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27-12-2010, 08:36 PM
Originally Posted by Helena54 View Post
Lol at you there Dee, yes, you should definitely be in here with that great achievement there!!!!!

Well, I changed my morning walking route, and there are lots more dogs on this new walk, but, it's big enough for me to avoid most of them and take different options, and everytime Zena has eye-balled a dog in the distance who she thinks might be thinking of coming over to us, I've just given her the leave it command, and she's totally ignored it and stayed with me and her ball. Over the past 3 weeks of doing this, I've gradually, got closer and closer to other people and she's still ignoring other dogs that have come over to us, she's greeted them nicely whilst I've slipped on her lead, and then ignored them which is what I'm aiming for really, I don't want her interacting anymore with strange dogs since her big punch up with the staffie/lab cross the other week, it not only frightened the life out of me, but it's made me realise she is unpredictable with some, strange dogs, so I have to address that. We have walked with people we know with dogs, one of which a little 3 year old jr who she knew as a puppy which can be aggressive with other dogs, and all is fine, she is just like she is with Lily on here, they just stroll along together one following the other or side by side. Then we had a teenage lab come hurfing over to us yesterday, before I had a chance to see it, and although initially Zena's hackles went up, the dog immediately went into submissive mode, Zena's hackles went down, they had a sniff, then they had a bit of play, so I turned to Dave and said yeah, this is our aggressive dog Anyway, it's been a whole month now, having bumped into loads of other dogs, where there has been no aggression so I'm happy with that.

Now hand over some of those choccies Dee!!!!
Well done Zena - fancy taking Benjie for a month and try that with him - I haven't gotten too far with him although this morning - I'd forgotten about it. A stray Springer which Louie and Sadie ran up to and Benjie still on lead - no reaction as such but then I was focussing more on what this springer was going to do as he was been stand off ish but Louie is naturally submissive and Sadie was there to sort out any problems - she mothers him bless her heart
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28-12-2010, 08:47 AM
Originally Posted by Helena54 View Post
Lol at you there Dee, yes, you should definitely be in here with that great achievement there!!!!!

Well, I changed my morning walking route, and there are lots more dogs on this new walk, but, it's big enough for me to avoid most of them and take different options, and everytime Zena has eye-balled a dog in the distance who she thinks might be thinking of coming over to us, I've just given her the leave it command, and she's totally ignored it and stayed with me and her ball. Over the past 3 weeks of doing this, I've gradually, got closer and closer to other people and she's still ignoring other dogs that have come over to us, she's greeted them nicely whilst I've slipped on her lead, and then ignored them which is what I'm aiming for really, I don't want her interacting anymore with strange dogs since her big punch up with the staffie/lab cross the other week, it not only frightened the life out of me, but it's made me realise she is unpredictable with some, strange dogs, so I have to address that. We have walked with people we know with dogs, one of which a little 3 year old jr who she knew as a puppy which can be aggressive with other dogs, and all is fine, she is just like she is with Lily on here, they just stroll along together one following the other or side by side. Then we had a teenage lab come hurfing over to us yesterday, before I had a chance to see it, and although initially Zena's hackles went up, the dog immediately went into submissive mode, Zena's hackles went down, they had a sniff, then they had a bit of play, so I turned to Dave and said yeah, this is our aggressive dog Anyway, it's been a whole month now, having bumped into loads of other dogs, where there has been no aggression so I'm happy with that.

Now hand over some of those choccies Dee!!!!
Well done you. Seems like you are putting in a lot of effort and reaping rewards. It is normal, if often upsetting, for most dogs to fall out with some dogs during their lifetime. You don't get on with all the people you meet, Don't get on with all the people I meet. And some dogs manners are so appaling that they "need" their asses whooping by another dog. It is often Bitches who do this, teach manners.

If I can help with your dog in anyway then please feel free to contact me. Phones are easier to resolve issues then messages.

Or you could even visit and I will give you chocolate - better be soon though . Good luck.
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28-12-2010, 12:09 PM
Little brag.. Kismet managed to get through the whole of christmas with all its associated treats, tidbits and having to eat together in a strange kitchen without a single episode of food aggression... She ate her paddywack in the same room as everyone else and didn't even try to pinch the much slower eater Pharaoh's once she was finished, she just came straight to me for a different treat.

Christmas dinner for the dogs was leftover turkey, roast potatoes, carrots and kibble covered in the meat cooking juices... This was as high value a food as she has had in a long time... All dogs were fed in a line, there's no where else in mums open plan house... She waited albeit excitedly turning in a circle as all the other dogs dinners were put down first... Selkie, then Bizkit, then Pharaoh and finally Kismet... She sat and waited like a good girl till I told her she could go eat and even when selkie bumped her bowl she just made a face and dragged her bowl away.. she finished first and just as I taught her, she moved away from them, sat and waited for them to each finish and move from their bowls then i told her she could go check and she rushed in to lick the bowls shiny...

So proud of her...

But in a classic case of one big step forward we also had two back... She still strains and wants to attack all small dogs and had to be shut out when my brother brought his new baby around, she was literally shrieking with excitement and spinning in circles wanting to get to the baby ...

work in progress. Going to try to crack her dog issues in the new year... need a good trainer in Colchester or nearby willing to work with a dog aggressive case
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28-12-2010, 02:28 PM
Very well done to Kismet there with the food! Brilliant achievement there! You can only work on one problem at a time, so hopefully in the new year you can work on that other one.

Now, I've just read something very interesting about the dog aggression, written by somebody who studied the wolves in Yellowstone Park. It seems to be that an over-protective dog is in charge of it's "pack", the pack being yourself/whoever walks with you/other dogs of yours, so to the dog who sometimes shows aggression at dogs it meets up with, it has to size up the situation, i.e. is this dog going to be a thread to my pack?, I am in charge here, I have to deal with it. So, if approaching dog shows NO sign of aggression, your protective dog will have no reason to attack it or reprimand it. If, on the other hand, the dog is a dominant type and/or is showing some aggression, then of course, your dog is going to deal with it in the only way he/she knows how, by giving it a good telling off, and a dominant dog will not back down if it fears for the safety of it's pack will it? For me, I think the mere fact that I am showing her she is NOT in charge, either by putting on her lead, or by giving her that "leave it" or the "with me" command, she is accepting that it's no longer her problem and she is calm and playful with it? The attacks we've had in the past, have been when I have actually done nothing myself, I've left it up to her, thinking because a dog has come over to us it's going to be friendly (wrong I know!). I kind of like this theory, so I shall keep up with what I'm doing by making sure I actually give her a command when either passing or with dogs approaching us at great speed!
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28-12-2010, 03:04 PM
Aw, Kismet, WELL DONE! I wouldn't view that as two steps back at all, I would view it as one big problem overcome to the point of manageable and give yourself a pat on the back for getting her there!! The dog aggression is just a seperate issue for you to deal with now and I agree with what Helena said. I think when the dog starts to truely believe that YOU do the protecting/managing that they then give you a much longer (maybe a few sec's) window to get in there before the dog kick's off. Giving you the chance to step in. (Turid Rugass might be helpful to you) That's not to say I'm going all mexican and CM, it can be done through positive methods.

Well done everyone with your achievements!

I shall keep up with what I'm doing by making sure I actually give her a command when either passing or with dogs approaching us at great speed!
Yep, I also found that timing was a big thing - for example when he would literally run full pelt at them even from a big distance, I found saying 'good leave' the second he looked and that actually stopped him!

Infact, Christmas morning in the park there was a big black dog, they put it on the lead and it was really barking at him etc and because I'd said 'good leave' he didnt even bat an eyelid, he was well aware they were there but he just stayed with me and then we played when we got past....AND that was in the previously 'no-go park'
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28-12-2010, 04:51 PM
I've just found this thread, hunting for tips on something for a friend, and just have to have a little brag about this afternoons walk, my whistle was more interesting than a labrador with a ball and a retriever to Griffin!!! He heard me and came shooting back at top speed, all the hard work has been worth it, not that's it over, dog ownership is always a work in progress isn't it, but the bit of stroppy teenage behaviour, coming back to within 8 foot and sitting we had a few weeks ago seems to have been just a phase, please god let it be phase!!! Anyway I just needed to tell someone how proud of my little man I was, thankfully no-one was there to see my happy dance in the woods when he came back , I got funny enough looks from the dogs . What a fab idea for a thread too, looking at everyone's achievements is really inspirational.
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29-12-2010, 01:36 PM
Well done Louis and well done to Griffin, it's all so positive of late isn't it!

Well I just got back from a quick zoom around with Zena up on the green so that we get a bit of piece this afternoon (we've already done an hour with her and Georgie first thing on our normal walk). Anyhoo, I had it all to myself, except for this lurcher which was heading in our direction at 90mph Oh gawwwwd I thought, so I quickly put her onlead The owner was right up at the other end of the green However, this lurcher, actually stopped 3 feet away from us, laid down and went on it's side, so I let Zena tug me over to greet it, coz I knew this was the correct way of approaching her by another dog, she would be fine She was, so I let her off, and they both went huuuuuuurfing around, and around, made me blooming dizzy, and then I called her off, she immediately slammed on the front brakes and came back to me, awwwwwwwwwwww (it's been a while since I've had a chance to call her away from another dog, so I'm glad that still works lol!). By this time the owner had caught up with me, so we let them carry on running around, even though they both had a ball and he threw the lurcher's ball, Zena went after it, she got a "leave it", she left it (smug!) and came back to me for her ball. OMG, this is all going far too well............
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29-12-2010, 03:03 PM
AW, well done Zena and Helena - thats so sweet
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29-12-2010, 03:30 PM
*does a victory dance* Go Zena........
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03-01-2011, 03:20 PM
Only a little thing but was pleased with Bertie this morning

Normally he's quite OTT and 'full on' when playing with other dogs.

There is this springer called Monty that I walk sometimes and I had gotten permission to let him play with Bryn our whippet. I thought they'd get on well but Bryn got too excited and was too much for Monty so had to stop which was a shame.

Bertie (GSP) is over double the weight of Bryn and can act like a rhino as he's still young and doesn't realise quite how big and strong he is, but is a lovely big softie at heart. But I thought he'd be to boisterous for Monty.


This morning I was in one of our little padocks training Bertie and the lady with Monty walked past, Monty saw me and was going crazy at the gateway wanting to see me. Was not sure what to do but Bertie squeezed though the bars of the gate so I opened the gate to let them in and they had a lovely play and sniff around. Bertie was much more gentle than Bryn! And only played as much as Monty wanted too . Normally Bertie is full on wanting to play and thinking every dog loves him as much as he does them and wants to play just as much. But today Bertie really paced him self and Monty was happy to play with him. So maybe he's starting to grow up!

I know is only a little thing but I am really pleased that Bertie is starting to 'tone things down' a bit.

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