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16-09-2013, 01:11 PM
Eileen - if you needed a 34F or G bra, had a 38" waist, and 34" hips, would you consider that fat? I do not think I was that fat when pregnant at full term.

Pat - good news [I hope] about the Nexus and the printer.

- I buzzed across to the macolet this morning, and as I have to drive a wee bit past it to get up onto the pavement [no, those pavements are not being replaced], I noticed that Orli's car was still outside the clinic. It is not a proper road, more a roller-coaster of compacted stones and dirt which is OK for cars [if the drivers do not care too much about their shock absorbers] or heavy trucks, and which requires zigsag driving to avoid the holes and dips and mounds and the half hidden drainage pipes for me on Xanadu, but it is a short-cut to the clinic instead of driving down the road, then turning left, and then driving up the other end of this "road" to get to the clinic. A short-cut mainly for pedestrians really.

So I parked outside and yelled for Orli [our nurse] who came trotting out with two bags of my chronic meds, August's and September's [how come I did not get August's when I should???] with next lot due mid October. Or something.

She wanted to see my ankle/foot and tut-tutted and I said I had done as Olga had supposedly told my neighbour when she picked up the 'scrip and got the cream which was to apply it twice a day for seven days, and not to cover it. Well after seven days it was still 'orrid looking and 'urting so I carried on for another seven days until the tube was empty. Mind you, the instructions in the tube said to use 3-4 times a day for two weeks...

Anyhow, there is no infection but a nawful mess of unhealed scarring so she said 'ang onna minnim, went back in and came out with a sealed 100g jar of Silverol [Silver Sulphadiazine] which she said will help the scarring heal, and to keep it, the jar, safe as it will be ideal for the next ankle/calf/foot wound that I am bound to get sooner or later. Goes back to the fire and damage caused to my feet and lower legs then - means slightest scratch or break in the skin gets infected, so a very useful freebee indeed!
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16-09-2013, 01:12 PM
Originally Posted by tawneywolf View Post
Phew what a horrid day!!! Just as I was set to go out the heavens opened and it was like someone was chucking buckets of water at the windows. That stopped, so whizzed Cariad and Keshi onto the field for a run round and a training session. Started raining on the way back, but had stopped when I got home. Lona and Mabs then went for a walk near the river, it is running very high, but there is a very overgrown bit (where MercMan is building his houses ) where they can have a run round and sniff out of sight of anyone else, so did that with them.
Just cleaned out, put black bag full of Asda bags packed with wet shavings etc in the bin and am now ready for a hair wash etc. still need to go out and do stuff as well though.
If it is Bella on that dog then she is surely set for World Domination, the first step being Attack At Dawn
Eileen, I did send the pencils over to you by Pony Express, have packed a back pack full of especially pointy ones and Lona has text me to say she is boarding the ferry now and will be with you asap.
Lynn, you are let off, because you are Doing Other Things, but this packing malarky is going to creep up on you and then you will be having a Breakdown all over the place. Vera was good last night wasn't it. Getting a padded cell made in the corner of sickbay in case it is needed urgently.
Glad to hear Nippy enjoyed her stay in sick bay and the catering was to her high standards
Pat great news on the Lexus and the printer, if this guy is coming anywhere near Manchester, maybe he can call in and sort my technology out.
Malka, you weigh the same as Lona, congratualations (I think) special maternity bed being wheeled in to accommodate you.
Now listen you lot - it is a NEXUS, not a LEXUS (Lexus is a car isn't it?) A Google Nexus7. Dead but soon to be brought back from the grave.

I will never use it outside of it's protective leather cover again.

I plan to make my lads feel guilty later when I tell them not to worry THE NICE MAN upstairs is sorting it out for me lol!

Oh make me go to the shops. I'm letting jobs pile up again and I know I'll feel better if I do them. I feel like a stroppy kid 'don't wanna do it so ain't gonna do it so there'. Ridiculous way to carry on at my age! (oh, hang on, maybe I'm turning into Lynn lol!)
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16-09-2013, 01:20 PM
Good Windy Afternoon all...

So very sorry not had time to do proper catch up I did manage to read saturday as I needed to see where Lynn was going to lay her hat.... I am so happy you now seem a little upbeat about moving....

The new teef look amazing there Helena, I alas cant garotte myself on my washing as it broke with a line full of washing on it yesterday so I am now looking at getting a "wire core washing line"... So sorry your spare room is causing you some upset TW, So pleased the Nexus is being revived, and I see the sick room is filling up again....

to everyone else

We had a very busy weekend with all the logging we got done seven loads and still more to get this weekend, eversuffering husband is gonna be sooooooo busy with his chainsaw

We lit the fire last night, first one of the season....might even light it again tonight, it feels really autumnal out there, with the wind and heavy showers

Not much on this week, just got to fetch the chicken carcases tomorrow or wednesday, then I think batten down the hatches and stay in the warm, I do so much like it when it's sunny and warm.... my poor chicks are feeling the cold too, bless them....I will try to get some pics for later.
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16-09-2013, 01:37 PM
Great minds think alike GB, just brought in a plastic skip of firewood from the coal bunker, my wheelie bins are full and I have some full sacks on top of them, so first task is to empty the coal bunker then I will start doing wood runs.
Great thing about a mid terrace is that it keeps warm as long as both sides have their heating on, and they did!!!!
But I will succumb tonight I think because it was cold this morning, nice warm radiators once the fire is lit.
Am hoping Home Bargains have got smokeless fuel in again this year, I usually get a load delivered when I get my winter fuel payment, but it will be the odd bag here and there when I can afford it this year. Never mind loadsa FREE wood out there, meaning FREE heating and hot water. I like to have some coal though because it means when it gets really cold the fire stays in more or less overnight if I bank it up properly. I saw quite a few logs when I was in the woods with Cariad and Keshi on Saturday, so I need to take the car as to it as possible then bag them, even if its only once a week it will mount up.
Sorry Pat, NEXUS, 50 lines....NEXUS....NEXUS......NEXUS
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16-09-2013, 01:45 PM
TW,will keep an eye out for Pony Express,doubt its gonna take something slightly bigger mind,threat of pointy lead doesn't seem to be shifting party in question
Had a lovely sleep,then shower,feel way better now,defo be existing the sick bay by tomorrow I reckon Gonna go pick Lacey up,do the school run and pop down to Marks,get something quick and easy for the girls.Was just in the garage ready to take the rubbish down the tip when the bin men pulled up and relieved me of it...very kind Must remember them at Christmas
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16-09-2013, 01:57 PM
Oh what a larf this thread is today I've really enjoyed this catch up on here, cheered me up a treat

On my way to Dunelms (yes I know, but I needed a new light coloured shaggy rug for my new bedroom for Zena to flop down on when she's tired of her bed, and for me to scrunch my toes in when I get up in the middle of the night to get to the en-suite) and I needed a new table lamp (that shade I swapped just doesn't do it in there anymore) for my bedside table and now it is complete, new bed, new rug, new lamp, oh and I bought new curtains but they were in the sale and they're winter curtains cos they're darker (same colour as new bed) and warmer, and now that these final little touches have been made, it's all luffley and finished and looks really fab, will post up piccie later but will make sure Zena is included Pat!

Just heard from a friend I haven't heard from in a year, lovely chatty e-mail so I had to reply to that telling her about my recent woes.

June, if you Google air freshener bombs you will see what I mean, they use them a lot in the car trade. Dave has a couple down in the garage he bought them for the van but I don't like them cos they're apple and I'm more of a citrus, spring fresh, mountain air, smelling type of girl, so you are welcome to try one if you like, just get on my website and send me an e-mail with your address and I will get it off to you ok. Such a sad shame about your beloved carpet in that lovely room, but new carpet really is the only wtg to get it back again.

Lynn, you will find this is now THE worst part heading your way I'm afraid You only have to remember what I went through, it seems we have to do most of their work for them nowadays, plus keep putting a rocket up their a*ses to get things moving. If I didn't have e-mail contact and phone numbers for both my vendors and purchasers I don't think we'd be living in this house now, and that's fact! Even on the day of exchange, if it was not for the fact that my buyers e-mailed me asking us what the hell was going on because his solicitor was ready to exchange and my solicitor was ignoring him WTF? I got onto my solicitors managed to get hold of the girl dealing with it and she said she wasn't going to exchange because she hadn't received something important on our PURCHASE and it wasn't allowed to exchange on the sale without the other otherwise we would be homeless. I had to tell her in no uncertain terms to h*ll with us being homeless (we had a caravan!) just SELL otherwise they would pull out cos their buyers renting which meant they would pull the stop immediately!!! If I hadn't of known all of that via e-mail from my own purchasers on that morning, my own solicitor would have managed to c*ck it all up and lose me my buyers cos they would have lost theirs and look how long I had managed to hold on to them over the months. Jeesus Christ, you've got to be on top of your solicitors ALL the time to hear the latest cos nobody ever thinks to tell YOU what's going on. Thank goodness between the 3 of us ourselves we managed to get things sorted out the way we wanted, but even then, there was that awful moment went it all could have gone very, very wrong for us. You need to speak to your buyers and your seller constantly to be kept in the picture, otherwise you'll be just another mushroom, kept in the dark. I wouldn't want to go through it again in a hurry, and I hope you manage to keep on top of it all Lynn cos this really is the very worst part now, the packing is a doddle!

Now I've forgotten everything, but the phone went, the neighbour wants me to put in an objection to something that's going on next door to him and even though it won't affect me, I do feel sorry enough for him to help him out if I can.

Jenny, glad you've left the sick bay today along with myself, but sadly you miss out now on all those lovely goodies I've just dropped off for them, cos what I was going to say earlier was, that on my way to Dunelms, I popped into Sainsbury's and I thought of all you poor people suffering today, I bought loads of JAM do'nuts, 90% dark choklit for Sally for later and only she knows where I've stashed it, and a few healthy bits to help you all get better, along with the obligatory bunches of grapes and flowers

*dons face mask and deposits said items in sick bay, making quick exit for home and impending nanny nap*
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16-09-2013, 02:27 PM
Our solicitor is very good he keeps in contact via email it seems it is buyers solicitor not keeping up then trying to blame our solicitor and our sellers who have not answered the enquiries yet that have been asked of them.
I know she must of not long ago had the baby but surely her OH could of dealt with them.
I have bookmarked some other properties because if they are going to mess about now and we won't get the mid October moving date we may as well start looking elsewhere anyway.
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16-09-2013, 03:06 PM
Oh how well I remember those fights with solicitors. I vowed I would never ever move house again

Mmmmm these doughnuts are fab, I had to creep in and pinch one after reading your post H
Sainsburys doughnuts are the best and sooo cheap too.........not that I'm saying you are a cheapskate Helena
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16-09-2013, 03:27 PM
First of all ... Sainsbury's doughnuts ARE the best. No two ways about it. They are!

What a complete PAIN with the broken washing line.

I love the way you say 'not much on' but reading your posts makes me feel tired thinking about it all lol!

You can stop typing the lines now! I think you've 'got it'! All this talk of logs and fires and I've stripped off the minute I got through the door and sat with a huge cold drink. Well the alkofroll wasn't cold to start with but I put lots of ice in!

I used to be given sea coal by the fishermen down in Newlyn. Boy does that burn!

Obviously full recovery has taken place as you are wittering on about DUNELMS again already! I've lost count of the rugs you've bought!

Shade you swapped? Bit of poetic licence there methinks! Yes try to get the dawg in the home decor pics all homes look better with one in them!

What's the neighbour objecting to? Will you be parading up and down with a banner? Or chaining yourself to infrastructure? It's a miracle I'm talking to you at all as you have Sainsbury Jam Donuts and I DO NOT. Nor do I have Sainsburys!

Well I gave myself a talking to and got myself off out in the car and headed over to Elomas Supermarket. Got halfway there and LOST THE WILL TO LIVE. Sorry - just couldn't do it - so diverted to the Huge Thrift Emporium as I was close by and have come home with some bargains! A little work of art for my glass shelves. A brand new Monsoon sundress still with labels on, some DVDs, a brush for muttley and a pair of small kitchen scissors! And I am actually sat here smiling which would not be the case if I'd just returned from a dreaded supermarket!

I didn't entirely neglect the 'shopping' I stopped at the off licence on the way back and stocked up on Coca Cola, bottle of bargain wine for 5.50 (even tho I am off wine), canned coffee, ciggies, bottled water and 6 eggs.

Putting off emailing the developer to say I will be over tomorrow because once I do that I am 'committed' and I hate feeling 'committed' tho some might say I should BE committed!

This drinkie is going down nicely. Pint glass with loads of ice then equal measures Baileys, cold coffee and whiskey! And a jumbo straw to stir it and drink it with! Mmmmm who needs boring groceries!
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Lacey10 is offline  
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16-09-2013, 03:35 PM
Off wine but whiskey is fine Never tasted sainsburys doughnuts..must give them a go
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