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19-03-2014, 11:35 AM
Moyra - see if you can get chicken carcases or backs for Amber as I am sure they must be cheaper than drumsticks.

I used to love needlework but threading needles drives me nuts now. I do have some needle threaders but then I have to get the thing through the eye of the needle - and then the thread through that...

...but I regularly sew up Da Booga's toys when she gets over-enthusiastic with them!

I actually have a collection of zips [as well as a button box] because if anything ever is so tatty that it has to be chucked in the rag bin I always remove zips and buttons first. Not that I have many clothes with zips now but my zip collection has more than come in handy in the past!
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tawneywolf is offline  
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19-03-2014, 11:39 AM
Lovely day here today, has taken me half an hour, maybe more actually to get into my emails this morning, I ended up switching the whole lot off and read a book whilst I had brekkie, gave it time to consider its anti social actions and switched back on again, and this time have managed to get in.
Got an email from Tala and Tanika's family, they are so pleased with them, they have seen a horse for the first time and Tala was her Drama Queen self and carried on like she had seen some sort of puppy eating monster.
Have defrosted some cooked chicken pieces and Mabs and Keshi are having a training session today, was going to go to training on Sunday, but have realised it is Mothers Day and it is often shut on that day, you might know eh.
Malka, how's the bomb dropping going on, you've not mentioned them recently so am taking it that they have stopped for the while, and hopefully Pereg has calmed down somewhat at last. Did your lawyer ever get in touch with your non social worker at all. You were saying about a chart yesterday, was waiting to hear more, so take it you are still doing it, whatever it is, time zones for the Epi List maybe
Gordon, remember you were interested in adopting the greyhound last week, well a friend of mine does a bit of fostering for a local rescue, and she was telling me yesterday she is taking a litter of whippet x wire haired pointer puppies in, they will be with her on Thursday, I know no more. But if you would be interested in homing one I do know for definite that they wouldn't look askance at you having one when you have dogs already, so let me know, she is only in Stockport, so not far from you, and I will find out more about them if you are interested.
There was a magnolia tree in my mothers garden and she always promised me a cutting, but it never happened. I love them, they are so beautiful.
Jenny and Lynn, I think you need to do what you have to do, and both of you have an afternoon nap after a nice restful lunch. Nothings going to happen f you don't hoover etc. it will still be there tomorrow.
No idea what must have been going on with your lot last night, maybe they were in contact with each other.
OMG Helena, another ruined walk, its like a nightmare everyday sometimes. Thats why I've been going on the river the last few weeks, its easy and no worries, but I do have to start them back doing a bit of training in the case of the youngsters, Cariad and Lona are a lost cause, they're not too bad, except when dogs run up to them, then they have to have their say, and of course its never the other dogs fault is it!!!!
Lore, you're just not well at the moment,I think you need time out on your own, however with a job, OU course and a child thats just not going to happen. Hope Davey's ADHD meds are working on him now, they sounded as though they were, because it will take some pressure off you.
Right, well best get the Mabs and Keshi out in a minute, before the world and his wife ruins my day - again!!!
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19-03-2014, 12:29 PM
Afternoon all

Gordon, I'm glad you are suitably impressed, I do know of others, such as the bloodgood, which is also another very pretty one, but as far as that UK tour goes, don't hold yer breath, cos I'm only showing off with the ones I've had, and I've even impressed meself here, let alone you Oh I bet that breakfast was the best for a long time wasn't it having fasted for so long, now you're ready to face whatever today throws at you Gordon.

Jenny, oh that did make me laugh about that neighbour's comment to you, it reminds me of when I got back from one of my numerous dental visits having had a bad abcess yet again, and my friend up the road saw me pull up outside my house, decided to walk down for a chat, and the first thing she said was, blimey H, you look older than yer mother!!! Now that was insulting!!!

Linda, how could you, that poor Carys will be totally cream crackered tonight when she gets home, enjoy a nice restful day before you go pick her up then!

Eileen, woooosh and there she was gone, see ya later then Eileen after your triple mission today, and don't forget you're spinning tonight, will you have the energy I wonder

Moyra, I've come to the conclusion that they don't! She saw me put Zena onlead, and any person with a brain cell would have realised this could have meant that she was aggressive and she should have taken evasive action like putting her own dog onlead, or at the very least keeping it away from us, but no. Then again, looking at the state of her psychadelic pink hair I doubt whether she had a brain cell in there.

June, don't you have the doc's today then? Please don't tell me you (or they!) have cancelled it? Good luck on the river run, hope you don't run into any muppets like I did today.

All gone now, can't remember any more sorry.

I just walked Zena up the road, and that lady and her daughter with the young white gsd that I met the other week, was driving down in her car and she pulled over and they got out for a chat. She's now given me her phone number cos she wants me to pop in for a cuppa in the hope that her dog will let me in when she goes up to London next week for the day, so I can feed him and let him out. He's only 7 months old, so I'm sure he'll consider me a friend, but then again, he's never been socialised properly cos they had their own land behind their house where they used to live. I told her we need to get the pair of them together walking onlead and he should calm down with Zena and stop barking at her aggressively. I'm sure Zena would put him in his place if necessary anyway, but I'd hate for her to hurt him, but she shouldn't, he's still got his puppy licence at 7 months old hasn't he.

Anyway, that's a new friend I might be able to go out with not only with Zena but at other times too. I need to spread my wings here I think, cos all I have atm is Dave which is not healthy really is it. I've got my friendly neighbours of course, and my 2 friends with all the shepherds down the road, but I never go out shopping or anything with them, we only ring each other for chats or they pop round here. Things are looking up cos this new woman had horses and I seem to get on with her very well, along with her teenage daughter, and the way Zena went up to them she likes them already. She even jumped up at the girl like she'd known her all her life which I found quite strange. She also commented on how fab Zena looks and asked me if she's lost weight because she looks so different from 3 weeks ago! Result! I'm going to get her weighed in the vets tomorrow

Anyway, we're back home now, having bangers and a jacket for lunch.

Turning quite cold out there, although I was only in a fleece, that wind was pretty biting and the sun has gone in now.

Got the old budget today, I wonder what that will hold in store for us, better get in the ciggies and wine before he doubles those in price, they're always first on his hit list aren't they

Catch you all later then after nanny napping.
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19-03-2014, 12:57 PM
Afternoon everyone.
Glad blood tests went well and quickly hope zips are sorted or about to be and missions accomplished
Hope everyone is well although I see Lorraine is still tired and no wonder. Plus poor Carys after her mum made her cycle 3 miles then she had PE then various after school activities. Glad Loki is doing well.
Sorry to hear about worrying dog walks. I always make sure I have Dillon's lead even if its his long line and check it is safe to greet for all dogs safety.

Well Dillon walked and housework upstairs done and Dillon brushed now about to hoover and dust downstairs. Dillon is off his breakfast too Helena in fact yesterday he didn't eat any dog food just a few biscuits today he ate some food and some scrambled eggs he is in a funny mood. If it wasn't for his energy I would be worried about him but my conclusion is there is a bitch in heat nearby it may even be Poppy next door. Although neutered but not quite a year and seeing how driven he was while entire I wonder if it is still affecting him not so badly but confusing him. The big brindle Mastiff up the road behind gates was howling and whining this morning and didn't even bark as we went by it just continued howling and whining. Must be entire.

Haven't seen Elaine for a while hope she is ok.
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19-03-2014, 01:24 PM

That sounds like a good idea Helena. It's good to have people to chat to. I must try to socialise more too, I've become a bit of a hermit.

I picked up the dress from Monsoon - it is lovely but I think it's going to come up shorter than I preferred. I'll have to try it on Carys when she gets back to be sure.
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19-03-2014, 02:03 PM
Morning all...WOW I too had a restless night with Daisy, she was up and down all night, and then out at 4.30 and ofcourse now is zonked out on the bed. She had a funny episode in the garden y'day to, it was so quick and if I hadn't been stood right there I wouldn't have noticed it, she was off digging and then stood up and started to walk away but she was staggering, literally for 30 secs that is all, a bit like when we stand up too quick and all the blood rushes to our heads and makes us dizzy.. So weird, needless to say I will be keeping a very close eye on her!

Her having a restless night is just Daisy being Daisy!

so pretty tired today, but no Nanny Nap as I shall be working, and meeting a friend for a walk, really hoping she doesn't cancel as it is raining!!! and that is all really!

Pleased to see everyone is on parade, Hope doctors, dentists and Candlestick makers visits go well, and that zips can be repaired or otherwise pants will be down!!

Happy Hump Day peeps!!
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19-03-2014, 02:22 PM
Doctors at 3pm Helena, so everyone been out, got a run round on the field with Mabs and Keshi then they each had 10 minute training session, and they aren't as hopeless as I feared as I literally cannot remember the last time I did anything with them training wise. Took lots of chicken with me and started off with throwing a bit over to them when I called them, so they knew I had chicken then and were maybe a bit more co-operative.
Cariad and Mabs have had a run round and a swim on the river.
Was coming back with Mabs and Keshi and there was this noise like a million chainsaws, was looking round then I looked up, police helicopter circling very low overhead, and I could see three young blokes coming towards me and as they passed me I heard one of them say something about 'getting lost in the shopping centre' lol well they had a very long trek in front of them unless they though there was a shopping centre on the main road lol police helicopter hovering around for ages, it had disappeared by the time I took Cariad and Lona out though, so no idea what was going on, that counts for excitement in our village and all the neighbours were out
Girls all skipped out again, supplied with bones, I've put the rake through Keshi, she is getting to enjoy it now and stands there for me to do it, just the lugs dangling from her ears now, I'm teasing them out gradually, but want to get the scissors to them if I'm honest
Enjoy the various nanny naps, I'd be joining you because I had another bad night, but got the doctors, plus got to go to the sorting office because despite the notice on my door asking for parcels to be left at a neighbours they've taken it back to the sorting office again, good job it is Wednesday, the one time in the whole week when they are open in the afternoon. Its stuff for my steering rack, allegedly stops leaks, so am trying that before I have to buy a whole new one!!!
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19-03-2014, 02:27 PM
Afternoon been a busy bee so far today,full of energy and Multi tasking( like us ladies do) Men can't!!... There now,that should set GORDON off
Spent the last hour having a pamper I am now smooth,buffed,polished and exfoliated Feel like a new woman
My blind is now finally ready,man will be here to fit it shortly..thank goodness,had visions of the window cleaner appearing while I was in the bath Wouldn't want to put the poor guy off his lunch!!
Spinning later,not be so bouncy after that Still really windy here but dry,so got loads of washing out...will catch up later,hope your all behaving
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19-03-2014, 02:28 PM
Oh...Good Luck at the doc's TW
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19-03-2014, 02:29 PM
Fank you, need to get myself dressed, am in my fluffy robe again now
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