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02-07-2013, 05:58 AM

Morning Dogsey daily thread (Tuesday).

Morning everyone.
What a busy day ahead today. Gorden will be running Michael to Epping for the tube at 8 I will be leaving at 1/4 to to get Dillon to the vet for around 8.30 yes they will have to do something to the dew claw it isn't as bad as yesterday but is not as it should be and causing him pain and niggling him. Whatever they do clipping right back or removing he is going to need sedation probably heavy not light he is very fussy about his paws being touched so we are looking at least £95 because it will go through the insurance anything above that. The £95 is the excess.
I was very impressed with them when I rang for the form they said if this is a continuation of his problem from April just do blah and blah.
When we get back we will be making our way to Doddington a little village in Cambridge to look at a bungalow. Then a bit further up the road to look at a house then even further into Norfolk to see the bungalow near Kings Lynn.
We have others we would like to see but will have to try to arrange those for Saturday.
I have the tummy wobbles over Dillon and moving and are we jumping out of the frying pan into the fire seeings as we will have to see about b&b for Gorden or a small cheap bed sit so will we actually be saving anything.
Oh I don't know overwhelmed is the word.

Pat it was myself Dr. Lynn that said you might be coming down with something. I hope you feel better soon.
Good luck Bella and the paws at least Dillon will be out for his and I won't be anywhere in sight.
Helena Glad your disasters sorted themselves yesterday and saved you from total meltdown.
Bev congratulations on winning the steam mop. I am hoping it will make your hectic life a bit easier.
Linda I hope you have had a better night and so has Loki.
Malka same for you and Pereg and how funny about her bark.
I am getting a little worried about Chris (Brierley) does anyone know if all is well with her and the family ?
Harvey you and Alena and Rianna still in our thoughts.
I am sure I have forgotten some so apologise and am thinking of those poorly or with troubles and any furry four legged friends too.

I won't be around much till late today so will catch up with everyone later.
Safe and Happy Tuesday to all.
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02-07-2013, 06:24 AM
Morning Lynn. We are both early birds on here today. I've obviously missed so many posts reading your comments will try and have a read back later.

Got out and down to the lake really early today. We had 'company' a liver and white hunting dog. Still got his collar on (the bastewards just chuck em out when finished with 'em or if they prove no good for the job).

All he wanted to do was play with Bella. Sadly he was long legged enough to springbok about in the prickly stuff - Bella isn't tho' wanted to join in so I had to put her on her lead until he wandered off (don't want her scratching her eyes). The lake is edged by Dual Carriageway - I could no way shoo this hound away in case it ran in the road. He met up with us again on our way back! One of those times when you REALLY wish you had a steak in your bag!

I usually stop halfway to sit on the bench and drink a can of coffee and have a ciggie while gazing at the mosque, wind farms and mountains. Then carry on for a bit before heading back. Did this today and Bella wanted to continue past the parking area so we did. Then headed for the car (with the hound in tow again by then!) when I realised I'd left my bag on the bench! Duh!

Obviously not at all 'with it' this week! But do feel a bit better today though still feel as if arms and legs are made of lead? Trying to decide whether to go down for a swim now for an hour before vet time or leave it until we are back. Think I will leave it because it will be SO hot by then I will feel more like plunging in.

My daughter's boyfriend is now joining us during August for a week! All I can do is laugh about this UK invasion lol!

It's worked out now that the plan to spend a whole month here with Jen changed to us having just ONE DAY together alone and we have to go get Bella from Aradippou as it's the day after we fly back! Lordy! I did mention there was a one day overlap with her boyfriend and Son, Wife and 4 kids - she said instantly - NO PROBLEM WE WILL SLEEP ON THE VERANDAH!

So to be honest, I think the more time I can spend between now and the 21st (when I fly to UK) dossing about here and in the pool the BETTER! Because it's going to be a month long whirlwind after that! Days out in London, the Wedding, grandkiddy sitting, Jen's pal Vicki arriving just one day after we get Bella. Phil arriving one day after she leaves. Dan and crew arriving the day BEFORE Phil leaves!

I've told Jen if Phil's licence is clean I can put him on my insurance and he can take off with her on a bit of sightseeing round the island. I might be glad of the break from fellow humans by then lol!

At least the one thing you don't have to worry about here where holidaymakers are concerned is the weather. There is NO chance whatsoever of it not being sunny and hot. So no bad weather contingency plans required!

(But I do think I should start looking to see if I can pick up an extra small fridge or a drinks fridge to use for the month). If I cannot we are going to wear out the pavement between our block and the 24 hour Kiosk on the corner buying drinks and ices!
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02-07-2013, 06:27 AM
Morning Lynn and everybody

Oh how exciting today will be for you Lynn, and I'm sure they will sort out that dew claw just like they did for me with old Cassie and won't have to remove it. I can't wait to hear about all the houses you're viewing over the next few days/weeks. I wonder if Gorden could consider doing what Dave is doing and get himself a little caravan somewhere within driving distance for the week? I do know, that when we were looking around for something to rent because the hotel would be expensive for 4 nights (£200!), even a room in a house was £100 a week, so the caravan halves that cost, worth a look?

Nothing much to report this morning, hair looks like I've been dragged through a hedge backwards, but that's because it needs a colour on it to give it condition and that's coming next week.

I'm going to check out the tides to see if we can get down the beach, and I have the whole day to myself with nothing planned. Unlike tomorrow when I've got 2 carpenters here to fit the 4 doors, that'll be fun with no door left to hide behind with Zena

I'm going to book a meal out for Saturday night, or maybe Sunday lunchtime, haven't decided yet, see what I can find around here on the net. Fancy chargrilled steak, mmmmm.

Hope everyone is well this morning along with the doglets and I'll be around later

ETA: Morning Pat, you were typing whilst I was. Blooming 'eck, you've started the day off on usual form then, leaving your bag on the bench!!!! That stray dog sounds lovely, I wonder if he stalked you all the way back home and is sitting outside your door! Sounds like you've got a very busy schedule ahead, so make the most of all this dossing about, it's going to hit you like a whirlwind what with all those visitors and then jetting off to Blighty for another busy time.
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02-07-2013, 06:31 AM
Morning Pat the those poor dogs.
goodness I don't know about another fridge I think you will need a spare apartment.
Reading between the lines I get the feeling yo are feeling very excite by it all.
Sorry to hear you are still under the weather hopefully the nice dip in the pool after the vets will perk you up.
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02-07-2013, 06:35 AM
Morning Helena. No doors nooooooooooooooooooo
That meal out is just what you and dave need lets hope he is still up for it when he arrives home because it will be to late if he isn't.
Enjoy the beach today.
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02-07-2013, 06:35 AM

Another early bird The car has to go for it's MOT and then my cousin from Brum is coming to visit.
Here we go again!!!
See you all later.
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Lucky Star
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02-07-2013, 06:42 AM

Lynn - I hope the vet visit goes well and you can get Dillon sorted.

Loki is doing circuits of the garden. He's had four fits now so I'm a bit fed up. My insect bite has got worse and is incredibly itchy and swollen and there's something in my eye - or another scratch - so all in all it's not a good morning so far.

At least it isn't raining!
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02-07-2013, 07:04 AM
Good luck with that MoT Nippy!

Congrats to the mop winner - I'm not jealous

Am in the dark about Malka and Pereg and the 'bark'?

Helena I am laughing at you with 'no doors'
Hope you get that beach walk in and hope your old man perks himself up a bit and you enjoy a meal together (I always maintain that when you have any 'problems' at all with relationship - it is better to get OUT of your own house to either talk about it or just try to forget about it) just the familiarity of surroundings seems to intrude if you are home - washing machines needing filling, dogs demanding attention, TV on distracting. Just always seemed to me that you 'talk to each other differently' when out in a restaurant or just out walking.

Lucky Star

Oh you POOR THING! The worry of Loki is enough without you having additional problems like bites and such? I really don't think you should 'ignore the eye' thing. Eyes are SO important (like ears) I think any problems pertaining to or near your eyes should be seen to asap. even if you only go into a pharmacy and ask them to take a look.

Yes I do need another apartment - but it won't be as much fun as with us all in here! And if I'm not excited enough - my understudy is - she's walking to work to lose weight (50 minute walk) and has talked to me on Skype the whole way there lol! Twittering away about summer here and what we will eat and what she will cook and have I seen her new bikini in the email she sent. And on and on and on lol!

Shame Mart & Mon won't be here too now really lol! The NUTHOUSE would be full and complete! All my neighbours would leave the block (they are a noisy and very musical mob) actually I could probably slip away myself without anyone noticing!

I was saying I'd need Valium to cope but am beginning to think just mainlining on Turkish coffee might be a better idea! I'll be gazing at the daybed and wishing I was just dossing on it with the dog

Happy house hunting Lynn. And I'll be thinking of you when we are wrestling Bella the Minpin menace to get her claws trimmed!
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madmare is offline  
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02-07-2013, 07:13 AM
Morning Lynn and all,

I can't believe I have been lucky enough to win the steam mop. I have always wanted one. I feel so lucky.

I went with my son to the new house last night and it was so lovely and peaceful over there, out in the garden looking at the views and not a sound to be heard.
I also met my new neighbour who remembers me when I was a little girl and lived just down the road. She is a friend of my parents and they had told her about Lily. She said please don't heighten the fence between our gardens as I would love it if she came in my garden, she can't do any harm, I love greyhounds. So I think I have a built in dog sitter if I need one. .
Just hope and pray now when the council go round there tomorrow they don't find a reason why Julie cannot exchange with me. Its all hinged on tomorrow.

Lynn have you looked at properties more this end of Suffolk as they drop in price as soon as you go over the border from Essex and Gordon could commute daily from there as London would only be an hour away and it could save you a lot of money.
Hope Dillon gets on ok at the vets. I think he is just trying to copy what Lily done 3 weeks ago

Hope the car passes its MOT jenny. I get so nervous when mine has to go in as you never know if its going to sail through or cost a fortune.

Enjoy your walk H and a meal out for you and Dave sounds lovely.

Glad your feeling a bit better Pat. I do envy you your weather. It must be lovely knowing exactly what its going to be like on any given day. I am worrying about the weather here next Thur for Charlys wedding, we really need it to be dry, but its nice at the moment so worrying it might break for about then.

I will be doing housework here this morning and then work this afternoon and evening. not looking forward to tomorrow as its one of those not enough hours in the day, days.

Have a good day all.
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02-07-2013, 07:27 AM
Oh Madmare - I'd forgotten you are 'Bev'.

I am so happy for you that you've had this bit of luck and a lovely thing happen in the midst of all your crazy busy time!

Leave the housework until you've got the magic mop!
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