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23-04-2013, 09:54 AM
Myra, whilst I can sympathise with the fact you are clearly in-between a rock and a hard place with your mother, surely you must realise that this situation with Jade cannot go on?

If you really do love her, and I believe you do, you only have limited choices.

- You've now realised, albeit a bit too late the squalor in which she has been living in. So, you could get your butt in gear, make sure that situation NEVER arises again and start taking responsibility for her. It means quality time and care and if your mom won't let you do that then you need to take action or force her too.

- Find somewhere that will take her and do their best to rehabilitate her so she can live the rest of her life in peace and comfort.

- If that can't happen then sadly you may have to look at having her PTS given her history. It's been said many times before , but there are worse things that can happen to a dog then being PTS. The situation she is in at the moment, is looking very much like one of those.

I'm not disgusted at you, but hugely disappointed that you hadn't checked on her before now
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23-04-2013, 09:54 AM
Originally Posted by mjfromga View Post
Yes, it's 5:45 a.m. I haven't slept all night, and I said I was done with this thread, but I guess not :/ It was careless of me to not pay more attention to her, I know that. I got caught up with my puppy and I did abandon her to that treatment. I have admitted that and I know it was wrong. I want to HELP her, but I really don't want to put poor girl down.

I was able to put Brownie down because he was sick without a second thought, and I know the best thing to do is to probably put her down... but she's not sick and I'm really struggling to see it as truly the right thing to do. I'm so, so sad about the entire thing...
You keep saying sorry and have done since things went down hill again with Jade, but yet you haven't done anything to help her. To be honest, i have no idea how you can just forget about a dog and you should never have even considered getting another puppy until the situation with Jade was rectified but there you go.
So, here is my opinion, for what it's worth.

If you care at all DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT.
Seriously, it's as simple as that.
Don't think about getting in contact with a no-kill shelter. DO IT.
And until it's sorted, go and see and look after Jade EVERYDAY.
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23-04-2013, 09:55 AM
Originally Posted by mjfromga View Post
Jackbox, I said I was done too.. but I feel I owe you this response. People here SAW Jade with Brownie SEVERAL TIMES! Both indoors and outdoors. They got along pretty well and I used to bring them together all the time. I'll provide proof if you really want it.

I never said otherwise, BUT Jade still lived outside, for most of her life, did you walk Jade , take care of her for the 8/10 yrs of her life along with Brownie??

Because I am find it difficult to believe that the neglect she has had , has only just happened in the 2/3 weeks you have had your pup.

If this is the case then YOU ARE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE , for the state she is left in.

Its either, you have taken care of her for ALL her life , walking , playing and seeing to her needs, but when you got your pup , you neglected the care knowing no one else is bothered.

OR have never had any responsibility for Jade and she has been looked after well (or not ) all her life by your mother, but you decided on occasion bring her in to the house with Brownie, again forgetting she exists when you got the pup.

Either way, its despicable behaviour from someone who says they "love dogs"...
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23-04-2013, 10:02 AM
I have just read this post with tears running down my face , im sorry to say this but you arent a animal lover in my eyes ,how can you have a dog lying outside your home in there own filth and do nothing about it .I am also disgusted at the way you keep saying get rid of as though you are talking about the rubbish. What you did with Jade was show her some love and affection and then tossed her back outside ,disgusting.
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23-04-2013, 10:05 AM
Originally Posted by Dobionekenobi View Post
you should never have even considered getting another puppy until the situation with Jade was rectified .
Completely agree, thought it at the time, but never said because everyone was so supportive of her,

But my thoughts were....... she takes Jade in, shows her some love, then turfs her out again to a life she Knows is a misery, then within a heartbeat has a new pup.........

Take about turfing out the old and bringing in the new
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23-04-2013, 10:07 AM
Jackbox... her cage was never that disgusting, I promise you and I did walk her sometimes once I got old enough to where my mother couldn't completely boss me around and truly started feeling as if she was getting the short end of the stick. I also let her play with Brownie a LOT as well. I even began bringing her inside the house quite often.

It is clear her neglect began with my mother not even trying to train her or socialize her from the get-go. I let her around Brownie, my unneutered and most beloved male Lab mix who LOVED female dogs and would NEVER hurt them no matter how snippy they got.

My mom fed her and kept her area clean a while ago... it was only recently did it get so disgusting. I went back there all the time to get her and had I seen it was filthy like it was yesterday, I would have cleaned it... like... I did yesterday.

My mother buys her food, gives her water, feeds her, takes care of her vet needs, etc. It was originally her dog because I had a dog already, Brownie. I used to get her all the time to play and stuff, and my mother did a good job of keeping it clean but Jade bit her recently... and that is what caused the issue. I'm sure of it... and I know how my mother is.

I KNOW you likely think I'm totally lying, which is OKAY because it does sound like a lie... but I really would not leave a dog in horrid, horrid conditions and had I seen that filth a while ago when I used to get her... this wouldn't have happened.
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23-04-2013, 10:12 AM
Originally Posted by Dobionekenobi View Post
You keep saying sorry and have done since things went down hill again with Jade, but yet you haven't done anything to help her. To be honest, i have no idea how you can just forget about a dog and you should never have even considered getting another puppy until the situation with Jade was rectified but there you go.
So, here is my opinion, for what it's worth.

If you care at all DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT.
Seriously, it's as simple as that.
Don't think about getting in contact with a no-kill shelter. DO IT.
And until it's sorted, go and see and look after Jade EVERYDAY.
You're right. I was in grief over losing my baby boy and I also lost Jade as she couldn't be in the house and I acted too fast. I LOVE my puppy Nigredo and I wouldn't give him up for the world... but I can now see that it was wrong to do that to Jade.

I'm going to help her, like I've already said. I've already stated a million times that I know I was wrong. It's horrible to keep hearing it, and the more I think about the entire thing... the worse I feel about it. Ugh, I'm not going to sleep for a long time.

I also went through my old private channel and dug up some of Brownies old videos... which made me tear up missing him. So this has been a TERRIBLE night for me... and I'm sure I've done a swell job of ruining a few people's days as well...
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23-04-2013, 10:18 AM
You want to do the right thing by her, she obviously trusts you,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, why not rehome the Puppy and devote your time to Jade for the rest of her life, from what i can gather she's 7 or 8, you may only have a couple of years to make her life the best, because i'll be brutally honest, a 7 yr old GSD that has a history of biting would be hard pushed to find a home in this country let alone in compensation mad America, so all you will be doing is swapping one environment with no love or interaction for another. If you can't do this have the decency to put her out of her misery
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23-04-2013, 10:29 AM
Originally Posted by Lizzy23 View Post
You want to do the right thing by her, she obviously trusts you,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, why not rehome the Puppy and devote your time to Jade for the rest of her life, from what i can gather she's 7 or 8, you may only have a couple of years to make her life the best, because i'll be brutally honest, a 7 yr old GSD that has a history of biting would be hard pushed to find a home in this country let alone in compensation mad America, so all you will be doing is swapping one environment with no love or interaction for another. If you can't do this have the decency to put her out of her misery
Well, Jade would have to still be an outdoor dog unless I can truly talk some sense into my mother, which at this point I really doubt. Jade is between 8 and 10... I can't really keep track of her age anymore.

The dog only bit her owner, and there is no real record of that... besides my mom wasn't badly bitten, just grazed from food aggression. I don't think the shelter will take her and I know I can't re-home her at this point.

Your comment is valid, but I have spent a lot of time and money on Nigredo and he's now totally my best buddy, it would hurt so badly to get rid of him at this point. And NO he's not "rubbish" it's just how I word things, so please give me a break!

She's the SWEETEST girl in the world with me, and I'd like nothing better to bring her back in, and try and socialize her with my puppy and them become best friends! She's got a muzzle already and I know she'd be able to learn to like him if given enough time. I KNOW she can do it if my family doesn't interfere and cause problems, but the chances of that are extremely low.

But my mother isn't going to have that... she's now pretty scared of Jade and I doubt there is anything I can say that will change her mind even though she trusts me with dogs.

I'll consider that, but it's going to be really hard to say goodbye to my new buddy Nigredo. It's also going to be really hard to have sweet Jadey put down. For her sake, as well as mine and my families.. I'm going to seriously consider it though.
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23-04-2013, 11:04 AM
Originally Posted by mjfromga View Post
I was taking a nap in my room. Apparently, my mother came to feed Jade in my room while I was sleeping, thinking I'd over sleep etc. She mixed Jades canned food into her dry food since I'm feeding her some canned now. She put Jade's bowl down to eat.

Jade started eating. My mother had a 64 oz. bottle of water and bent to pour the water in the bowl right next to Jade. Jade apparently got aggressive and bit her on her hand. Note: Jade has NEVER shown food aggression before and we've gone through it and everything, so this was really, really unexpected.

It wasn't a bad bite. I was awoken by the noise and asked what happened and my mother explained and showed me the marks on her hand. Jade had also peed all over the floor. I inquired. My mother explained that she kicked Jade when Jade bit her and it scared Jade which is why she peed.

Attacking Blue (a cat who attacked her first), then snarling at my dad with teeth bared were strike one and two... biting my mother on her hand was strike three.

Sadly, I have the option of putting the dog back outside permanently, or giving the dog to the pound. At this point, my mother no longer truly cares what happens to her and is VERY angry about the entire thing.

I put her back into her backyard outdoor enclosure. After seeing how much happier she is indoors, it truly breaks my heart to have to do this.

I guess I could continue her leash work and stuff, but she's not allowed in the house anymore so I'm going to be away from her most of the time, ruining any real chance I had with actually bonding with her. I'm giving up, and giving the dog back to my mother. Let her do what she will with Jade

My mother says that she doesn't trust the dog and that she won't allow such a "crazy mongrel" in the house. While I truly believe that Jade can learn if enough time it put in, I understand my mothers point. It is mainly my mothers fault that Jade has as many problems as she does, but that is the way of things.

When I told my neighbor what happened, she jeered and said "You should have gotten a puppy, can't teach an old dog new tricks" and said she was happy that her "alarm system" had been reinstalled. Ugh!

I know I'm going to get a lot of heat for this, and a lot of suggestions and people telling me what I'm doing wrong, but my hands are truly tied. I can't allow Jade to scare the entire family. She can't wear a muzzle all the time, and I'm not sure what I could really say that might make my mother not fear Jade so much.
Hi No judgement,my only concern is you and the dog,If you do go through with putting her outside,she will think she is being punished,and will be expecting to be allowed in at some point,so she will develop pacing etc, which isnt fair to her.

I think and I am not referring to you she has been badly let down by us Humans, you have tried very hard to redress the problem,She was probably on guard when people walk into their space and acted accordingly. It is your decision at the end of the day not your mum or tom cobley and all,you are living with her,and she has not bitten the hand that feeds her.Everyone deserves a chance,and if you dont give her the chance,how will you feel sometime down the road when the dust has settled. I stress the dog is not at fault nor are you,but you have to make your own decision,and not let others make it for you.crystalgirl
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