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25-03-2013, 02:07 PM
Aw June, I can imagine how upset you are, but, ya know, little 'Junior' is bound to be a little stressed until he finds his feet and plants 'em firmly under his new table.

This time next week will probably see him settling in much better.

Keep that chin up Mrs. xx
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tawneywolf is offline  
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25-03-2013, 02:15 PM
Maybe if you had had them when he came to you as a baby, I mean I was surprised to learn Mia played with them, never mind the jr they have, just goes to show, I don't think they 'play' with them unsupervised though
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25-03-2013, 02:17 PM
Thanks Brierly, it was hearing him crying that broke me. when I speak to the person who has Kaya (
Gypsy Princess) she says Kaya knows its me and rushes to the phone and starts licking it and making a fuss, but she doesn't cry like Ash did I'm crying again thinking about it
I'd be a hopeless Puppy Farmer wouldn't I
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25-03-2013, 03:06 PM
Aww June. You will get upset hearing Jr. Crying for you. You had him for a long time. He'll be loads better by next week I bet. (((Hugs)))
One of my dog walking friends has said she would take one of the dogs who go on the park who's owner is struggling. But she said he lives too near & the dog would probably run home whenever it was let off the lead.
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25-03-2013, 03:07 PM
June = (((hugs))) your post brought tears to my eyes over you hearing Ash cry. You know in your heart of hearts he will settle in but it has just been a lot harder for you and him as you had each other for so long. He's gone to an excellent home - remember that. Your story about that collie x you saw this morning with a vacant look did make me smile. I walk my two on leads on the towpath here and it s quite narrow. There is an old boy who toddles along very slowly with his JRT on a hugely long piece of tatty old rope. If I seem him, I turn and immediately walk in the opposite direction as apparently his little dog will have a go at any passing dog and the old boy never apologises, never changes speed and seems incapable of reeling this dog in on the loose rope. I think he thinks he can get away with it 'cos he is just so old.

I ordered some Large Pawz boots last night on Amazon. I ordered two packets thinking that would give me 4 boots (2 in each packet) NOT 12 in each packet If I don't get on with them (or the dogs don't) I'll let someone on here have them ..... time will tell.

Off to take the dogs out again for a quick on lead walk.
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25-03-2013, 04:36 PM
Originally Posted by Lucky Star View Post
I dare you to take them back to Sainsbury's and demand a refund because the socks don't stay up on your ... GSD.
Now why hadn't I thought of that....I'm on my way now

Originally Posted by Brierley View Post
Blimey, it's cold out there and so windy that it was like playing dodgems to avoid areas where things were hanging precariously in the wind.

A bungalow down the road from us had a fire last week. We saw the police tape around it and didn't think too much about that. It's on the local internet news that the fire was deliberate and the bungalow is derelict. I don't understand the derelict bit because it's well maintained - even the front lawn (although the neighbour could be cutting that as we do for our absent neighbour). Bit worrying being just down the road, but I'm wondering if it's an insurance job as we rarely get any trouble here - never so much as a burglary since we moved in on the entire estate. The only problem there has been which caused gossip for weeks was when our car was broken into. Our fault as we'd left the bracket for the satnav stuck to the window and left the car on the drive and the police thought it was targeted in the hopes we'd left the satnav in the glove compartment (which we hadn't). That was four years ago.

Even 'ickle Rosie was cold today. When we went for a coffee she asked to come up on my knee and tucked right in, bless her. That wind really does bite right through.

Settling down with a good book this afternoon and keeping warm.

Helena, I think it must be men in general then. John is 37 so hardly a pup

Enjoy what's left of the day xx
Blimey Chris, it must have been cold for Rosie to have felt it. That bungalow might have been derelect if somebody died in there, probate can take years can't it if there are problems, especially if the state is getting her dosh cos she has no family or something. Why set fire to an empty property though? Bdooly kids, I'd be making them pay for that for the rest of their lives if I could

Originally Posted by tawneywolf View Post
Had everyone out for a walk, changed everyone round a bit, Mabs went on the field with Keshi, as she has no one to play with now, and Mabs will play with her, she was a bit rough and over enthusiastic, but she did wind it back a bit when I told her and they had a lovely time running for the ball and taking turns in who picked it up.
got Cariad and Lona out, took my life in my hands a bit as the schools are off NOW and usually there is someone on the tow path with a dog on an extending lead that they have no control over, didn't meet anyone, so that was good, until I was about 1 minute from home and there is this collie x (another one ) mooching about on its own on the ground near the bridge over the river, now it is one spoon short of a set, it is a bit vacant and it used to be a real nuisance, running in front of cars, once it lay down in the road, not seen it for years and thought it was dead actually, they must have been told to keep it in and actually listened. It was wandering about on the path facing me and my 2 were in overdrive as it just sort of stares but isn't at home if you know what I mean, I finally managed to drag mine past because it shuffled off eventually, then I saw it again sat outside the back of its house, the gate was closed, so someone has just turned it out and left it
Last night George got in touch to say Ash (deff called Junior now so will call him Junior in future) had been sick, and had he been wormed. So rang him and said yes he had been wormed a month ago and had Milbemax, what was happening. He said he was very hungry and pooing a lot and had been sick. Asked if there was anything in the sick and it was yellow bile, this was apparently 5.30 in the morning. He said he is pooing a lot, using the puppy pads though, not runny poo, a little soft but getting better now. I asked if he was on 3 meals like he should be and what he was eating, I really don't think he has worms because I am fanatical, mother is wormed before mating, throughout pregnancy and babies are wormed regularly and I have never seen one, and George hadn't actually seen anything. But I can see and understand how he put 2 and 2 together and made 5. I said if it made him feel better he could either use Drontal or Panacur, because in all honesty now they are out in the world they could pick stuff up like that, but I think I would have noticed it as well prior to him going there. I explained that all babies are like that with food, rush at it like they've never been fed and Ash and Keshi were like loonies at meal times, this morning I gave Keshi her brekkie, she probably had a mouthful before rushing back out and taking her mother's, so I let Cariad in to eat Keshi's brekkie. They are neither of them thin, they are well covered, not fat though, because they shouldn't be at this age, whilst they are growing, it is a fine balance. So we went through the food and quantities and he is keeping in touch. I think he is a bit stressed with the change of household and routine and it will come right once he settles. Whilst we were on the phone Ash could hear it was me and started crying, and I was just so upset, that when I put the phone down I started crying, so I couldn't come back on last night because I feel awful, like I have abandoned him and with all this going on with him being like this it is making it so hard, I know its got to happen and he is in a good home, but very very hard. I rehomed Blaidd after taking him back and sorting him out, and he was with me 10 months, and we were very close, but he settled a lot better than Ash seems to be doing, early days yet and it will take time and George said the same to me that he is thinking weeks not days, he is getting on well with the rest of the family and everyone loves him
Awwww June (((((((((((hugs))))))))))))), what sad news about Ash, but I'm sure it's all down to the change. Hopefully he will go ahead and worm him anyway and at least he can then rule it out. Maybe he didn't hear you on the phone, maybe he wanted George to get off the phone and play with him or let him out or summat. Dave rings me each night and if Zena KNEW she'd go ape, but she doesn't she just lays here at my feet whilst I chat to him. I know you miss him loads and loads, but I'm sure he doesn't actually miss you that much, what with all that excitement he now has in his new home. A dog who moves to a family where there isn't much happening would probably pine, along with a dog who is a lot older, but not a bouncy, happy little guy like Ash, I'm sure he's as happy as Larry. Now come on June dry those eyes, *hands June another full box of Kleenex* and repeat after me "Junior is very happy in his lovely new home". You couldn't have kept them all, much as you would have wanted to, and this is what you did it all for, they all have fabulous homes now, and you have the beautiful Kesha and what more could you want along with the rest of the gang of norties, and maybe, just maybe Kesha will not follow suit with the naughtiness I do have my doubts however!!! (((((((((((hugs)))))))))), I do hope he rings you back in a couple of days saying how Junior has improved and hasn't been sick again.

Originally Posted by Taffsmum View Post
Aww June. You will get upset hearing Jr. Crying for you. You had him for a long time. He'll be loads better by next week I bet. (((Hugs)))
One of my dog walking friends has said she would take one of the dogs who go on the park who's owner is struggling. But she said he lives too near & the dog would probably run home whenever it was let off the lead.
Is this the lab which the old boy owns who hardly gets out Taffsmum? I do wish she'd give it a try, it might surprise her, she could give that dog a whole new lease of life.

Originally Posted by jenny.g View Post
June = (((hugs))) your post brought tears to my eyes over you hearing Ash cry. You know in your heart of hearts he will settle in but it has just been a lot harder for you and him as you had each other for so long. He's gone to an excellent home - remember that. Your story about that collie x you saw this morning with a vacant look did make me smile. I walk my two on leads on the towpath here and it s quite narrow. There is an old boy who toddles along very slowly with his JRT on a hugely long piece of tatty old rope. If I seem him, I turn and immediately walk in the opposite direction as apparently his little dog will have a go at any passing dog and the old boy never apologises, never changes speed and seems incapable of reeling this dog in on the loose rope. I think he thinks he can get away with it 'cos he is just so old.

I ordered some Large Pawz boots last night on Amazon. I ordered two packets thinking that would give me 4 boots (2 in each packet) NOT 12 in each packet If I don't get on with them (or the dogs don't) I'll let someone on here have them ..... time will tell.

Off to take the dogs out again for a quick on lead walk.
Oooops I forgot to mention that bit Jenny, cos I did the same I have mountains of them in my little stacker, which makes them an even better purchase doesn't it. If you're buying baby socks, then don't get them from Sainsbury's, go to Next!!!

Well, Dave set off at 2pm for his x-ray, the drive being 5 mins or less. He's just come back He said it was standing room only. The hospital is a real disgrace, and he said we'd better not get ill over here Some of the doors are taped up, the outside of the building is a real mess with all the green (same as we have from the trees over the winter) on the outside walls along with the inevitable pigeon c*ap, and even inside he said is a disgrace. Soooooo, I told him if it's that bad, we need to get the local paper on the case, so tomorrow I will be going up there armed with my camera, ready to report I said if there's one place that needs to be pristine and clean, it's a bdooly hospital!!!! Well I'm right aren't I??? What is going on with this country now

I'm off to Google and take a look for myself now.
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25-03-2013, 05:55 PM
Helena - Oooops I forgot to mention that bit Jenny, cos I did the same I have mountains of them in my little stacker, which makes them an even better purchase doesn't it. If you're buying baby socks, then don't get them from Sainsbury's, go to Next!!! Thanks for the tip. Next time I'm near a Next I'll pick some up
Wow, that hospital does sound fairly unsavoury ....... but I'm sure something will be done soon as they won't have reckoned with Heroic Helena at the helm

Malka - Its nice to see that you have still been on-line and posting on other threads - hopefully that means your swollen eye is less swollen

I took my boys out for another walk and OMG it was even more bitter out there. If only that wind disappeared it would be acceptable ..... well maybe not acceptable ..... but bearable.
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25-03-2013, 06:06 PM
Aw June. Next time make sure he takes the phone in another room. You've reminded me of when I went to customs shed to get Charlie Girl after BA lost her. I called the bloke over - she was obviously out the back and heard me - she SCREAMED HER HEAD OFF. I got so upset. I demanded he go get her AT ONCE. The official wasn't going to let me take her out of her cage until I'd signed everything and got off the premises. I let her out cuddled her tight to me and shouted in his face 'oh effing SUE ME then!' then stalked off without paying the 50cent stamp fee and said he could sue me for that too while he was at it! I was SO upset to hear her crying - a normally silent dog.

Helena - you and your Dunelms (I am getting an insane desire to go there) and your purchases! I would love to be there if you took the socks back because they won't stay on your dog (and kept a straight face) lol!

I've got a great tale about 'taking something back'. When I lived in Newlyn. Drove down to the Co-op to get some wine and bits coz my pal Maggie was coming for a girls night and she was there outside her car with a smashed bottle of red wine all over the pavement had fallen thro the carrier bag. Well she is very mild mannered (not a bit like me) so I grabbed the main bit of the bottle and stormed into the Co op demanding to see someone and ranting about how useless their carriers were and how it should have been double bagged and blah blah. They told me to get another bottle and put the broken one in the bin.

I got my bits and went back outside and said to Maggie 'here you go' and handed it to her. She just stared at me and said 'but Pat I didn't buy it in there' lol! Oh lordy we laughed about it all night - especially after we'd drunk the new bottle and another one to go with it!
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25-03-2013, 06:09 PM
George has text me a couple of times this afternoon and says he is a bit brighter today, and we have agreed it is just a matter of time for him to get used to things. If only I had done my little goody bag for him, because if I make up some meals and freeze them then they can add bits of their own stuff and gradually get them onto what their dogs have. But I didn't want to offend George after he said no bother we've got loads of stuff here. Also I think the food will smell of me a little and that makes them feel better that I've not dropped off the face of the earth which is how Junior is feeling. I did tell George he is a mummy's boy, all the boys are like that, the girls are the independent feisty ones, the boys need a lot of reassurance and need cuddles. Oh well, onwards and upwards, have been crying again this afternoon. Eldest Son appeared on the way up to Scotland, he is staying here tonight then going on his way, told him about the door, and he laughed.... Get my works pension end of this week and then I am off buying a proper lock and if he doesn't do it then I will somehow do it on my own!!!!
Thanks for all the cyber cuddles, I need them. I know he couldn't have stayed here, otherwise he would have done, if I could have thought of a way round it, but it would have been too much for me, I am on my absolute limit dogwise, and its only because I have had Cariad spayed and next is Lona that I am keeping Mabs and Keshi. I would have said Cariad and Lona had calmed down, but after the incident with the half baked collie x I can't say that anymore!!!!!
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25-03-2013, 06:32 PM
Pat - I loved your Co-op/wine story. Isn't it amazing what one can get away with if you have the confidence

June - its good that you've got your son for company tonight .... well I hope you think it is Tomorrow's another day and little Junior will settle in soon enough. More ((((((((((hugs)))))))))) for you.
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