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01-05-2013, 11:13 AM
Morning all! Well afternoon now. Woke up bright and early and went for a run, spent the rest of the morning recovering! having a spot of lunch then going to ride the giant ginger ex-racehorse or super-cob, can't decide (they are owned by the same girl who'll ride the one i don't) lovely day for it.

oh and then i have to revise. bah humbug.
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01-05-2013, 11:49 AM
Originally Posted by madmare View Post
Morning Lynn and all,

Headache is back and I feel ridiculously tired and fuzzy headed with it. Have to try to rise above it though as my friend has gone to Portugal and I am going in to see to the elderly lady she cares for every morning while she is gone and that involves a 10 mile round trip. I can't not go as she will be relying on me and there is nobody else.

I went back to work yesterday as well, so think thats taken it out of me a bit.

Lynn I am glad Dillon seems much more settled now, hopefully its his hormones subsiding.

I am also fascinated by ancestory. I did try a couple of years ago to trace my family back, but as both Great grandparents on both sides were Romany Gypsies I drew a blank at them as I know many didn't register themsleves. I did find a site where you can trace Romany gypsy families but couldn't afford to pay what they charged to search the site.

Anyway have a good day all and enjoy the sun.
Afternoon Bev sorry to hear that headache is troubling you still.
I really think as the diabetes has been ruled out maybe they should be running blood tests for other things not sure what but a full blood panel you can't keep on like this and having to work.
The only other thing I can think having been through it is hormonal you are not a great deal older than me I started my change at 40 quite young but I do know the head aches and dizziness would send me to bed some days. A blood test can see if you are in your change or not and how far in.
Originally Posted by moetmum View Post
Morning Lynn and all

It's going to be a lovely day here, after walking the dogs I am planning on sorting the shed, I could do with a skip!

We had a lovely afternoon on Hayling Island yesterday, cousin was beaming. I was a bit naughty and ordered an apple crumble to go with my cup of tea, cousin had an ice cream doesn't take much to make me happy!

I am also researching my family tree although I haven't done any lately. I am planning on revisiting the area where some of my family came from when I am away in the caravan. I hope you can find out more Lynn it must niggle away at you.

Sorry your headache is back Bev, take it easy don't rush about.

I hope your spiders stay at bay today Jenny, RIP spider you shouldn't have been so scary!

Have a lovely day all.
Afternoon Gerri your day yesterday sounds lovely especially the apple crumble.
Glad you had a nice day and that it made your cousin smile.
Sometimes the family thing niggles me but not as much as it did.

Originally Posted by Malka View Post

Well it is a new month and it cannot be worse than the last one, so fingers crossed...

Calendar duly turned over, Da Booger duly Frontlined, three urgent [well they have been urgent for nearly a month] duly answered... but there are still a couple in Drafts that I really must finish and send off.

Da Booger duly decided she needed a pee less than 2 hours after we went to bed but I think that was the only time [can you tell that I am in dire need of more strong black coffee?]

Lynn, your house looks lovely from the outside, in such a peaceful area as well - and I am sure the inside is just as lovely, so if only that bloomin' EA would actually do some work I am sure it will be snapped up quickly. I know that I would love to have a nature reserve outside my front door.

On the subject of tracing families, my maternal grandmother, who died when Mother was only 19, was the oldest of 13 so Mother had so many cousins - I vaguely remember the occasional family get-together, some weddings, some funerals - but the last I saw of any were three of her cousins who I managed to find and invited to my son's Bar Mitzva [not a "do" - just lunch back at my home after the service].

I had previously traced a couple of her aunts, plus some of my father's family when he died some years earlier, so a few were able to turn up for his funeral - a bit tricky as he died on a Friday morning [too late to be laid to rest before sunset] so it was at midday on the Sunday.

I must have loads of second cousins, second cousins once-removed, and so on and so forth, but have no idea where any of them are. As for my own cousins - same thing. What a totally dysfunctional family.

Right, this will not get the vegetables done so I had better make a start on them as they will not start without me!

Have a good day everyone, and Bev - sorry that your headache has come back.
Afternoon Malka. Glad Pereg only you got out once.
I have many cousins most on dads side we kept in touch with but since he has died and everybody has got a lot older we all seem to of lost touch so another dysfunctional family here too.
Originally Posted by jenny.g View Post
Good morning Lynn, and fellow members,

I expected to open the curtains to sunshine again as the forecast is lovely for today - but to dismay we have a very white/grey sky and no sign of sun .

Lynn - What a good boy Dillon has been again at night. It really does make a difference doesn't it when we wake up before the dogs If your new interior photos are anything like as good as the exterior ones you took, you should be on to a winner.

Jenny - A DROUGHT Mind you the ground is still so water-logged here that I don't think I'm bothered if we have a 'summer' of no rain. It is fascinating hearing about people finding long lost relatives

Bev - I'm so sorry about your headache returning and I'm sure work yesterday has probably taken it out of you. Good luck with you morning visit - really sweet of you.

Taffsmum - Ssssssh that we've nearly reached 6 months .... otherwise all the members will be queuing up to jump off Beachy Head I hope you enjoy your day and dog walk.

I'm off to Painshill this morning to meet my friend with her greyhounds which I'm really looking forward to - I just hope the sun comes out.

Enjoy your day!
Afternoon Jenny. Hope the sun is with you now we have beautiful clear blue skies here today. Also that of you are back form your walk it was a nice walk.

Originally Posted by Minihaha View Post
Good morning fellow members a beautiful spring morning and I am wondering if I dare get the runner bean canes down from the roof of the garage or if this action will prompt another couple of inches of snow or maybe a monsoon like last year

I am so behind in the garden like the rest of the country so must have a real go at it this weekend.
Chloe will be pleased, she loves it when I am gardening busying herself carrying pruning's or the trowel around .

Enjoy your day everyone...
Afternoon Mini. Have you decided to get the beans in ?
Clever Chloe carrying mums tools for her.

Originally Posted by Labrador Lover View Post
Good Morning everyone, it is a beautiful day here even warmed up a bit. Off to have lunch with some folks off other forums I am on should be fun. Have a good day all. God bless.
Afternoon Moyra I hope you have had a nice lunch in fact you may still be out having lunch so hope it is a good one.

Originally Posted by Tangutica View Post
And here's a kick for being so quick with the pinch punch!

Glad Dillon is accommodating your waking up time now.

Good luck with some nice interior piccies. Very good idea to big up the quiet location and surrounding area - gawd that is SO important - they should have done it.

I've been looking at all the genealogy stuff too - they only doing it to annoy me a plain old Pat Murphy from Ireland

I too hope Millie is doing OK today.

One UK shop I detested was TK MAXX! Gawd I used to describe it as a designer label jumble sale! Did my head in going in there and I stopped doing so even though we had one up the road in Torquay. I mean it's not as if they carry 'regular lines' - it's all bought up discontinued, end of line clearance and bankrupt stock - they don't have a 'price match' policy aren't always cheaper than other stores and don't even charge the same price for same items in their own different stores. Some charging almost twice what others do. *My favourite TK MAXX story is the one where a child dropped their home made stuffed sock toy in the store and the mother found it on the shelves when she went back with a 3.99 price tag on it lol! Hmmm, if you actually like TKM I am now not so keen to go see your FAVOURITE store where you've been spending all that money lately! You have confirmed my sneaking suspicion that you THRIVE on STRESS!

Hope both your dawgs are still doing OK.

Not another year when it 'pours down with drought'? It was so funny last year reading all the misery about the rain and the reports of the official drought!

Your bio mum might not have wanted anything to do with 'family' back then but might have changed her mind since. As people age they do soften their attitudes about a lot of stuff.

You've really got to stop finding yourself 'too busy' with other people and other stuff to see to your own problems. I can understand that a return to work after a spell away does leave you very tired though. I think it's VERY exciting that you have Romany grandparent ancestors!

Hayling Island! I haven't been there since I was a small kid and it was a popular destination for 'east enders'.

Enjoy the 'greyhound walk'.

Do not dare chance a change in the weather with your fruit canes! I will have to read more weather moaning if it changes back bad again!

Nice - a real life meet up for internet forum pals. I've some good pals I met via the internet more than 15 yrs ago and have met quite a few and had some over from abroad to stay with me too. And when my daughter was in NZ she stayed with 'net pals of mine there in their pool house and they came and had a 5 week holiday here in Cyprus with me a few years later. Friends for life we all are now.

I'm getting just a little bit ever-so-excited about my darling sister and my neice arriving on Saturday night now!

Woo hoo! I keep fussing about with the spare room. Not that she will give a hoot how it is arranged! But it just sort of makes it more 'real' that they will be here soon if I keep 'getting their room ready'!

My neice is an identical twin - the other twin is staying home to look after Munchie (their gorgeous rescued Staffy that they all adore) - she's been out here several times but my sis's husband will be away too this week and they just won't put Munchy in boarding. They usually take him with them on all UK breaks - choosing cottage holidays so he can come with them. He is a great dog.
*making a mental note to tell her about Helena's dog friendly van and show her the piccies.
Afternoon Pat. ouch
Must say i'm not a fan of TKM either I can never find the bargains.
My bio mum may not be alive now she would be 95 saying that mum is 93 this month so she may be but one mum is enough thanks. I don't want to meet her just know who my dad is and if my suspicions are right. I think only she holds the clue to that one and it may of gone to the grave with her.
Originally Posted by Lucky Star View Post

Lynn - I haven't seen your house or area but it sounds lovely. I feel very jealous.

I have a dodgy tummy this morning. Michael wants to go swimming but I'm not risking it and will take him to the park instead.

Loki is okay, he was very happy over the fields and wanting to play fetch, but he slowed down quickly and went quiet again. He didn't even bother having a go back when a dog barked at him while hanging over a fence!

There was a bloke outside school yesterday talking to some mums with a microphone - no idea what that was about.

I hope everyone has a good day today - it's lovely and sunny here.

Afternoon Linda hope the tummy feels better soon. Hopefully Loki will soon be back to normal it must be tiring all those fits.
You will have to ask some of the mums later what you missed if anything.

Originally Posted by tawneywolf View Post
Sun is shining here, looking a bit hazy, still a lot better than rain.
They MUST be having a larf A DROUGHT
Do they think we are idiots, the ground is still sopping wet in some parts, they can put that idea where the sun don't shine
I have excellent news, when I looked at my Bank Account this morning, HMRC have loosened their purse strings and I have an EXTRA £57 a month. They have taxed me £1 Still taken a load of tax off my little pension that is paid in the middle of the month, maybe that one will improve next month, I don't know, but what I do know is that I have my works pension virtually to myself, my state pension as well, so maybe I won't begrudge quite so much the nearly 25% they take off the little pension, but I still do of course, because I am sick of paying tax on money I was taxed on when I earned it. Ooooh I feel like a millionaire.
Pat, I have been thinking over the idea of a Dogsey Morning Meet, and we could do it at YOURS!!! Wall to wall sunshine, the friendly...what more could anyone ask for.
Afternoon June that was a nice surprise you needed something to cheer you up.
See you all at Pat's then.

Originally Posted by Tangutica;2689996[B
One UK shop I detested was TK MAXX! Gawd I used to describe it as a designer label jumble sale! Did my head in going in there and I stopped doing so even though we had one up the road in Torquay. I mean it's not as if they carry 'regular lines' - it's all bought up discontinued, end of line clearance and bankrupt stock - they don't have a 'price match' policy aren't always cheaper than other stores and don't even charge the same price for same items in their own different stores. Some charging almost twice what others do. *My favourite TK MAXX story is the one where a child dropped their home made stuffed sock toy in the store and the mother found it on the shelves when she went back with a 3.99 price tag on it lol! Hmmm, if you actually like TKM I am now not so keen to go see your FAVOURITE store where you've been spending all that money lately! You have confirmed my sneaking suspicion that you THRIVE on STRESS! UNQUOTE

Lol, I don't buy clothes in there, but I always get my dressing gowns in there cos they're so darn cheap and they always have something that bit different in the dressing gown range. Whilst in there, I do love to look around in their home and wares, cos the kitchen stuff is also very cheap and very good. It would never be my favourite store Clothes that never fit and I wouldn't be seen dead in (apart from their dressing gowns but I'm not actually seen out in those am I lol!). No, it's not a good shop, I agree, but it's certainly worth a lookey if you happen to need a new dressing gown

Morning all, I don't think I was on here earlier I waited, and answered some other threads cos I was up so blooming early, and was down the beach by 7! Tide was perfect, just off the stones, Zena had a ball down there,racing in and out of the waves, soaked to the skin, so she got a hosing when we got back and a dry off before brekkie.

Went off to Mr S cos I can't abide all the crowds that will be in there Friday as it's a bank holiday week-end, so did a major shop and had the place all to myself, perfick

Been doing a bit of gardening (yawn!) I wanted to edge the lawn which I cut yesterday and I've pulled out all the weeds and grass around it, so it now has a nice border of gravel which was hidden before I got to grips with it. Zena enjoyed a ball play with me and was having the odd dunk in her pool.

I've made a pile of bubble and squeak for lunch cos I bought some cold turkey from Sainsbury's cos I fancied it, and I love cold turkey with that, mmmmm.

Talking about this geneology I was lucky enough to get Bitkin to do mine, and it was soooooo interesting. I come from good stock ya know lol! My great grandparents were huge rubber manufacturers in London, mega rich, employed more people than anybody else in their factory. Then the factory had a big fire, it was all in the paper cos they were so famous, and he didn't have enough insurance, but they survived and went on to be even bigger. They were all Essex/London bods, and even had a big country estate in Woodford I think, called Craig Millar which my mum was always going on about cos she often visited there before I was born. Sadly, all the aunties spent most of it before I arrived The strange thing is, my grandfather was at College in Hastings where I now live, and in fact, when he married and had children he returned here for a while, it was all such an interesting read, because of course, I never knew them, even my grandfather died young, all in their 40's when they died, which doesn't look good for me does it lol! Yes, I can't thank our Sally enough for delving into my past, but even she was surprised and interested in my ancestors. Not that far back either, being my great grandfather who started it all. I expect I've got some relatives somewhere knocking around, but I'm happy with Dave and Zena

Hope everyone is enjoying this beautiful sunshine, I don't want to put the mockers on it or anything (unlike TM there!) but it is lasting rather a long time isn't it......

June when you say HMRC is that our state pension that has gone up??? Oooooooh that'd be nice if it has, but I doubt mine has but I'd better go and take a peek. I don't use mine, I'm saving it for a rainy day cos when Dave gives up work we need a safety net, and I'm dreading it, no more spending

Catch you later cos I'm going back out to the garden to do a bit more before it gets too hot this afternoon.
Afternoon Helena. Rubber manufacturers hey.
I didn't doubt you would of come from good stock.
Fingers crossed you have a rise like June has. You can pop off to Dunelms.
Enjoy your lunch sounds yum.

Originally Posted by EmmiS View Post
Morning all! Well afternoon now. Woke up bright and early and went for a run, spent the rest of the morning recovering! having a spot of lunch then going to ride the giant ginger ex-racehorse or super-cob, can't decide (they are owned by the same girl who'll ride the one i don't) lovely day for it.

oh and then i have to revise. bah humbug.
Afternoon E. Enjoy your ride just the weather for it.

Well Dillon and I had a lovely walk round the woods when we got off the field. We went left today and walked the whole perimeter of the woods met Robyn and his dog Poppy for chat they were coming the other way other than that it was just us. When we got to the end of the woods and onto the field again making for home he had a good run round and got rid of some more pent up energy.

I dropped Michael at Epping then went to Lidl and popped into see Mark and Tracey for a cuppa watched Shameless now catching up with Dogsey.
When I have done this off to do some housework. Will have to keep fingers crossed its still sunny when Gorden gets home to take indoor piccies he took the camera to stop up the lane and take some more outside photos on his way out this morning.
When we rewrite the spec for the agent we are going to ask him to put in that we have all this on our doorstep but can you believe we are only 15 minutes away from the M11 and M25 with good links to the London and Cambridge and the North. Also 1/2 hour away from Stanstead Airport. Plenty of back ways through if the M11 and 25 are jammed.
Dillon is on the sofa snoozing all this walking is waring him out.
Michael got his first pay today from his part time job so is staying in London at Macca's and they are going out for a meal and he wants some new shoes. So no having to pick him up later and take him in the morning.
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01-05-2013, 01:57 PM
There has been a rise in the state pension Helena, I also paid graduated contribution, so I get taxed for being sensible of course. I also paid into a works pension, which I am taxed (or was) a ridiculous amount) and a smaller personal pension, which again (at present) is taxed at nearly a quarter of it. Sooo it is the works pension that has miraculously stopped (or more or less anyway) being taxed!!!!
Lovely warm day here, Mabs and Keshi onto the field and had a couple of nice short sessions with them after Keshi had found the shredded tuggy and Mabs had chased her round the field with it, lots of mock fighting and growling, training session then more hurtling round as we went back to the car. Then Cariad and Lona up to the woods, where I again sat on a fallen tree whilst girlies rooted and rolled, came over for kisses and kissed me back, lots of cuddles, was out there for ages, came back and have had a big clean outside, taken down the puppy ramp to the puppy palace, but left the other ramp up to the smaller kennel still as it is quite high up off the ground.
Not quite sure what is going on, but Lona has stopped eating bones, now she always does this a week before she has babies, she is also nest making (which I keep tidying up telling her there are NO babies) she keeps wagging her tail and laughing when I say this. She isn't bagged up or anything, but 2 people have said to me they wouldn't be surprised if she had one, just to be her Not too bothered this time if she did have one outside as is it is all warm and dry and I keep it all clean as well, it has always been winter before, but weather is OK if it did happen, would rather it happened with me there with her, but she is a law unto herself is that one.
The lady that TM found near to me is not the right person, I thought it was strange as I knew my mother's family came from South Manchester, and TM has now found the marriage cert which gives my grandmother an entirely different father, she is off searching again but it is the right area this time. Have found the streets where they lived before their marriage and 'stood' outside them.
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01-05-2013, 02:00 PM
Few random thoughts while I cool off in front of the fan. High 30s today. (My sis is going to melt!!) Hotter than usual for the beginning of May - summer usually kicks in about halfway through. I've been cheated of a bit more time in the comfy high 20s.

Lidls. We have Lidls now. What a con. They don't sell HALF the same stuff they do in the UK. I don't bother. It's full of bleedin' breadsticks and other Cypriot favourites - could get them everywhere anyway. They don't sell any meds and don't even sell their famous Bratwurst! Oh and when complaining about the queues forming coz the cashiers were 'packing bags' and I mentioned that is not their business model - was told - Cypriots are used to having their bags packed. Wimps. They also have car park attendants and all sorts of unnecessary extra staff - like they do everywhere here - which is why the country is going skint!

Bubble & Squeak. I LOVE IT. I never make it here - dunno why. I was making it in the UK again when over there last year. Used to be a firm fixture for Boxing Day in our house. Not leftovers - I'd made a big bowl up before Xmas Day ready to fry up on Boxing day with leftover meat (if my boys left any). I like it made with either dark greens or even sprouts for a stronger flavour and always put grated onion in too. (The only time I eat sprouts!)

Pension Helena when you say you don't 'use' yours do you just mean you don't 'spend it'? Or do you mean you've 'deferred' it? I would NEVER defer! Sod that taking the chance of the govt getting it if you kick off early! (I'd imagined you were too young to be eligible for a pension - another illusion shattered lol!)

Bolshie Non EU 3rd party Nationals
Not even THINKING about that scheming little minx and her sob stories today.

Poor Romanians
I bought 3 10L pots of White Magicoat from someone leaving the island for a bargain price. Sabby had told me he wanted to repaint my old apartment white. I said at the time 'no chance it will take so much paint to cover the terracotta - and at €23 per 3L pot - no. I might fork out for similar colour though.

So, having got the cheapo paint, I went down to see him and said 'Hi Sabby - found a job yet? No? Well you'll have plenty of time to paint the apartment then! And when will you be paying this month's rent?

He said he was paying it next week (this is perfectly reasonable cheques take ages and with about 5 bank holidays coming up I know it will more than likely be end of May(ish). I said come with me I've got your WHITE paint you wanted! Off we traipsed. I told him if he paints the apartment I will reduce his rent by €50 this month (didn't say anything about more than that - let's see if he gets on with it first - not like he's got anything else to do!)

He was happy with this (so he should be - I paid most of his soddin' lecky bill last month!) but he is a GENUINE case of hardship. He said he told his girlfriend she might have to pay his rent lol! I said - better still - move her in with you! I doubt this will come about - she is Cypriot - her family will kill him lol!

Bella is lying under the fan bless her. Sense at last. Up until this summer she blerdy SUNBATHED when we were hiding from the heat. Still only a tiny head not much room for a BRAIN in there.

I believe in 'talking to your plants'. I've told them if their performance doesn't improve very soon they are going in the wheelie bin - we will see. Blerdy waste of about €80 they were!

The two new 'outfits' I got for €90 in the sales to wear when my sister is here are now consigned to a spare wardrobe. It was at least TEN DEGREES cooler than it is now when I bought them. I will DIE if I wear them in this heat! Duh! Told you I was useless at choosing and buying clobber.

Local funny shop is doing a deal on B&H for €3.50 until June. I've told them to 'get them in' I will buy the lot lol!

It's Orthodox Easter here this weekend - their biggest holiday, bigger than Xmas. Fasting will stop and they will all end up at the A&E ill from gorging on Souvlaki and other overcooked BBQ'd meat! The constant firecrackers at night are peeing me off. I like the carnival stuff and processions but our Municipality cancelled Larnaca Carnival this year saying they were going to give the money instead to the poor and needy? Yeah right. They didn't specify who the poor and needy are or how much they will give them?

Arabsat TV Dunno wot's going on the Arab World but my Arabsat TV movie channels are alternating between Christmas Movies (LOL) interspersed with the haunting ' Call to Prayer'?? Funniest one ever was when (on Brit Mothers Day) on the family movie channel they aired Mother's Day (a particularly nasty and violent horror type movie lol!) The heat is affecting the Sat channels at the mo - always affects them more than storms and bad weather. Oh well it won't be on at all from Saturday when my sis gets here! Yippee!
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01-05-2013, 03:32 PM
Lol, sorry I've shatted your illusion Pat, but I WAS wearing well ya see, my profile pic was my 60th birthday, but after 3 more years of toil, trouble and stress I look and feel bdooly 90!!!! No, I didn't defer, I like to see it there and if anything happens to me, then it's Dave, not the Government's

Yeah, bubble and squeak has to be made with sprouts and a few onions thrown in, but I ate so much of it (a whole frying pan load of it ) I felt so bloated and it's now repeating on me lol! I didn't even bother much with the cold turkey I bought cos that was tasteless, so Zena had that.

Look at you baking in 30 degrees already in May, what's it gonna be like over there in July and August I dread to think Far too hot for me thanks, but then you have a pool don't you? I'd be sitting in the flat with the air con full blast, order my food online, and only go outside for a quick dip and back indoors again, I just hate it that hot.

What will you do if these people don't cough up the rent then?? Why should you pay their bills Are you mad woman, or has that heat really got to you???

It's still beautiful here, not a cloud in the sky, about 21 deg which is perfect for me. I've just had an e-mail that they've plonked some dianasuer manky old van next to mine up at the park (the original van) and it's 10ft up in the air cos it's too big for the plot I'm going to get on the phone and see what's going on, I don't want my guests put off with that eyesore next to them!!!!

Always summat isn't there
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01-05-2013, 03:37 PM
Originally Posted by tawneywolf View Post
There has been a rise in the state pension Helena, I also paid graduated contribution, so I get taxed for being sensible of course. I also paid into a works pension, which I am taxed (or was) a ridiculous amount) and a smaller personal pension, which again (at present) is taxed at nearly a quarter of it. Sooo it is the works pension that has miraculously stopped (or more or less anyway) being taxed!!!!
Lovely warm day here, Mabs and Keshi onto the field and had a couple of nice short sessions with them after Keshi had found the shredded tuggy and Mabs had chased her round the field with it, lots of mock fighting and growling, training session then more hurtling round as we went back to the car. Then Cariad and Lona up to the woods, where I again sat on a fallen tree whilst girlies rooted and rolled, came over for kisses and kissed me back, lots of cuddles, was out there for ages, came back and have had a big clean outside, taken down the puppy ramp to the puppy palace, but left the other ramp up to the smaller kennel still as it is quite high up off the ground.
Not quite sure what is going on, but Lona has stopped eating bones, now she always does this a week before she has babies, she is also nest making (which I keep tidying up telling her there are NO babies) she keeps wagging her tail and laughing when I say this. She isn't bagged up or anything, but 2 people have said to me they wouldn't be surprised if she had one, just to be her Not too bothered this time if she did have one outside as is it is all warm and dry and I keep it all clean as well, it has always been winter before, but weather is OK if it did happen, would rather it happened with me there with her, but she is a law unto herself is that one.
The lady that TM found near to me is not the right person, I thought it was strange as I knew my mother's family came from South Manchester, and TM has now found the marriage cert which gives my grandmother an entirely different father, she is off searching again but it is the right area this time. Have found the streets where they lived before their marriage and 'stood' outside them.
Hi June, what a lovely walk with the girlies you had there, especially with lots of kisses and cuddles whilst you sat yourself on a log! That wouldn't be allowed with Zena

I will go and check my pension cos it went in the other day. The reason your other pension isn't getting taxed is because we're now allowed to earn £10K a year before tax which is great!

I don't quite understand my pension, cos I worked my entire life, never once claimed dole, never had kids, and yet I don't get as much as a friend of mine who only ever worked 2 weeks of her life and then had a family She gets £40 a week MORE than we but why???? It's probably cos I never added to the population isn't it and went self employed most of my life, they like to penalise us for that! Hey ho, at least they gimme summat for sitting on my backside now
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01-05-2013, 03:38 PM
Originally Posted by Helena54 View Post
Lol, sorry I've shatted your illusion Pat, but I WAS wearing well ya see, my profile pic was my 60th birthday, but after 3 more years of toil, trouble and stress I look and feel bdooly 90!!!! No, I didn't defer, I like to see it there and if anything happens to me, then it's Dave, not the Government's

Yeah, bubble and squeak has to be made with sprouts and a few onions thrown in, but I ate so much of it (a whole frying pan load of it ) I felt so bloated and it's now repeating on me lol! I didn't even bother much with the cold turkey I bought cos that was tasteless, so Zena had that.

Look at you baking in 30 degrees already in May, what's it gonna be like over there in July and August I dread to think Far too hot for me thanks, but then you have a pool don't you? I'd be sitting in the flat with the air con full blast, order my food online, and only go outside for a quick dip and back indoors again, I just hate it that hot.

What will you do if these people don't cough up the rent then?? Why should you pay their bills Are you mad woman, or has that heat really got to you???

It's still beautiful here, not a cloud in the sky, about 21 deg which is perfect for me. I've just had an e-mail that they've plonked some dianasuer manky old van next to mine up at the park (the original van) and it's 10ft up in the air cos it's too big for the plot I'm going to get on the phone and see what's going on, I don't want my guests put off with that eyesore next to them!!!!

Always summat isn't there
Amazing! Your profile pic looks just like a GSD to me lol!

Here's a piccie of me on my son's boat in the Cayman Islands on my 59th - has to be the BEST birthday ever. He got the champers out moored just off Rum Point and then we waded in and got sloshed!

I'm told I am wearing well - 5yrs on now! (but it is not on account of having had an 'easy' life I can assure you!) my hair is now much longer than that - down below shoulders - in fact I am going to try to get it cut a bit shorter before Sis gets here on Saturday

*my last two victims (err I mean exes) were both younger than me - the first was older (not hard to be older than me then - I was 18!) I have no intention of ever committing again in or out of wedlock. But do not recommend younger blokes - these days if I want to be seen in the company of a younger man - I go out with one of my sons!
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01-05-2013, 03:38 PM
my ride was lovely , lovely weather, giant ginger ex-race beast was lovely. Been living out 24/7 since the nice weather picked up and the change in him is remarkable. totally mellowed out, usually one of those horses you are constantly having to sit back and think calm and slow! today was having to actively gee him along at points. Popped a couple of fences which again, usually involves getting very strong and letting him go, today had to ride him into a couple.

not complaining mind.

aaaand back to revising :'(
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01-05-2013, 03:42 PM
Originally Posted by EmmiS View Post
my ride was lovely , lovely weather, giant ginger ex-race beast was lovely. Been living out 24/7 since the nice weather picked up and the change in him is remarkable. totally mellowed out, usually one of those horses you are constantly having to sit back and think calm and slow! today was having to actively gee him along at points. Popped a couple of fences which again, usually involves getting very strong and letting him go, today had to ride him into a couple.

not complaining mind.

aaaand back to revising :'(
Glad to hear you enjoyed your 'chill out' time and relaxed before getting down to the nitty gritty again.
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01-05-2013, 04:03 PM
Originally Posted by Tangutica View Post
Amazing! Your profile pic looks just like a GSD to me lol!

Here's a piccie of me on my son's boat in the Cayman Islands on my 59th - has to be the BEST birthday ever. He got the champers out moored just off Rum Point and then we waded in and got sloshed!

I'm told I am wearing well - 5yrs on now! (but it is not on account of having had an 'easy' life I can assure you!) my hair is now much longer than that - down below shoulders - in fact I am going to try to get it cut a bit shorter before Sis gets here on Saturday

*my last two victims (err I mean exes) were both younger than me - the first was older (not hard to be older than me then - I was 18!) I have no intention of ever committing again in or out of wedlock. But do not recommend younger blokes - these days if I want to be seen in the company of a younger man - I go out with one of my sons!
There we have something in common, I've always liked my men younger than me too, especially Dave who is 10 years younger (probably cos I can boss them around lol!)

Here's me on my 60th, where we did the very posh hotel bit just the two of us, and not a wrinkle in sight (then!!!!)

It's now almost 3 years on, and I never get glammed up like that anymore (clothes all sitting in the wardrobe along with the killer heels ), still no wrinkles as such though, and I'd probably scrub up ok (ish!), but probably not as good as you look in a cossie! All this walking, I don't know where this flabby belly has come from I must stop eating, I must stop eating......

I tell you what though, we both probably look younger (from behind anyway!!!) on our daily trip to the supermarket looking at some of these young scruffbags I see with their trackie bottoms hanging off their fat a*ses, guts and flabby backsides hanging out over the top, straggly hair, some of them just don't care nowadays do they. When I think back to their age, I wouldn't have been seen dead outdoors without any make up or looking respectable, the world has changed hasn't it.
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