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08-06-2012, 02:43 PM
I live in bedfordshire uk and have never seen this criss crossing pattern in the sky?? I do see the planes leaving a trail but i'm sure they were doing that when I was a kid (35 now) and it seems to take a good half hour or so to spread out not moments as you suggest is normal? Dunno what all this means or why the government would care to make it rain more here when its flooding like mad all over the place, the practice you describe makes no sense at all, but then when did what the government do or say ever make any sense
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08-06-2012, 03:00 PM
*playing the x files theme tune in my head*
Ben Mcfuzzylugs
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08-06-2012, 03:44 PM
Originally Posted by Jet&Copper View Post
*playing the x files theme tune in my head*
nooo its aliens as well is it??

I cant get the tin foil hat to go over Mias ears! aliens are controling her mind!!!
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08-06-2012, 04:39 PM
Originally Posted by zoeyvonne View Post
I live in bedfordshire uk and have never seen this criss crossing pattern in the sky?? I do see the planes leaving a trail but i'm sure they were doing that when I was a kid (35 now) and it seems to take a good half hour or so to spread out not moments as you suggest is normal? Dunno what all this means or why the government would care to make it rain more here when its flooding like mad all over the place, the practice you describe makes no sense at all, but then when did what the government do or say ever make any sense
I'm 38 and have never seen this criss crossing before, neither have a lot of people, hence all the reports now.

Contrails from planes should not linger, unless you live somewhere very cold and humid like Alaska for example. I have seen planes leave contrails, which dissipate within seconds (or max 2 mins) and are no longer then approx 100 plane lengths behind the plane. Then I have seen chemtrails, which sometimes stretch from horizon to horizon and do not dissipate at all, but slowly spread out to form a white haze across the blue sky. Some trails also form clouds, which are like no other cloud you will ever see (please watch this vid:

Also, HAARP doesn't just cause rain. It can cause the jet stream to move (hence our bad weather right now!), our drought earlier on in the year, unseasonably hot weather in October/November and March this year etc. etc!

Anyway, I think I have given enough information in my posts and it's up to you guys to make your own minds up now.

I don't really appreciate the mick takes though, as some people are getting very badly affected by all this spraying and as long as people keep disbelieving and making fun, then it's just going to carry on to all our detriment!!

Research, research, research!!!!
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08-06-2012, 05:20 PM
The 'breathing difficulty' hospital admissions on this video are quite shocking!

This IS already happening! Check out some of the comments too.
Ben Mcfuzzylugs
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08-06-2012, 05:33 PM
OK sorry you are upset with us having a bit of a joke
I have watched and read most of the links and I cant see a whole lot of truth in them

As a child in the 80's and 90's I remember sitting on autumn days watching the planes track across the sky, their trails spreading out behind them and hanging in the air

Yes clearly the HAARP facility exists and does not hide the fact that they are running experiments on exciting the ionosphere

Yes cloud seeding exists and has done for a very long time

and yes there are patents out covering the HAARP science
and also there were patents filed for the idea of large scale sticking particles in the sky to reflect the sun and counter the effects of global warming
But just because a patent is out does not mean that they have tried it yet, or the science is good, it makes sence if a company was looking at an idea they would protect the idea - even if they later abandon the idea

even me sitting here with my basic knowladge of these things can see how attempting to reflect some of the suns energy to cool the earth is a pretty dumb idea
and Governments as dumb and flawed as they are wouldnt do something so dangerous and difficult to reverse simply because it would be so expensive when in reality global warming wasnt costing them enough money yet to make it worthwhile

and if they did it and were sure it was going to work they wouldnt have been doing it in seceret for decades - they would be shouting it from the rooftops

spraying bacteria?? erm why - as someone said before when the MP's are wearing gas masks then I will be worrying

Then the idea that a collaberation between Russia, China, USA and Europe we could steer hurricanes
Yeah that collaberation is likeley
Not to mention there was actually any science there on the effects of the weather - just a really big jump from HAARP saying they were researching if they could raise the height of some of the areas of the atmosphere - possibly or possibly not the jet stream - then a BIG jump to say this effect could then steer the weather

Then the even bigger jump, not mentioned in the science at all, that these waves could be bounced off the metalic particles which now instead of seeding clouds to form rain are suddenly staying up there in the atmosphere just so we are able to cause earthquakes
gotta laugh with the experiment with the speaker, plastic bus and lump of stone
because of course ONE time a group of people were stood in a high earthquake area had a low frequency device they turned on and an earthquake happend - so of course that ONCE is proof that we can control earthquakes

Then we also have to believe that these magic particles that sometimes choose to seed rainclouds and sometimes stay in the air are seceretly smuggled into jet fuel
and of course cause no harm at all to the jet!!!
the piolets have no idea what is going on but have special fuel tanks for take off and landing without the special additions (cos of course the theorists would be able to detect them about airports) then they blindliy switch over to the doctored fuel when at crusing altitude
and noone asks questions? no whistle blowers at the companies who manufacture the particles, add it to the jet fuel, or fill the planes?

cos I can tell you as an ex manufacturing chemist there is no way people are just blindly adding things to jet fuel without knowing why it is being added
and if they know and it has been going on for this amount of time there is no way that there wouldnt be a few people comming forward and saying they were doing it
chemists have families and would not want the skys polluted any more than the rest of us would
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08-06-2012, 05:54 PM
Ive watched 1/2 of that womans youtube and I see no proof at all
Her 'proof' is the BBC saying it is a possibility, something that has been looked at
A computer drawing on the website (which also includes a space mirror type thing that of course hasnt been built yet and I really doubt ever would)
and the fact that it is cloudy outside

I remember cloudy days in the '80s too

But I guess if we were to take this all to be real then the met office would also have to be included as they would have to be being told when the government is choosing to block the sun so they could report the clouds for that day

also where is the benifit in blocking out the sun in Scotland? we get little enough anyways and have very little influence on the global temperature

If they were wanting to effect the global temp and keep it a seceret from most of the population then they would be best doing it in unpopulated areas around the equator and over the seas where less people will be seeing it and making youtube vids about it
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08-06-2012, 06:17 PM
I haven't read the whole thread so apologise if anyone has already posted this.

I can remember reading, a long time ago, about an experiment that was done over Southampton using the very method you have described. It was either a virus or a bacteria, can't remember which. I was quite shocked at the time.
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08-06-2012, 06:23 PM
There's been alot of talk about the chemtrails here in Italy as well, it's pretty scary stuff really, and what will be the effects in 5 years, 10 years , 20 years????

As for Montsanto, and gm well thats pretty awful too, read a terrible article about the damage they are doing in the states, (won't post the article as it's in Italian) .

It's all about profit and greed , companies like Montsanto who make the general public believe that what they are doing is benifical ...... the truth is very different.

So much info gets hidden from the general public ....... but just as bad is that most people just ignore what is happening!
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08-06-2012, 07:05 PM
Originally Posted by ste View Post
There's been alot of talk about the chemtrails here in Italy as well, it's pretty scary stuff really, and what will be the effects in 5 years, 10 years , 20 years????

As for Montsanto, and gm well thats pretty awful too, read a terrible article about the damage they are doing in the states, (won't post the article as it's in Italian) .

It's all about profit and greed , companies like Montsanto who make the general public believe that what they are doing is benifical ...... the truth is very different.

So much info gets hidden from the general public ....... but just as bad is that most people just ignore what is happening!
Yes, exactly ste, thank you!
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