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29-07-2013, 05:48 AM

Morning Dogsey Daily Thread - Monday

Eeek but it is noisy outside! Binmen woke us at the crack of dawn but then gaily sailed past without taking my bag of rubbish, and then they arrived, with the huge-but-not-the-humungous JCB digging up yet another trench - this time for the kerbstones to be laid.

No chance of a lie-in this morning and it looks like no chance of getting across the road to the macolet either, but hey ho, one of these days it will be done! I definitely do not envy them working outside in this heat as I just plonked out and the heat nearly burned the soles off my feet - through my Crocs!

Have a good day everyone and I hope it is a quieter one for you than it is for me!
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29-07-2013, 06:04 AM
Morning Malka & all - Malka when is the work due to be finished? It must be driving you mad with the noise every day, not to mention the restrictions it puts you under.

I got a lie in this morning, Marco only woke at 5:40 instead if his usual 5:30 - spoilt I am! Just about to take him out for a short walk before I head off to work, luckily there's no rain here at the moment.
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29-07-2013, 06:34 AM
Morning Malka, Cacoll and fellow members,

What a lot of rain we had over night but the air feels so much nicer and a cooler day forecast. Just heard on the BBC that temperatures return up to 30-31 on Thursday - which hasn't made my day Catch-up day today and sorting clothes that my OH will want to take to Germany when he goes first thing Thursday morning.

Malka - How much noise you have to put up with Hopefully the road-workers will pull their fingers out get a lot done today - from what you've said they work at snail's pace. I should think in the heat you have your rubbish will smell a little high if left until the next collection. Good luck.

Cacoll - That extra 10 minutes means so much doesn't it. I remember so well when my two were puppies (littermates) and it was like having a new born baby in the house. I bet Marco makes such a fuss when he sees you though and your heart melts at the sight of him

I hope everyone enjoy their day and all the dogs are well.
See you later.
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29-07-2013, 06:46 AM
Morning Malka ,Cacoll ,morning all
No chance of a quiet day for you then ,dont take those crocs off don't want you're wee tootsies getting burnt
Cacoll amazing what an extra 10 mins lie in can do ,enjoy your walk
Woke at 5.30 mist rolling off the hills with a chink of blue sky ,clouded over now ,hopefully doesn't turn to rain ,
Just the usual here today ,
Must go for petrol or I'm hoofing it to work ,
Do hope everyone's had a good weekend
All poorly doglets n humans are on the mend or get better soon
Another cuppa before walking the muppets then off to earn a crust think its a case of the dreaded Monday morning feeling
Hope you all have a great day what ever your up to
Take care stay safe xxxx
Huge hugs to all who need them
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29-07-2013, 06:49 AM
Morning Jenny g you snuck in there, as usual I'm at the coos tail
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29-07-2013, 06:57 AM
Morning Malka and all.
Oh Malka I really do not envy you the noise and the dust. I have everything crossed it is over very soon and that you have peace again and can come and go as you please.
Will the rubbish that was forgotten have to wait for the next collection ?
jenny glad you enjoyed the afternoon and evening yesterday. No bopping not even a foot tap ?
Cacoll isn't it amazing when they are puppies what a difference a ten minute lie-in makes.
We could do with Dillon having a lie-in at the moment.

Dillons paw seems a lot better this morning after he decided yesterday to finish the operation off and remove the remaining piece of dew claw the vet had left. A little smear of blood on the paw after mine and his cleaning but I expect it will weep for a day or so. I decided not to bathe it and to keep an eye on it at the moment he is worrying it far less to what he has been so the irritation must of hopefully stopped and also hopefully we will not be needing another vet visit which I was beginning to think we would.
Sally I was reading your account of poor Jimmi and his scars I knew he was a rescue and had been through some abuse but to now feel he was maybe used for baiting is so sad thank goodness he was rescued and you found him.
I just cannot get my head round some peoples cruelty to one another and animals.
Norma I hope you are feeling better today.

Another breezy fresh day here getting us prepared for the rising temps later in the week. Today relaxing, some housework and trawling through the sites to see if there are any other possible properties to tag onto our two viewings tomorrow so far not looking like there is.

Have a safe and happy Monday everyone.
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29-07-2013, 07:00 AM
Morning Malka, Cacoll, Jenny, Norma and everyone

Only just woken up, but that's probably because I was awake at 5 am when Dave was milling about getting ready, and then again at 6 am when he left for work, so we just went back to sleep and Zena's still crashed out here at my feet.

I'm being eaten alive overnight by mozzies, mostly on my legs, they've always loved my legs, one one I've scratched on the side of my knee has turned to a big, angry red lump with a big scab in the middle, tcht.

Had a great week-end, mostly doing nothing, which made a pleasant change and Dave has gone off to work happy. He was very chatty and happy over the entire week-end which made for a pleasant change too, hope it stays like this.

Malka, sounds very hot there indeed if the ground's that hot already We'll have all that again by Thursday and I hate it. Hope the noise isn't too bad for you today along with all the dust and inconvenience yet again.

Jenny, you're next on the list for keys next Saturday morning, it soon comes around doesn't it, won't be long now

Cacoll, glad you had an extra 10 mins and soon it will get to half an hour I'm sure. Isn't it great, when you wake up and get all excited about seeing your little Marco again and letting him out, they're always so lively first thing, I remember it well, I couldn't wait for mornings

Norma, sounds like you've got that Monday morning feeling, but that'll soon go when you get stuck in, at least it's not stiffling hot for you today.

Nothing planned here today, except pop into the hairdressers downtown to get that colour test done for tomorrow, hope it's not too late

Lovely and cool, cloudy and windy today but no rain, I might even need a fleece on my morning walk, but at least I won't get bitten in the woods if I cover up a bit.

Enjoy your day everyone
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29-07-2013, 07:06 AM
Originally Posted by Lynn View Post
Morning Malka and all.
Oh Malka I really do not envy you the noise and the dust. I have everything crossed it is over very soon and that you have peace again and can come and go as you please.
Will the rubbish that was forgotten have to wait for the next collection ?
jenny glad you enjoyed the afternoon and evening yesterday. No bopping not even a foot tap ?
Cacoll isn't it amazing when they are puppies what a difference a ten minute lie-in makes.
We could do with Dillon having a lie-in at the moment.

Dillons paw seems a lot better this morning after he decided yesterday to finish the operation off and remove the remaining piece of dew claw the vet had left. A little smear of blood on the paw after mine and his cleaning but I expect it will weep for a day or so. I decided not to bathe it and to keep an eye on it at the moment he is worrying it far less to what he has been so the irritation must of hopefully stopped and also hopefully we will not be needing another vet visit which I was beginning to think we would.
Sally I was reading your account of poor Jimmi and his scars I knew he was a rescue and had been through some abuse but to now feel he was maybe used for baiting is so sad thank goodness he was rescued and you found him.
I just cannot get my head round some peoples cruelty to one another and animals.
Norma I hope you are feeling better today.

Another breezy fresh day here getting us prepared for the rising temps later in the week. Today relaxing, some housework and trawling through the sites to see if there are any other possible properties to tag onto our two viewings tomorrow so far not looking like there is.

Have a safe and happy Monday everyone.
Morning Lynn, you snuck in whilst I was typing. I haven't caught up yet, but it looks like you still haven't found the one yet then, so good luck with trawling through some more possibilities. Last time I looked, I thought a decision had been made for a 2nd viewing, but sounds like you've changed your mind maybe.
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29-07-2013, 07:16 AM
Helena we are doing a 2nd viewing tomorrow of the one we saw Friday and we had another two to view also one we have pulled out of due to access problems and the area flooding.
The one we are seeing tomorrow I really like the house Gorden says the garden isn't as big as the one we are doing the 2nd viewing on but I don't know it just jumped at me off the page. We shall see. It will probably be down to one or tother.
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29-07-2013, 07:21 AM
Good Morning everyone, a bit cooler here thanks to the wind.

Lynn, good luck trawling through looking for more properties to view tomorrow. I hope Dillons claw once it heals again will be ok now the bit of claw is out.

Helena, Glad Dave was good over the weekend and hope that mosquito bite of yours soon heals. It sounds nasty. TCP needed?

Malka, so sorry you got all that noise and dust again this morning and on top of that your rubbish bag not collected. What a pain in hot weather.

Have a good day everyone. Stay cool, God bless.
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