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Benzmum is offline  
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09-10-2009, 05:27 PM

Tooth crumbled and broken below gum line gum swollen and sore

and I have real issues with the dentist. I know its not logical and I know they are there to help I KNOW all this but since learning I have an emergency appt tomorrow I am in major anxiety mode and although its probably self fulfilling prophecy i know I will have panic attack at the dentist and I don't just mean I'll get freaked out I mean full blown panic (it has happened before)

The sharp bit of my tooth that has broken off is digging intoo my gum which is now very tender and swollen and hot Bonjella is not helping 1 iota nor is paracetamol and ibuprofen and cllove oil.

Phoned doc to ask for max strength anbusol on prescription and diazepam (to help me get to bl00dy dentist) he wrote prescription with the lowest dose of diazepam, which does nothing for me unless I take 5 at a time, and no bl00dy anbusol on it so my gum just has to continue being swollen and sore and I am so fed up, so sore and so freaked out I actually just want to curl up and cry.In fact I think I will
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Nippy is offline  
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09-10-2009, 05:58 PM
Oh noooooo poor you.
I used to be like you with the dentist but luckily I have a dentist now who I have complete faith in and who is very tolerant of me.
I hope you get sorted soon Lynne.
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ClaireandDaisy is offline  
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09-10-2009, 06:57 PM
I have a real terror of dentists since a dreadful experience with one so I do know how you feel. I do find the experience is always much less painful than I expect, if that helps.
I think dentists get patients saying `I`m nervous` all the time so need to be told exactly how you feel.
Big hugs
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Lou is offline  
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09-10-2009, 08:37 PM
Aww Bless ya! *Hugs* I hope your visit to the dentist tomorrow isn't so bad.

I don't like going to the dentist, but I go because I've suffered severe pain in the past, so I know what will happen if I don't keep up with my check ups.

Good Luck x
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09-10-2009, 08:52 PM
I kinda know how you feel I think. I have fainted in the dentist chair before he even did anything & hyperventilated getting in there. It took me years to get over it & like Lou never miss a check up to avoid anything having to be done but I'm better now with the phobia, I just cry if I have a filling.
But back to your current problem.This probably isn't good advice so don't take it, but when I've had severe toothache & the painkillers don't work I've resorted to gargling whisky around the gum it deadens the pain for a while - but don't swallow it especially with taking painkillers.
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Ben Mcfuzzylugs
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10-10-2009, 10:14 AM
OH poor you that sounds horrible

I am another dentist phobic - I cannot stand needles
My friend put me in touch with her dentist - who admittedly is a bit rubbish (I had a broken tooth - she just pulled out the top bit and left the rest in my mouth - dental hospital were talking about surgery but decided to let it be for now) but she treats me like I am a kid and gives the numbing minty spray so I dont feel the needle - I can close my eyes and pretend
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10-10-2009, 11:41 AM
I do hope your appointment goes okay today. I have that problem with dentists too, it took me four months to get a tooth ripped out. It took all of 15mins but took me months to get there. They aren't locgical that is why they are phobia's they don't need to make sense they just are what they are.
I hope you have someone with you nothing like panicking when others are around by those who know you won't mind, I ended up with my O/H and my neighbour in with me, crying, snotting, and generally looking and glamourous. Oh and it happened to Valentines day, so my O/H got my tooth as a pressie. hehehehe
End of my story hope all is over soon for you.
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10-10-2009, 11:56 AM
I have to go back. I have painkillers and antibiotics and they can't do anything till infection and swelling goes down. I feel decidedly sick and am exhausted with the fear and now have to go through it all again next week. I asked about lnocking me out and they tryt to avoid this at all costs so looks like I have to struggle on and try to convince myself to go back next week. I feel totally wiped out am hoping the pain killers work but can't take them till I finish work as I can't drive with them
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10-10-2009, 12:33 PM
Gee I must have made some impact i have just had a call from them, I have to make an appointment on Monday at the community Dental Initiative (I had no idea we had such a thing) who deal with patients with specific needs and phobias. They will discuss all treatment options including General Anasthetic and Intravenous sedation. So obviously they didnt want to have to deal with a blubbering shaking wreck who was hysterical!
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10-10-2009, 12:44 PM
Aww I'm so glad they've decided to take your phobia serious *Hugs* Hope they come up with some sort of plan for you x
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