coffee on and some toast for Michael he is leaving for college in a bit I love Gorden being home as he does the early morning tube run Monday and Tuesday. I do the more decent time Wednesday and Thursday as he is working in the local school 3 days till christmas.

I hope everyone is feeling well today two legged and four legged friends.
(((Hugs))) to those who are feeling under the weather.
I hope Sal is still keeping bright Kazz.

Looking forward to the news later.
Enjoy your day all.
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lore is offline  
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10-12-2012, 07:37 AM
Morning Lynn,

Glad Dillon's leg is OK.

Shattered after getting my TMA done last night. Took till midnight to get it finished. I'm hoping it will get at least a pass.

Today, back to work, I'm planning on catching up with my reading tonight and get an early night. Not much else planned.
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10-12-2012, 07:54 AM
Morning Lynn, Lorraine and everyone

I've had a night like yours Lynn, but not because of Zena, but purely because I just couldn't get to sleep, I missed my slot having stayed up till gone 10.30 watching something and was then wide awake, yaaaaaaaaaaawn Sorry I missed the bit about Dillon going lame on you, but glad to hear he seems ok now, but that must have been a big worry for you, I know
Have a good day at work today Lorraine, you've been partying too much lately, but then it was your birthday, so I agree, maybe some quiet nights are in order......see ya tonight then

Dave's going down the town today Now bearing in mind, he hasn't been out anywhere here since we moved back in May, apart from his "drive through's" to get himself off to work, I'm a bit worried whether it's safe to let him go down there on his own, it's quite a big town. Bless him, he absolutely hates shopping, but he insists he's going to get some presents for me even though I've told him I don't want anything, or I can get something online, but no, he wants to go. I could always stick a tracker on him I suppose

Anyway, me, I'm off to jolly old Sainsbury's to do the usual after taking Zena out. Bit windy out there, but at least it's dry and cold. Enjoy your Monday every
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10-12-2012, 07:54 AM
Morning Lynn,Morning all
Pleased to hear Dillions limp has gone,

Freezing here this morning,we've had a hard frost,but it's supposed to dry & sunny but very cold today.I have a basket of washing to peg out later.

Been out and fed the piggies & rabbit I got the job of looking after them while Lizzie was away She's had a good weekend and will be back later tonight
I have missed her

I have Tom's review of his statement later,should be fun NOT and of course they will be asking what he's doing when he leaves school in june,at the moment we have no idea
We think he's going to start an animal care course at foundation level,so he won't need GCSE's and he can progress up from there.

Have a good day all xx
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madmare is offline  
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10-12-2012, 07:56 AM
Morning Lynn and all,
I am going to try and get myself a doctors appointment today and get myself sorted. I don't think this cold is helping with my chest.
I'm glad Dillon is not limping now and hope when you get up that garden he has not left any yukky mess for you to clean up.
Lily is making funny noises in her throat this morning like she is trying to clear something. Fingers crossed it passes and her throat problems are not about to flare up again.
Good Luck with those christmas cakes Lynn. I have to say though you can't beat a homemade one. Those shop ones never seem to be able to get near homemade.
Have a good day all and take care.
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10-12-2012, 08:21 AM
Good morning Lynn and all,

I'm sure there are more Mondays in the week than any other day My OH managed to fix the tree lights late last night so I put those up at 'silly o'clock' .... nice to know that is done now

General food shop and housework today and walk the dogs (of course). Bright but frosty outside at the moment which I love

I also missed that Dillon had been limping (I must pay more attention ) and hope he's OK today and also his insides

Madmare - I hope the docs give you something to help you feel better.
Kazz, I hope your lovely Sal continues to 'be herself'.

I hope you and all of the dogs have a good day and stay safe.
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moetmum is offline  
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10-12-2012, 08:30 AM
Morning Lynn and all

Sorry to hear that Dillon was limping, sounds like he has improved though so that is good.

I have survived the second weekend in the run up to christmas, we sold over 400 christmas trees on Saturday, Santa activities have gone smoothly so far with happy children all round. Fingers crossed that next weekend goes off as well (last year we had a puncture in the tractor and santa was late as he had fallen off of a ladder).

I have succumbed to temptation and bought myself a hat which is hand spun out of Samoyed hair. It is so soft I just had to buy it as I can't stop touching it! It has 1% lurex in it so has a little sparkle, we had a pair of gloves once and I was so sad when they were sold! I doubt there will be much more coming through as the dog that produced the hair (from being groomed) has since passed away.

I hope you all have a good day.
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Jackie is offline  
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10-12-2012, 08:33 AM
Good morning all, its cold and dull here as yet, not sure what to do today, but will find something I`m sure

lore good luck hope your effect receives a pass.

Have a good one all, and stay safe, H and Lynn, catch a nap later on
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10-12-2012, 08:48 AM
Morning Lynn, morning all. I will not upset people by saying the sun is shining [but it is] as I am sure no-one wants to know!

Pereg got me up at sometime stupid o'clock but I really do not remember getting up. I just know that I did because I surfaced this morning still wearing the slippers I put on when I have to let her out and I know I did not go to bed wearing them.

Washing been done and now in the dryer - still have sheet and duvet cover to wash but they can wait until there is a bit more to do. I have yet to actually put a duvet on the bed, just have two very lightweight summer blankets [who uses blankets in the summer here?] with an empty duvet cover over them, but both duvets are out and I am debating which one to use as and when it gets really cold at night. I seem to sleep better when I am not overheated.

Hope all two and four-legged Dogsey members are OK and have a good day!
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Nippy is offline  
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10-12-2012, 08:48 AM
Good morning all, bloomin freezing here, literally.

Dreadful night, Pepsi was sick twice and in and out of the garden eating grass etc the rest of the night. Of course it was Sunday yesterday and we always reckon she is worse on a Sunday night she gets so excited with all the family here. Plus the baby is at the stage where it's fun to drop stuff for Peps to eat Lets hope this is all it is.
Hubby's gout is still bad, I've just rung the doctor about him.
Son and daughter both have horrendous colds, me? I'm fine thanks
Talk to you all later.
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