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20-09-2013, 03:13 PM
Good morning/afternoon all. Not working today, so have had a relaxing morning. Never get to sleep in anymore... cats make the best alarm clocks! Lol

I've actually already started laundry, did everyone's nails, made the dogs/cat and myself brekkie, and supervised (read laughed my butt off at) some serious playtime. Lol now I'm back in bed cuddling the crew with a glass of iced tea... and it's only 9am!

My dogs never have days they're unsettled. At least they dont wake me up. The cat's a different story. The only way I get a decent amount of sleep is if I feed him a large meal right before bed.

It's a gorgeous but frosty morning, but supposed to warm up beautifully. The sun is bright and the sky is that perfect sparkling brilliant blue that happens here. The leaves are starting to put on their fall robes and we're going to have a stunning day!
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20-09-2013, 03:56 PM
Afternoon Sara sounds like a lovely day your having.
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20-09-2013, 03:59 PM
Right ... armed with very large drinkie and have downed the headache pills and I am going to read the whole four pages right now. What a day!
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20-09-2013, 05:05 PM
Evening Pat. I am intrigued to hear how your day has been.
Drinkie and headache pills. Sounds as if it might of been very trying.
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20-09-2013, 05:44 PM
Evening all,

Omg, got blisters, 4 beauties. My boots are a size too big and I always get blisters when I'm out in them, even if I wear a couple of pairs of socks. The walk was good though, 900 kids raising money for the school. I am shattered now though and staying off my feet today.

Lynn, I hope Dillon is behaving now

Tonight doing dinner and studying. Means I don't have to move far tonight and can pretty much stay off my feet.
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20-09-2013, 05:47 PM
Evening Loraine. Oooh those blisters sound nasty.
Make sure yo stay off your feet.
Dillon is behaving now. He will probably forget again tomorrow and we start all over again. He has a very selective memory.
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20-09-2013, 06:00 PM
Back again but might vanish again before I finish posting at this rate! I read every single post but it's all mainly flown out my head now as I then got embroiled in talking to my son (because his spinal op is imminent - in either one and half weeks' time or three and half weeks' time. and then my daughter in law (who is in Poland right now and might not be able to get back in time for his op) and then myh sister because she lives near where he is having it done (in Eastleigh) and at first the plan was he'd stay with them (in which case I wouldn't go over until he went home again as otherwise it would be sis having Mart, Monny AND me staying but she has many empty bedrooms and was insisting!) and then Mart insisting I bring Bella and he will pay her fare - gawd!

But now surgeon says he can go back to Bath straight afterwards so .... plan is that I fly out just before he goes in and stay at sister's house because she is so near the hospital where he is having this done privately so I can visit easily. THEN go back to Bath with him to nag him to death err.. I mean tenderly care for him). But maybe spend a night or two at sister's just to make sure he is all OK before we go further afield from the surgeon.

The sixty five thousand dollar question is WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO HAVE IT DONE MARTIN?? He is dithering - surgeon wants the earlier date cos some American bigwig surgeon is over and wanted to be in on it spectating. But it's looking more likely that he will go for the 3 and half weeks' time now.

THEN when we have his esteemed decision on date I can book Bella into boarding and book a flight! I am now waiting for Mart to call me back and then will call sis again to let her know. Her husband is off to AUS for a couple of weeks next week so she will be home all alone then anyway. Well all alone with MUNCHY lovely MUNCHY!

From memory ....

Dogs that are unsettled at night.
How odd so many dogs had a disturbed night. I don't really have any experience of dogs that get up in the night.
*was thinking maybe DILLON 'knows something is happening' re the impending house move?

Dogs that slobber on door windows.
Had some experience of those! Also of a daughter who used to put lipstick on and then KISS the panes higher up (she does it to annoy) I'd tell her off and she'd say sorry and then kiss the front room window from OUTSIDE on her way out! First time she flew back to UK after we moved here I came home and found a big pink lipstick kiss on the mirrored back wall of the lift! Minx - almost made me cry.

Helena's Dave is at dentist and thinks H has swiped his pillow (she probly has - most likely using it for a floor polisher or summat!) and he might buy Jenny's OH's car.

(How'm I doin'?)

Lore is undertaking another gruelling run stint!

Nippy is tormenting me with cakes AGAIN.

Tawney's son is no longer safely under lock and key and she doesn't actually know WHERE he is. Gawd. And all her dogs are on the wrong time (or is it the right time?) of the month!

Eileen is out on the lash AGAIN. Well done on the no smoking front. They say hangovers are not so bad if you just drink and don't drink AND smoke!

That's it! Brain frozen over now - and I still didn't talk about my DAY lol! Just what has happened since I caught up on this thread!

Another drink is indicated here.
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20-09-2013, 06:01 PM
I'm back again! Armed with all the cakes for the evening session

My kettle developed a very severe leak this afternoon it's only 3 months old. I still have the receipt from Morrisons, can you believe, so it went back there and they changed it no problems.
Hope you have all had a good day.
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20-09-2013, 06:04 PM
Evening everyone Not too many pages to read through tonight, which is always good news when there are Corries to be watched!

Tang, I will join you in a chota peg and await your news. It sounds interesting.

All these people with restless dogs - perhaps they know something that we don't *looks apprehensively to the skies

I had an absolutely delightful walk with the Jimster this morning, letting him choose his route at the end of his flexi lead. He set a pace that I was well able to keep up with, and he was thoroughly enjoying himself following scents and exploring all manner of places......UNTIL the last five hundred yards or so, when there were cats absolutely everywhere I kept picking him up, which was doing nothing for my back problems, and each time I put him down again he planted himself with head turned backwards. I tried waiting it out, but that didn't work because one of the cats decided it would be fun to walk towards us I picked him up again and walked a few yards, then thinking it was safe, plonked him down again. There was only another wretched cat sitting behind a tree, staring at us, and this time Jimmi went into full attack mode - I applied the brake, and the poor darling turned a complete somersault Onto concrete. I picked him up again and carried him the last few yards home, by which time my back was really playing up and he had a nasty graze beneath his chin. I am beginning to detest cats. On top of his graze troubles, he has been gnawing between the pads of one of his paws on and off throughout the day, so I have been unable to do anything much other than sit with him and read. Not that I mind reading of course

Nippy, you didn't by any chance make a dark choccy mousse??????
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20-09-2013, 06:08 PM
Sorry Sal only a choccy sponge, it looks lovely though!
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