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11-08-2011, 09:45 PM
Originally Posted by dizzi View Post
We had the utter garbage about the school office chasing an absence... somehow being linked to the riots... seriously!And yep - people DO sit and churn out kids. My cousin finally reached the end of her silly sucide "attempts" (which she never intended to succeed) getting her signed off work and the "get a job" net finally beginning to tighten... immediately ended up pregnant, kids' hitting nursery age - bam pregnant again. She's doing it full well to play the system, resents her kid and complains endlessly - just doesn't want to have to work and it gets them off her case for a few years.

That was about my son, and a FACT not garbage.......nowt to do with the riots but just about how schools could do better at communicating between departments and getting things right.
Parents might not get so tetchy about schools if there was a bit of thought and respect, instead of being so condesending.
Not all parents are scumbags, just a minority!

I'm just glad my kids have finished with that part of their lives.
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12-08-2011, 06:09 AM
Originally Posted by hectorsmum View Post

That was about my son, and a FACT not garbage.......nowt to do with the riots but just about how schools could do better at communicating between departments and getting things right.
Parents might not get so tetchy about schools if there was a bit of thought and respect, instead of being so condesending.
Not all parents are scumbags, just a minority!

I'm just glad my kids have finished with that part of their lives.
How on EARTH can you possibly justify your gripe wiht the school office being used to blame the riots?

Utter utter ridiculous, very very offensive to the teachers on here, crap.

Know why I can't have kids? Because my weight spiraled out of control after I entered teaching and my mental health deteriorated so badly because of parents like you pick pick pick picking away at the teachers for the failures of the whole school system and I can't get back on an even keel because of it.

Know why I still cry myself to sleep at night, have a stammer when stressed, have panic attacks and live such an awfully sad life that I contemplate suicide on a daily basis and the only reason I'm still alive is because of my pets - because I put so much of my heart and soul into trying to turn some kids who were going off the rails around and keep them from NOT being the sort out on the streets this week - and trying to protect the rest of the class from their violent outbursts that I ended up having a nervous breakdown by the age of 30 and I've never fully recovered.

Basically my life and my health and any joy I had in my existence were destroyed because I gave my all to those kids - and parents like you who just pick pick pick gripe and complain still didn't see it as enough... perhaps one day when people total up the teachers driven to actual suicide - then they might when their bickering, sniping, blaming for everything has actually had the price of lives... and it has.

Ban me if you want to for that. Someone had to say it and I stand by what's said.
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12-08-2011, 06:18 AM
Quite honestly, I don't know how you do the job that you do (or did), I don't know how/why anybody does to be honest, it must be nerve racking, frustrating, not to mention demoralising, just the same as I feel about the police and how they manage to do the job they do without just wanting out.

In my day, not only were we respectful and afraid of the police, but also our teachers, some of them were right dragons, but we daren't put a foot wrong (although I seem to remember I was the one constantly being dragged out of the line or made to stand outside so I must have done something wrong ).

I'm sorry to read that something that you took on as a profession, that was supposed to be enjoyable, turned out to be the complete opposite, and I expect there are hundreds of others in your shoes, but again, it's gotta be down to this Human Rights bit again hasn't it. It shouldn't be the case that the teachers are frightened of the kids, should be the other way around!

I don't have kids, so have no experience of what you had to put up with, but I do feel for you and what it has done to you, so good luck in trying to mend yourself.
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12-08-2011, 06:36 AM
Originally Posted by dizzi View Post
How on EARTH can you possibly justify your gripe wiht the school office being used to blame the riots?

Utter utter ridiculous, very very offensive to the teachers on here, crap.

Know why I can't have kids? Because my weight spiraled out of control after I entered teaching and my mental health deteriorated so badly because of parents like you pick pick pick picking away at the teachers for the failures of the whole school system and I can't get back on an even keel because of it.

Know why I still cry myself to sleep at night, have a stammer when stressed, have panic attacks and live such an awfully sad life that I contemplate suicide on a daily basis and the only reason I'm still alive is because of my pets - because I put so much of my heart and soul into trying to turn some kids who were going off the rails around and keep them from NOT being the sort out on the streets this week - and trying to protect the rest of the class from their violent outbursts that I ended up having a nervous breakdown by the age of 30 and I've never fully recovered.

Basically my life and my health and any joy I had in my existence were destroyed because I gave my all to those kids - and parents like you who just pick pick pick gripe and complain still didn't see it as enough... perhaps one day when people total up the teachers driven to actual suicide - then they might when their bickering, sniping, blaming for everything has actually had the price of lives... and it has.

Ban me if you want to for that. Someone had to say it and I stand by what's said.
I think HM is not saying the schools or teachers are directly to blame for the riots, (she states nowt to do with riots.) She is just pointing out that if some of the teachers not all communicated with the parents some of the problems could be solved. She is in fact saying that an absece being chased was being linked to the riots nothing to do with anybody blaming teachers.

When my OH was training to be a teacher he went into college full time at 26 we had a small child and another on the way and boy did we suffer financially, my eldest was just starting school and we had a condescending teacher and Head teacher who had no respect or feeling for the parents. It didn't put us off we battled on.

My OH 13/14 years ago had similar experiences to you he didn't go to the doctors he knew if he did he would never work again definatley not education. He did however have to leave his Deputy Headteacher job and he went onto jobseekers but picked up supply work and any other work he could find I also worked part time to pull us through we were terrifed we would lose our house. We also had two teenage sons one had to have his holiday with the school cnacelled and they made the decision to give us our deposit back as they knew what dire straits we were in.

Eventually he got a job in Lewisham in education not teaching, but education and children are his life we sacrificed so much for him to be able to do the job he loved once. Now he has the been the butt of the redundancies once again a man who has worked so hard to to get where he did thrown on the scrap heap. He has set up his own education business times are hard and at the moment work is scarce so he is applying for a part time position in the hopes the business will pick up and he can do both and keep the roof over our heads. We are both in our 50's

I fully understand where you are coming from as I said in a previous post we still have a teaching friend her OH has been medically out of the profession for a few years now and will never work again his wife has to soldier on till retirement she is counting every day. Another was medically retired. I stick up for teachers I have done in the supermarket had a row with someone over their perception of inset days. I always will the same as I do for anyone in the front line services.

What I am trying to say is HM is not getting at the teachers in general or at you although I do understand your upset having seen my OH in a similar situation to yourself but no one is blaming the teachers. I would be the first one shouting at them if I thought they were.
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12-08-2011, 06:45 AM
Originally Posted by Lynn View Post
What I am trying to say is HM is not getting at the teachers in general
She is.

(need 10 characters)
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12-08-2011, 06:58 AM
So the words utter garbage about someone chasing an absence being linked to the riots is having a go at the teachers ? It is reference to the office staff I think you will find not communicating it is about her son being linked to riots after she had informed the school he would not be there and to get upset over that is fair enough.

You are upset and reading it totally wrong. It nearly got me on the wrong foot and I was about to reply in the vein you have I then re-read it and realised it was not the way I had read it in the first place.

I am sorry you are feeling this way it is dreadful the way people blame the schools and teaching staff but I can honestly say so far thankfully no one has as yet. Believe me my radar will be twitching if I think someone is and I will be sticking up for the teacing profession.
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12-08-2011, 07:04 AM
Originally Posted by JoedeeUK View Post
EU citizens have the right(along with certain Commonwealth countries(the white ones!)to come to the UK & claim JSA as long as they are looking for work & have paid into the benefit system in their own country, I worked in the UBO(now JC+)many years ago before we joined the EU & back then it was only the white Commonwealth countries that had reciprocal arrangements, after we joined the EU(or EEC as it was then)all the countries that were/are member states also had the same arrangements. UK citizens can also go overseas & claim for the same reasons. I used to see loads of Aussie's over here"seeking work"when really they were just having a holiday paid for by their benefits for a few months. The rules are much stricter now, I used to hate having to carry out the very complex interview, there is no point in them having false docs as their home country's are contacted for information to confirm their entitlement.
It was about 8 years ago that I finished working as a recruitment consultant, after 10 years in the job, and about 6 years ago that I was signing on, so it sounds as if things have progressed since then.
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12-08-2011, 07:11 AM
Originally Posted by JoedeeUK View Post
When did your father do his NS ? Presumably between 1947 & when peacetime NS ended in 1960 ?

I have done my NS in Israel as I have dual nationality & was a reservist until I was 45, even though I have never lived full time in Israel.
My dad was born in 1937 and was out of the RAF just after my eldest sister was born in 1961...he was stationed in Cyprus for most of his service and Cambridge the rest of the time...I'm not sure how long he was in, he was trained as a mechanic which served him well in later years, and came out when my parents decided to start a family

If you have dual nationality but don't live full time in Israel, as you mentioned, do you still get called up? Did you get trained in a certain skill also?
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12-08-2011, 07:15 AM
Apparently there was a poster in Poland

Did you SEE this poster? were you IN Poland? did you understand what it ACTUALLY said?

Another incendiary comment guaranteed to stir people up.

How people CHOOSE to live is surely ENTIRELY up to them?

So WHAT if people wish to live in communities (of course British expats never do any such thing), that is their CHOICE, most people like to live around people with similar outlooks, interests, etc that applies to ALL nationalities and cultures.

And if they send their money home, so WHAT, that is THEIR business, nobody else’s

The statement that companies prefer to employ Europeans over Brits as they are easier to get rid of is total codswallop, you cannot, they are entitled to the same rights as we are; another incendiary false rumour.

Only pay out for one child (young mothers)

Ah so you if you are an older mother you can have more children? Hmm that sounds just, fair and logical.

The above are examples of bigoted and ignorant comments over and above those identified in direct response to BKs post.
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12-08-2011, 07:22 AM
The same applies in Lebanon, if you have dual nationality, you do National Service.
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