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tawneywolf is offline  
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28-04-2014, 10:57 AM
I think a lot of it is a Spring Thing as well you know, if he's in the garden, happy, then so be it. Could you make him a place out there where he is secure maybe and you could go out and leave him there if he is being stubborn about coming in, maybe he is too hot in the house, with that coat its a possibility, which is why he's getting you up in the night as well.
I need to get these girls out, I'm procrastinating now, done all my phone calls, am ready to go, but not gone lol
Riverbank for everyone today for a good run round, then will start back at training on the field with Keshi and Mabs, am wanting to get at least 3 of them in a position where I can do stuff with them together, I know Mabs isn't going to co-operate, not her thing, but the other 3 I've got a chance with, just needs it to be totally deserted when I start, maybe I've got half a chance at midnight
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28-04-2014, 11:30 AM
Hello everyone
I'm actually beginning to feel more human, still feel sick and cough a lot but the been back to doctors this morning and she has signed me off for another week. She says the chest infection is nearly gone and the cough and sickness and runs are another bug!!
On another note, my son Liam and his friends are on their way to America as we speak, Liam was so excited, I'll miss him though.
Lauryn doesn't want to go back to school in morning though, they've got inset day today
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28-04-2014, 11:30 AM
Afternoon all. I'm late on parade today. j
Sexy looking boy you've got there LYNN Happy birthday from me as well.
Hope Flash gets over what ever is ailing him JENNY
Take it easy BEV. You still don't sound well at all.
I'm shattered. I took the hound out. Dashed up to my daughters with my G/sons birthday card with £'s in it He's 17 tomorrow & what on earth do you buy a 17 year old?
Got home, brushed the floor & hoovered, ironed some bedding that's been hanging around since last week & then got on my hands & knees & scrubbed the kitchen floor Although I steam it mostly the tiles have dimples in them & they seem to attract the muck
Just having some lunch (Banana butties ) before I take the hound out again
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28-04-2014, 12:09 PM
Bad luck Mandy but you prove what I often say is true when people have all sorts of symptoms ... just because you've got one thing wrong with you - doesn't mean you can't have something else wrong with you at the same time. Bugs and viruses don't form an orderly y queue and wait their turn! In fact if you are already debilitated by one thing it's probably more likely you will pick up something else doing the rounds.

As for ignoring a dog ... Bella doesn't give a stuff what I'm doing! And getting the hoover or other domestic appliances out is won't to ensure she buzzes of outside and stays there! She's always up for going out though. Only hung back a couple of times when other people have tried to take her and I'm staying put. I just say drag her out - shell be fine when you get up three road a bit! Don't fancy trying to drag Dillon tho!
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28-04-2014, 12:17 PM
I think I might try putting some orange peel down, seems to be what some people say might work Lynn.

I just dont seem to be able to settle to do anything, I am supposed to mow the lawn but it seems a bit too much to do.....and I've got a swollen eye... dont know where that's come from, bit sore too, feels a bit bruised, can you get a bruised eye Also got to hang the washing out......maybe after another cuppa.

Some lovely pics on here over the weekend, Bella, Bailey, Horatio and Harley and I think I also saw a model of Eileen in her garden

I have found the camera cable, that I got from "that person" and will download my camera and try to get some updated pics of Shayda on later. DD I have six dogs and would have more, but eversuffering husband says "NO"....well for now he does.....
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28-04-2014, 12:26 PM
Meant to say Lynn, Google looking boy you have there

You are not going to believe what my friend has just told me- at the work meal last night, my boss said that someone has put in a complaint ( I missed meal obviously) that 2 hours after I sold them a chicken, they got a cold, and I gave it them!!! Even worse, they said I'm a friend and they know me well, and she has now put in a complaint to head office because they got no sympathy from my boss!!! I'm really angry that someone could do this, and declare they a friend!!! This person has said, they don't want me to get into trouble that's ok but bit of a cruel way to get free shopping don't ya think. Head office are backing my boss thank god!!
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gordon mac
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28-04-2014, 12:27 PM
Good day everyone - just a quickie after my lunch then it's back outside for me and the grimly dingoes. Glad you got a better night Bev. Also pleased to see that Mandy's Bugs seem to be on their way out at last. Elaine - The Mem (who is cat mad) says that with the peeing problem, if you firstly clean and dry the offending spot then cover the area with thick plastic (the sort that crinkles and makes a noise when they tread on it). On top of the plastic place some random pieces of fresh orange peel. Apparently a combination of the noise the plastic makes and the citrus scent should do the trick. Hope this helps. I myself to keep cats away from a certain thing or area use an empty 2litre lemonade bottle (clear plastic with the labels removed) fill this half full of water and lie it on it's side by the plant or on the flower/veg bed you wish to protect. Not quite sure why it works, may be something to do with the way the light refracts through it, but it does. Got it from a strange programme about Australia years ago, don't know whether it would help inside, it is however inexpensive and could be just the thing???? Bye fer now.
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28-04-2014, 12:30 PM
Good afternoon all.

Done our walk and brekkie in town so thought I'd just pop on (as requested ) to up-date a little. Mind you, not much going on so not a lot to say.

Rosie is still Rosie. Delightful in every respect and now seems healthy and well now that we've sorted out what foods she can and can't have. She really is the easiest of dogs and loves everyone.

Gary is getting worse so we have a barrage of meetings and hospital visits to get through, but hopefully we'll manage to get something sorted out to make life a little easier before too much longer. His fits are increasing and he's had loads of new head injuries as a result although, fortunately, nothing as serious as the one a year last November.

Dave's eye is finally starting to show signs of some improvement following the last 8 months of injections in it. Hopefully, they'll manage to get it to a stage where they can sort out the cataract.

Otherwise, nowt much going on.

Hope everyone is well and enjoying life xxxx
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28-04-2014, 12:34 PM
Afternoon all those I missed earlier

Had a glorious walk up along the top in the gorgeous sunshine (yes, tis me who has it all today ). I wish Zena would realise that a walk is a walk, not a blinkin race, and I have to put her ball onlead for that close to the edge cliffpath, and she tugs on it and drags me along, so I decided to let her go it alone, and she still sped off up ahead of me, so just to be awkward, I stopped and sat down lol, she didn't like that at all

Came home and went off up to the park to see the manager cos I was in the mood and that woman behind me (in van 2 Jenny) is beginning to irritate me now, not just with her dog c*ap along my fenceline, but the fact that they've got to excavate the water trench at the bottom of the slope to stop all the water going into her garden. The reason her garden is full of mud is the fact that her dog just runs up and down in it Anyhoo, had a lovely chat with the manager and told him I was having nightmares of them taking up my fence, bringing a digger through my lovely lawned garden to get to said trench, but he said no way, they'd be going in her side if at all. I couldn't imagine with a fully booked van from next Saturday having to put up with the stress of keeping my guests happy if all that lot was going on in the garden. Anyway, it won't be, he has now assured me.

Early for the dentist so popped into Mr S for some bread and bits, but didn't have any money I've spent out on our account and I only had a tenner in me purse out of which I'd bought a bag of lovely spuds for £7.50, but after emptying contents of handbag I managed to make it up to £6! Rent due next Saturday and it's 5 weeks so I'll be rich again, just gotta get through this week but I don't need anything now. I refuse to touch my little savings cos once you dip in, it's gone isn't it, so I like to forget I've got that, cos the rainy day is a coming when Dave gives up work next April.

Dentist went fine, she's so lovely, we had a good laugh and turns out she lives quite near to me here, but you don't really wanna get too friendly with a dentist do ya!

On the way home, I noticed 2 community support policeman walking down the road, so I pulled over for a chat. My chat was about these neighbours and that flipping dog of theirs that they are still letting out running around out the front on the open plan bit. Now if this dog was trained, I wouldn't mind so much, but if they had to call it away from me, nothing would happen. I told the officers about the visit the 2 other officers had made, and still they don't keep the gate shut on their balcony (they were told to get a spring put on it so that it stays shut! ) They were also told NOT to let their dogs out on the front with it being open plan and they stuck to this at first, but now they're back to how they were. This in turn means, if I'm out on a walk, I cannot come home to my OWN house can I cos their bl**dy dog will come for Zena on my drive like it always has before They totally agreed with me, so I threw in the fact that they shouldn't have dogs, they're left home alone all day, every day of the week, barking, and they get a walk if they're lucky but I can't remember the last one they had. These officers are now going to get in touch with the other 2 who came round and send them round again for a "follow up" and I told them that I hadn't seen them, mum's the word, and a follow up would be good. He touched his nose and said, mum's the word, leave it with us, and told me I shouldn't have to put up with this dog, when it's already attacked Zena 3 times twice on our own property I know they'll do this for me cos they were quite appalled at what I said.

Threw in some lunch and took Zena up into the woods for half an hour, now she's on guard out the front after a lunch of mixed veggies boiled up with a slab of cod. I noticed this morning that I have now taken up her harness belly strap 4" - can you belieeeeve it? I must pop her in to get her weighed again cos she's certainly a much sleeker model now and he should be well pleased with us.

Lynn, have you thought about shutting the door on Dillon? That always works a treat with Zena when she refuses to come in. I always say, well stay out there then and then I shut the door lol, she comes a running then

Jenny, hope little Flash is going to be ok, but I thought I read it was Rucksack who did that awful thing with that snake yesterday. I can't even type what he did, eeeeuuuuw I thank the lord that I've never had a scavenger, along with a wrecker, apart from Georgie who liked the odd bit of horse poo but then I always worried they might have wormed the day before. Good luck with Flash, and glad you had sunshine too.

Mandy glad to hear you're feeling a bit better today and Bev, sorry you're still so rough, and please don't try to do too much.

Pat you need some straightening irons, and that hairdresser should have told you, you should only have this style if your hair is poker straight, or you're prepared to put in the work with the drying and straightening. Oh you did make me laugh, I can just imagine it by your description this morning, and there I am, worried about a little bit that might be 1 cm too long on one side lol! This style is great for straight hair, you just dry it all upside down and brush it, voila, job done and if you want it to stay like that for the next morning, then you get the straighteners on it to iron it into place. Make a note not to do this type of drying on curly hair though for obvious reasons lol! Products, loads and loads of products, especially Moroccan oil "light" must be light, it tames your hair and would be brilliant for you hair and doesn't leave it greasy, check it out, that's my little tip of the day.

Now I've typed so much I've forgotten what I'm talking about, so Hi to everyone I missed and I'll catch you later cos I need to eat.
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gordon mac
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28-04-2014, 12:40 PM
Mandy - If that's one of your friends, wouldn't like to meet one of your enemies. The Mem in passing said "Some sort of bleeping friend she's got". Then as she was leaving the room made a reference to them needing some sort of casual violence (won't specify as it's before the watershed) but I'm with her on that one. Bye fer now.
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