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01-12-2012, 05:41 PM
Originally Posted by Azz View Post
Hi Everyone

Pleased to hear Nippy is feeling better (and what lovely photo of Pepsi and her dad!) and that you guys are doing ok

Also glad to read that I'm not the only one who leaves the heating on 24/7 in the winter! This house is made of thick stone and it used to take forever to warm it up!

Hope Lynn gets her Mac sorted soon too - we are missing you
Same here re thick stone but no way can pensioners heat 24 7.. The advice is always to keep one room warm. Thankfully it is set to turn milder before morning... relying on hot stones here!
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01-12-2012, 05:56 PM
Originally Posted by DaisyD0g View Post
Good Morning all!!

I am very jealous of all your lovely cold and frosty mornings.. even the snow!!! still pouring with rain here, woke me up in the night argggggggg.....

Very sore legs from skiing, but so worth it!!

Today i am doing a craft fair at my local community center, got everything packed up ready to go, had a little meltdown that I don't have enough stuff made as I have been so busy selling, then I reminded myself that maybe not many people will come

Anyway another busy day ahead, Hubby will walk the doglets and then come and visit me and bring me snacks!!

Happy Saturday everyone!
Morning Debbie I saw you peeping in late last night on your return from skiing, trouble is everyone had gone to bed lol! Hope you don't ache too much this morning but it was soooo worth it anyway I'm sure. Enjoy the craft fair hope you sell out today

Originally Posted by jenny.g View Post
Hi all ,
I'm back from visiting my Mum and meeting up with my brother. Helena I always take my boys in to visit my Mum and they all know them (they've been going in since they were about 9 weeks old ) but it was out of the question today because of their Xmas Fair as there were stalls lining every corridor. Unfortunately I couldn't leave them unattended in Mum's room as I know that Rucksack would chew the cables under Mum's bed! Also even having them on a lead walking round was not on, it was full of little old ladies (and a few gents) with zimmer frames, walking sticks or the 3-wheeled walkers. I know the dogs would have just got in the way.

What I did was go early so that I could park in the grounds. Walked the dogs, warmed the car up again and left them in their crates with stag bars. I then met up with my brother and in to see Mum for a quick coffee before leaving my brother to walk her around the fair.

I did manage to buy a pair of knitted mittens (not ends to the fingers) for £1.50 which will be perfect for the cold weather. There were so many knitted things all done by two of the elderly nuns there. The residents and the carers are just gorgeous.

The dogs were fine and were only in the car for 30 minutes so it was still not cold. An unusually quick journey home around the M25 which I did in about an hour.

Just about to take them out for a run off lead before it gets really, really cold.

I have the house to myself tonight which will be nice. OH away on a boys weekend and my son at the England match at Twickenham and then out for the night.

We leave out heating on 24/7 and I have turned it up as my OH is out now But we run on oil and we are desperately low so OH jacked the tank up so should be fine for a few days .... I just hope the delivery isn't delayed any more.

See you later
Hi Jenny Glad you got to see your mum and brother, and I understand now about the doglets. I used to take Zena when she was only 14 weeks old too! I've stepped up our heating too to 20 now coz it's getting even colder out there now You'd better get that big oil tank filled up before Christmas then Jenny

Originally Posted by tawneywolf View Post
It's not that cold here, looked as if it had rained during the night. Both girls had found the heat lamp because when I went in there was this indentation in the shavings under it have turned it off for the day, but if it goes colder later on they will have it put on for them again. Babies doing well with their eating now, I put the 2 trays down and say come on babies, and out of the crate they clamber and run up to me squeaking. Ended up hand feeding one of them (don't I always ) but they are taking more and more of the minced chicken each time. Humpty still standing with both front feet in the tray and his head down (which is very large by the way) to block all comers, his brother was steamrollering towards him gradually though
Have got the fire lit now and am sat with a cup of tea, it is my last tea bag, so I have to go out now for 2 things, I forgot bath stuff yesterday, and now tea bags. When I was out with Lona and Mabs today we saw the Screaming Woman so nipped down some steps that go up to the tow path (originally there was a mill there and that was where they loaded the barges, now it is an estate) and a man was mending a fence, so he immediately jumped to the conclusion i wanted to go past, and I was trying to explain why not and that was getting out of the way of the Screaming Woman, when they passed, and she heard what I was saying the look I got off her was not Pretty
Rest of the walk went well, jogger ran past me and Mabs did as she was told and went away up the banking (I don't want her to think she can chase joggers) and Lona sat whilst he went past, he had to run through all this deep cold muddy water in these little shorts and trainers, I had on my snowboarding trousers, wellies, big coat and woolly hat rather him than me
Anyway, here is Todays Puppy Fix - here we have Mohawk Sooleawa (Silver)

Well I suppose I better prise myself away from this lovely fire (Cariad is lay in front of it fast asleep)
and buy tea bags and bath stuff, and will probably find something else whilst I am out
OMG Mohawk Sooleawa is adorable It's lovely to hear the way they recognise and listen to you now June and it won't be long now till they're zooming about the place, so better watch that fire hadn't you Talking of which, thanks for the lighting of the fire, and sorry you've had to go out and get more supplies before you can enjoy a nice cuppa and some chocolate biccies sitting beside it tonight.

Originally Posted by Sal View Post
Afternoon all,
I had a look at Asda online and they had some boots I liked so I decided to go up there with Lizzie,while they still had them and got some boots from there,nice leather riding boots They have some lovely clothes etc in there....

Got the rest of the families shopping done while I was there so that's all sorted now
Also picked up a bottle of JD's for O/H 70cl for just £14 bargain!
Couldn't have picked a worse time to go though,it was very busy and I ended up been rammed by trolley's I dunno how many times

So I am nearly done now,just another couple of pressies for O/H & couple more for the boys & it's all finished
Glad you got those boots Sal, I didn't even bother to look in the shoe department at Azda last week when I visited for the first time, coz I was in the jim jam department! Have to say, their jim jams are really soft and comfy though.

Originally Posted by Losos View Post
Thanks H, yes the walk was lovely 'tho poor old Bara can't go too far now and Rianna decided she wouldn't go any further either it's only about one inch of snow at the moment and easy enough to walk, after Xmas it will be different, we will be walking (or trying to walk) in about two foot which like you say is a real strain and to be frank I can't really do it now
When you say Bara can't walk too far H, how long would you say she can manage now then? Sounds like old Georgieboy got, until one day, when I had to be out of the house with them for 2 viewings on the old house, I took hiim right up the top of Cissbury and walk around the top and back down for over an hour He managed it without suffering at all the next day, but it was something he wasn't used to anymore poor boy. Bless Rianna for deciding to go home when Bara wanted to, that's so sweet

Originally Posted by Taffsmum View Post
I wish I was. .I went to Liverpool on Thursday intending to start shopping - all I came back with was a pair of boot laces for me Hate Xmas shopping.
Hi Taffsmum That sounds like me, everytime I go x-mas shopping I always end up keeping most of it, but then I wouldn't have bought it if I didn't like it would I Thankfully, my friends and I have decided not to do the present bit this year now that I've moved away, which suits me just fine thanks, coz now I only have Dave to buy for and he's easy.....pants and socks!

Originally Posted by Azz View Post
Hi Everyone

Pleased to hear Nippy is feeling better (and what lovely photo of Pepsi and her dad!) and that you guys are doing ok

Also glad to read that I'm not the only one who leaves the heating on 24/7 in the winter! This house is made of thick stone and it used to take forever to warm it up!

Hope Lynn gets her Mac sorted soon too - we are missing you
Afternoon Azz You are very wise with that heating in a house like that then. Yes, I'm missing Lynn too I do hope she gets herself online soon with a new puter.
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01-12-2012, 06:18 PM
I have a Nursery Fireguard in stock as it were, for just such eventualities, don't want the likkle ones burning their paws do we
Went out for tea bags and bath stuff, and came back with 5 carrier bags full...par for the course, hopefully won't have to go out again for a good while. freezers are ram jam full. The discount freezer shop had 5 magnum ice cream lollies for £1, well who could resist that one.
Tonight we also have shortbread fingers, triple chocolate chip muffins (again) and plain chocolate digestives (again)
Have bought a timer thing for the plug in the Puppy Palace so the heat lamp will go on and off automatically, rather than me running in and out, wrestling with the top bolt on the half door (it doesn't like me) and then finding the right plug to plug in, all the while with an enthusiastic Mabs dancing round me like a dervish
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01-12-2012, 06:20 PM
Well done June, and I for one, don't mind having the same old same old again as long as it's chocolate
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01-12-2012, 06:24 PM
You can keep your chokkie Nechda - I really really really fancy some icecream now!
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01-12-2012, 06:56 PM
Evening all Magic bottle has arrived, and I will plonk it next to those lovely chocolate goodies. I have also brought a selection of savoury delights to nibble on, including dry roasted peanuts and twiglets.

We too keep the heating on all day, and just boost it up late afternoon. It works well for this house, but in our last 16th century place it was just a complete waste of heat and money - too many draughts and no double glazing etc.!! Mind you, we did build up a huge log fire on really cold days and that kept one room really cosy.

I thought that it was getting warmer here after a gloriously frosty start to the day, and indeed we had some rain. However, it is now freezing hard once again, so those roads are going to be like ice rinks if they haven't been treated

Once again, an absolute treat of a puppy fix both picture wise and tale.

That fire is too good to resist........*grabs a bowl of twiglets, a glass of wine from the bottle, and puts feet up in front of Strictly
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01-12-2012, 07:05 PM
*Nonchalantly strolls in, looks round, places offerings of stuffed olives and suchlike alongside the other offerings...

...sees nobody is looking so has a quick swig from the bottle before strolling out again!
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01-12-2012, 07:07 PM
at the screaming woman, June. Aw that little boy is lovely!

Still no more fits. I've made an apple and blackberry crumble if anyone fancies some - it's lovely and warm, just out of the oven.

All of you with your heating on all day must think I'm mad with my windows open and an icy blast roaring through the unheated house!

A lovely glass of white please from that magic bottle while I have a dance to Strictly with the children.
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01-12-2012, 07:09 PM
Originally Posted by Malka View Post
You can keep your chokkie Nechda - I really really really fancy some icecream now!
Had some of that after lunch grandma, as I always do Tcht, norty! Enjoy yours, what flavour are you having then? Mine is always chocolate

Originally Posted by Bitkin View Post
Evening all Magic bottle has arrived, and I will plonk it next to those lovely chocolate goodies. I have also brought a selection of savoury delights to nibble on, including dry roasted peanuts and twiglets.

We too keep the heating on all day, and just boost it up late afternoon. It works well for this house, but in our last 16th century place it was just a complete waste of heat and money - too many draughts and no double glazing etc.!! Mind you, we did build up a huge log fire on really cold days and that kept one room really cosy.

I thought that it was getting warmer here after a gloriously frosty start to the day, and indeed we had some rain. However, it is now freezing hard once again, so those roads are going to be like ice rinks if they haven't been treated

Once again, an absolute treat of a puppy fix both picture wise and tale.

That fire is too good to resist........*grabs a bowl of twiglets, a glass of wine from the bottle, and puts feet up in front of Strictly
Evening old bean Had to refill that bottle of yours cos somebody left it on its side last night, think it was Lorraine or DD, anyway, I've filled it for ya now, so pour me one too please, coz I'm gonna put my feet up for strictly too. Celeb, what ARE we going to do without it after tonight then Wasn't I right with my choice of Ashley then cos bet yer bottom dollar she's gonna win it, she's sooooooooo lovely and I'd love her as a friend along with you of course

*takes a long glass of g & t, handful of twiglets, and settles down in front of the telly*
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01-12-2012, 07:11 PM
Originally Posted by Lucky Star View Post
at the screaming woman, June. Aw that little boy is lovely!

Still no more fits. I've made an apple and blackberry crumble if anyone fancies some - it's lovely and warm, just out of the oven.

All of you with your heating on all day must think I'm mad with my windows open and an icy blast roaring through the unheated house!

A lovely glass of white please from that magic bottle while I have a dance to Strictly with the children.
Oh yes June, forgot to say, I did laugh about you and that man when you had to hide from that woman

Are you mad Linda Glad to hear Loki's still been ok today, finger's crossed for
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