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09-01-2010, 06:15 PM
Originally Posted by Lou View Post
Lauren, frontline is a monthly treatment same as Advocate.

Also Frontline will not kill Mange/Mites........You need Advocate I'm not sure why you've been given Frontline to put on him fortnightly, also to confirm Mange Jake will need a scrape.

I also agree with what every one's saying.....Try and get Jake into a training class.

Good Luck at the vets x

I thought she was treating with Stronghold

he is getting ear drops and stronghold
As you say, Advocate is needed (from my understanding) to treat "mange" and can only be obtained from a vet..
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09-01-2010, 06:59 PM
I am not familiar with all the circumstances, but I do recall reading a thread and being concerned at the type of communication between dog and owner at the time. But it's hard to "see" things over the net. I think it was when you were very cross with him when he found something or was not coming back to you? He is, I am pretty sure, seeing you as unpredictable in certain situations. This MUST be remedied or he will bite you again. He is showing normal behaviour for a dog. I agree it's not acceptable but it's what dogs do - we have to, all of us, "think dog" from time to time.

I would think that a dog being "tapped" as most would see this as some form of punishment - it does depend on circumstances, but I suspect things have been escalating slowly. I aslo think the fact that you have "had" to "tap" him shows there is a problem as he has waited for you to do this, and he must see it as mildly aversive at least to not get off, and then get off, when you do it. So he will see you as someone who is going to tell him off andmay not be comfortable with that in some situations.

Also, if there is tension - well, I had 2 friends who lived with their 2 dogs in a caravan and the dogs wer fine except when the humans argued, when the dogs fought badly. Stress can get to dogs a lot ...

I would suggest contacting a reputable behaviourist or very good modern trainer to help you get the relationship back on track and find out how to handle him in a way he will understand - try or perhaps (the latter are mosty trainers, but soem of them are very good behaviourists).

I agree he is probably feeling very tetchy too if he is unwell ... ears especially can be incredibly sensitive, also maybe he finds beds more comfy at the moment due to his health problems?

Good luck, it must be so very upsetting - but it can probably be sorted out with some professional help but please, don't put that off! EVen if he seems OK, as I suspect it may surface another time ...

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09-01-2010, 07:05 PM
Sorry to hear this lozzibear, I hope you a okay.
There could be many reasons why this could of happened,
I really hope you get to the bottom of it.
Has he been showing any different behaviours lately?
Any signs of pain, illness?
Its sounds so out of character for him
Did he draw blood or did he leave red marks and bruises?

Special care should be taken with Collies, Old English Sheepdogs and related breeds or crossbreeds when treating them with stronghold and advocate, it can be very dangerous for them and can even kill them.
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09-01-2010, 07:16 PM
I am very sorry to hear this has happened to you. There can be fewer more distressing things to happen than for an owner to be attacked by their dog. I know because it happened to Sid when Ozzy did it We had Ozzy PTS - this was our decision and I am in no way trying to say this is what you should do with Jake. Only you can decide the future for you both.

The thing that stands out to me the most is that he didn't attack you just the once. He did it in the bedroom, then again on the sofa. This really rings alarm bells for me.

I hope he gets his ailments sorted by the vet soon, this cannot be helping his mood - but I don't think condones his behaviour. I agree with Loki's Mum when she said about him challenging you and not allowing him up onto furniture. Allowing a dog onto sofas and beds elevates their status - and not something Jake needs right now. It would certainly be advisable to get some professional help with him. I know it is difficult but if you show fear around him he will sense the change between you and could make him behave differently. Try and remain calm and confident, taking more control.

To me, whether the dog was 'tapped' or not, unless it was in agony on the part of the body that was touched, it is inexcusable for it to attack it's owners face and hands that way and to the extent described.

I really, truly feel for you right now. As I said before, I remember only too well how deeply upsetting and distressing the incident was that happened to us.

Massive hugs to you and I hope Jake gets the help he needs. xxxx
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09-01-2010, 07:37 PM
Originally Posted by Ramble View Post
He will have given a warning though's just perhaps the OP didn't spot it.
Although I did say a more experienced owner could of picked up on that, we cannot say that for sure a none of us saw it.
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09-01-2010, 08:17 PM
Originally Posted by Anne-Marie View Post
To me, whether the dog was 'tapped' or not, unless it was in agony on the part of the body that was touched, it is inexcusable for it to attack it's owners face and hands that way and to the extent described.

Massive hugs to you and I hope Jake gets the help he needs. xxxx
If the dog was on the ground & jumped up to savage the owners face to me is alot different to a dog that was close to its owners face bcause the owner was trying to pick the dog up. the act of bending over a dog like that is very dominerring & challenging, especially after its just been smacked .

And lets not forget this dog does not have a recall & is allowed on other beds so its not going to understand that
a. it has to move on owners command
b.that it was doing something wrong by being on the bed.

So its Tapped /smacked in a negative way (even if it wasnt hard it was still negative & you CANT punish a dog for something iot dosent understand without consquence) for something that the dog does not have full understanding of,which is unfair, then to have that person bend over it he probaley felt as if he was under attack.

If a dog is not trained with consistency to fit into our "human" life style & rules, we cannot blame the dog for acting like a dog
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09-01-2010, 08:38 PM
Originally Posted by mishflynn View Post
I would agree i think its more of a training /relationship issue, though a dog being uncomfy isnt going to help. i suffer from bad skin all over my hands & wrists, im itchy every afternnoon & eveing, i will tear my skin off It isnt painful but it isnt pleasent either!!!!!!!
I think that’s what it must be with jake, it must be driving him insane. He eyes look painful so I can only imagine how much he is suffering. I do think me and jake have a good relationship though, we do a lot of play and training, and I am the one who does everything for him so I do spend a lot of time with him.

Originally Posted by lilypup View Post
oh lauren you really have been through the mill recently!! i completely agree with the wonderful advice given on here and that jake has reacted to your emotions recently. that said, this is NOT your fault. it is a horrible sequence of events that unfortunately led to a nasty shock.

you are a fantastic owner to jake and as i've said before, i admire your maturity in dealing with him. if you treat your dog properly they should take up a massive amount of your time and emotions and that is just what you do with jake. he is a high maintenance pup from possibly 3 very complex breeds that on their own are hard work and you have all 3 to contend with!!

a trip to the vets is the best starting point and then some good training that won't just help jake, it will give you a focus too.

big hugs to you lauren. xxxxxx
thanks, I just feel like everything always come at once… just never get a chance to cope with one thing when the next is there staring at me… and jake is extremely high maintenance…

Originally Posted by Lottie View Post
I think he really needs to see the vet. Ear and eye problems could certainly be a cause of behaviour like this starting all of a sudden.

Please feel free to pm me if you want, I've had similar problems with one of mine and come through them
Thanks, will PM you when I get through all of these posts lol.

Originally Posted by ClaireandDaisy View Post
If a dog is threatened it defends itself.
but I don’t understand why he was threatened, nothing out of the ordinary happened…

Originally Posted by Jackbox View Post
I think this is excellent advice, I agree with others too, in as such as not letting your bf anywhere near Jake at this time.

A few points I also picked up...firstly let me say, I agree with the others , he needs to be seen by the vet! along with you getting him to training.

Secondly, you said you smacked Jake to get him off the bed, then he lay on the floor, and you tried to pick him up... the two combined could have instigated the attack.

He will have been reacting to your behaviour, and (if the tap/smack) is not usual, he will maybe have felt he needed to defend himself against you.

When dealing with a dog who is challenging you , you should never back them into a courner, (which in effect you did) they will do one of two things, fight or flight, and in this case Jake did the former.

Then after the first incident you go back and give him a challenge again, putting your hand out to take hold of him, again Jake may have been picking up on your negative energy, he may have felt unsure about your motives, and again he acted first, then you restrain him to the ground, wrapping a lead round his mouth , all negative actions directed at him.

Please, this is not a go at you, I understand we do things in the heat of the moment, but hopefully this may make you see it from Jake's view.

I think he his skin condition may have something to do with it, (give him a shorter fuse) but to be honest, I DONT think this instigated this behaviour.

I think you have a young dog who is reaching his "kevin" stage, he is challenging you, he has no boundaries , he is getting mixed signals, (he can go on that bed , but not the other one) you must realise he cant make the connection between the two, if he is allowed on one, he will not be able to see why he cant go on the other.

You need to start today as a new one, do you know about NILF , look it up and put it into place with all of Jakes training.

Dont set yourself or Jake up for a fail, that means, if you get into a situation like this again, dont force the issue, (you are only going to lose)

What floats Jakes boat, is it treats, toys, get prepared, most dogs are nosey so ans sos, if in future, (for instance) Jake wont get off somehting, dont force him, go get something he really likes, and distract him away from the sofa/bed with that... call him, pretend someone has come,,,,,,,,,,oh come see this Jake!!! , or lets go for a walk Jake!! anything to distract him away from this challenge.

Try to leave what has happened in the past now, it is not going to do your relationship with Jake any good if you continue to lock him away or be fearful of him.

You now know, what not to do , you now know that confrontation does not work, so find alternatives, once you do , you wil be fine.

Dont worry, you are not the firs for this to happen, my guess is you are just not as in tune with doggy language as so others are, so its imperative you learn.

An example for you........... my Millie has a very nervous nature, (inbred I think) she is the sweetest girl alive, BUT!! I can read her like a book, she has never challenged me, because I have never set her up for one.

For instance... once Millie is in her basket (at night) she is fine, she wil let me go and stroke her, but thats all, you can see her become defensive, for what ever reason, her ears go flat, and she just gives off a "feeling" lets say I need her to get out of that basket, I could do a number of things....1) shout at her to get out, 2) grab her collar to drag her out, or 3) go open the treat cupboard and she is out of the basket like a shot.... result, I have got what I want without any confrontation.

I have to agree with you Dawn, the infection may play a small part, but I think its more down to Jake, challenging LB, and unfortunately her reaction to it.
Thanks, it wasn’t a smack. It was a tap, I do it all the time as way to let him know I want him to move. He usually reacts by moving, it is was no more than if I was to pat his head. There is no way it would cause him any pain at all, it isn’t anywhere near hard enough, especially for a dog who is used to kids.

I know holding him down, and using the lead to muzzle him are negative actions but they were both done AFTER he bit me… I wasn’t going to risk getting bitten again, and to be totally honest, I think it is unfair for people to think it is ok for him to bit me but not ok for me to restrain him for both our safety. I needed a way to protect myself, and get him in a situation where he can calm down.

i don’t think it is down to him just challenging me, coz this isn’t usual behaviour, and he is completely normal apart from both those instances, and calmed down mega fast.
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09-01-2010, 08:51 PM
Originally Posted by lozzibear View Post
I think that’s what it must be with jake, it must be driving him insane. He eyes look painful so I can only imagine how much he is suffering. I do think me and jake have a good relationship though, we do a lot of play and training, and I am the one who does everything for him so I do spend a lot of time with him.

When i say relationship ,i dont mean you dont love him, or that hes scared of you or he dosent think the world of you, what i mean is that there is a breakdown of communication somewhere, the sort of communication & team work & relationship you can only get with training, if you dont have a recall there is a problem with your communication/training & his understanding.

but I don’t understand why he was threatened, nothing out of the ordinary happened…

Thanks, it wasn’t a smack. It was a tap, I do it all the time as way to let him know I want him to move. He usually reacts by moving, it is was no more than if I was to pat his head. There is no way it would cause him any pain at all, it isn’t anywhere near hard enough, especially for a dog who is used to kids.

I dont think the tap hurt him, but why are you tapping your dog to move him? He should move in all instances on his name, so if you say "Jake off", he should be reacting on his name & the command tells him what to do, same with recall, "jake come" he reacts to his name & the command tells him what to do. In any instances if you are having to tap him to move then there is a real problem with his attention/response training & his needs looking at, this is what i mean by "relationship". You asked him to move, he didnt (he disobeyed) so in his eyes the tap would have been a negative action & he will have seen it as such
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09-01-2010, 08:55 PM
Originally Posted by lozzibear View Post

but I don’t understand why he was threatened, nothing out of the ordinary happened…

The fact you asked him to do something and he refused then you made him do it is enough to change his normal behaviour, you have said in other posts he is challenging you, on recall and such, this is just the next step... along with his poorly eyes ans ears, he could quite easily have just thought ...enough is enough !!

Thanks, it wasn’t a smack. It was a tap, I do it all the time as way to let him know I want him to move. He usually reacts by moving, it is was no more than if I was to pat his head. There is no way it would cause him any pain at all, it isn’t anywhere near hard enough, especially for a dog who is used to kids.

The fact you do it all the time does not mean he likes it or is going to allow you to do it forever...again, he may have felt , he has had enough

I know holding him down, and using the lead to muzzle him are negative actions but they were both done AFTER he bit me… I wasn’t going to risk getting bitten again, and to be totally honest, I think it is unfair for people to think it is ok for him to bit me but not ok for me to restrain him for both our safety. I needed a way to protect myself, and get him in a situation where he can calm down.

No one is saying its OK for him to bite you, sorry if you feel they are, what peopel are trying to tell you is , the reasons he has done what he has done.

What you could have done after he bit you for the second time , is walk away from him, leave him in the living room to calm down, and allow you to get yourself together again, by doing as you did , you have only escalated his mistrust of you.

i don’t think it is down to him just challenging me, coz this isn’t usual behaviour, and he is completely normal apart from both those instances, and calmed down mega fast.

Of Cause he will calm down after the event, thats natural, but sorry Lozzi, I disagree with you, your boy is challenging you, and you need to understand this.. you have written posts beofre about his behaviour, and this is just an added extra.

He is becoming a teenager he is trying it on, unfortunately you have reacted to his stubbornness, in a negative way, and he has then reacted the same back.

There are two things going on with him, his discomfort from his condition, you need to get him seem by the vet, and the teenager is raising its ugly head, both combined along with your reaction, has presented what you see know.

It can be fixed, the most important thing is medical treatment, then training, have you looked up NILF, it will help you immensely.
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09-01-2010, 09:13 PM
Originally Posted by lozzibear View Post
I think that’s what it must be with jake, it must be driving him insane. He eyes look painful so I can only imagine how much he is suffering. I do think me and jake have a good relationship though, we do a lot of play and training, and I am the one who does everything for him so I do spend a lot of time with him.

thanks, I just feel like everything always come at once… just never get a chance to cope with one thing when the next is there staring at me… and jake is extremely high maintenance…

Thanks, will PM you when I get through all of these posts lol.

but I don’t understand why he was threatened, nothing out of the ordinary happened…

Thanks, it wasn’t a smack. It was a tap, I do it all the time as way to let him know I want him to move. He usually reacts by moving, it is was no more than if I was to pat his head. There is no way it would cause him any pain at all, it isn’t anywhere near hard enough, especially for a dog who is used to kids.

I know holding him down, and using the lead to muzzle him are negative actions but they were both done AFTER he bit me… I wasn’t going to risk getting bitten again, and to be totally honest, I think it is unfair for people to think it is ok for him to bit me but not ok for me to restrain him for both our safety. I needed a way to protect myself, and get him in a situation where he can calm down.

i don’t think it is down to him just challenging me, coz this isn’t usual behaviour, and he is completely normal apart from both those instances, and calmed down mega fast.
{{hugs}} to you Lozzi
even Jake doesnt know his usual behaviour yet, he is a teenager.
Originally Posted by Jackbox View Post
Of Cause he will calm down after the event, thats natural, but sorry Lozzi, I disagree with you, your boy is challenging you, and you need to understand this.. you have written posts beofre about his behaviour, and this is just an added extra.

He is becoming a teenager he is trying it on, unfortunately you have reacted to his stubbornness, in a negative way, and he has then reacted the same back.

There are two things going on with him, his discomfort from his condition, you need to get him seem by the vet, and the teenager is raising its ugly head, both combined along with your reaction, has presented what you see know.

It can be fixed, the most important thing is medical treatment, then training, have you looked up NILF, it will help you immensely.
I agree with this post...dont loose heart Lozzi it can be 'sorted'(best saaaff london accent )
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