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13-02-2014, 10:29 AM
Good morning everyone
Hope you're all well and safe.Bit blowy here,but dry so far,course it ain't gonna stay that way
So glad I went to bed early,took 2 tablets and slept like a log Had a wee cry this morning when I was trying to brush my teeth ( what am I like? )but I got over it and in much better form now. Have a bit more energy so I'm gonna catch up on my chores
MALKA,good news for Pereg
LORE & NORMA,you both sound much better!!
Stay safe and keep warm...see ya later
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Lucky Star
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13-02-2014, 10:44 AM

HUGE hugs and thoughts for anyone affected by this weather and the floods.

I hope you enjoy your sports night Lore.

Malka - Great news about Pereg's level.

Lynn - I'm glad your hand is healing but I don't half wince when I read about it!

Eileen - Oooh I hope you feel much better very soon and don't worry about crying. Hugs. x

It's a beautiful morning here! How sad it's not going to last.

It was a mad rush here this morning because Carys was off on a coach to a mini Olympics sports thing and I wanted to be there to wave her off. I always tear up when I see her go off. She comes back and has swimming - no school work today then.

She got another badge at Beavers last night - an experiment badge. I'm so pleased she is enjoying it.

Loki is much better, thank you. He had a good night and I was able to leave him yesterday and today without him barking.

I have a major housework session before my step-mother-in-law comes on Saturday. Wish me luck! I am checking travel disruptions so that she's not stranded somewhere.

Take care everyone.
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13-02-2014, 11:11 AM
Morning again everyone

Managed to get up the top, but took another route on the other side, and when I got into the side of the quarry, blimey, I couldn't get through, it was like a lake lying there, never seen that before no matter how much rain, and that wasn't actually IN the quarry itself, but on the other side of it. Then I remembered I had the vet at 9.50 for Zena's manicure, so I had to race around, get back, hose her legs, grab my handbag, chuck her back in the car and get up to the vets and I only made it with 2 mins to spare.

She was soooooo good for him, but when he cut a back one she squealed, then I saw all the blood Typical, I didn't do it myself because of that, I didn't book the vet nurse because of that, and he goes and does it He bandaged it all up, explained to me that when it's a straight cut it won't get infected (yeah right), and how some show people actually cut the quick each time so that it's kept back. Anyway, she's now sporting a 24 hour bandaged foot, but I'll probably get that lot off before bedtime, slap on the Savlon, and a baby sock and forget it.

On top of that, he's put her on a diet cos he said she's now overweight I have to cut out one of the half cups of kibble, so we'll see how it goes. I'm sure it's the lack of running around that's done this, cos I can't chuck the ball, it's too wet and slippery and I don't want more injuries with that shoulder, devil and deep blue here.

Dave's busy in the bathroom, the bath is going in there in a minute and being connected up, it's all ready. Roast chicken for lunch and I'm in one of *them* this morning, I can't be ar*sed to do anything, so I'm on here.

The water sitting on top of even the long grass up the top now is unbelievable considering it's sand and normally drains very well. I wouldn't be surprised if half those cliffs fall into the sea soon, but hopefully, when I'm on walking on them lol.

Jen, so you had it like us last night, wasn't it scarey the force of that wind and the lightening God help us again tomorrow then mate.

Lynn, glad to hear that hand is getting better so slowly though, and I hope Dillon enjoys his biscuit hunting and his muddy romp in the garden. My lawn is so sodden, you just slip off it even standing on it to hang up her coat each morning. Such a shame for you, cos you were yearning for a lovely garden, and now you've got it, well what can I say

Moyra, I'm sure you're struggling with your walks, stay safe in this slippery stuff.

Linda, awww at you shedding a tear waving Carys goodbye. Waddaya gonna do when she gets married off then ..... join them in their honeymoon maybe??!! Hope Loki's ok today and fit free.

Malka, good luck with choosing the right towels, you don't want the ones where they give you the face cloths etc. cos everything is far too small imo.

Eileen, ((((hugs)))) for you crying when you saw yerself in the mirror, I often do that lol! Hope you're a bit better today though.

Hi Norma, you've started something here with me now and your Nostradamus, but check out one of the Luke writings, he says about the raging sea's and how we will all wonder what is going on Awww gaaawd, better watch out for those horsemen now.

Hi Jackie, enjoy a nice muddy walk with your gorgeous boy.

Sorry if I've forgotten anyone, and Hi to Jenny for when you eventually pop in, hope it hasn't got any worse up there and good luck for tomorrow's battering.

Off to do something now, what I don't know, but I'm sure I'll find it.
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13-02-2014, 11:31 AM
Morning all.
Glad to see most of us have survived the storm yesterday without toooo much damage.
Hope you feel better soon Eileen
Good news about Pereg Malka Long May it continue.
Sounds like a lot of water down your end Helena poor Zena with her claw.
Just been to specsavers for my eye test. I have to go every year coz my levels are on the high side. Nothing changed since last year though so I can keep my specs (& money) for a bit longer.
I'd better start getting something done now before it's time for lunch & then walkies. At least it's more pleasant today. I shouldn't get soaking wet again, more to the point neither will Taffy.
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Lucky Star
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13-02-2014, 11:45 AM
Originally Posted by Helena54 View Post
Morning again everyone

Managed to get up the top, but took another route on the other side, and when I got into the side of the quarry, blimey, I couldn't get through, it was like a lake lying there, never seen that before no matter how much rain, and that wasn't actually IN the quarry itself, but on the other side of it. Then I remembered I had the vet at 9.50 for Zena's manicure, so I had to race around, get back, hose her legs, grab my handbag, chuck her back in the car and get up to the vets and I only made it with 2 mins to spare.

She was soooooo good for him, but when he cut a back one she squealed, then I saw all the blood Typical, I didn't do it myself because of that, I didn't book the vet nurse because of that, and he goes and does it He bandaged it all up, explained to me that when it's a straight cut it won't get infected (yeah right), and how some show people actually cut the quick each time so that it's kept back. Anyway, she's now sporting a 24 hour bandaged foot, but I'll probably get that lot off before bedtime, slap on the Savlon, and a baby sock and forget it.

On top of that, he's put her on a diet cos he said she's now overweight I have to cut out one of the half cups of kibble, so we'll see how it goes. I'm sure it's the lack of running around that's done this, cos I can't chuck the ball, it's too wet and slippery and I don't want more injuries with that shoulder, devil and deep blue here.

Dave's busy in the bathroom, the bath is going in there in a minute and being connected up, it's all ready. Roast chicken for lunch and I'm in one of *them* this morning, I can't be ar*sed to do anything, so I'm on here.

The water sitting on top of even the long grass up the top now is unbelievable considering it's sand and normally drains very well. I wouldn't be surprised if half those cliffs fall into the sea soon, but hopefully, when I'm on walking on them lol.

Jen, so you had it like us last night, wasn't it scarey the force of that wind and the lightening God help us again tomorrow then mate.

Lynn, glad to hear that hand is getting better so slowly though, and I hope Dillon enjoys his biscuit hunting and his muddy romp in the garden. My lawn is so sodden, you just slip off it even standing on it to hang up her coat each morning. Such a shame for you, cos you were yearning for a lovely garden, and now you've got it, well what can I say

Moyra, I'm sure you're struggling with your walks, stay safe in this slippery stuff.

Linda, awww at you shedding a tear waving Carys goodbye. Waddaya gonna do when she gets married off then ..... join them in their honeymoon maybe??!! Hope Loki's ok today and fit free.

Malka, good luck with choosing the right towels, you don't want the ones where they give you the face cloths etc. cos everything is far too small imo.

Eileen, ((((hugs)))) for you crying when you saw yerself in the mirror, I often do that lol! Hope you're a bit better today though.

Hi Norma, you've started something here with me now and your Nostradamus, but check out one of the Luke writings, he says about the raging sea's and how we will all wonder what is going on Awww gaaawd, better watch out for those horsemen now.

Hi Jackie, enjoy a nice muddy walk with your gorgeous boy.

Sorry if I've forgotten anyone, and Hi to Jenny for when you eventually pop in, hope it hasn't got any worse up there and good luck for tomorrow's battering.

Off to do something now, what I don't know, but I'm sure I'll find it.
I might do if it's somewhere nice!

Poor Zena, with that vet cutting her quick!

I really can't be bothered with the housework and I've got side-tracked baking a banana loaf instead. I'll be in a right old panic come Friday evening if the house still looks like it does right now.
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13-02-2014, 11:58 AM
Hi Lynne, it's good when you get a no change result, well done there. You've just reminded me a need another eye test, I don't think I've had one for about 4 years now.

Lol Linda, I thought you might! My sister in law will probably be going on her daughter's honeymoon cos they did everything together right up until she reached 17 when she's now interested in boys, so leaves her mum at home. That comes as quick a shock to you mum's I suppose if you've been very close over the years I'm not bothering with any housework today cos Dave'll just mess it all up, I'm waiting till Monday when he's gone back and that bathroom door is firmly shut
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13-02-2014, 12:02 PM
Linda if you do the housework now it will only need doing again, so get all hands on deck on Friday and get the whole place done,and no one gets their tea until they've done their jobs!!!
Got an email from Fenn's new mummy this morning, phew.....was getting worried. She has sent me some piccies of her over, says she is loving her new friends and they are having mad half hours, then having a sleep, then off again.

She says she thinks Fenn is wonderful for her age. It is dry there so they are off to the beach now.
Should be really out with 2 of mine as we speak, was so tired last night all of a sudden, and when I got myself to bed early, read my book, then I was out like a light, so no idea what the weather did in the middle of the night, it was pretty wild here during the evening though and lots of roofs blown off and trees down, and a power cut in my area, although it didn't affect me.
My phone signal did go down for part of the night, because I had people trying to ring me and panicking when they couldn't get through, emailing to make sure I was OK, etc.
Sooooo pleased Pereg's levels are down, despite all whats happened, you are doing a fantastic job Malka
Lynn, look after that hand and keep a mail gauntlet on it or something.
Eileen stop crying now and eat chocolate
Be back later

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13-02-2014, 12:06 PM
Awwww June what wonderful pics she sent you there Look at the little sausage guy standing over Fenn waiting for her to wake up so he can play with her again, or maybe just follow her around....I think he's in love don't you?!

I've just cut my nails, and I can type better now

I'm umming and arring about this wad of bandaging this vet has put on that nail, and whether I should just take it all off now (he said 24 hours if she doesn't take it off herself before then). He never padded it, he just used that square guazy stuff, then lots and lots of vetwrap but it seems so tight to me, but she's not at all bothered with it. I don't like the fact that it's wet and I've put a sock over it. I dunno, Dave says leave it alone!
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13-02-2014, 12:11 PM
Helena, Leave It Alone
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13-02-2014, 12:29 PM
Ok then, just needed somebody to tell me apart from Dave cos I never do what he tells me to lol
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