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05-04-2010, 11:15 AM
I still can't get my head round why you posted this on here, on a dog lovers forum, and as you said yourself, you knew you would get a negative reaction from people.

Don't care what else is going on, or not, holding a dog and kicking and punching it is disgusting. And the fact that you are now making excuses for it is equally as bad, in my opinion.

I'm not commenting on your relationship with this man, and whether I think your life is in danger etc, as I don't know you. What I do know is that you came on here and described behaviour that is totally unacceptable, so we are all at least allowed to comment on this.

Poor, poor dog. I'm done with this - I can't read anymore. It's making me feel sick.
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05-04-2010, 11:43 AM
Originally Posted by Lucky Star View Post
I have to agree. The man may have problems but if his 'outlet' is to beat up the dog, he should not have a dog. It's black and white to me - there is no way on earth that it is acceptable to abuse a dog - no reasons or excuses. The dog should be removed for its safety and he should seek help for the fact that for whatever reason, he becomes so out of control that he reacts with violence towards an innocent animal. He is a sentient human being and responsible for his actions, regardless of how depressed he may be.

If it were me, I would make sure that dog was taken away to safety, regardless of how much understanding I felt, or how much I intended to stay with this guy.
Ditto, as much as I'm trying to understand both the op mindset, and her OH's, I really can't see how she could leave that poor dog with him.

There is no excuse for his behaviour, if he knows he's got depression, and that as a result it can cause him to behave like this, then he has to take responsibility for it, and seek help.
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05-04-2010, 12:02 PM

I think everyone on here has got upset because of what he has done, and there's no point in trying to tell you what MIGHT happen in the future, I'd rather give you an example of something from my past.

My ex, was a miserable sod, but that aside, when I had Icon (some people remember him, my dalmatian who I had to rehome when I left my ex), she started off telling me I should rub his nose in his wee when he had an accident as "that would teach him". I laughed and explained that I only used positive training methods, she was "old school". Anyway, over time I noticed that she was shouting at him a lot, but I thought it was because she was stressed at work, and our relationship wasn't exactly great we were roomates pretty much which she hated. However, one day I heard her yell at Icon and I ran downstairs just as she had her leg in the air ready to stamp on his head. I screamed at her, and she stopped and said that either she was going to kick the dog in the head, or me....I managed to get Icon outside, and found out that he'd broken a vase with his tail - she'd bought the vase itself it was cheap, but she was just so angry that she ended up beating me up so badly it caused problems with my kidneys.

She promised it was a one off and that she was sorry. I went back as I had no where else to go, and she promised to be nicer to Icon. She beat me up once more, and I decided it was time to leave - I was working in a bar and I went to work with bruising to my rib cage in agony. Eventually, I decided it was time to go, but one evening she went for me again (for moving a plug off a chair) and Icon went for her to protect me, I kicked her away and was doing a good job of pushing her backwards with my feet, until she kicked Icon in the head and I dived on him to protect him, thats when she repeatedly punched me in the head, until I passed out - she then went and sat and watched TV, until I called my father and he came and got me and took me to a and e where I remained due to the nature of my head injuries.

I saved up my money and moved out into my own house, but I lost my boy because I had to work 12 hours a day in order to keep my own place.

You're not living with your OH leanne, but where do you see this going? How can you ever picture moving in with someone who would abuse their dogs so badly in front of you with no shame or remorse? Would you be comfortable leaving your dogs in his care? Even just to pop to the shop?

He won't change, depression is no excuse. Please save yourself long term heartache and leave.

Rachy will tell you more about it, but I encountered her ex husband on a chance walk with Icon one day - beating his two dogs, I had no idea it was my her ex as I didn't know her at the time, but I had to step in and tell him to stop, his response? "Mind your own f***ing business", Rachy can tell you about the type of man he was, but he certainly wasn't one to be trusted.....

Everyone on here has your best interests at heart, you should leave x
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05-04-2010, 12:06 PM
Originally Posted by ClaireandDaisy View Post
I don`t suppose counselling or anger management are things he`d consider?
I think you are right doesn't sound the sort of person who would be willing to take steps to help himself or anyone else.

Originally Posted by youngstevie View Post
Sorry I may upset some people here, but Leanne, whilst you and others on here may understand depression, and understandably not wanting to upset the apple cart........the dog doesn't.

So if the dog does something that he doesn;'t like do you really think a beating is ideal.....It will only make the dog do more mistakes.

And I am sorry for this......but to me its not about your OH depression its about what the dog is suffering....and I think thats what you need to remember.

Those dogs need to be placed in safety and then he needs to get treatment.

Sorry but to me the dogs welfare would be my first priority
You are right.

Originally Posted by Lucky Star View Post
I have to agree. The man may have problems but if his 'outlet' is to beat up the dog, he should not have a dog. It's black and white to me - there is no way on earth that it is acceptable to abuse a dog - no reasons or excuses. The dog should be removed for its safety and he should seek help for the fact that for whatever reason, he becomes so out of control that he reacts with violence towards an innocent animal. He is a sentient human being and responsible for his actions, regardless of how depressed he may be.

If it were me, I would make sure that dog was taken away to safety, regardless of how much understanding I felt, or how much I intended to stay with this guy.
Have to agree with this too.

As said before suffering with depression myself and my younger son who by the sounds of it is a lot younger than Leanne's OH, he took responsibility for his depression the same as I did without venting his frustrations on another human being or animal.

Sounds more like an anger issue which is frightening if he can not see it and will do nothing to help himself and others in his life whether they be a human being who can walk away (hopefully) or animals who/ can't.
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05-04-2010, 12:26 PM
Originally Posted by Leanne_W View Post
Firstly, I want to point out that I didnt post the thread to get sympathy, or to show off how good my dog is or to have it confirmed to me I should leave him. I posted the thread because the whole thing was on my mind. Furthermore, I knew this thread, and me, wouldnt get a favourable response but i'm used to that. I've been on Dogsey long enough to know how people will respond to certain things.

Secondly, I do not live with my OH so my details on here are irrelevant. I have to admit, I wasnt expecting somebody to suggest my details should be used to report my OH though. I take sole responsibility for my dogs, the OH has nothing to do with them. Like I said in my original post, we take our dogs out seperately and since I dont live with him neither, I dont know how he treats her on a day to day basis. I have seen things I dont agree with in the past but not to the extent I saw yesterday, which is why I posted.

Thirdly, I did not leave him completely whistling for his dog. We had taken the 2 pointers out only, I went back to the car to collect my collies and then they all went out. By this time he'd calmed down and was letting his dog do what she wanted again. The rest of the walk was spent with me trying to convince him that if he altered his attitude, his dog wouldnt be such a problem. I've talked to him about this till i'm blue in the face and we've had many disagreements about it but it falls on deaf ears.

Believe it or not, he is a very mild mannered person who fails to see problems as problems, thats why his dog runs amok in the first place but when he does lose his temper, he goes completely overboard, but this happens on very rare occassions. I'm not concerned for my safety at all though. In his defence, he does suffer with severe depression and it's something i've had to deal with, and that includes several attempts at suicide. I dont want to bring his/our personal problems into it but Wilbar brought up mental health.

Mine and his approach to dog ownership is completely different and try as I might, I cant convince him that his approach isnt responsible and clearly doesnt work. He's older than me, has had many more dogs than me so whether he thinks i've got no grounds to preach, I dont know.
Leanne, first of all, thankyou for coming on and replying - it can't have been a pleasant experience to read all the posts, although you obviously must have known what people's reactions were going to be.

You say that you knew the thread, and you, would not get a favourable response - there was no chance of that seeing as how you described in vivid detail a vicious attack on a dog.

The concern that this is not an isolated event is evident, and I suspect you wonder that too - your comment about him carrying a stick and the dog being scared of it proves that I think. The dog would not be scared of the stick your OH has taken to carrying, without reason, and I think we all know what that reason is.

Your reply to all the critical posts seem to be a bit defensive on your part - understandably so - no one likes to be the brunt of that much harsh comment, however the fact is that you did write this -

It was at this point he flipped his lid and proceeded to punch and kick her whilst holding her by the scruff of her neck. Normally I silently curse inside but this beating today was totally uncalled for and too violent as he was the one in the wrong, not the dog. After I made him let her go, she obviously ran off whilst he fetched the dummy himself. He tried to recall her but she wouldnt come within 10ft of him which only made him angrier and he started to follow her trying to catch her, all the time shouting at her and waving this plastic flexible stick he's now started to carry Millie is totally scared of the stick. I asked him if he hits her with it and he said no. I have my own suspicions about that.

To now come on and say that you don't know how he treats his dog on a day to day basis just doesn't ring true! He HAS beaten her before - you state that quite clearly, and you also believe that he hits her with the stick too.

There are lots of people who have been through the Hell of depression - it is not a pleasant illness and deserves sympathy. It does not however justify inflicting a beating on a dog, punching it, kicking it (presumably) using a stick on it too.

That is not depression, it is viscious, horrible cruelty on a defenceless animal, and should not be allowed to continue.

I appreciate that this is a diifficult situation for you, involving someone close to you, but you must know that there is NO excuse for this behaviour.

Think how you would feel if anyone did that to one of your dogs - would you turn away and put it down to them having a bad day?

Dogs have an immense capacity for love and forgiveness that we sometimes take for granted. Sometimes though they need someone to stand up for them and remove them from harm.

That is what you need to do for that dog, and do it quick.
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05-04-2010, 12:27 PM
proceeded to punch and kick her whilst holding her by the scruff of her neck. Normally I silently curse inside but this beating today was totally uncalled for and too violent. all the time shouting at her and waving this plastic flexible stick he's now started to carry Millie is totally scared of the stick. I asked him if he hits her with it and he said no. I have my own suspicions about that.
I'm Sorry, but you say He's depressed!!!!
what about her ????
this poor dog needs rid of him now!
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05-04-2010, 12:41 PM
Originally Posted by Snorri the Priest View Post
Two questions come to mind........

1. Why does he have a dog?

2. And why does he still have you?

EXACTLY!!!!!! I wouldn't be within 10 miles of a bloke like this!!!!

Perfick post there Dougie
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05-04-2010, 12:57 PM
Depression can and does effect everyone differently.

No Leannes OH (or anyone for that matter) should not treat a dog like this...but what do you suggest at this point Leanne does? Break off her relationship and report him to the RSPCA? What will they do? Nothing that's what. If the dog has food and water and no marks on it they won't do a thing. It's her word against his. So what else can she do? From what Leanne has said he has never hurt her. Yes, I like others have concerns that won't always be the case...but right now, she is telling her OH off for treating his dog in the way he does. If she leaves him, she also leaves the dog...
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05-04-2010, 01:03 PM
Oh come on A, put your hand on your heart, and ask yourself this, if you ever saw your o/h beating up a dog to that extent would you honestly want to be with a person like that??? I don't think so!!!

My husband is depressed, VERY depressed due to work stress and worry, but we get around it, and he is nothing but gentle and kind to our dogs and always has been no matter HOW bad HE thinks they have ever been, any of them! I remember years ago, I lost the plot with one of my dogs and went to yank her out of the back of the car, I'd really lost my temper with her, but he grabbed ME by the neck and told me if EVER I did that to one of our dogs he would be dragging ME down the road by the scruff of my neck!!! He was right of course and it taught me a very big lesson! Give me a man like HIM anyday!!!!
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05-04-2010, 01:09 PM
Originally Posted by Helena54 View Post
Oh come on A, put your hand on your heart, and ask yourself this, if you ever saw your o/h beating up a dog to that extent would you honestly want to be with a person like that??? I don't think so!!!

My husband is depressed, VERY depressed due to work stress and worry, but we get around it, and he is nothing but gentle and kind to our dogs and always has been no matter HOW bad HE thinks they have ever been, any of them! I remember years ago, I lost the plot with one of my dogs and went to yank her out of the back of the car, I'd really lost my temper with her, but he grabbed ME by the neck and told me if EVER I did that to one of our dogs he would be dragging ME down the road by the scruff of my neck!!! He was right of course and it taught me a very big lesson! Give me a man like HIM anyday!!!!
This isn't about me though H. Part of the reason I fell for my OH was his love of dogs.
This is about Leanne and her situation.
The thing is she obviously loves this man...that's her choice. We have no idea about Leanne or her life. It's wrong (or at least I think it is) to pass judgement on her because she is with him,she did actually intervene, she is trying to reducate him...perhaps aside from this he is ideal, who knows?
I am not condoning his behaviour and I am sure people on here know me well enough to know I would never do that, but I think in cases like this, it's best to tread carefully rather than go in all guns blazing. Yes...the welfare of the dog is vital...and that's why being hyper critical at this point isn't (IMO) the way to go.
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