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View Poll Results: Is CM improving as a TV trainer & offering more apt advice
Yes 45 52.33%
No 41 47.67%
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29-09-2009, 09:25 PM
Originally Posted by Ben Mcfuzzylugs View Post
Scarter, whenever I, or some of the others here try and post threads about other trainers none of the pros post a thing at all. TBH I think a big problem is that people dont look any further than him.
There has been some threads about dog borstal and its me or the dog and jan fennel but not as much as the CM man
I will start another thread - interesting to see if anyone joins it
I expect the reason for that is that they've found an approach that's working well for them and they don't see the need to slag off people that do things differently. And that makes sense - people that are confident and happy about what they are doing tend not to see the need to worry about others doing things differently.

But nevertheless, it's something that I think would be of value. I'm familiar with most of the TV programs and I've worked with lots of trainers and behaviorists. CM stands out as offering an important foundation that in my opinion the others all neglect. When challenged, most trainers agree wholeheartedly with that foundation but critisise some of his techniques and the theories that he uses to explain his intuition and experience. That's useful as it helps people to decide what to use and what to disregard.

But I would also like to see a bit more discussion about the shortcomings of the methods in other TV shows and those presented in dog training clubs throughout the country. In my opinion the biggest problem is that they seem to focus primarily on teaching tricks (walking to heel, sit, wait, etc) and not on the relationship between dog and owner.
Ben Mcfuzzylugs
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29-09-2009, 09:38 PM
Well I have started a thread - we will see.

Its an interesting point, I guess people go to training class to learn the basics
I would really love to do something like a controlled unleashed class, I love some of her ideas like the fact that she is more interested in getting the dog and handler focused and in the right place rather than rushing through excercises

I really want to run some kind of a class and I think you are totally right that more stress should be on how the dog learns not what it learns
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29-09-2009, 11:45 PM
Originally Posted by mishflynn View Post
i actually started this thread because i was wondering if he had got better.

I wish i could lock the bloody thing because im shocked that Tink has left because she felt upset by it all & no one should be made to feel like that.Being abit Snappy does not make me a bully, lol, it makes me snappy!!!!

But as im not a bully i dont care if CC calls me one at all, it just makes her alittle bit ........ (fill in your own thoughts here!!)

Anyhoooooooooooooooooo im still waiting for my "bully boy" comments to be posted /quoted on here!!!!
Nice to see we agree on one thing then (above in bold).

If you read my post again, you'll see that I said I wasn't labelling YOU as a bully, merely disgusted that you seemed to be excusing the behaviour of some on here that hounded (pardon the term ) tink from here (by saying that Trouble can take it without a problem). You've obviously chosen to pick the parts of my posts that suit, so you think what you like. It's in plain English for all to see.

As for your comment on "(fill in your own thoughts here)" - please, that's just so silly. If you want to say something about me, just say it! Can't be doing with all this teenage tripe

Also, you say you don't care that I called you a bully (which actually I didn't and have already explained my post that was directed at you) and yet you reported my post, made sure you told me of that fact and are still banging on about it

To be honest, you confuse me In one post you say that Trouble can handle the heat (in so many words) implying that the rest of us "pros" are making a fuss. Then you say you are shocked that tink has been so upset and that no-one should be made to feel that way. No wonder I'm confused about where you stand on this; you seem to be a little confused yourself

The person I think was mainly at fault for hounding tink off the thread appears to have disappeared (though she's posted on other threads). Pity she didn't leave the thread before she upset another member so much that she felt the need to leave Dogsey
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30-09-2009, 04:28 AM
Originally Posted by scarter View Post
I've always found the program very helpful. I wouldn't say that it's improved any in relation to the kind of thing that I'm interested in.

If you watch the program and see Ceasar Millan abusing dogs and recommending that you use harsh methods then you probably shouldn't follow his advise. (Unless you want to be cruel to your dog)

However, if you watch the progarm and see someone that clearly loves dogs, uses kind methods and shows how to develop a good relationship that results in a happy, well balanced dog then you'd be daft not to give it a try. And if it works well with your dog then stay with it!

The show has been a big help with resolving little problems with our dogs. We used to watch the show a lot before we got our oldest dog and found it very helpful. Then shortly after getting our dog we started training classes (an 'ignore the bad and reward the good' approach) and were 'warned off' the Dog Whisperer show.

We've come full circle and started watching the show again and following CM's advise with great results. We've taken on board a lot of the advice received from various trainers, but there was something lacking. The Dog Whisperer show fills those gaps and has resulted in our dogs being better behaved and more content.

It's OK to find someone's training methods unacceptable. It really is. It's a free country and we're each able to choose the methods that we feel are best for our dogs.

What I think would be useful and balanced is anti-all-the-other-trainers-training-methods thread (other being not CM) so that we can get a much clearer picture of the downsides and pit-falls of other training methods. That could have saved me making quite a few mistakes with my dogs!!
This is a very Good Balanced posts, making some good points.
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30-09-2009, 05:43 AM
Originally Posted by CheekyChihuahua View Post

Look at the abuse myself and other "pros" have "suffered" being accused by members of being violent/abusive to our dogs and all sorts, simply because we follow some of CM's methods. Those people are still posting on here and still making the same sick comments to CM'ers!!!!!!!!
If you have experienced any suffering, it was brought on by yourself and you then blamed it on others. Any abuse? You've imagined it. People were firm but fair in their dealings with you.
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30-09-2009, 06:18 AM
Originally Posted by Gnasher View Post
No Ramble, you are wrong in that I don't give myself the credit for my dog's training, I give Cesar the credit.

Assuming your dog is entire, I would be very concerned if a male entire dog of mine didn't show a healthy interest in a bitch in season.
I have no worries with him, I know why he does it...his sister taught him (long story)....
Whoever trained him (it was you by the way, I am guessing you have never met CM)...he still isn't as well trained as you appear to think that he is.
Originally Posted by Gnasher View Post
Actually Mish, CC does have a point.

I am not saying YOU are a bully, on the whole ... give or take the odd snap or two ... as I have said before, I find you play with a straight bat, despite the fact you intensely dislike CM's methods. That's fine, I don't have a problem with that, and I guess neither would CC.

However, what CC and I DO definitely have a problem with is that just because she and I, and others too, on the whole like the little guy, and like his methods, we are subjected to sarcasm, abuse and yes ... bullying. I know I have a well behaved, obedient, biddable dog, who is not only adored by us his family, he has a fan club at each of the several hostelries we regularly visit, with a constant stream of children wanting to pat the wolf !! Their word, not mine !!

He has actually become a bit of an ambassador as it were for those children who are terrified of dogs. A few minutes with Tai, and we virtually always have a conversion. They cannot resist his lovely bushy tail, which I tell them I use as a make up brush every morning !
I have no doubt you have a lovely dog. Peope on here do have lovely dogs. It sort of goes without saying. I also have dogs that have converted scared children...
I can't stand CM.

I have to say....your posts GNasher are well balanced and thought out (as were TV's..who I thought I was having a good chat with on here...)Trouble is also exceptionally pleasant even when you disagree with her. Unfortunately I have only seen CC post inflammatory remarks and join in when she has decided someone can't say something and then the 'bullying' thing flairs up again.I have only one person on ignore on here. I did check out one of their posts recently to see if anything had hadn't and it's tiresome. I see only one bully on these threads.

No anti CMers are bullies...just people expressing their is a difficult topic as as soon as someone says CM advocates 'kicking/choking' and the like...thepro CMers feel if we are saying they abuse their dogs so healthy debate becomes difficult. I personally am not thinking anyone on these threads abuses their dogs..but it doesn't stop me seeing CM doing it on the tele every week. (Not that I tend to watch much anymore as my son can't stand watching what he does to the dogs and gets upset....)

Would be nice if we could all advance from the 'bullying theme' and assume no one thinks anyone on this thread is hurting their dogs...and take it from there.
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30-09-2009, 07:02 AM
Originally Posted by mishflynn View Post
i actually started this thread because i was wondering if he had got better.

I wish i could lock the bloody thing because im shocked that Tink has left because she felt upset by it all & no one should be made to feel like that.
Being abit Snappy does not make me a bully, lol, it makes me snappy!!!!

But as im not a bully i dont care if CC calls me one at all, it just makes her alittle bit ........ (fill in your own thoughts here!!)

Anyhoooooooooooooooooo im still waiting for my "bully boy" comments to be posted /quoted on here!!!!
That is precisely what I was saying m'dear ! That you are NOT a bully, but others definitely are ! Lord knows, I'm snappy enough, snappy as you rightly point out, does not make you a bully. It makes you a person who cares deeply about something.
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30-09-2009, 07:08 AM
Originally Posted by lilypup View Post
gnasher it is fantastic that you have well behaved dogs and no-one would take that away from you.

what you and cc seem unable to accept is that some of cm's methods are unacceptable to some people.

i'm all for anyone wanting to help dogs that others have given up on and cm certainly appears to do just that at times. the issue has always been the way he gets his results with the so-called 'red zone' cases and whenever he applies dominant force to his 'rehabilitation'.

i know that i would not allow anyone to use some of the methods he employs on my dogs. i haven't heard you or other cm fans say that they would be happy to have these methods used on your own dogs either.

it seems crazy to continue this whole debate without reaching some kind of understanding here.
Hi lilypup. CC and I DO accept that some people just find CM's methods totally unacceptable. That's fine, just as it is fine for US to find them acceptable ... you anti's can have your point of view, and we can have our's. Somewhere inbetween those two extreme views, is a wide open blank space upon which we should be able to debate, argue, even rant ... BUT NICELY !! That means without getting down dirty and personal, with wild accusations and insinuations flying around, turning this nice wide open blank space into the Somme !

The way I see it is that we should be able to discuss and debate the fascinating subject of dog training/rehabilitation without knocking the 7 bells out of each other - metaphorically speaking of course.

You are a reasonable person, some are not, but you don't need me to tell you this.
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30-09-2009, 07:10 AM
Originally Posted by scarter View Post
I've always found the program very helpful. I wouldn't say that it's improved any in relation to the kind of thing that I'm interested in.

If you watch the program and see Ceasar Millan abusing dogs and recommending that you use harsh methods then you probably shouldn't follow his advise. (Unless you want to be cruel to your dog)

However, if you watch the progarm and see someone that clearly loves dogs, uses kind methods and shows how to develop a good relationship that results in a happy, well balanced dog then you'd be daft not to give it a try. And if it works well with your dog then stay with it!

The show has been a big help with resolving little problems with our dogs. We used to watch the show a lot before we got our oldest dog and found it very helpful. Then shortly after getting our dog we started training classes (an 'ignore the bad and reward the good' approach) and were 'warned off' the Dog Whisperer show.

We've come full circle and started watching the show again and following CM's advise with great results. We've taken on board a lot of the advice received from various trainers, but there was something lacking. The Dog Whisperer show fills those gaps and has resulted in our dogs being better behaved and more content.

It's OK to find someone's training methods unacceptable. It really is. It's a free country and we're each able to choose the methods that we feel are best for our dogs.

What I think would be useful and balanced is anti-all-the-other-trainers-training-methods thread (other being not CM) so that we can get a much clearer picture of the downsides and pit-falls of other training methods. That could have saved me making quite a few mistakes with my dogs!!
Great post, sensibly put
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30-09-2009, 07:14 AM
Originally Posted by Ben Mcfuzzylugs View Post
Scarter, whenever I, or some of the others here try and post threads about other trainers none of the pros post a thing at all. TBH I think a big problem is that people dont look any further than him.
There has been some threads about dog borstal and its me or the dog and jan fennel but not as much as the CM man
I will start another thread - interesting to see if anyone joins it
Ben : the old saying goes "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" !

CM worked for Hal, and works for Tai, end of. Both were/are supremely happy, and in the case of Tai, extraordinarily obedient, biddable and just fantastic compared to what he was like when we first had him.

I do like Jan Fennell, and I love watching dog borstal. I have watched almost all of the Dog Whisperer episodes shown on Freeview (we don't have Sky), if not all of them, some episodes several times over, and I have plumped for CM. However, that does not go to say that I am deaf to what I have heard and seen on Dog Borstal.
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