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05-03-2011, 10:51 PM
Originally Posted by Westie_N View Post
Sorry if I've missed the answer to this question already, but here goes....

Gnasher, have you ever tried the e-collar on yourself - at all levels - with someone else controlling it without you knowing when it's coming?
No, I haven't, only the vibrate. I do not use the e collar on Ben, OH does. If I did use it, then yes, I would try it on myself.

OH has though. Sick ******* screamed and jumped when he put it on and told me to try it out, and then fell about laughing when I burst into tears. He told me not to be so wet, and then proceeded to shock himself right up to the maximum strength. He said it felt similar to the games he and his friends used to play when they were young holding on to a live electric fence and seeing who could hold on to it the longest. Having made the mistake of sitting down on an electric fence when I was climbing across a stile once I know how painful that can be. I have no doubt that an e collar set on the highest level hurts - although Ben has very thick fur, with a double coat so therefore less painful than for a bare-armed human, nonetheless for the split second he has been nicked - twice - it would have hurt him. He yelped, I have said this before, and on both occasions he returned immediately to his master. Since then, the dog has barely put a paw wrong. I am glad that the momentary pain the dog had to suffer was not in vain - if the e collar had not (seemingly) solved the problem we had with Ben's recall, I would have been extremely upset.

Yet another day has gone by, with Ben still not having to be confined to the lead, still a very happy bunny running round the fields and woods with Tai.

So far, so good. I am sorry so many of you think what we have done is so cruel - I am just thrilled to have a dog who comes when he is called, like my beloved Tai. Who incidentally is benefitting from the Fish 4 Dogs biscuits that we use to reward Ben - it wouldn't be fair to give a biscuit to Ben, and not to Tai or Little Man, so we now have THREE happy doggies.
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05-03-2011, 10:53 PM
Originally Posted by settagirl View Post
A question for you... if it was allowed, would you put an ecollar on your child to shock it into doing as it was told?
No probably not, as that would hurt poor little child, but its acceptable in your eyes to shock a dog, who has no idea what you are doing???!

(ETA.. I don't suggest putting an ecollar on a child btw, as I quite like most kids and hate ecollars!!)
Hi Tabitha! Funny you should say that - I said to Mike this morning in bed - as my daughter blasted her way out of the house, slamming the door and leaving a trail of destruction behind her - "how about we use the e collar on H?"

Only joking, before seven bells of hell fall on my head - but I have to confess it crossed my mind
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05-03-2011, 10:54 PM
Originally Posted by Moonstone View Post
Good point, maybe Gnashers OH should wear it , and when he least expects it, she can shock him
Already done it, you're too late!
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05-03-2011, 10:56 PM
Originally Posted by mishflynn View Post
IE you have both done F.all to train this recall, tryed something, TRYED not TRAINED, for the weekend, then moved on.

You really dont deserve your dogs imo.Time & effort

BTW please dont PM me anymore, its pathetic, you can say anything you want to me on this thread, defend your self on here so everyone can hear your drivel.

& since youve never tryed it on yourself, you are just a wimp & a cop out.
Have it on for the day tomoorrow & get your OH to zap you on & off for a hour, so u never know when its coming

"he looks up at his name usually" the Ecolar not worked then has it.
100% nameresponse is success. How strange my last two northern breeds ive trained have 100% name response, one pure sibe, one akita x mal. Much more untrainable with their heritage than your Sibexgsd x BC, Lets face it GSDs & BCs are both KNOWN for their good recalls
My dogs are neither GSDs or BCs, so not sure what your point is. Until you can at least make an attempt to be civil, Mish, I cannot communicate with you, by PM, or on this forum.

Why did you respond to my PM if you didn't want to communicate me in this way. Jeez, just press the delete button !!
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05-03-2011, 11:02 PM
Originally Posted by Gnasher View Post
and on both occasions he returned immediately to his master.
HAHAHAHAHAHA! Master?! Don't make me laugh, what kind of planet do you live on?!

"and on both occasions he returned immediately to his ABUSER!"

Don't bother replying, that's the second and last time I come to this thread. Makes me sick. I've got the same sick feeling I got last week when I first hand witnessed a man repeatedly kicking his dog in the park. You people are not worthy of dogs.
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05-03-2011, 11:04 PM
Originally Posted by Tupacs2legs View Post
Gnasher posted this to get a reaction..Gnasher likes to fuel the fire..Gnasher cant be bothered to either train her dog or answer our questions even tho it was she that started this debate knowing fullwell what the reaction would be.(she states that in her first post)

what is it exactly the mods are meant to be doing iyo

do not like the tone..its simple,do not read the thread
ABSOLUTELY NOT!! I did what I did, KNOWING the flack I was going to most probably get, because i was trying to point out that there is sometimes more than 1 way to skin a cat. That sometimes extreme methods have to be used for an extreme problem.

I have always said how I do not like e collars, I still don't, but I have always said that I believed for EXTREME CASES an e collar could be justified. I supported CM in his use of an e collar on Daddy to make him totally not want to go anywhere near a rattlesnake. Not an adder, which is the only dangerous snake we have in this country, with a bite no worse than a bee sting, but a RATTLESNAKE which can kill even a large dog like mine with 1 little bite. I consider Daddy wanting to attack rattlesnakes a VERY extreme situation, no time to fart about with kinder methods, something had to be done and done quickly.

Our situation with Ben whilst maybe not quite so dramatic was serious nonetheless - to us, and I am not going to elaborate any more on the level of the problem we had, but it goes way above what I have been prepared to reveal on a public forum. The only option was to keep him on a lead the whole time, and this we are not prepared to do.

All I wanted to do was to state - very honestly - that e collars may occasionally be a useful tool in an extreme situation with an extreme dog.

Please do not tell me that I started this off just to be inflammatory. Believe me, I am one very busy lady, and I have better things to do with my time
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05-03-2011, 11:09 PM
Oh lord I actually gave Gnasher the benefit of the doubt there for a minute....

Sorry it's beyond the pale now. You go off and have a lovely relationship with your OH, your dog and the electricity - I don't think we really want to know, any more.
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05-03-2011, 11:11 PM
Originally Posted by Cachapman710 View Post
You obviously know Gnasher or at least know how she operates on here. I know nothing about her or her dogs.
I don't agree with her using an e collar nor do I agree with the tone of 'some' of the comments on here. I feel it has become a personal attack on the OP.

As for the comment if I don't like the tone don't read it? How would I know what tone etc if I didn't read it?

I will pm a mod and let them know my opinion. I wasn't trying to insult any of them, I was merely stating how I personally see things.
No she does not, Tupacs does not know me, she has never met me or my dogs, and yet continues to tell me what my dogs are! I find this extraordinary, and actually laughable. I would not dream of telling her that her dog is not a CSV, it's a Saarloos, or that her Sibe is a Malamute, or whatever, even if I suspected or thought it.

However, Tupacs and I "know" each other quite well from Dogsey and chew the fat over many issues, and sometimes have a bit of a spat. Tupacs recently was convinced that I was not telling the truth when I said that Hal had been hip scored and the results were excellent. She struggled to believe, I think, not that the results were good but that Hal had been scored at all! I actually had to go to enormous trouble to scan his certificate in and post it up on the site, and then an apology had to be wrung out of her!! I actually found this highly amusing, and was not offended at all, because i am that sort of person. Her response to me was extremely funny actually, despite the fact I was highly annoyed at having my word doubted

I digress. I must get back to wading through pages of posts!
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05-03-2011, 11:12 PM
Originally Posted by NOUSHKA05 View Post
OMG thats a pathetic excuse poor Ben
Try reading some more of my posts instead of just listening to tittle tattle, huh?
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05-03-2011, 11:16 PM
Originally Posted by Cachapman710 View Post
I have Not read the whole thread, sorry i should of made that clear.
I have no intention of Reporting any thing to mods. I just wanted to pm one to explain my comment in here.
Thanx for your support, even though I know you don't agree with the use of e collars - I am the cruellest, foulest, wickedest person in the universe, who doesn't look after her dogs, who is lazy, can't be bothered to train them etc etc on and on !!

The fact that our dogs are the centre of our universe, dominate our lives, come everywhere with us because they are so distraught if we leave them, cost us a bally fortune, eat better than we do ... even our holidays are centred around them and our social life, no going anywhere for us where we can't take our dogs ... counts for absolutely zilch.

We are horrible, bad, wicked wicked people ... and I really wish someone would tell Tai and Ben this
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