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27-05-2014, 10:40 AM
Morning Lynne yes get out in case the rain comes. Don't forget your key. I always double and treble check before shutting the door as it is my worst nightmare getting locked out.

No half term for the students Lynne they are moaning as the schools they are training in are off and the teachers but the teachers will be working from home writing reports no holiday for them. The students have workshops all this week and lectures Gorden is doing two workshops both with over 30 students attending. Gorden is working in the University of London lecturing now this is what this job is all about.
They also have assignments to finish by the end of this week.

I gave up waiting for a break in the rain and Dillon took a walk halfway up the village crossed over the bridge and came home the other side. Just given him a towel dry to get the surface water off.
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Helena54 is offline  
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27-05-2014, 10:41 AM
Had hair done, having given her new instructions to lift the top a bit more. She said I've been looking on the wrong page of the bf place cos they did post up my pic and have been keeping it up to date. they found me on there even though I never go on there but said I had to like them to get into theirs or summat, so i'll have a play around later,

We had a massive fire down in the old town on the seafront, 3 houses caught fire plus a big accident right in front of it, but they were probably rubber neckers. One old dear of 67 jumped out and is now in hospital, but thankfully nobody died. I told the taxi driver though on the way home, that if she's in our local hospital she's probably wishing she had!!

Got an exciting week now, cos some friends are coming over for coffee and cake on Thursday morning. I told them that's all I can manage and they certainly wouldn't want to take me out for lunch cos I'm an embarrassment and would probably have to ask for a bib I can drink though although I don't want to cos I'm not in the mood for drinking yet.

Tony took zena out for me and when he went past his house at the bottom of my road, he noticed the swimming pool guys outside,so he had to go in with them to make sure his son would put all the dogs out of the way. He said they got out of their van, all dressed in weird rubber colourful suits, and that zena was totally unphased as he walked with them down his long driveway to the pool with them alongside, he was so proud of her for not showing him up. but then I said it's not HIS property she has to protect though is it. I was rather surprised that she didn't actually drag him INTO the pool though I can't believe what a good girl she is outside of this house lol.We bought a new lock for that front gate which is easy for me to lock, namely a bike lock cos I can lock it and unlock it with my one hand as it's not close up to the sliding bolt like the padlock was, just couldn't do that to hold said padlock AND unlock it with the same hand at the same time, impossible actually, I'd like to see somebody do that with one hand who might have more braincells than me

All in all then, my day is going swimmingly so far...even managed to mash some spuds that dave peeled for me last night, with the help of my electric whisk and zena's cleaned the saucepan for me, which of course is in the dwasher, don't want her germs.

catch you later maybe, hope everyone is good.

Hi Lynn, why don't you get a keysafe on the wall somewhere with a spare key in it? my front door has often slammed shut or zena's closed it behind me locking me out when dealing with the postman. I'd be in big trouble without mine - dread to think how I could get in with patio doors or bars up at the windows and that's not it's a prison lol, it's those bent Spanish bars that villa's have on their windows lol. mind you....
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27-05-2014, 10:53 AM
Glad you day is going well Helena.
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27-05-2014, 11:14 AM
Afternoon (just) all,

Well I managed to have a walk with the dogs in drizzle which was so much nicer than rain.

I'm just about to tackle my very large ironing pile but will do that in front of the TV so it won't seem so bad

Nippy Sorry to hear about your son losing his job but everything crossed this end that he is successful at his interview.
Tang I'm trying to blow the rain over your way so that your unsavoury tourists b*gger off. Meant to say I love your new avatar picture.
Lynn I'm glad your hip is feeling a little better today.
Helena I just read in the paper about that awful fire in Hastings. Apparently it was a woman dentist (Pirkko Pellinen) who jumped from the second floor window and missed a duvet that was being held out to break her fall. She suffered horrendous injuries ...I hope it wasn't your dentist. What a star Zena's been and how lovely of Tony to still walk her what with having all of his dogs too.
That new padlock sounds really sensible .... isn't it incredible just how much only having one hand effects daily life . A girlie catch-up on Thursday for you .... just what you need and I bet you'll all have a laugh
Lynne You and your house key Maybe a note in the inside of the door you leave the house by saying
KEY would help

Off to do my ironing now.
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27-05-2014, 11:14 AM
Originally Posted by Helena54 View Post
Had hair done, having given her new instructions to lift the top a bit more. She said I've been looking on the wrong page of the bf place cos they did post up my pic and have been keeping it up to date. they found me on there even though I never go on there but said I had to like them to get into theirs or summat, so i'll have a play around later,

We had a massive fire down in the old town on the seafront, 3 houses caught fire plus a big accident right in front of it, but they were probably rubber neckers. One old dear of 67 jumped out and is now in hospital, but thankfully nobody died. I told the taxi driver though on the way home, that if she's in our local hospital she's probably wishing she had!!

Got an exciting week now, cos some friends are coming over for coffee and cake on Thursday morning. I told them that's all I can manage and they certainly wouldn't want to take me out for lunch cos I'm an embarrassment and would probably have to ask for a bib I can drink though although I don't want to cos I'm not in the mood for drinking yet.

Tony took zena out for me and when he went past his house at the bottom of my road, he noticed the swimming pool guys outside,so he had to go in with them to make sure his son would put all the dogs out of the way. He said they got out of their van, all dressed in weird rubber colourful suits, and that zena was totally unphased as he walked with them down his long driveway to the pool with them alongside, he was so proud of her for not showing him up. but then I said it's not HIS property she has to protect though is it. I was rather surprised that she didn't actually drag him INTO the pool though I can't believe what a good girl she is outside of this house lol.We bought a new lock for that front gate which is easy for me to lock, namely a bike lock cos I can lock it and unlock it with my one hand as it's not close up to the sliding bolt like the padlock was, just couldn't do that to hold said padlock AND unlock it with the same hand at the same time, impossible actually, I'd like to see somebody do that with one hand who might have more braincells than me

All in all then, my day is going swimmingly so far...even managed to mash some spuds that dave peeled for me last night, with the help of my electric whisk and zena's cleaned the saucepan for me, which of course is in the dwasher, don't want her germs.

catch you later maybe, hope everyone is good.

Hi Lynn, why don't you get a keysafe on the wall somewhere with a spare key in it? my front door has often slammed shut or zena's closed it behind me locking me out when dealing with the postman. I'd be in big trouble without mine - dread to think how I could get in with patio doors or bars up at the windows and that's not it's a prison lol, it's those bent Spanish bars that villa's have on their windows lol. mind you....
Eternally thankful the locks here are not yale type. It is not easy just now that they are the kind you have to hold the handles right up before you can turn the key but you cannot get locked out accidentally. Never seen this before Ireland.

Just had some yoghurt drink; all I can can face after yesterday and last nights barfing marathon..been asleep all morning..
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27-05-2014, 11:50 AM
Hi Jenny glad you enjoyed the drizzle today instead of the rain. have to admit I don't really miss my dog walking I can't iron either cos I don't want to put too much strain on the one hand I have left - that's my excuse anyway, cos it's got the dodgy thumb that I trapped in the w/machine 2 years ago and still gives me gip.

Hi Rose, yes, all our doors are like that where you have to lift the handle before you can lock, but the front door is wood, so a yale and a chubb, and if I don't remember to put the yale on the latch before I go out there and it slams I've had it, hence the need for my keysafe out there with the spare yale in it. my back door handle doesn't always do what it should when I lift it up and I can't lock it till it does either, cos there's no way I can hold that handle up and lock it at the same time. dave also fitted all those bump proof locks to all the patio doors and back doors, so I don't even think a locksmith would be able to get me in with those on them. Sorry you've been unwell, you don't need that on top of that wrist.

Hi Pat, no, I won't go through another op because just as the pain becomes bearable, they will give it all back to me like they did with the first op, and call ne a whimp but I just couldn't take that pain again. gonna be bad enough when they pull these darned wires out, but that'll be over with quick I hope lol. Yes, I did u-tube the extractions, but then those people's fingers had healed whereas mine is still turning dark when I exercise it plus it bluddywell 'urts lol.
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Rosebud77 is offline  
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27-05-2014, 12:22 PM
Originally Posted by Helena54 View Post
Hi Jenny glad you enjoyed the drizzle today instead of the rain. have to admit I don't really miss my dog walking I can't iron either cos I don't want to put too much strain on the one hand I have left - that's my excuse anyway, cos it's got the dodgy thumb that I trapped in the w/machine 2 years ago and still gives me gip.

Hi Rose, yes, all our doors are like that where you have to lift the handle before you can lock, but the front door is wood, so a yale and a chubb, and if I don't remember to put the yale on the latch before I go out there and it slams I've had it, hence the need for my keysafe out there with the spare yale in it. my back door handle doesn't always do what it should when I lift it up and I can't lock it till it does either, cos there's no way I can hold that handle up and lock it at the same time. dave also fitted all those bump proof locks to all the patio doors and back doors, so I don't even think a locksmith would be able to get me in with those on them. Sorry you've been unwell, you don't need that on top of that wrist.

Hi Pat, no, I won't go through another op because just as the pain becomes bearable, they will give it all back to me like they did with the first op, and call ne a whimp but I just couldn't take that pain again. gonna be bad enough when they pull these darned wires out, but that'll be over with quick I hope lol. Yes, I did u-tube the extractions, but then those people's fingers had healed whereas mine is still turning dark when I exercise it plus it bluddywell 'urts lol.
I hold the handle up with the elbow on the good arm!

not a wimp. knowing your limits is half the battle surely.
i was scared silly i would end up in hospital again last night. thankfully not but the dr had to come from killarney and objected. huh! they get paid enough..
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27-05-2014, 01:20 PM
early to bed here needfully..have a lovely day and evening
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27-05-2014, 01:23 PM
Rest well Rose.

Do not do the ironing Helena tut tut. Jenny might do it for you with her pile if you ask nicely.
Our drizzle has stopped Jenny for a while I doubt it will be for all day they have warned here to be ready for rain on and off all day.
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tawneywolf is offline  
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27-05-2014, 01:43 PM
Still a lovely dry, warm day here. Girls been out on the towpath or up on the football field. Towpath absolutely deserted and we had a lovely walk along there, then home along the main road. No idea what happened to the heavy rain forecast for all day today
On the way out with Cariad and Lona I noticed a couple walking a staffy on a harness slightly in front of me on the other side of the road, never seen them before. Wasn't worried because they looked ordinary, then the dog saw us, and near took off with the woman hanging onto it, was halfway across the road, me trying to get the girls back onto the grassed area, the man took hold of it and thank goodness they went a different way, walking along and next minute this rough collie that always has a go, was on the other side and that kicked off, I diverted across the pub car park out of the way. Had a nice run round on the field and played ball till they had had enough, then saw the guy with the dogs that killed the papillon, held back for a bit, he saw me watching and straight away went back in, after allowing his staffy to download on the path heading back home I only meet both sets of dogs again!!! Rough collie first of all, noticed the staffy walking up and hid behind a car in the pup car park till it had walked on a bit. I was just in the village crossing the road, when the couple with the staffy reappeared and straight away it launched itself again at us, luckily I was on the other side of the road, everyone waiting for the bus saw it, had my 2 girls sitting and told them to leave, and they did, lots of brownie points for the girls from their audience. Looks like we've got some eejits moved in then. Its quite big and well muscled, and has a webbing harness and long lead and goes where it wants, I was watching it and the bloke was letting it run up peoples paths after cats. Poor woman getting out of a car with a baby, was transfixed with horror as it ran up her path!!!.
Glad to hear you've got the lock situation sorted Helena, have to laugh about getting locked out. I've got mortice locks, but it is a worry losing your keys. I was nearly in meltdown one day coming back from shopping, could not find them anywhere. Emptied my bag out in the end and they were at the bottom, no idea why I had even put them in there. I think burying one in the garden Lynne, is an excellent idea to be honest. As long as your OH never finds out that is, maybe suggesting a keysafe but then that would lead to a 3rd degree. Well done on another day of freedom though
Oh I am so keeping my fingers crossed for Dave to be able to sell the garage Helena. Hope the hospital appointment goes well tomorrow.
Nippy, have got everything crossed the job interview went well.
Right I need to get out for some milk and the girls need some raw carrots, as need to do them more veg this afternoon
Hope the appointment tomorro
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