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06-07-2009, 12:06 PM
Just cleared that lot up then! What I didn't like was the fact that there was rice in it and that was fed at 8.30 this morning - should have gone by now??? That could be the reason she was sick, because the stomach was still holding onto this morning's breakfast but whY?

I just rang the vets. The puters are down, they can't take any appointments. Zena is sleeping. They reckon 2 hours they can phone me back. I could go to another one of their surgeries further away but they're fully booked because of this I'm having a nightmare here! I will see a vet later and I might suggest they keep her in and get this sorted. They have had no cases of parvo in of late, no abundance of sickness/diarrhea either coz I asked her, so what the flaming heck is this then? I wonder if the electrolytes made her sick or even the probiotics then? I am going to put her back on my own chicken and rice tonight and leave that kibble alone, coz it might have been that, she didn't like it anyway. Oh Lordy give me strength!
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06-07-2009, 12:10 PM
Hi Helena, am so sorry for you and your dogs, at least I only have 1 with the problem!! yes, thank you I am getting loads of advise at your expense!! and from your last post have decided to keep Coco on her normal food as she is only 11 months and needs it, am giving her less, and also giving her cooked chicken breast, hopefully she will get over it, have not a clue what caused her upset tummy, she only got sick on Friday night, so at least its only one end I have to deal with! sending hugs to your 2 and hope they will be better soon xx
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06-07-2009, 12:15 PM
Thanks Wendyann.No, Zena hasn't been sick either since last Thursday, but this has been going on too long now, and when I take her back later I might ask that they keep her in and get to the bottom of this, it's not right, and it's going on too long now I think!

I'm at a loss as to what to do about the food. I don't know whether to try her again with this new bag of Hills I/D they gave me this morning, but then that might have caused her sickness, she didn't like it at all I could go back to her old Hill's Puppy kibble which she's always been on right from the start, or I could go back to my chicken and rice, I'll just have to see what the vet says later IF I get to see one!

I knew she wasn't right after that meal, the way she looked and stared and I said it way back in my post didn't I!!!! I know my dogs and something is amiss Georgie's fine now though!

I might do what you are doing and just go back to my kibble and feed her less of it with some chicken and keep her on the ab's and take it from there!
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06-07-2009, 12:46 PM
Sorry to be so thick!! bit are ab's anti biotics? if so, my vet would not put Coco on them. She is charging round the garden like a lunatic ( typical boxer ) at the moment, so feel there could not be too much wrong with her, apart from upset tum, would you not go back to the puppy kibble if she likes it, just till her tummy settles again, little and often is what my vet has said!!
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06-07-2009, 01:19 PM
Well this might be interesting to you Wendyann. I just found a forum where they were talking about yellow diarrhea (be it in America!) and it seems to be quite common, apart from the fact it could point to parvo, but then our dogs would be sick, really sick,and they're not are they! Anyways, they talk about the chicken and rice bit, BUT, they also say, if you feed it too long it backfires and you end up with the diarrhea again, and for me, don't forget Zena was already having that tinned chicken and rice Royal Canin because of the episode a week ago, so maybe that's what's happening here. I think I might go by gut instinct and change her to her normal kibble now, give the pills with a bit of chicken, or a bit of chicken liver I got this morning for that reason. I'm stopping the electrolytes but I'll continue with the pro-biotics. I am going to listen to my vet when she says our human yoghurt is not right for dogs, you need a special one, ie. that Lacto-B or the other one that T put up for us.

My dog is the same, she was running around like a loon, there is nothing wrong with her, and I think the fact that she threw up that lunch has something to do with those ab's (YES, anti-biotics! Lol!) they really are awful things those Metronidazole I have them myself sometimes.

Another factor is, the new kibble she gave me I was quite horrified when she told me the amount I had to feed in FOUR MEALS (she always has 4 meals anyways) but one whole cupfull each time, right to the brim of a LARGE plastic measuring beaker! Now, I've had this dog for 5 months now and she has only been getting half that amount, she's full of energy and weighs the correct weight, and quite honestly I think that was far, far too much in one go no wonder she threw it all up!

She's sleeping like a baby, no distressed breathing, totally relaxed so let's hope I'm right about that kibble. If anything, I might use that kibble but feed only half the amount, but quite honestly, she hates it, and again, it's probably blooming chicken and rice and not half as nice as what mummy cooks and it could be having that backfiring effect anyways! Apparently, this kibble will support her growth though, but does that really matter for one week I ask???!!!
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06-07-2009, 02:29 PM
Interesting! well, I am definatly finished with chicken and rice!! I fed her her normal nuts at 9 then at one she had a cooked chicken breast, and will feed her nuts again at 6pm, but as I said a little less than usual! she is aleep now, and loks relaxed, her ears are sitting right, which I noticed they looked different for the last 3 days, fingers crossed for both of us!! let me know how you get on please!
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06-07-2009, 02:48 PM
Originally Posted by Helena54 View Post
Well this might be interesting to you Wendyann. I just found a forum where they were talking about yellow diarrhea (be it in America!) and it seems to be quite common, apart from the fact it could point to parvo, but then our dogs would be sick, really sick,and they're not are they! Anyways, they talk about the chicken and rice bit, BUT, they also say, if you feed it too long it backfires and you end up with the diarrhea again, and for me, don't forget Zena was already having that tinned chicken and rice Royal Canin because of the episode a week ago, so maybe that's what's happening here.
I am following these posts with interest because Tala has started with diarrhoea again and it's yellow! She is getting the enzymes so it can't be EPI. She's finished her course of abs for the campylobactor. And she is still on chicken and rice because the vet wanted her to stay on it for a month to test for food allergies. I am rapidly coming to the conclusion that she may have an allergy to chicken if anything as she is not doing well on it. A week ago she found and demolished a dead rabbit and her digestion improved no end!
Poor soul she is constantly hungry, still losing weight and the vet has now said she can have the Hill's zd diet. So do I follow my instincts which say put her back on the Burns lamb and rice or do I go with the vet's recommendation but I bet this diet he advised is chicken based.
omg they are such a worry
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Tupacs2legs is offline  
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06-07-2009, 02:51 PM
Originally Posted by Helena54 View Post
Well this might be interesting to you Wendyann. I just found a forum where they were talking about yellow diarrhea (be it in America!) and it seems to be quite common, apart from the fact it could point to parvo, but then our dogs would be sick, really sick,and they're not are they! Anyways, they talk about the chicken and rice bit, BUT, they also say, if you feed it too long it backfires and you end up with the diarrhea again, and for me, don't forget Zena was already having that tinned chicken and rice Royal Canin because of the episode a week ago, so maybe that's what's happening here. I think I might go by gut instinct and change her to her normal kibble now, give the pills with a bit of chicken, or a bit of chicken liver I got this morning for that reason. I'm stopping the electrolytes but I'll continue with the pro-biotics. I am going to listen to my vet when she says our human yoghurt is not right for dogs, you need a special one, ie. that Lacto-B or the other one that T put up for us.

My dog is the same, she was running around like a loon, there is nothing wrong with her, and I think the fact that she threw up that lunch has something to do with those ab's (YES, anti-biotics! Lol!) they really are awful things those Metronidazole I have them myself sometimes.

Another factor is, the new kibble she gave me I was quite horrified when she told me the amount I had to feed in FOUR MEALS (she always has 4 meals anyways) but one whole cupfull each time, right to the brim of a LARGE plastic measuring beaker! Now, I've had this dog for 5 months now and she has only been getting half that amount, she's full of energy and weighs the correct weight, and quite honestly I think that was far, far too much in one go no wonder she threw it all up!

She's sleeping like a baby, no distressed breathing, totally relaxed so let's hope I'm right about that kibble. If anything, I might use that kibble but feed only half the amount, but quite honestly, she hates it, and again, it's probably blooming chicken and rice and not half as nice as what mummy cooks and it could be having that backfiring effect anyways! Apparently, this kibble will support her growth though, but does that really matter for one week I ask???!!!
im sure im beggining to bore you now
if i was you i would try phasing in slowly ,her normal kibble with either the chicken(no rice)or the dry food the vets gave you and pro-biotic do this over a 5-7 day period,in lots of small meals,but underfeed her slightly.please dont give her any extras or tid-bits(sorry)i do think the amount you were told to were too large(her tummy has been through alot)dont expect it to firm up right away but it should firm up day by day.if she was ok on her kibble before i dont see why it wont be again given time.
let me know how she gets on plz i know it can be a pain,my dogs have v sensitive tums and my old boy had colitis for 16years of his life(he died at 17!)
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06-07-2009, 03:27 PM
Hi Talassie. Can I just ask you about that EPI, as you know my previous gsd had this condition. Did your vet send the blood test away at a cost of £100 for this to be done?? If not, then he cannot say she has EPI, because this blood test can only be done at one (maybe two!) places in the whole of the country, and nowhere else, definitely not in-house! Strange what you said about that rabbit too, because I myself am having a very high gut feeling here, that if I fed my dog raw it would cure all, but that's just a little gut instinct I have going on, but I daren't actually do it! Good luck with Tala, do what you instinct tells you, nobody knows your dog better than you do they, and these vets don't always know the best when it comes to feeding do they.

Oh, you're not boring me one little bit, you're helping me out tremendously and from what you are saying, that's exactly what I'm thinking of doing myself. I cannot believe I did what that vet nurse told me and fed her 140 grammes all in one go with a bit of chicken, no wonder she threw it all up, her stomach's got more sense than we have!!!

I don't want to scare myself even more, but whilst searching on google I did come across salmonella which manifests itself like this, the vet also mentioned it on Saturday (whereas you have Campylobacter Talassie, very similar thing, I've had that myself!)and another symptom is red and swollen eyes, and this morning, I looked at Zena's face to give her a big kiss and I noticed that they had swollen underneath the eyes, I could squidge them they were all jellified, and then I pulled down her lower lid and boy are they red! I have to get her back to that vet and if not today, then first thing tomorrow with the poo samples coz I've got to go with those anyway.

Tonight I am going to give her, well, try her again with that Hill I/C sensitive, but only half the amount with a tiny bit of shredded chicken. Then same again at 7pm with the pills, hopefully If she won't touch it, then I'm reverting back to my Hill's Puppy she's always been on, surely I wouldn't have to wean her back on it when she's been on it for life? If all else fails, she'll get the cooked chicken and rice that I've made up myself with the pills. It's imperative that I get those ab's into her, let alone support her growth, that can wait until this is all over I'm sure of that!

Another thing that's been harping on my memory again is those marrowbones. They got hold of one 5 days after coz Zena had hidden it out there, and I caught them chewing on it, the flies had probably been on it out in the sun, and it has been kind of since then with a few up's and down's especially with Zena last Tuesday night like that, and I'm now thinking that's the reason they both have the same thing, and that would probably be salmonella or e-coli or campylobacter none of which are good, and they last about a week with this diarrhea but they usually get over it.

Oh these dogs! No wonder Dave said no more dogs and now he's saying "you wanted another one, get on with it"!!!!
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06-07-2009, 03:49 PM
bless, hope they are feeling better soon.
Fred has recently had a bug, he had really bad diarrhoea for a week, he had antibiotics, paste and antiinflammatory jab and it's only just cleared up. I find mash potato with no milk or butter best with steamed fish, chicken or scrambled eggs (again no milk or butter). Mine wont eat rice, they hate it. Vet said mash was easier to digest too, but I did notice Fred's poos were yellow too (now back to nice brown poops today) hurray
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