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23-07-2013, 08:51 AM
Jen - I hope poor little Pepsi is OK - lots of gentle (((hugs))) for her.

- Water arrived just after I last posted. I had put the empty containers outside and hooked up the curtains in the doorway between salon and hallway, and kitchen and back room [where the stand for the containers is] so it was quick in and out. The current driver is used to Pereg but the other guy was new and had to be told to just ignore her and pretend she is not there [barking her head off!] - he still looked a bit unsure but she always backs away when they come in.

I decided against getting the vacuum cleaner out - because I have no cupboards to hide things away I keep it in the box it came in [it is a small pull-along one]. Actually I keep most things that are not used every day in the boxes in which they came as it is easier and neater to have them like that than just stuck anywhere. It is just a bit of a bind getting the vacuum cleaner out though and then packing it away so I usually do not bother unless I want to go all through the whole bungalow, most of which normally just needs sweeping

Anyhow, I am waiting for a new chargeable carpet sweeper to arrive as that can be run over the carpet in the salon every day. I had one before and it was so easy to use but it only lasted for about three years although it was so cheap that I certainly got my money's worth from it. Had not seen another one advertised for ages until one of the little catty's that regularly arrives had one in it so I promptly telephoned to order one. I ordered two things and one arrived yesterday so hopefully the carpet sweeper will arrive today.
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23-07-2013, 09:22 AM
Had a wee lie in
MALKA,glad you got your water Its good to know Perag is taking care of you, own personal bodyguard
Need to do some housework, falling way behind
Will catch up later, (( hugs )) for Pepsi and anyone else who needs them
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23-07-2013, 09:29 AM
Raining here, but a lot cooler. got my brekkie and turned on the telly, and Oh No Not Again, The Royal Baby, and there are all these 'experts' giving advice to Kate, I'm sure she has loads of advice already, and if she hasn't then she can well afford to pay for it, and what do we have now - the f.....g pub in Buckleberry, and off to the bloody maternity hospital again, and back to Buckingham Palace. I am as pleased as anybody she has had the baby, but do we have to disrupt everything for hour long programmes about the poor lad
Please take care of yourself Bev, because it doesn't sound like the AB's have shifted whatever it is. Have a lovely weekend with Charly and Ash, I know it will be also a very sad occasion for you. Council sounds really thorough wanting all those details, I've never heard of anything like that before but it may be a new thing they are bringing in.
Glad your waters appeared at last Malka, that little carpet sweeper thingy sounds a great idea as well. I really hope that they get your ramp sorted at some point in the next 48 hours, otherwise before you know it Friday will dawn and you will be a prisoner in your own home again.
Hope you find out what is going on with Pepsi's paw Nippy, quite worrying isn't it.
If it is so very quiet Helena and no birds, it usually means there is a storm on its way, I have noticed before how quiet everything goes and very still.
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23-07-2013, 09:48 AM
Eileen - Da Booga sez to tell you that her name is really Pereg and not Perag. It means Poppy [as in the flower] but is normally used for poppy seeds [as in baking].

She is very proud of her name as there is an American online spice etc store who have copied it!
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23-07-2013, 09:56 AM
Oops sorry Pereg not half awake
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23-07-2013, 11:32 AM
Just had a terrible experience and it's really upset me

I was coming back out of the park, climbing a big hill, up on the quiet side, and there in front of me, was this black gsd, plodding along the road, tongue hanging out, looking terribly distressed I called out to one of the vans with its door open but nobody came, and then this dog turned around and came over to my open driver's window. OMG, it's tongue was bright red, and then I noticed it had blood dripping out of it's mouth, it was soooooo distressed it was asking for help, poor, poor dog

Being a big gsd, I was dubious to get out of the car, and the clubhouse was just around the corner, so I decided to shoot up there and get some help, ask them if they could put a message out over the tanoi, but then I spotted one of the maintenance guys in his little golf trolley, so I stopped him and told him and I went to reverse back, but he told me not to go near it if it was hurt, he would deal with it.

I didn't believe him, so I shot off up the road and went running into the clubhouse (mad woman mode lol!) and collared the barman who was sitting at a table with 3 ladies having lunch, and I said it very loudly so all would hear, about this poor black gsd in a distressed state all on its own with blood coming out of its mouth and it needed help Well, as luck would have it (cos I'm a very lucky person), the lady sat down at the table, did no more than drop her knife and fork and said it could be hers and we both ran out together, along with the barman. I asked her if it had a red harness on and she said it did, BUT, they had locked it in the van and she couldn't understand how it could be hers, but when we turned the corner she realised it was indeed her dog! Thankfully, by that time, the blood had stopped, its tongue was pink again, and because I had parked in the middle of the road I had to get moving, but she thanked me profusely as I shot off.

It really upset me seeing that poor dog in that state, panting away, disorientated and all that blood dripping from its mouth and I was so helpless I would imagine it had jumped out of the window and landed on its face and cut its tongue which of course, heals pretty instantly doesn't it, but I do hope she manages to see what that dog might have done, and takes it along to the vet for a check up.

Why is it always me Anyway, I suppose I should calm down now cos I'm sure it's ok now that it's reunited with its owners. The barman being one of them and that was his wife at the table he was sitting at.

I bet there are a lot of dogs who might have escaped in this heat, whether they be left in the garden, or maybe jumping out of an open window cos they're getting too hot, especially in a bdooly metal caravan, can you imagine how hot it gets in there without any doors open #

Phew! Another trauma over then!!
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tawneywolf is offline  
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23-07-2013, 11:37 AM
How COULD they leave that dog in a van in this heat they should be reported.
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23-07-2013, 11:42 AM
Originally Posted by tawneywolf View Post
How COULD they leave that dog in a van in this heat they should be reported.
Oh yes June, rest assured this won't be the end of it, I'm gonna knock on their door when I'm up there Friday morning!!!
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23-07-2013, 11:52 AM
Helena, that's so awful Poor Dog.Good for you lending a hand Could have been so much worse eh? Dog wandering round looking for his owners,heaven knows what could have happened.Still,at least the lady owner got fed.....
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23-07-2013, 11:56 AM
Oh Helena, that poor thing. Thank goodness you stopped, goodness knows what would have happened if you hadn't. Imagine leaving it in a vehicle in this heat. It's hot enough up here, I dread to think how hot it gets inside a vehicle down south. That's a disgrace!

I've had a thoroughly lazy morning, I made breakfast, fed the boys and did the dishes, then came back upstairs as Brian is sleeping downstairs and promptly went back to sleep myself. Just woke up about 10 minutes ago.

This afternoon, well...really it's weather dependent. If it stays dry I'll go a good long walk. Feeling the need to get out of the house for a bit. If not, will be studying instead.
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