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16-09-2010, 03:28 PM
Originally Posted by greyhoundk View Post
please also repect the fact that it doesn't float mine
I agree......I have my beliefs, and I don't go around knocking on people's doors, so why shoud it be OK for them to come knocking on mine.

Also when you tell them to go away they don't listen! x
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16-09-2010, 04:06 PM
Originally Posted by AshMan View Post
its not brainwashing at all. its sharing your beliefs.

Someone knocks your door you say you dont wanna know and if they persist you close the door simple.

When i have children of my own i will take them to church with me but in the end it will be their choice wether they follow the faith or not. My mom raised us all in church we were there sometime 3 times a week doing different things. At one point i left and later chose to come back. I have sibling who have left and say they will never come back. Mom shared with us what she believes is right, that is what a good parent should do, but at the end of the day when we were old enough to make our own decisions we did.

To call it brainwashing is shortsighted and disrespectful. I have not been brainwashed i made a choice.
I have to disagree there, my step son is at a church school and has well and truly been brainwashed into believing everything that they tell him about the bible as fact. Thankfully neither my partner nor I are religious and have given him an alternative viewpoint and he won't be going to a church high school so everything he's been told shouldn't stick as fact, merely as a viewpoint of certain people.

You're capable of making your choice, as was your sibling, but for JW's, it is such a HUGE part of their lives, and they stand to lose families, friends everything if they leave. Many Catholics are also thrown out of their families if they leave.
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16-09-2010, 04:22 PM
I have a friend who is a member of Opus Dei, a lovely person but a total fanatic, they actually promote the wearing of a cilisk (sp?) self mutilation. She was always trying to get me to get involved, until i told her i was not interested. I'll discuss and debate but thats as far as it goes.
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16-09-2010, 04:42 PM
For all unsolicited callers, they knock, I answer door, I say "no thank you", I close door.

They don't get a chance to say a single word..........
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16-09-2010, 05:17 PM
Originally Posted by greyhoundk View Post
I have a friend who is a member of Opus Dei, a lovely person but a total fanatic, they actually promote the wearing of a cilisk (sp?) self mutilation. She was always trying to get me to get involved, until i told her i was not interested. I'll discuss and debate but thats as far as it goes.
BLIMEY! That is extreme!!!!!!!!
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16-09-2010, 08:08 PM
Originally Posted by Mother*ship View Post
To start off with I think the trouble with most of you Dogsey members that get hassled by the god botherers is that you are too nice and well brought up! If they knock on your door or try to engage you in the street just say you're not interested and close the door or turn away! That is my policy and it works equally well for salespeople, chuggers and the like. I really must get one of those signs that says "no callers without an appointment."
Lol, guilty.

Now to get to the religious question...For every atheist bus you'll see 100's of god/Jesus posters so I really don't think we want to get into the who's ramming which message home argument.
I was brought up in the Roman Catholic Church went to a RC Primary and a RC Convent Secondary, the good education I received enabled me to use my critical brain to reject the dogma I was being pumped with and I am now a born-again atheist!
Its such a shame that so many still believe the fairy tale they're given as fact, even when confronted by the multitude of evidence to the contrary.

So to the question of the Pope being 'just a man', well of course to most RC's he's much more than that, he is a hugely influential, powerful figure who by virtue of his office is believed to be infallible. And this is the man who as a Cardinal colluded in the hushing up of so many cases of child abuse to protect the Church allowing many of the abusers to go on and commit more crimes! What about protecting the victims? But there you are, one of my many, many reasons for leaving the church.
Have to say I am a bit ambivalent about this issue, as you can see despite my parents and my churches best efforts I saw the light and don't believe in their imaginary friend anymore. AshMan you and I were given a choice, unfortunately many children aren't as the price for choosing not to believe would be the loss of their families and communities.

Oh no, you can't say he's imaginary, that's not pc.

I very strongly believe that religion has no place in schools except as a matter for study. Children should learn about all the different religions they should not have any single one spouted at them as the "truth". I was horrified to see Muslim girls being told creationism was an acceptable alternative theory to evolution!!!

I'm not going to even go there, its annoying me just thinking about it. It not an acceptable alternative, its shocks me that in this day and age, people still buy into the fantasy. People have long since (I think) stopped believing in fire breathing flying reptiles, but they believe a book that says some person was born from a

And don't get many started on the fact that schools that my taxes fund are allowed to discriminate against my children on the grounds of my atheism. Please how is that a fair system???

It isn't, but its religion, therefor they can get away with it. Can you imagine the outcry if a school said, 'no sorry, we only allow atheists in here.' I'm not a fan of faith schools at all anyway. Imo, its a way for parents to try and ensure that their kids learn what they want them to believe. After all, as a faith school they can teach whatever the hell they please, they get inspected by one of their own, not biassed at all obviously.

Personally I found r.e to be one of the most borring subjects I had to put up with in school. Mainly because it was basicly all about the 3 most popular ones, which I care little for. I find multi deity religions to be more interesting, I just think that whoever created monotheism was either lazy, or lacked imagination...saying that, wasn't one of the first recorded example of such a belief system found in ancient Egypt, created by one of the pharaoh's Akhenaten (father of tutankhamun) I believe. Quite an interesting man, though his attempt at change failed.
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16-09-2010, 08:18 PM
Originally Posted by tazer View Post
It isn't, but its religion, therefor they can get away with it. Can you imagine the outcry if a school said, 'no sorry, we only allow atheists in here.' I'm not a fan of faith schools at all anyway. Imo, its a way for parents to try and ensure that their kids learn what they want them to believe. After all, as a faith school they can teach whatever the hell they please, they get inspected by one of their own, not biassed at all obviously.
our nearest and best in preston high school is a christian secondary......

as me and OH dont go to church, but were both raised CofE and christened, Ellie will be at the bottom of the list for admission with church goers and even those who practice a DIFFERENT religion getting higher priority even though they may live miles and miles away!!!

I shall play them at their own game as much as i dont like it, i shal attend church every other sunday for the two years before admission to get her to the top of the list other wise she will end up in a crap school! the ofsted results for schools in preston is shocking!!!!

She will be taught that evolution is fact (as someone who studied evolutionary psychology at uni i despair at the creationist theory....cinderella's pumpkin carriage is more plausable!!!!) and will encourage her to question everything...even the existence of god etc in her school!
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16-09-2010, 08:37 PM
Originally Posted by alexandra View Post
our nearest and best in preston high school is a christian secondary......

as me and OH dont go to church, but were both raised CofE and christened, Ellie will be at the bottom of the list for admission with church goers and even those who practice a DIFFERENT religion getting higher priority even though they may live miles and miles away!!!

I shall play them at their own game as much as i dont like it, i shal attend church every other sunday for the two years before admission to get her to the top of the list other wise she will end up in a crap school! the ofsted results for schools in preston is shocking!!!!

She will be taught that evolution is fact (as someone who studied evolutionary psychology at uni i despair at the creationist theory....cinderella's pumpkin carriage is more plausable!!!!) and will encourage her to question everything...even the existence of god etc in her school!
Now this is just what drives me insane! Why should you have to play this silly game just to get your daughter into your local school? Apparently studies of the demographics of church attendance show time and again a spike in attendence by families with kids about to start school or go to high school. It's so obvious what is happening!!! Is this what those churches want? People going through the motions of faith solely to get their kid into a school?

And why are church schools often higher achieving? Because they get to select their intake!!! Argh! Give me strength!

And why should they get to discriminate against my kids just because they have honest atheist parents??? For all they know my kids could be raging theists ... which they probably will be when they are teenagers just to press my buttons.

My son is in Year 6, can you tell? This is an especially sore point for me right now.

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16-09-2010, 08:37 PM
Originally Posted by greyhoundk View Post
I have a friend who is a member of Opus Dei, a lovely person but a total fanatic, they actually promote the wearing of a cilisk (sp?) self mutilation. She was always trying to get me to get involved, until i told her i was not interested. I'll discuss and debate but thats as far as it goes.
You mean a "Celice?" Thats so they can suffer pain as Christ did. Bit extreme innit! Bit like a prong collar!
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16-09-2010, 08:39 PM
Originally Posted by Sal View Post
I've had the jehovah's call here this morning,

Why do they feel the need to knock on peoples doors to preach there religion to others.

It was quite obvious they were not going to go away after I politely told them I wasn't interested,then he had to ask me why
I gave the answer that we were C of E and then he still went on to say something else so I interupted and shut the door.

They can do what they please,but please don't come knocking my door,interupting what I'm doing and trying to push your religion on to me.
Ive never known them to "preach" but they can be a little persistent. Tell them you are late giving blood, they vanish in a second!
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