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09-08-2013, 11:11 AM
When you nip back in here and the first post you see (Lynn) says 'laptop confiscated' ... you just HAVE to go and read back to see what's been going on! Nutters!

Poorly/norty dogs.
Many upset tummies.
And TW Type probs!

TW when I've done the chronological timeline of Moneth events for the property owner - I'll paste it in for you and hopefully that will take your mind off your other probs for a few minutes! Only in that it will be more entertaining - not more SERIOUS than your prob(s).

Kids are in town - Phil's getting the Jen Guided Tour (bet they are at the Beach bar by now!)

They helped me with the shopping first and left me with a nice cold drink for my trip home. I drove out a bit to check on roadworks for someone who'd asked about directions and then abandoned all thoughts of dept stores and came home to strip off and sit under the aircon!

Going to do some filthy paid work for a while now. Bella is outside with a nice raw meaty bone that the butcher gave me for her earlier.
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09-08-2013, 11:12 AM
Originally Posted by JoedeeUK View Post
Wow I was up late today so have missed out on what you have all been upto.

Confession here my Wu is behind all norty behavour in dogs all over the world, he is trying to plan world domination & if he had a brain he would probably succeed-good job he hasn't LOLOL

All quiet here today, not got anything on until dog training tonight & I'm trying to think up a new exercise to be taught & then set as homework. Sadly brain not in gear at the moment
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09-08-2013, 11:44 AM
Can you imagine the utter chaos if Dillon and Da Booga decided to help Wu in his plan for world domination?

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09-08-2013, 11:53 AM
Morning Joedee.
Malka now we have Wu on board too we don't stand a chance. Eeeek
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09-08-2013, 12:11 PM
No wonder Amber has been restless, Wu must have commissioned them all and she is part of the plan too.

TW Steve is off fishing up the lake nearby today he sets out for France around 9 am in the morning. Bit annoyed because he has left all the fishing gear he is taking with him all round the lounge. Bait tubs and other gear and the clothes he is taking all piled up in his bedroom so I cannot make a start on the housework today I have to wait until he has gone tomorrow. Do you wonder sometimes if your baby was swapped at birth by some sinister being with a crooked mind. I do. My daughter has gone the other way upwards, she is a right snob with an executive husband I never get to see my little grandchild she is now 12 years old and I count the number of times I have seen her on the fingers of both hands. I am allowed to send her money for her birthday and Christmas of course. Still better that she is doing well for herself than the other way round. Steve is a good lad but only as long as I put up with his fishing gear everywhere. LOl.

I had my blood tests etc this morning so now just wait for the results am hoping it will divulge why I am still so tired even though taking my diabetes medication along with a lot of other medication too. Talk about shake me I rattle. Went by taxi there and back this morning as I could not be fussed about where to park etc, so £20 down the drain when I could have used my car.

Lore, glad to hear your dad is breathing easier this morning.

Everyone take care must get on and do some work.
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09-08-2013, 12:27 PM
Sorry no time but.... Zena is HOME Totally out of it when I picked her up at 11.30 but that's because she had only just come round. They said they'd never in their lives known a dog to come round so quickly and be so alert, and demanding that they get her out of there lol! That's my girl No propofol though cos she was so stressed, they had to use some other heavy sedation which knocked her right out they said.

Anyway, I'm busy doing the nannying of her now, she won't settle, she won't sleep, so the only thing I can do now is to go to bed and hope she then sleeps it off! The things I do for this dog.

Catch up later.
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09-08-2013, 12:40 PM
Moyra they are all the same leaving their gear everywhere.
Poor Tracey does her nut she has Mark my son and the 3 children with their fishing stuff all over the kitchen and in the back garden when sorting it out to go fishing or when they have come back from fishing.
Helena good news Zena is home safe and sound. Enjoy your snuggle up together.
Sounds like Zena had the heavy sedation like Dillon did for his claw.
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09-08-2013, 02:01 PM
Glad she is home Helena, yeah the sacrifices you make for your girl, HAVING to Nanny Nap
Mabs not been out today as she is in sick bay, Keshi been out on her own with me, did a little training session and is so amazing, I know it will go downhill very shortly, but loving it while it lasts. Took Cariad and Lona onto the river in the end as there is no hassle there at all, even the EA weren't there today. Sat on my New Rock, and girls amused themselves in the main, which is unusual, but was nice to sit there and try and gather what thoughts I have left.
Cleaned yard and kennels. Was filthy, got in shower and was at the end of washing my hair, when the shower stopped - electric was still on, thought it may be pump or something. Out of shower and rinsed hair off in basin and washed rest of self, had a brainwave and flushed the toilet, and it didn't refill, so the water is off
I hope they haven't gone through something major where they are doing the road, because if the whole area is without water, I think there will be a Revolt, a lot of bad feeling already because of the entire road being closed for 6 months, when they could have put a temp bridge up, they say they couldn't but don't believe them for one minute. So if we all have no water as well, I think the pitchforks and spades will come out and they will march on the Town Hall
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09-08-2013, 02:06 PM
Zena is home safe.
TW is sitting on her rock.
All is well with the world!
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09-08-2013, 02:15 PM
Afternoon all,

Firstly, Helena I'm so pleased Zena is back home with you now and hopefully she will settle and you'll both get some nap time.
Lore - My thoughts are with you at this terribly sad time and as someone else has said you just have to try and be strong for your Dad and put his mind at rest about all the family etc etc. Make the most of him while you still have him. Its possible and hopeful that they'll get his breathing under control and he'll have a while longer with you. ((((hugs)))) to you and although its no consolation whatsoever to you now, some of us have been through what you are going through now. But its 'your' Dad and our own Dad's are just so special aren't they.
Malka, Nippy and Eileen - I do hope you all get over the dreaded dire rear very quickly ((hugs)). Make sure you wash your hands well or you'll be giving it to all of us
June - OMG what a morning you've had with all of those visitors Did you get those locks of yours changed in the end? .... I hope so. Don't beat yourself up over your ex-son ..... he is an adult and has chosen the path he has taken whether it be drug fuelled or not. Terrible for you as he was your little boy once, but there is only so much any mother can take and he clearly has exceeded that mark. The sooner he's picked up the better really. (((hugs))) and lots of them to you.
Pat - I bet Jen is as happy as ever having her man with her now and having the use of a different flat, which is nice for all of you. Did you get the loos sorted out ... I know I asked this yesterday (?) but I missed the answer if there was one.
Lynn - I know what you mean about having to go to Dillon otherwise he just gets louder and louder which you can't really allow when you have close neighbours. I can tell the difference between a moaning bark/whine just for attention and one if they need to get outside quick. I did have a really random noise a few nights ago and one of them literally started to howl (life a wolf) I raced into the kitchen as I'd never heard the noise before and Rucksack was still in his bed. It was Flash and I think he'd seen an outside water bowl I'd put inside on the floor and in the dark he didn't know what it was. As I came in he raced over to it barking and barking until I put the light on and he realised what it was.

I had the vet appointment this morning at 9.20 and spent a good 10 minutes chatting about Flash. The results won't be back now until Monday and its possible Giardia won't show up even if he's got it ... or had it. Apparently Giardia is very common now and some vets are changing from the Metronidozole to another antibiotic as it is becoming immune to it, and the abs that he has been on would definitely have killed it. However, he said if it comes back which hopefully it won't we will do a longer treatment of Panacur but 3 days is enough to kill the Giardia if it hasn't taken hold for long (which it hadn't in Flash's case). He said he would much prefer to treat a dog suffering from this than say Salmonella. Giardia is the same parasite that gives visitors to India the 'Delhi Belly'. He did congratulate me on nursing Flash from home as he said most patients are hospitalised and put on drips when they get the 'ragdoll' stage that Flash was at when he got it the time before last. I wasn't charged for the appointment which is great and he was delighted that Flash is putting weight on again now. So its really a wait-and-see situation now. Both of my dogs appear on top-form at the moment and have both been playing around in the garden since I came back from their walk. A sure sign that they are feeling OK.

My OH has gone off to Silverstone now for a couple of races tomorrow and my brother is here until tomorrow afternoon.

There could be another page of posts on here since I started this as the door bell has gone (a neighbour) and I've made coffee.
See you all later.
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