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04-03-2013, 07:03 AM

Morning - Dogsey Daily Thread - Monday

Morning all Dogsey Peops

SPRING has finally arrived, I can feel it, I can hear it, cos the birds are singing like mad out in the garden, but that could be because they want their breakfast which I haven't put out yet

I'm going to check out the tide today and see if we can get down the beach for a change this morning with Zena. I'm also going to pop her into the vets and see if she's actually lost some weight this time around as I changed her back to Arden Grange 2 weeks ago when she had put ON the weight I think the lamb and rice I changed her too was too rich/fatty and I didn't have a hope of getting the weight off, so we're back on the chicken and rice one and from the looks of her, she's slimmed right down (wish I could say the same for meself ). Her coat is the best condition I have ever seen it in, even a lady commented on the shine on her yesterday when we were out, she looks amazing so she must be very healthy now on this medication.

Anyway, Monday again, let's hope this is a good week for all of us.

Lynn, good luck if Gorden's persueing (sp?) something on the work front this week, and good luck if you're getting those agents round, so you can plan ahead soon.

Jen, hope the toothache has settled down.

Jenny, I hope your mouth is healing properly and your face looks normal again and you can smile properly - nothing worse!

Bitkin, hope your cold is much better today.

Lorraine hope you tummy bug has gone.

Malka, I do hope you're feeling better today and that you can manage to get that prescription somehow or other. What a neighbour you've got there, who asks for your help and yet she's then too busy to give you hers??!!! Pick up the phone, I'm sure there's somebody out there who can help you to get your much needed meds.

Enjoy your day everyone, another busy one for me today but then it's Tuesday tomorrow, yayyyyyyy
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04-03-2013, 07:11 AM
Morning H and all

I hope you get your walk on the beach today. It's just wonderful that you have found something to keep Zena's condition under control.

Another busy day here, finish cleaning car interior, dogs out, drop car off and then my sister is picking me up from the garage and we are going shopping with my cousin, still have two dogs to bath ready for Crufts.

Have a good day all.
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04-03-2013, 07:13 AM
Good morning Helena. We are just back in from our walk and it is a tad chilly and very windy today. Muttley eats her chicken wing outside on a little mat when we get back - she is not impressed with the weather and keeps trying to bring it in. I've compromised and put her little rug on top of mine and she seems happy enough with that!

Hope you manage to get onto the beach today. The March caterpillars are now 'on the march!' Bella heard the loudest sharpest 'NO!' commands from me today. Geez I don't want a seething mass of those zooming up her little legs! They don't half move at a rate of knots too!

I hope all poorly members get well soon. Don't feel too bright myself this morning - but self inflicted - took a fit into my head and attacked the piles of stuff in the spare room then had a few too many G&Ts to celebrate finishing it while chatting and laughing with some family and pals online.

I have to get stuck back into doing some work today. Especially as the pound sterling seems to have gone down the crapper again (it does that every time I increase my outgoings and expenses!)

4th today - rents are due on 1st and none of the flats I manage here have paid up yet! I mentioned this to my daughter and she said 'give them a few more days and then go round there with a baseball bat'. Now that DID make me laugh! I s'pose I could 'set the dog on them' tho?

*just spotted Moetmum. Morning. Are you entering your dogs for Crufts? If so, good luck.
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04-03-2013, 07:16 AM
Morning Helena and fellow members,

Helena I hope you manage to have a quieter day today and manage to have a lovely walk on the sea front. Dave's going to work 4 day a week then ....... I suddenly find I can smile without it hurting I can't believe the lovely (shiny coated) Zena wouldn't have lost weight what with all the walking she does. Good luck

Sally - I hope you are feeling better today after you 'baby-
sitting yesterday when not feeling brilliant yourself.

Jenny - I hope your toothache is under control - not long to wait now.

Malka - How do you normally get your scrips? Are they not on a repeat system? Hopefully you'll find a kindly neighbour who will help. I hope you are feeling more positive today.

Well what a result we had last night. My eldest son turned up and between him, myself and younger son we managed to clear the whole of his room (not cupboards yet) and get it cleaned etc. My younger son's new 10 seater settee is now installed (his belated 21st birthday present .... he's going to be 25 next month ) It looks fantastic and the dogs love having another room they can go into.
Hopefully I'll spend a lot of today catching up on housework, washing and ironing but as soon as the sun comes out I'll be out with the dogs.

Have a good day all, and any poorly people or dogs are feeling better.
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04-03-2013, 07:20 AM
Morning Helena and everyone. Very spring like here today too.

You sound like you have a nice relaxing day planned Helena just what you need after all your rushing around.

Money in so the mortgage can be paid and hopefully as the 3rd was a weekend and the money situation once again was totally out of our control they will not charge us.
Gorden will be speaking to them when they open.
I am ringing Gill later to see if she fancies a morning out we have been promising ourselves a morning out together since last year after getting through the trials and tribulations of getting mum into the home and selling her house and clearing it then our fast financial demise it hasn't been possible.
Today it is so hopefully she is free.
No agents round just yet we have a few jobs to do which can't be done till the money from Nigeria arrives and the two other jobs he has done but hopefully not long to wait for that now then it will be all systems go but we have started on the jobs that don't cost money so making a start.

Malka I hope you had a better night and are feeling better today and manage to overcome the prescription problem.
Good luck with the car today Gerri.
Hope you feel better soon Pat.
Nice to hear you can smile again without it hurting Jenny.
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04-03-2013, 07:30 AM
Yes Malka - I too hope you've managed to get your prescription filled. And as you are of the mind that you are not 100% able to sort yourself out these days - I think it would be a good idea for you to think about having a little system set up for times like this.

You always seem to be helping others out - call on them to ask if they would mind stepping in for these occasions. And I hope the docs give you a goodly supply of whatever pills these are so it doesn't crop up too often.

I'm not disabled but I am thousands of miles from my family. I have a little list called 'Pats Stuff' that I leave with a trusted neighbour here (I've got one for them too) and it consists of ALL my personal info - next of kin - people to contact in case of emergency or my demise. My dog boarding kennel details, bank and saving and life insurance details. Insurance co. details for car, contents etc. Even details of who my rent is paid to and when it becomes due. Obviously I give all my kids the neighbours contact details telling them they have all my info.

As it contains stuff like my passport, Nat Ins, EHIC and Medical Card numbers and emergency numbers for lost CCs etc, I also email a copy to myself before I go off anywhere in case I have need to call on any of those.

I regularly update it.
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04-03-2013, 07:30 AM
Originally Posted by moetmum View Post
Morning H and all

I hope you get your walk on the beach today. It's just wonderful that you have found something to keep Zena's condition under control.

Another busy day here, finish cleaning car interior, dogs out, drop car off and then my sister is picking me up from the garage and we are going shopping with my cousin, still have two dogs to bath ready for Crufts.

Have a good day all.
Morning Gerry Busy day in store for you there, and good luck with getting the dogs ready to show, we'll all be rooting for you. Hope your cousin enjoys his shopping trip he must be quite well now again which is good news.

Originally Posted by Tangutica View Post
Good morning Helena. We are just back in from our walk and it is a tad chilly and very windy today. Muttley eats her chicken wing outside on a little mat when we get back - she is not impressed with the weather and keeps trying to bring it in. I've compromised and put her little rug on top of mine and she seems happy enough with that!

Hope you manage to get onto the beach today. The March caterpillars are now 'on the march!' Bella heard the loudest sharpest 'NO!' commands from me today. Geez I don't want a seething mass of those zooming up her little legs! They don't half move at a rate of knots too!

I hope all poorly members get well soon. Don't feel too bright myself this morning - but self inflicted - took a fit into my head and attacked the piles of stuff in the spare room then had a few too many G&Ts to celebrate finishing it while chatting and laughing with some family and pals online.

I have to get stuck back into doing some work today. Especially as the pound sterling seems to have gone down the crapper again (it does that every time I increase my outgoings and expenses!)

4th today - rents are due on 1st and none of the flats I manage here have paid up yet! I mentioned this to my daughter and she said 'give them a few more days and then go round there with a baseball bat'. Now that DID make me laugh! I s'pose I could 'set the dog on them' tho?

*just spotted Moetmum. Morning. Are you entering your dogs for Crufts? If so, good luck.
Morning Pat I'm not surprised you resorted to the large g&t's last night with all that work, but then moving into somewhere new, deserves a little bit of celebrating doesn't it Pat Good luck with sorting out the rental payments, get tough with 'em!

Originally Posted by jenny.g View Post
Morning Helena and fellow members,

Helena I hope you manage to have a quieter day today and manage to have a lovely walk on the sea front. Dave's going to work 4 day a week then ....... I suddenly find I can smile without it hurting I can't believe the lovely (shiny coated) Zena wouldn't have lost weight what with all the walking she does. Good luck

Sally - I hope you are feeling better today after you 'baby-
sitting yesterday when not feeling brilliant yourself.

Jenny - I hope your toothache is under control - not long to wait now.

Malka - How do you normally get your scrips? Are they not on a repeat system? Hopefully you'll find a kindly neighbour who will help. I hope you are feeling more positive today.

Well what a result we had last night. My eldest son turned up and between him, myself and younger son we managed to clear the whole of his room (not cupboards yet) and get it cleaned etc. My younger son's new 10 seater settee is now installed (his belated 21st birthday present .... he's going to be 25 next month ) It looks fantastic and the dogs love having another room they can go into.
Hopefully I'll spend a lot of today catching up on housework, washing and ironing but as soon as the sun comes out I'll be out with the dogs.

Have a good day all, and any poorly people or dogs are feeling better.
Morning Jenny Oh yes, it's brought a big smile to my face too, we can slow down again Blimey, that's a big sofa isn't it a 10 seater, I think Lynn could do with a sofa like that at hers Enjoy your lovely walk in the sunshine with the boys.

Originally Posted by Lynn View Post
Morning Helena and everyone. Very spring like here today too.

You sound like you have a nice relaxing day planned Helena just what you need after all your rushing around.

Money in so the mortgage can be paid and hopefully as the 3rd was a weekend and the money situation once again was totally out of our control they will not charge us.
Gorden will be speaking to them when they open.
I am ringing Gill later to see if she fancies a morning out we have been promising ourselves a morning out together since last year after getting through the trials and tribulations of getting mum into the home and selling her house and clearing it then our fast financial demise it hasn't been possible.
Today it is so hopefully she is free.
No agents round just yet we have a few jobs to do which can't be done till the money from Nigeria arrives and the two other jobs he has done but hopefully not long to wait for that now then it will be all systems go but we have started on the jobs that don't cost money so making a start.

Malka I hope you had a better night and are feeling better today and manage to overcome the prescription problem.
Morning Lynn Glad you can breathe easy again now knowing that mortgage has been paid for another month. Hope you can get Gill to join you on a morning out somewhere, you both need some relaxation after what you've been through, and I hope you hear good news that she's doing well again now.
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04-03-2013, 07:36 AM
Why do you never have the camera to hand at times like these. Gorden gets downstairs Dillon give his usual over exuberant Gorden greeting and Gorden goes backwards over the arm of the sofa quickly followed by Dillon on top of him.
Took ages to sort as we were both laughing so much. Dillon thought he had been such a clever boy.

Ooooh yes I need a ten seater sofa didn't know you could get them that big.
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madmare is offline  
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04-03-2013, 07:46 AM
Morning H and all,

After a lovely day yesterday its back to reality today. Have to go to Home bargains this morning and get some more wil bird stuff as we are running low and i don't want any complaints flying around about the service or quality of meals they get served up. Then unfortunatly as its Monday its work and a very busy one there today.

I am going to book my 2 weeks holiday off work today and also phone the greyhound kennels and see if I can get Lily in for 10 days in August. Fingers crossed they are not already booked up as I will be going with Charly and Ash to Devon then for a holiday.
I was going to take Lily with us, but I think as its my first holiday for many many years, I want to be able to come and go when I want and have a few lay ins without worrying about Lily, especially as with her tummy problems she will need to be home 3 times a day for feeding and an hours rest each side of feeding. I will probably take her future times but this time I need a real break.

Lynn I am glad that money has cleared and hope you have a nice time with Gill.

H, Glad Zena seems to be doing so well.

Malka I hope you can get someone to help you.

Jenny a 10 seater sofa That must be enormous!

Have a good day all and take care whatever you are doing.
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04-03-2013, 07:52 AM
Morning - yawn!

I feel barely human this morning. The band were excellent but we had a late night (my parents were looking after the kids and it was gone 12 by the time Steve took them home ). Then we fell asleep downstairs until 2ish and I couldn't sleep properly after that.

I have a friend coming round this morning so I can't go back to bed after Loki's walk.

Have a lovely day everyone.
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