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11-12-2012, 07:39 AM

Morning - Dogsey Daily Thread - Tuesday

Morning all Dogsey Peops

Let's hope there are no sickly dogs this morning, Zena certainly isn't, she was full of beans at bedtime last night. I'm wondering if it's all these wet, rotting leaves that they're sniffing and picking up bacteria, it's certainly like that where I'm walking in the woods, and there are some very strange fungi popping up all over the place, so I'm keeping an eye out. At least it's cold and frosty again, but we need a much longer spell of this to kill all those bugs off.

Anyhoo, Dave went off to work at 6 am in the dark, and I was awake enough to mumble my goodbyes when he poked his head around the door, and promptly went back to sleep Got up to go to the loo and immediately fell over, coz this back one side just went It's getting better the more I move around, but on top of that, I did the other side knee in last night leaning over from the recliner to grab Zena's kong off the floor to stuff a bit of sardine I had left on my plate into it. I heard a click thought to myself, hmmm, that'll be painful tomorrow, and lo and behold it is! I'll soon be ready for that skip

Hope Dillon is still going well on that leg he was limping on Lynn, enjoy your day with your friend Sally, hope the babies slept well in their new little den last night June, and I hope none of you who partied late last night in here (swinging on vines and throwing my poor grandma into a pit!!! ) have bad hangovers. I'll order the van for tonight I think!!!

Oh well, a slow walk today then, and a day indoors pottering about, changing beds and ironing and if I take care of it today, hopefully, I can get down the town tomorrow and get some Christmas shopping done, it's getting too near for my liking now, I didn't realise just how close it was until last night

Enjoy yours whatever you're up to today
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Lucky Star
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11-12-2012, 07:47 AM
Morning H

What are you doing to yourself woman? Be careful on that walk because you might be favouring your back and knee and walk awkwardly, you know?

Mum and dad popping over this morning so Loki will get a second walk he's not expecting.

Take care everyone today.
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11-12-2012, 07:49 AM
Morning Helena,Morning all

I hope your ok Helena,

Freezing here this morning,we've had a hard frost but it's supposed to be a nice day

Off to the dentist with Luke later,unsure of whether she will be taking that troublesome tooth out,I hope so,he doesn't need that playing up over Christmas.

And I think Lizzie's b/f is coming here tonight instead of Lizzie going to his house,so he will be having tea here

Have a goo day all x
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11-12-2012, 07:51 AM
Boker Tov Nechda and all who follow

Persisisisisting down and of course it came through the "roof" of my ensuite again, but nowt can be done about that and it only happens when the rain is h e a v y and to be honest we need rain so much that a wet floor is no problem.

Pereg only got me up once during the night, but I did remove my slippers before I got back to bed. Mei Eden water delivery today so I have put the empty containers outside and if it is still raining when the delivery truck arrives they can jolly well put the new containers just inside the door and I will roll them through, as I do not want two delivery drivers plonking through the place with wet and muddy boots.

Ah, but problem. If, and that is a bit If, my ordered [three or four deliveries ago] soya lite milk is delivered today I will have to go across to the macolet to get it, but if it is still raining...
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11-12-2012, 07:52 AM
Good morning Helena and all who follow.

I'm getting quite panicky now about the weather. They keep hinting about white stuff and it will be Sunday at least before Gary is well enough to make the journey over to Barnsley and he'd never forgive me if I did it without him. That is cutting it close for getting the presents over there and I have two young grandkids who would be mortified if they didn't get their presents from this end

On a brighter note, I am bought up for over there - just a few odds and ends of stocking fillers to get for Gary, one of which will be a wallet to replace the one he lost. I do wish we had some decent shops to get stuff from though. I also still need to get Rosie some toys. Well, my little Princess must have Christmas presents under the 'ickle tree

Does anyone know how well cooked turkey freezes? I bought a mahoosive one thinking that John (my youngest) and the two grandkids would be coming over on Boxing Day and, of course, they are not now so I was thinking of freezing half the bird after it is cooked. If I'd known in advance they weren't coming, I'd have bought a turkey crown this year.

I'm posting Christmas cards out today (and John's birthday card in case the weather does get bad and we can't get over there on Sunday - that's his birthday). I think I could have done with some oxygen at the till though when she told me how much a couple of books of stamps were.

It looks clear enough out there today, but it's difficult to tell just now as it's still only half light. It's not raining though so, unless it changes we'll probably go and have a breakfast and walk around. We get some strange looks at this time of year eating meals outside, but, being a little strange, we quite enjoy 'em and, as the caf's that are open don't allow dogs inside then it's a case of needs must

Other than the walk and a call in at Gary's and the post office, not much to do except perhaps an attack on the washing pile which seems to have been breeding this past couple of days.

Whatever you lot have planned, I hope you enjoy!!
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11-12-2012, 07:56 AM
Goodness H you are a mess you're sounding worse than me I hope things improve as the day goes on.

Well Pepsi slept all night and no more vomiting. So we have all had a good night

My intention is to put my tree up this morning but I bet something happens to scupper that

Hope you are all well and that you all have a good day.

Malka be careful what you are doing rolling things around.
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11-12-2012, 08:03 AM
Originally Posted by Brierley View Post
Does anyone know how well cooked turkey freezes? I bought a mahoosive one thinking that John (my youngest) and the two grandkids would be coming over on Boxing Day and, of course, they are not now so I was thinking of freezing half the bird after it is cooked. If I'd known in advance they weren't coming, I'd have bought a turkey crown this year.
Three possibilities but the first might not be feasible:

1 - Partially defrost the turkey but only partially until you are able to remove complete legs. Then re-freeze separately. It will be perfectly OK to refreeze as long as it is only partially defrosted.

2 - Cook the whole turkey in advance, section once cooked and cooled, wrap unwanted [for the moment] cooked portions in a double layer of foil and then freeze each section as a whole, ie legs, thighs etc.

3 - As above [#2] but slice the unwanted [for the moment] cooked turkey and freeze portions in slices with a bit of gravy to keep them moist, again double wrapped in foil.
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11-12-2012, 08:06 AM
Thanks Malka. It was option 2 I was thinking of so that's what I'll do. Just wanted to check as I've never had to do it before - we all love turkey
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11-12-2012, 08:06 AM
Originally Posted by Lucky Star View Post
Morning H

What are you doing to yourself woman? Be careful on that walk because you might be favouring your back and knee and walk awkwardly, you know?

Mum and dad popping over this morning so Loki will get a second walk he's not expecting.

Take care everyone today.
Morning Linda Yes I know I'm getting to be a walking disaster here! The times I used to tell my mum off for not thinking before doing something, and here I am doing the same thing myself! I lugged all that heavy shopping up 10 steps to the front door yesterday, that didn't help the old back. This knee is very strange, it's fine, but something's gone a bit "loose" in there and I just know if I do something stoopid again it'll go on me! Better be careful then. Enjoy your 2nd walk with Loki when your mum and dad are over.

Originally Posted by Sal View Post
Morning Helena,Morning all

I hope your ok Helena,

Freezing here this morning,we've had a hard frost but it's supposed to be a nice day

Off to the dentist with Luke later,unsure of whether she will be taking that troublesome tooth out,I hope so,he doesn't need that playing up over Christmas.

And I think Lizzie's b/f is coming here tonight instead of Lizzie going to his house,so he will be having tea here

Have a goo day all x
Morning Sal Yes, maybe persuade that dentist to take it out, abcesses loosen teeth, so even if he's not in pain now, if it's loose, it'll be s*d's law he'll get some food stuck under the gum by Christmas Day - been there! Good luck with him Sal and have a nice tea with Lizzie's b/f tonight.

Originally Posted by Malka View Post
Boker Tov Nechda and all who follow

Persisisisisting down and of course it came through the "roof" of my ensuite again, but nowt can be done about that and it only happens when the rain is h e a v y and to be honest we need rain so much that a wet floor is no problem.

Pereg only got me up once during the night, but I did remove my slippers before I got back to bed. Mei Eden water delivery today so I have put the empty containers outside and if it is still raining when the delivery truck arrives they can jolly well put the new containers just inside the door and I will roll them through, as I do not want two delivery drivers plonking through the place with wet and muddy boots.

Ah, but problem. If, and that is a bit If, my ordered [three or four deliveries ago] soya lite milk is delivered today I will have to go across to the macolet to get it, but if it is still raining...
Morning Grandma Sorry to hear about that roof again, but as you say, you were desperate for that rain (unlike us!) so I'm sure you'll cope with it. Be careful with those new water containers and that rolling, don't want you doing your back in along with me. Wouldn't they drop that milk over to you if you rang them? Hope you don't have to go out in the rain to get it.

Originally Posted by Brierley View Post
Good morning Helena and all who follow.

I'm getting quite panicky now about the weather. They keep hinting about white stuff and it will be Sunday at least before Gary is well enough to make the journey over to Barnsley and he'd never forgive me if I did it without him. That is cutting it close for getting the presents over there and I have two young grandkids who would be mortified if they didn't get their presents from this end

On a brighter note, I am bought up for over there - just a few odds and ends of stocking fillers to get for Gary, one of which will be a wallet to replace the one he lost. I do wish we had some decent shops to get stuff from though. I also still need to get Rosie some toys. Well, my little Princess must have Christmas presents under the 'ickle tree

Does anyone know how well cooked turkey freezes? I bought a mahoosive one thinking that John (my youngest) and the two grandkids would be coming over on Boxing Day and, of course, they are not now so I was thinking of freezing half the bird after it is cooked. If I'd known in advance they weren't coming, I'd have bought a turkey crown this year.

I'm posting Christmas cards out today (and John's birthday card in case the weather does get bad and we can't get over there on Sunday - that's his birthday). I think I could have done with some oxygen at the till though when she told me how much a couple of books of stamps were.

It looks clear enough out there today, but it's difficult to tell just now as it's still only half light. It's not raining though so, unless it changes we'll probably go and have a breakfast and walk around. We get some strange looks at this time of year eating meals outside, but, being a little strange, we quite enjoy 'em and, as the caf's that are open don't allow dogs inside then it's a case of needs must

Other than the walk and a call in at Gary's and the post office, not much to do except perhaps an attack on the washing pile which seems to have been breeding this past couple of days.

Whatever you lot have planned, I hope you enjoy!!
Morning Chris Yes, they've threatened it for us too by Thursday, just when Dave will be coming home, so I'm hoping they're wrong. Regarding that turkey, I've frozen cooked halves many a time, but I'd suggest you cut it up first into slices, and lay it on a plate or similar, and only cover it when it's cold, before putting it into the freezer and if you've got one, press the fast freeze. It freezes well, although of course, it goes a bit watery. Try not to freeze it in one solid lump as it could be a bit iffy getting it cold enough in the middle and harbour bacteria in the warm bit if ya know what I mean. I really hope you get to Barnsley with Gary before you get his with this white stuff.
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11-12-2012, 08:10 AM
Originally Posted by Nippy View Post
Goodness H you are a mess you're sounding worse than me I hope things improve as the day goes on.

Well Pepsi slept all night and no more vomiting. So we have all had a good night

My intention is to put my tree up this morning but I bet something happens to scupper that

Hope you are all well and that you all have a good day.

Malka be careful what you are doing rolling things around.
Morning Jenny The way I'm going I could well be in casualty over Christmas hey, and I don't mean the tv series I'm going to be extra careful, and I'm going to put a tight sports injury thingie on my knee before I go out, it could help. It's also very frosty out there, so I'm going to take it really slowly around those tree roots! Glad to hear Pepsi has recovered well, I'm sure it's all these wet leaves lying around giving them some bad bacteria episodes. Enjoy putting up that tree, I hope Pepsi lets you or even helps you
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