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17-02-2013, 06:09 PM
Aw good lad Ash. I got the rest of my compost heap back into the bin and de-pooped the garden at last. Even got Jack's hutch moved much to his consternation.

All my washing is almost dry, just putting it on radiators to give it all a final drying off.

Tonight, find the bike pump and pump up my tyres, then study more.
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17-02-2013, 06:35 PM
Originally Posted by youngstevie View Post
Well its an '' afternoon folks'' from us here

read all the previous posts hugs to those that need it and 'have a great day' to those that are busy.

We went to Pat's brothers housewarming party last night, must say I got bored in the end watching certain ones getting very drunk and making an embarrassment of themselves (bet they wish they hadn't this morning) and of course you get the 'back biter' ones which I spent half the time trying to avoid and the other half going ''ummmm'' and hoping they move away soon
Pat was thinking of organizing a 60th party for me in June....but I have to admit I told him this morning not to bother as I would rather be with people I like rather than people I have to put up with. So we are going to re-think that one
Some of his brothers are fine but its their other halves, so maybe it will be just me and Pat away for a 60th Birthday weekend

Off to walk the dogs in a bit as the sun is out, just need Tess to keep her boot on, so will have to strap it with tape and away we go.......... so on that note ''have a great day folks'' xxxxxxxxxxx
Evening Steph. Sorry the party was a bit of a pain.
Gorden an I went out for a meal each at different time of course with the family for our 50th's neither of us wanted parties.

Originally Posted by Helena54 View Post
Afternoon all

Sounds like a lot of you are going to get out and enjoy this lovely weather whilst we have it. I think after the terrible weather we've had for almost a whole year, it makes you appreciate this glorious sunshine even more. The birdies are singing for England in our garden, it must be their mating season, I've never hear such twitterings and tweetings and we've got all the doors and windows open, it's heaven today.

Had a lovely walk down on the beach early, and a young ridgeback came zoooooooming over to Zena, so I grabbed her collar just to see what she would think about that, but she seemed to like him, so I just let her off and although he was turning himself inside and out around her, zooming about, she wasn't too interested in playing but was more than happy for him to be around. He won't go in water, so everytime she plonked herself down in one of the deep pools, he would stand on the edge just looking at her, then he'd leap in the air as if to say "come on, come ooooooon I wanna play"!!! Lovely, lovely dog and he seemed to be with us for most of the walk.

Came home and Dave started removing the old manky doorbell that I wanted off the wall in the hallway so that I could fill it and paint it before the new floor went down. Turned out it was a morning's work, cos as he traced wires back, he managed to get rid of a whole set of blank sockets by the front door, along with wires that went up into the loft and straight back down again for no reason apart from an old light on the front terrace which doesn't work anyway, junction boxes with wires TAPED together in the loft (that's a huuuuge no-no that is!), and eventually, not only was the old doorbell off the wall, but there's now a pile of sockets and old wiring sitting outside the front door! Dave is brilliant with electrics, which is a good job really. I've been slapping on the filler everywhere and caulking, ready for him to paint the walls again tomorrow in the hall, and I'll do all the glossing when he's at work. Job done once the flooring goes down on Friday then, and new rugs to complete the finished look!

I must have been multi tasking again this morning,cos Dave had roast lamb and I had roast pork, plus I did all that filling, 2 loads of washing, steam mopped the kitchen and utility, I'm blooming knackered now. All or nothing with me

Enjoy the rest of your Sunday everyone, this weather is set to last by the looks of it, or am I speaking too soon.
Evening Helena sounds like you and Zena had a lovely walk and that Dave has done a grand job.
I hope you both have your feet up now.

Originally Posted by lore View Post
Afternoon all,

Not sure if my earlier response went on cause my connection was playing up.

It's a gorgeous day here, just beautiful. So I've spent the last couple of hours out in the garden tidying up a bit. Got some washing out, another load on which will go out shortly and tidied round the bins, finally got the rubbish all picked up and some of the de-pooping done. The compost bin blew over during the winter so had to re-site that and was piling in the compost but I've done something to my shoulder and it's a bit sore. Having a rest before doing the rest of it.

Even Jack has been out for a wee run, he was delighted with life. Going to finish off the dishes, sort the dry washing out and maybe iron a bit.

Tonight, definately studying, got two TMA's due within a week of each other. One is due on the 27th and the other on the 7th of March. So got to get moving on both of them. Thank goodness I'm getting the train now, can spend some study time while going back and fore to work.
Evening Lorraine another busy day for you do you ever stop? I think you need a holiday on Pat's balcony.
Originally Posted by jenny.g View Post
Afternoon all,

By the sounds as if everyone has been enjoying and appreciating the glorious weather we've been having today. I certainly have. I went over with the dogs to visit Mum who as usual looked wonderful but was 'all-over-the-place' and dreadfully confused. She thought my dogs were hers and she'd come to visit me She must have asked me a dozen times "How long have you lived here?" Anyway, I stayed for a couple of hours while I could keep my patience and then chose to leave and make the most of the lovely day.

OH has been out at a car club AGM and lunch. I could have gone but I've been before and they are so boring . The only trouble is he will have had a huge 3 course meal and won't want a roast tonight so it's hardly worth me cooking for just me. My younger son as usual is going over to his brothers for a curry.

My dogs have had a lovely day and spent a lot of time playing in the garden when not actually out on the two walks they've had. They are now crashed out on the sofas having had their main meal - so all is quiet until OH gets back.

Helena you and Dave have been so busy todaybut isn't it nice to get some jobs done.

Lynn, I hope you've had a nice day with Gorden as I'd imagine you'll be flat out tomorrow sorting his clothes and helping him pack. I hope Dillon has been a good boy for you.

I'll try and pop in later but not sure what the rest of the day will bring.
Evening Jenny sorry to hear your mum was so confused today.
Its nice to have a break from the big Sunday lunch isn't it we have lasagne in the oven the meat was from a spaghetti bolognese mix and just defrosted so a white sauce to make and in the oven job done.
Gorden does his own packing. I do not pack well.
Originally Posted by Tangutica View Post
Sun didn't last long Lynn! Made a little more headway by GIVING STUFF AWAY to the new opposite neighbours!

I always wanted to have a minimalistic lifestyle.

The 3 boxes are still sat here on the floor empty.
That's a shame but at least you have done some more towards moving. I too dream of a minimalistic lifestyle. Not sure it will ever happen.

Originally Posted by Norma808 View Post
Evening all
Just had to do our long walk today ,as the weather was glorious took us longer than our usual 3hrs sat down with a wee picnic ,
Dogs had a ball their totally exhausted ,never saw a soul just brilliant day
Everyone seems to have enjoyed the sunshine to I see (long may it last )
Well done Ash what a wee star
Hope everyone's going to rest up now that they've got their gardening n DIY done
Lazy nite here if I don't crash out with all that fresh air
Evening Norma seems we have all had nice walks today bet Dillon doesn't sleep in tomorrow though.
Enjoy your
lazy night.

Originally Posted by lore View Post
Aw good lad Ash. I got the rest of my compost heap back into the bin and de-pooped the garden at last. Even got Jack's hutch moved much to his consternation.

All my washing is almost dry, just putting it on radiators to give it all a final drying off.

Tonight, find the bike pump and pump up my tyres, then study more.
Evening again Lorraine sounds like you have had a very successful day.
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17-02-2013, 06:50 PM
Evening all

It's been a lovely day today and we've enjoyed the sun.

We've had a few problems: poor Loki had a fit this morning - none since but I'm sure he will have some more because he always does.

A corner brick, just below the damp proof course, has crumbled so Steve had to try to repair it. This house seems to be falling apart so I guess we need to give it a bit of TLC.

I'm sorry, I haven't read through all the posts yet - I did see the news that Ash did well at training. Well done Ash and June. And I saw, Jenny, that your mum was confused about the dogs. That must be very hard so big hugs. xxx

I sooo hope it is like this all week, especially as it is half-term. No more rain or freezing condiitons - P-L-EASE!
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17-02-2013, 07:14 PM
Hi, had a stressful day too cold for me but my OH wanted to go to this carboot sale,so pasted a smile on and bravely went,now I am paying for it ache all over,hope the bottle is there,think I will be drinking all of it,you never know will be found drunk in charge of a bath.Going to watch Midwife missing chummy,as I am very like her,I was always taller then most girls,size 9 feet.but she came good,so there is hope.
Glad you all have had a lovely day,even the ones doing DIY,my onlyattempt,well it was a chest of drawer,decided to paint it,thought the feet didnt look right so painted them,pushed it into the bedroom, white lines everywhere.Goodnight everyone asking about the bottle your too late.crystalgirl
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17-02-2013, 07:19 PM
Evening all...........*throws magic bottle on to sideboard

Have had a quick whizz through all the posts, but no time to comment as am off to watch Countryfile then Top Gear (Call the Midwife will be recording Crystalgirl........and woe betide his lordship if he deletes THIS one I love Chummy, and hope that she returns to the series soon).

Will be back later I expect so look after that bottle for me
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17-02-2013, 07:19 PM
Lynn, Yum, yum, lasagne sounds lovely My OH had a super 3 course meal out today and is feeling full. The good thing is that I won't have to cook for him. Not sure what I'm going to have but probably welsh rarebit of something quick.

Originally Posted by Norma808 View Post
Evening all
Just had to do our long walk today ,as the weather was glorious took us longer than our usual 3hrs sat down with a wee picnic ,
Dogs had a ball their totally exhausted ,never saw a soul just brilliant day
Everyone seems to have enjoyed the sunshine to I see (long may it last )
Lazy nite here if I don't crash out with all that fresh air
Norma your walk sounded idyllic - 3 hours plus and not seeing another soul sounds bliss.

Originally Posted by Lucky Star View Post
Evening all
It's been a lovely day today and we've enjoyed the sun.
We've had a few problems: poor Loki had a fit this morning - none since but I'm sure he will have some more because he always does.

A corner brick, just below the damp proof course, has crumbled so Steve had to try to repair it. This house seems to be falling apart so I guess we need to give it a bit of TLC.

I'm sorry, I haven't read through all the posts yet - I did see the news that Ash did well at training. Well done Ash and June. And I saw, Jenny, that your mum was confused about the dogs. That must be very hard so big hugs. xxx

I sooo hope it is like this all week, especially as it is half-term. No more rain or freezing condiitons - P-L-EASE!
LS, I am so sorry about Loki had a fit this morning - everything crossed that he doesn't have another one even though you say it could be followed by another one.
Thanks for the comment on my Mum - bless her she is so lovely and we do still get glimmers of her former self but it doesn't actually get any easier although I do have to have a laugh her confusion sometimes - I'd go mad if I didn't.

I won't be joining you on the chat section tonight, but enjoy yourselves and see you tomorrow.
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17-02-2013, 07:25 PM
Bitkin - is there a new series of Call the Midwife?

I must get a UK pal to record it for me.
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17-02-2013, 07:33 PM
Evening all

Jenny, so sorry to hear your mum was so confused today, I remember with my mum, it was very up and down with her too, but no matter what, at least she knew who you were and that's the main thing ((((((hugs)))))).

June, so pleased to hear about Ash and how well he did, he's a little star isn't he.

Norma, your 3 hour walk with a picnic thrown in sounded ideallyc

Crystalgirl, glad you got out, but sorry to hear you're now suffering from it, you need to put those feet up by the fire now, so I'll shove June over a bit and you can squeaze in

Linda, So sorry to hear about Loki today but I hope you're wrong and he won't have another

Evening old bean, glad you brought the bottle along before settling down to an evening's good viewing on the telly. We love Top Gear too, but they don't make enough of them do they, which is probably cos they spend too much making each one! You have a mission if you choose to accept it! Harvey has posted up a horsey pic thread, and we need you in there with some of your horsey escapades please!

Lorraine, good luck with the studying tonight.

Off to get something to eat and settle down by the telly now, enjoy yourselves.
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17-02-2013, 07:41 PM
Originally Posted by Lucky Star View Post
Evening all

It's been a lovely day today and we've enjoyed the sun.

We've had a few problems: poor Loki had a fit this morning - none since but I'm sure he will have some more because he always does.

A corner brick, just below the damp proof course, has crumbled so Steve had to try to repair it. This house seems to be falling apart so I guess we need to give it a bit of TLC.

I'm sorry, I haven't read through all the posts yet - I did see the news that Ash did well at training. Well done Ash and June. And I saw, Jenny, that your mum was confused about the dogs. That must be very hard so big hugs. xxx

I sooo hope it is like this all week, especially as it is half-term. No more rain or freezing condiitons - P-L-EASE!
Evening Linda sorry to hear Loki has had a fit today. Fingers crossed no more for a while.
Poor house I am sure after a little TLC it will be fine.

Originally Posted by crystalgirl View Post
Hi, had a stressful day too cold for me but my OH wanted to go to this carboot sale,so pasted a smile on and bravely went,now I am paying for it ache all over,hope the bottle is there,think I will be drinking all of it,you never know will be found drunk in charge of a bath.Going to watch Midwife missing chummy,as I am very like her,I was always taller then most girls,size 9 feet.but she came good,so there is hope.
Glad you all have had a lovely day,even the ones doing DIY,my onlyattempt,well it was a chest of drawer,decided to paint it,thought the feet didnt look right so painted them,pushed it into the bedroom, white lines everywhere.Goodnight everyone asking about the bottle your too late.crystalgirl
Evening CG sorry to hear you got cold have a swig of something warm form the bottle before having a nice hot bath. Hope you feel better tomorrow.

Originally Posted by Bitkin View Post
Evening all...........*throws magic bottle on to sideboard

Have had a quick whizz through all the posts, but no time to comment as am off to watch Countryfile then Top Gear (Call the Midwife will be recording Crystalgirl........and woe betide his lordship if he deletes THIS one I love Chummy, and hope that she returns to the series soon).

Will be back later I expect so look after that bottle for me
Evening Sally enjoy your evening of watching telly. I hope something is left in the magic bottle for you on your return.

Pat call the midwife has been on for a few weeks now.
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17-02-2013, 07:48 PM
The things we have to do to keep our oh sweet
On the wagon tonight I'm not encouraging anyone to partake of the magic bottle ,sidles past sideboard
Lucky star
Big hugs to Loki hope its a 1off
Not a peep from the hounds Frits snoring his head off they must have run miles today
No no no must not be tempted by the magic. Bottle makes do with mug coffees n bicci
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