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21-05-2013, 03:30 PM
Originally Posted by Malka View Post

As I say, everyone should be so lucky as to have someone like Nir.
Does your Nir fancy a nice long holiday travelling round England Malka. I'm sure us Dogsey peeps could find him plenty to do between us & he'd see all the country while he was visiting us all doing odd jobs.
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21-05-2013, 03:36 PM
Originally Posted by tawneywolf View Post
Bone run sorted, girlies sorted and all lay out with a bone each. It was raining here when I set off for the bones, but now I am back and sat down after doing all my bits, the sun is out and it is quite warm.
Have had an email from the lovely guy who has Arctic Storm over in Germany, he is going to start training him with this cart, here is the link he has sent me showing what it is all about. Have never seen these things before, maybe we don't have them in England

Looks great doesn't it, I can't see mine jogging along taking no notice of anything, they'd be off after squirrels or something, will see how Arctic Storm gets on because he is taking him to a proper trainer which will probably make all the difference.
Hope you are feeling a bit more like yourself today Helena and a sleep has done you good. Your friends coming over tomorrow will take you out of yourself I think, and then you have this Dancing Hen thing and Salsa lessons to arrange of course!!!
I don't think all the rain we've had over the last 12 months has helped the lawn grow one bit Linda, I keep buying packets of grass patch seed and sprinkling them on my grass to help it along because of the bald patches, and I don't have children playing football on it so heaven help your grass. Nice to hear you got an explanation and apology from your vet re the scenario with Loki's meds.
Can you get someone to come and fix the door handle for you Malka, otherwise you will end up tying it together with string or something - like I would we never heard anymore about what the border police were doing in your village, did you ever find out what was going on?
Can't believe your family have just mucked up your carefully planned day Jenny, that is just typical isn't it. I'll be trundling along doing what I want and I'll get a phone call asking if I am in etc.....and I have to down tools and dispense coffee etc
Now you know what has happened with your son Nippy you can at least stop wondering what is going on and get to the point where they are going to do something about it.
He is only young and surely that is in his favour if it is a small stroke, lots of people get them and don't even realise what has happened, so I really hope he recovers fully and then you won't worry as much, you'll still worry of course, because we always worry about our children, even when they are parents themselves.
Pat you never stopped yesterday did you, and didn't sleep still, try to stay awake all day and then you will just flop around 9pm and be out for the count.
Hope Charly has done well in her exams, she is bound to be feeling down with Ash going back, and so everything will be pretty negative at the moment. She has worked so very hard I can't believe she won't do well, it is surely just her mindset at present.
Afternoon June that cart looks great.
Glad the rain has stopped for you. Not rained here but it could soon its looking very doubtful.

Sorry your day has gone haywire jenny.

Hope you enjoyed the nap Helena.

Bit of annoying day here. Rang mums home to update them and they said they had rung the hospital today to enquire after her and they said she was very well.
Got off the phone from them and my brother Paul rang to say he had just rung the hospital and was told mum was medically fit and ready for discharge were we doing it privately or through the NHS ?
He rang me he knows I am communicating with the home.
The home say the hospital should be ringing them they will arrange to go and assess her and between them the hospital and social services quite possibly they will decide if she needs a nursing home or can go back to the residential home.
We are now wondering are they sending her out as the DR. did say there is nothing more they can do for her to finish her days. They say the fluid is still on both lungs and they are obviously not going to drain it as that is invasive and they told Paul they will not do anything invasive and I suppose if there is nothing more they can do she does have to go somewhere more comfortable.
The woman in the hospital who told Paul she was ready for discharge did say mum had said she was not confident going back to the home as they cannot administer oxygen if it is needed. She did say this yesterday as well.
Oh well watch this space. At least we don't have to do the hard work this time.
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tawneywolf is offline  
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21-05-2013, 04:30 PM
mmmmm the hospital was discussing discharging my mum to a nursing home on the Friday, she passed away sometime during the night the following Sunday/Monday.
We were supposed to be having some sort of family conference type meeting with Social Services to agree on the next steps, I had only been banging my head against the brick wall that is Social Services for many weeks about getting my mum in residential care and they said with carers she was Ok where she was, so she had the fall, and went into hospital, that was within a week of them telling me this....and the rest you already know.
So actually Lynn I would be really on top of it all, or rather Paul be on top of it and find out precisely what they have down as her particular nursing needs, and if you can get a meeting with Social Services with you all there so much the better. You need to be kept in the loop and not fobbed off.At the moment the home is being told one thing and the family another, and who knows what is really going on.
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21-05-2013, 04:31 PM
Originally Posted by tawneywolf View Post
Bone run sorted, girlies sorted and all lay out with a bone each. It was raining here when I set off for the bones, but now I am back and sat down after doing all my bits, the sun is out and it is quite warm.
Have had an email from the lovely guy who has Arctic Storm over in Germany, he is going to start training him with this cart, here is the link he has sent me showing what it is all about. Have never seen these things before, maybe we don't have them in England

Looks great doesn't it, I can't see mine jogging along taking no notice of anything, they'd be off after squirrels or something, will see how Arctic Storm gets on because he is taking him to a proper trainer which will probably make all the difference.
Hope you are feeling a bit more like yourself today Helena and a sleep has done you good. Your friends coming over tomorrow will take you out of yourself I think, and then you have this Dancing Hen thing and Salsa lessons to arrange of course!!!
I don't think all the rain we've had over the last 12 months has helped the lawn grow one bit Linda, I keep buying packets of grass patch seed and sprinkling them on my grass to help it along because of the bald patches, and I don't have children playing football on it so heaven help your grass. Nice to hear you got an explanation and apology from your vet re the scenario with Loki's meds.
Can you get someone to come and fix the door handle for you Malka, otherwise you will end up tying it together with string or something - like I would we never heard anymore about what the border police were doing in your village, did you ever find out what was going on?
Can't believe your family have just mucked up your carefully planned day Jenny, that is just typical isn't it. I'll be trundling along doing what I want and I'll get a phone call asking if I am in etc.....and I have to down tools and dispense coffee etc
Now you know what has happened with your son Nippy you can at least stop wondering what is going on and get to the point where they are going to do something about it.
He is only young and surely that is in his favour if it is a small stroke, lots of people get them and don't even realise what has happened, so I really hope he recovers fully and then you won't worry as much, you'll still worry of course, because we always worry about our children, even when they are parents themselves.
Pat you never stopped yesterday did you, and didn't sleep still, try to stay awake all day and then you will just flop around 9pm and be out for the count.
Hope Charly has done well in her exams, she is bound to be feeling down with Ash going back, and so everything will be pretty negative at the moment. She has worked so very hard I can't believe she won't do well, it is surely just her mindset at present.
Hi June, that cart is great isn't it, I could do with one of those, if only to save my aching legs from all this walking. Trouble is, like you, I'd be dodging all the trees, and what with the ball chucking every now and again, I'd be launched into 90mph mode every few minutes Hmmm, ball, I could rig up the ball on a pole out front, bit like that carrot in front of the donkey?? Trouble there is, the whole walk would be done at 90mph!!! Bit too hairy for my liking, I'd probably be ejected somewhere along the route.

Did you get my pm yesterday thanking you for your post??? Did you know you can have pm's now that you're all paid up? Just wonderin' that's all.

Sounds like Storm has really fallen on his paws with this new owner, I bet he's a really happy boy now with this new guy in Germany. I wonder if he'll send you pics of Storm soon, and keep you informed of how he's doing here and there. Lovely, must have put your mind at rest for him at least, don't know about some of the others still causing you problems.

Well, I'm really chuffed with myself here because I've just managed to rig up the printer on the wireless network because Dave tried to do it over the week-end and couldn't fathom it out, but then he isn't very puter savvy. I managed to find my wep key after much Googling, watched a video on how to do it, and voila, I've just printed off the test page, after unplugging it from the puter and it's worked One less bdooly wire then!

I now have to buy a wireless keyboard cos Dave binned my other one cos I had worn out the keys (no surprise there) and he's a 2 finger man who needs to see what is where. So he's put me back on a spare he had which is wired up, so I want to change that next.

This means, I can now go into the lounge with the puter and the printer and place them where I want instead of having to have that big printer on my desk - Imight even hide it away in a cupboard, not the prettiest piece of equipment is it afterall.

Had a short nap, but with so much I wanted to do, I woke up early and got cracking. I still haven't booked that table for tomorrow, so I'd better do that next.

We almost saw the sunshine earlier on this afternoon, but it was very short lived and we're back to the dull old stuff but thankfully, no rain today.

I'll say Hi to Sally if you pop in before I get back on, and also Hi to Norma if you pop in later too, not forgetting a goodnight to you Moyra.

Lynn, sounds like a bit of a nightmare there with your mum. This always happens because the hospital want her out cos they want her bed, and that's why they don't like the social workers, who want them IN until they've sorted out somewhere safe for them to be. Been there many a time with mum. Hopefully, somebody will step in and sort it all out for you and your brother before they let her go. Sounds to me like she still wants to be around if she's getting worried that there's no oxygen available at the care home doesn't it, otherwise, why would she worry about that if she felt ready and had enough. Good luck with it all Lynn, I know what a worry it is for you. Tomorrow you might get some good news hey!

Hi TM, glad Taff got a clean bill of health along with a nice bone today.

Off to do a bit more, Dave's washing basket always seems to be full up nowadays, but then he's away for 5, home for 2 and in-between I have all the van bedding and ours and my washing, it's never ending here, I feel like I'm in the laundry business - shame it's dirty washing though and not money
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21-05-2013, 04:37 PM
I did reply to your pm Helena, wonder where it went, it was like flaming War and Peace as well......
......wanders off to see if the pm can be found.........
I agree totally about this hospital thing, you are caught in this long running battle between Social Services (who don't want to spend the money on a nursing/residential home) and the hospital who want the patient gone because it is mucking up the budget or something.
LOL at the 90mph thoughts exactly......I just can't see me doing that peaceful jog along with the nice scenery drifting by, I would be hanging on for dear life, covered in leaves, branches and maybe even the odd squirrel clinging round my neck, totally confused as to what happened as seconds ago it was perched on a tree
Great that Taff's had a clean bill of health and his teefs are good, all the better to chew that marrow bone, m'dear
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21-05-2013, 04:41 PM
Originally Posted by tawneywolf View Post
mmmmm the hospital was discussing discharging my mum to a nursing home on the Friday, she passed away sometime during the night the following Sunday/Monday.
We were supposed to be having some sort of family conference type meeting with Social Services to agree on the next steps, I had only been banging my head against the brick wall that is Social Services for many weeks about getting my mum in residential care and they said with carers she was Ok where she was, so she had the fall, and went into hospital, that was within a week of them telling me this....and the rest you already know.
So actually Lynn I would be really on top of it all, or rather Paul be on top of it and find out precisely what they have down as her particular nursing needs, and if you can get a meeting with Social Services with you all there so much the better. You need to be kept in the loop and not fobbed off.At the moment the home is being told one thing and the family another, and who knows what is really going on.
The home have promised they will keep us well me updated as to what's going on.
I know we need to be informed about her being discharged but the home need to know also as that is where she may end up again. Personally I would rather they deal with the hospital and social services and then tell us what's going on.
I have had many rows in the past with the hospital when mum was being discharged back to her house. It may be she ends up being taken to the home without notifying them they did this once with her back to her house and none of us knew till mum phoned. She had her key with her so after that we made sure she had no key on her and they had to speak us first.
I can't see the home being impressed with that as they say need to assess her.
Paul will tell the hospital tomorrow if he is asked that they are to deal with the home.
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21-05-2013, 04:43 PM
Lynn I haven't kept up with your mum's condition but about this fluid on the lungs? Is it her wish not to have it drained? They usually drain off and put a powder (talc) to stick to lining and stop them filling up again.

They did this for my mum as it was VERY distressing for her (feels like you cannot breathe) it didn't really 'prolong' her life but did alleviate the distress.

My mum was being assessed in the hospital to see how much she could manage on her own back at home about 2 days before she died.
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21-05-2013, 04:58 PM
hi all! overslept a bit today so didn't go for my run and just went pretty much strait to work on the yard after something to eat so sorry for being quiet and not saying good morning! Hope everyone is well
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21-05-2013, 05:02 PM
Originally Posted by Tangutica View Post
Lynn I haven't kept up with your mum's condition but about this fluid on the lungs? Is it her wish not to have it drained? They usually drain off and put a powder (talc) to stick to lining and stop them filling up again.

They did this for my mum as it was VERY distressing for her (feels like you cannot breathe) it didn't really 'prolong' her life but did alleviate the distress.

My mum was being assessed in the hospital to see how much she could manage on her own back at home about 2 days before she died.
When mum was re-admitted Sunday Paul was asked if they were to resuscitate her while she was in the resus room if needed he said no she is too frail and her quality of life is poor.
They then told him they would do nothing invasive because of her frailty so we take it that draining her lungs is not on the agenda due to the invasiveness of it I know how it distressed dad the couple of times they did it to him on the second occasion we thought he was going to die in front of our eyes in terrible pain.
Mum would of said to us if they had discussed it with her and yesterday when the DR. spoke to me saying the infection had responded to the AB's but she still has fluid on both lungs he made no mention or asked me on the side what I thought about draining the lungs.
All four of us believe it would kill her and she would pass in a very distressed state which none of us wish for her.
I am really feeling they are going to try to find a way of keeping her as comfortable as they can and let nature take its course now.
I really just don't know what is going to happen or when or how.
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21-05-2013, 05:09 PM
I know it's not what you want to hear Lynn but I was in the same situation with my Mum before she died 10 years ago. She was confined to a wheelchair for about 2 years due to a hospital blunder which they wouldn't admit to. It's a long story which I won't go into now but she had ended up going into a nursing home as Dad had dementia & I was trying to look after both of them. Anyway she had only been in the home for a fortnight when the hospital wanted her to go in for tests on her legs. - pointless really as they wouldn't have been able to do anything. After two days in hospital she caught MRSA. They isolated her in a side ward for a few days & they phoned me to say she was going back to the nursing home that night. I asked if she was ok now - they said yes.i think I was a bit green in them days so just accepted it I decided to leave visiting her till the next day to let her get settled in. At midnight the home phoned me to say they didn't think she was going to last much longer.
I got a taxi down there & when I arrived I asked the head nurse had the hospital told them she had MRSA. No they hadn't. They were disgusted. I sat with Mum all night. She passed away about 9 o clock next morning just after I'd gone to the bathroom along the corridor. I tell myself that she didn't want me to witness her passing & that is why she'd waited until I'd left the room.
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