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25-12-2009, 10:53 PM
Originally Posted by Borderdawn View Post
Poor Diesel all his street cred gone!!
Lol, bless him, I always ruin his street cred
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26-12-2009, 03:35 PM
Originally Posted by lozzibear View Post
i dont think the two of them can be compared at all. yes, pet dogs can be over bred, abused and abandoned but those dogs are of varying breeds and are just owned by sick people who, for whatever reason, do such horrible things. and i hate it, and i hate overbreeding, which is why i have always, and will always, get my dogs from rescues. i think breeding should be made stricter to prevent such, therefore lowering numbers of unwanted dogs in rescues.

greyhounds bred for racing, however, and are dumped, abused and abandoned are often put in that situation because they have passed their usefulness. (i am NOT saying all greyhounds are treated like that), and to treat a dog like that for such a disgusting reason, is just that, disgusting!

you will always get horrible people out there who treat dogs like that, and i have no idea how people can treat any dog like that is beyond me. but to do it on the basis that a dog is no longer useful, is just sick. that isnt how any dog should be treated.

Very good post... for putting PETA point of view.

At least you admit not like some on this board who because of said negitive thinking on topic title are only are interested with the Greyhound dying out, while you think that all pet animals and the owning of ALL pet animals should be banned because one person WILL abuse that said animal so they should die out, PETA have said that for the last 20 years

One must respect your view as you said that All animals are abused that the owning of all pets should be banned unless they are from rescues after being sterilised so that breed dies out and the only ones left(if any) are wild.

That is the PETA policy and I respect your view and not like some who have denied it after saying the same.
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26-12-2009, 05:21 PM
Originally Posted by galty View Post
Very good post... for putting PETA point of view.

At least you admit not like some on this board who because of said negitive thinking on topic title are only are interested with the Greyhound dying out, while you think that all pet animals and the owning of ALL pet animals should be banned because one person WILL abuse that said animal so they should die out, PETA have said that for the last 20 years

One must respect your view as you said that All animals are abused that the owning of all pets should be banned unless they are from rescues after being sterilised so that breed dies out and the only ones left(if any) are wild.

That is the PETA policy and I respect your view and not like some who have denied it after saying the same.
I thought she said breeding should be restricted more, not banned, that was how I read it anyway. I don't think restricting breeding will solve the issue alone, the numbers of dogs in rescue will drop, but only because the over all population of dogs, will have dropped. Most likely, the percentages of dogs ending up in rescue, abandoned or abused will stay the same, just relative to a decrease population.

Whilst we are on the subject of peta, I'd say this quote somes them up quite well. As well as, my view of them.

So let’s review the PETA philosophy: Meat makes you sick, at least until someone reminds the public that it doesn’t. And animals aren’t garbage—unless it’s PETA doing the trash dumping. PETA has killed more than 21,000 dogs, cats, and other “companion animals” since 1998, and it’s suddenly upset over the deaths of four dogs.

Pot? Kettle? You can’t spell “pathetic” without the letters P, E, T, and A.
If you can tell, not my favourite group of people.
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26-12-2009, 06:44 PM
Originally Posted by Borderdawn View Post
Im pleased you understand the word "assume" now!
I have never misunderstood the word 'assume' and FTR, I never take anything for granted.
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26-12-2009, 11:17 PM
Originally Posted by chaz View Post
The wise man will stop, think and learn before he judges, whereas the sheep will follow the crowd and believe all thats said, so next time you are about to judge, decide, would you rather be a sheep or a wise man?
Great quote and great photos - nice to see dogs running for their own pleasure!
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27-12-2009, 12:16 AM
Originally Posted by tazer View Post
To answer the question posed in the title, do I personally think commercial greyhound racing should be abolished, honistly, no. Would I be bothered if it was, again no. I enjoy watching the dogs run, thats it for me. If the owners of the dogs, want to try to make some money out of it, who are you to say they can't, as long as the dogs are looked after to the best of the owners/trainers abilities, then there isn't an issue is there?.

Now, to address some other issues.

1. On the subject of banning it because it encourages cruelty, on account of the commercial element.

Well, there are many other industries that, have a commercial interest in dogs, dog trainers/behaviourists, vets, bording kennels etc, and I'm sure, like in greyhound racing, there will be those who, don't play by the rules as it were, so by that logic, we should ban them to.
Unlike the self regulated greyhound racing industry, 'other industries' have to comply with UK and EU law - whereas the racing industry only enforce their Rules of Racing. Owners and trainers are protected from criminal prosecution in being dealt with - internally - by the industry themselves, making them a law unto themselves.

2. On the subject of over breeding and dogs being put into rescue, abandoned or abused/miss-treated.

If we are going to use the argument that, commercial racing should be removed on grounds that greyhounds are over bred, dumped into rescue, abandoned and abused, then perhaps people should look at the number of pet dogs that are over bred, abused and abandoned or put into rescue every year, before deciding to use that one in their anti argument. As lets face it, a non dog owning member of the public, could easily say that dog ownership should be banned, using those same points.
Apart from which two wrongs don't make a right - the number of greyhounds deemed 'surplus to requirements' further exasperates the homeless 'pet' dog issue. Thousands of ex racing greyhounds take up homes that would re-home another rescued breed and because of this, the racing industry is further responsible for the deaths of many shelter dogs.

I can imagine, that if faced with said member of the public, the anti racers on here, would be quick to defend their right to own their dogs, as would we all, and would point out, how in the mane, most dog owners are responsible, and love their dogs, which of course, would be a correct assessment. But when it comes to owners of racing dogs...the same logic does not seem to apply. It seems perfectily acceptable to make generalisations on an entire group of people, based on having bad experiences and or, reading bad things on the internet. Well again, I could find hundreds probably thousands of links detailing cruelty to pet dogs, doesn't mean that all dog owners are cruel, I certainly am not.
I do not make 'generalisations on an entire group of people' - what I do state is the self regulated industry is not accountable to anyone and continue to police itself in a fashion whereby owners and trainers can and often do break the law without being prosecuted in a criminal court.
The racing greyhound continues to receive no protection under the Animal Welfare Act.

Before anyone says it, I'm in no way trying to justify the wrongs that I'm sure do go on in racing, just trying to put some perspective on it. The trainers I've spoken to personally, have shown a great deal of care and affection towards their dogs. I'd also be interested in knowing how many dogs race on a weekly basis, to put these estimated numbers into context.

There is good and bad in everything. It is important to remember, that when striving to remove the bad you do not demonize the good along with them. For it will be them who will implement any change. After all, change in anything, most often comes from within.
Improved welfare has always been forced on the racing industry - from media, political and public pressure. They have never willingly taken steps to implement any changes in welfare. Welfare costs and it would prove detrimental to anyone who has a vested interest in greyhound racing to force greater running costs on an already dead and dying industry - they would effectively be biting the hand that feeds them.
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27-12-2009, 12:20 AM
Originally Posted by galty View Post
Very good post... for putting PETA point of view.

At least you admit not like some on this board who because of said negitive thinking on topic title are only are interested with the Greyhound dying out, while you think that all pet animals and the owning of ALL pet animals should be banned because one person WILL abuse that said animal so they should die out, PETA have said that for the last 20 years

That is the PETA policy and I respect your view and not like some who have denied it after saying the same.
Who are the 'some' you are referring to?
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27-12-2009, 07:10 PM
Originally Posted by Jodie View Post
Great quote and great photos - nice to see dogs running for their own pleasure!
Thank you, its one that I made up myself one day I got bored and don't say that other bit, I have plenty of pics of dogs running, and it wouldn't take me much encouragement to flood the thread with them
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29-12-2009, 10:43 AM

So, where does this leave the most greyhounds are pts or dumped, after they've served their purpose argument.

Another point to concidder, if trainers and owners are as evil, as some on here would have us all believe, and racing was banned country wide, what do you think would happen to many of the dogs, given your opinions of the people who own them. Would death be preferable, to a life of racing, and the posability of a good retirement home at the end. I know what I'd rather see, and it sure as hell isn't the former.

I personally think if racing was banned here, that most of the dogs, would either stay with their owners/trainers, or be found homes.
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29-12-2009, 11:48 AM
Originally Posted by tazer View Post

So, where does this leave the most greyhounds are pts or dumped, after they've served their purpose argument.

Another point to concidder, if trainers and owners are as evil, as some on here would have us all believe, and racing was banned country wide, what do you think would happen to many of the dogs, given your opinions of the people who own them. Would death be preferable, to a life of racing, and the posability of a good retirement home at the end. I know what I'd rather see, and it sure as hell isn't the former.

I personally think if racing was banned here, that most of the dogs, would either stay with their owners/trainers, or be found homes.
As with the closing of Walthamstow - the spotlight is on Raynham Park to ensure the welfare of the now redundant dogs.

You have question this comment - “To them, these dogs were their family so they are treating them that way,” said Raynham Park spokeswoman Amy Lambiaso.

Since when did families re-home their dogs when they were no longer useful?

The death of a healthy dog is never preferable or an option - which is why I campaign for the abolition of commercial greyhound racing which is responsible for the continuous and needless destruction of thousands of healthy greyhounds annually.

Personally I think the bookmakers, breeders, owners and trainers should be responsible for their dogs - surplus to requirements - regardless of whether racing continues or stops.

For the record, the bookmakers levy is paid 12 months in arrears – therefore, if it was banned tomorrow, the WHOLE levy of approximately £11 million could and should go to ensuring the welfare of redundant dogs, instead of the thousands spent on tarting up stadium restaurants and paying for research and dissection of these innocent creatures.
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