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26-02-2013, 09:37 AM
Originally Posted by crystalgirl View Post
Hi Brierley I wish I was more organised,just found outthat my library books are due back today, dont feel like going to town.You talking about caravans,do you remember the Hemel Hempstead Oil Refinery,there are people who still cant live in their homes and living in their drives,because of the Insurance People. Yet when the flood happened in Boscastle Cornwall,because prior to the flood it had been televised,it was all done and dusted in under a year.but going back to caravans,what about thedogs,I would be constantly falling over mine,as there doesnt seem a lot of room,its probably ok for a holiday but longer than that,I would be climbing the walls.Static are best lived in one for just over 2 years,boiling in the summer freezing in winter.crystalgirl
My two at the time were well used to caravans. We had a static and used to go every weekend. They found their comfy place and while inside, they usually zonked out in them . The caravan when we were renovating this place was a static and was about 5 minutes drive from the bungalow. It was like a little haven in the midst of a storm because we really did have to gut this place. The downers were more to do with the constant pulling everything to bits and wondering (me in particular) if we'd ever get to the end of it. The dogs came with us every day and they did brilliantly. They would go into whichever room I asked them to sleep in while any workmen were here and kept out of the way while we were doing stuff. Fortunately, the garden was passable and well fenced so they loved to go out there and have a run around a few times a day and then I walked them, either on the prom or around the little paths the other side of the sea defence bankings. They had the time of their lives to be honest
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26-02-2013, 09:43 AM
Oh dear I am late and there are so many posts already

I will just say hope you are well, hugs to you all and I will be back later
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tawneywolf is offline  
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26-02-2013, 10:15 AM
Very very quiet here again today, so strange, usually there is something going on, but not even a car passing
Stayed up later than I should reading my new book and feeling a bit shattered this morning.Everyone had brekkie (including me) Cariad walked. Have phoned to see about time for the bone run but the ap came on so will try later. Am going to take Lona and Mabs onto the river, and am thinking about putting Cariad in the car along with the babies and going to the field with them all then she can play with them and I'll try and get piccies, going to have to keep an eye open for other dogs,it has been very quiet on there for ages now since that nasty man passed away, all his little gang of nasties no longer assemble there, so it is lovely once again and I am not constantly looking over my shoulder for one of them trying to wind the girls up. I'm almost (but not quite) relaxed
Norma you are not having a very good time of it at all, hope the insurance are on the job, ringing the Environmental Health at the council could help maybe because if they can't do anything themselves they will be able to point you in the right direction to someone who can help you.Why can't people measure up correctly when it is their job, I hope whoever measured the window wrongly gets his btm well kicked.
I really hope that cherry picker picks the pool table before you move in rather than after Tang, I mean its not like they haven't had any notice is it Once you are in and all the other stuff is out, and you have your own stuff around you, you will all of a sudden feel better one day, till that day though.....
I know what you mean Helena, when things are going badly wrong or you are in the middle of a Builder Crisis it sort of pulls you together doesn't it and you support each other when you are beginning to flag.
Lynn, fingers crossed the money is in
A dinner party Jenny?? Ooooh what are you going to eat, you must have some ideas swirling around the back of your head......surely.....
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26-02-2013, 10:54 AM

Yes I know I am late but I went back to bed after struggling, unsuccessfully, to get washed and dressed. So it is coming up to 1pm and I am still in my pj's and have an hour to get semi-decent and go to the macolet before it closes, as it is Tuesday and Avner does not open again today.

Or I might just go back to bed once I have fed Pereg, which will save having to bother.

Sorry you are feeling lousy Bev - gentle (((hugs))) and hope you feel better soon.

Norma - dunno what to say except "booger".

Pat - get moving!

Sorry to all I have forgotten but I think I have scrambled brains. Oh, that is an idea - scrambled eggs on toast for lunch. Umm, no - no bread so no toast. Might go mad and open a tin of sliced 'shrooms and have a 'shroom homberlet instead.

Better get moving...
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tawneywolf is offline  
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26-02-2013, 11:04 AM
C'mon Malka, get organised and get over to the shop before it closes, get some bread and THEN you can scrambled eggs on toast and have a rest.
I should talk, am reading my book instead of getting on, Eldest Son appeared to help me move stuff from yard to his van to go to the tip, and am not even outside yet...have also got to go for bones in a bit, need to move myself......
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26-02-2013, 11:54 AM
Originally Posted by Taffsmum View Post
Morning all. OMG Norma. What a week you've had. That oil must be the last straw.
Glad to hear you & Dave had a good weekend Helena. Sounds like a plan getting another van if the first one is doing so well.
Hope Gordens money goes in today Lynn.
I've just come back from the small park where Taff found a football so we pent 10 mins playing football. I'm no David Beckam though. When we were waiting for the lights to change Taff lay down he was so shattered.
Just going to nip into town for an hour to get a few bits. Must go now I can get the bus at 9.30. Will pop back later. Xx
Morning Taffsmum Glad you enjoyed a good game of footie in the park with Taff, hope he didn't burst it too soon! Enjoy your trip into town today, hope you come back with something you like

Originally Posted by Jackbox View Post
Morning all, well done with the booking H, hopefully Gordens money issues get sorted today.

Bit of a sad one for us here, my mums old dog "Betsy" will be sent on her way to the bridge today, its heartbreaking and my mum is going miss her so much, the old girl has had a tumour on her mouth for a a few years now, since xmas, its gone rampant, growing at an alarming rate, she no longer has quality of life, so the horrible decision has been made... you had a good life old girl with people that loved you, go with ease xxxx

Anyway have a good one folks .........x
Morning Jackie, and thanks the van turned out to be a good idea didn't it. So, so sorry to hear about dear old Betsy, your mum is going to be very upset I'm sure, but I'm also sure you will be there for All the best for today with the dear old girl, gentle hugs.xxxx

Originally Posted by crystalgirl View Post
Hi Brierley I wish I was more organised,just found outthat my library books are due back today, dont feel like going to town.You talking about caravans,do you remember the Hemel Hempstead Oil Refinery,there are people who still cant live in their homes and living in their drives,because of the Insurance People. Yet when the flood happened in Boscastle Cornwall,because prior to the flood it had been televised,it was all done and dusted in under a year.but going back to caravans,what about thedogs,I would be constantly falling over mine,as there doesnt seem a lot of room,its probably ok for a holiday but longer than that,I would be climbing the walls.Static are best lived in one for just over 2 years,boiling in the summer freezing in winter.crystalgirl
Yes, statics are definitely much better, mine too is a big static, two beds, and a huuuuge lounge but small galley kitchen. I chose the one with the biggest lounge, thinking of people with dogs having to step over them all the time! They all seem to cope very well in mine, just like Chris seems to have done when they had theirs. I could live in mine I love it so much!

Originally Posted by Sal View Post
Morning all

Damp and cold here again,
Taking O/H to the Dr's in a minute,Luke's going to change all his bedding while I am out so I can wash it,it's like a miltary operation getting him ready for appointments

Need to pop to Tesco's apart from that nothing else planned.

Have a good day all x
Morning Sal Never a dull moment at yours is there, and I'm sure it is a military operation getting your o/h organised, better turn on that gruff voice then Sal and get behind him, well, not literally!!!

Originally Posted by Nippy View Post
Oh dear I am late and there are so many posts already

I will just say hope you are well, hugs to you all and I will be back later
Morning Jen You're never too late for the daily thread, as long as we know you're ok, you can pop in anytime you like xxx

Originally Posted by tawneywolf View Post
Very very quiet here again today, so strange, usually there is something going on, but not even a car passing
Stayed up later than I should reading my new book and feeling a bit shattered this morning.Everyone had brekkie (including me) Cariad walked. Have phoned to see about time for the bone run but the ap came on so will try later. Am going to take Lona and Mabs onto the river, and am thinking about putting Cariad in the car along with the babies and going to the field with them all then she can play with them and I'll try and get piccies, going to have to keep an eye open for other dogs,it has been very quiet on there for ages now since that nasty man passed away, all his little gang of nasties no longer assemble there, so it is lovely once again and I am not constantly looking over my shoulder for one of them trying to wind the girls up. I'm almost (but not quite) relaxed
Norma you are not having a very good time of it at all, hope the insurance are on the job, ringing the Environmental Health at the council could help maybe because if they can't do anything themselves they will be able to point you in the right direction to someone who can help you.Why can't people measure up correctly when it is their job, I hope whoever measured the window wrongly gets his btm well kicked.
I really hope that cherry picker picks the pool table before you move in rather than after Tang, I mean its not like they haven't had any notice is it Once you are in and all the other stuff is out, and you have your own stuff around you, you will all of a sudden feel better one day, till that day though.....
I know what you mean Helena, when things are going badly wrong or you are in the middle of a Builder Crisis it sort of pulls you together doesn't it and you support each other when you are beginning to flag.
Lynn, fingers crossed the money is in
A dinner party Jenny?? Ooooh what are you going to eat, you must have some ideas swirling around the back of your head......surely.....
Morning June So you'll be taking the new wellies out for a road test this morning then, or should I say a river test?! Hope they fair well and hope the family enjoy running around enjoying themselves together out and about, they really have been so, so good for you June haven't they, I doubt Zena would have put up with all those restrictions over all those weeks. Have a nice time, don't forget the bones, the petrol, or the gas, nor the wood, and most of all those chocolate biccies when you're rummaging around in the Asda casualty dept if you're stopping off for dinner.

Originally Posted by Malka View Post

Yes I know I am late but I went back to bed after struggling, unsuccessfully, to get washed and dressed. So it is coming up to 1pm and I am still in my pj's and have an hour to get semi-decent and go to the macolet before it closes, as it is Tuesday and Avner does not open again today.

Or I might just go back to bed once I have fed Pereg, which will save having to bother.

Sorry you are feeling lousy Bev - gentle (((hugs))) and hope you feel better soon.

Norma - dunno what to say except "booger".

Pat - get moving!

Sorry to all I have forgotten but I think I have scrambled brains. Oh, that is an idea - scrambled eggs on toast for lunch. Umm, no - no bread so no toast. Might go mad and open a tin of sliced 'shrooms and have a 'shroom homberlet instead.

Better get moving...
Morning grandma I hope you're feeling a lot better today and scrambled eggs would be just the job, but that means getting dressed and toddling over the road to get the toast to go with them. Hurry up then cos it's nearly closing time!

Well, we had a lovely walk up on the clifftops, through the woods and along the grassy paths by the sea, but sadly the sun wasn't shining for us today.

Came home, got two slow cookers on the go, one with mince and onions for tomorrow and the other one for steak and onion pie filling which I will freeze for Friday's lunch.

Cooking roast pork for lunch for myself cos it's the only chance I get when Dave has gone as he hates pork and it's my favourite.

Done a lot of cleaning. I couldn't believe all the black dust from those terrible workmen (aka idiots!) even my new blinds needed a good clean cos they're dark wood and it really showed up. All this work they've caused me when I could be sitting at the puter enjoying meself on here.

Taken some pics of the hallway, although it isn't quite finished without the beading around the edges, but I want to send a pic off to my mates who are dying to see it. They'll all be piling over soon when the weather changes and they'll be taking me out for lunch which I'm looking forward to.

Now I've got to organise a plasterer for the beginning of april when Dave starts this fireplace, and I've also remembered what my other mission for the week was, and that is to get a good tv bracket for his big tv to go on the wall. He wants one that pulls out on an arm so he can have a fiddle at the back if he needs to (well, that's what men do isn't it!).

He's going to organise all the surround sound, connect up the router and puters to the telly and it'll all be hidden away in his new chimney breast and underneath the floorboards, absolute heaven, because my biggest bugbear in life is spaghetti wires everywhere!!!

Off to sort out lunch now, enjoy the rest of your day and I'll pop back later.
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26-02-2013, 12:09 PM
Helena. Did you not think of taking the skirting boards off & putting the laminate underneath them then you wouldn't have needed beading round the edges? That's what we did & it looks much neater.
I only had a quick dash to town as I was expecting a parcel to be delivered. I thought Sod's law it would come when I was out. It didn't but 10 mins later on the way upstairs a card on the floor - sorry you were out!! I wasn't out!! He mustn't have knocked very loud as Taff didn't bark & he usually does. I was only in the kitchen unpacking So that means a trip to the sorting office again. I'm really P,d off with the PO lately
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26-02-2013, 01:09 PM
Dave did, but these so called fitters, although they did cut underneath the architraves into the doorways, so that it's all neat and tidy under there, but only the architraves not the skirtings, except for a very small area. We have very strange skirtings here, they don't end to the back of the door frame if you know what I mean, leaving you half an inch or more out to the edge, they end in line WITH the architraves. Dave will do a nice job, because he will cut a return, which you then slap on the cut off end next to the architrave, giving you a wooden finish, it'll look good I'm sure. I'm glad they didn't cut underneath our skirtings if I'm honest, they made enough mess as it was lol!

It looks really nice though, and I actually like the edging scotias in the same wood, and I like even more, the skirtings they now do to match the wood, but we couldn't be doing with all that to be honest Taffsmum, we've got enough hard work here and mess to come as it is, and the sooner a job gets finished, the happier I am. Dave will tackle it all this week-end and finish the job that they didn't!
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26-02-2013, 01:22 PM
Afternoon all
Thank you all for your lovely comments .
Sun shining and feeling much more positive today
Neibour is so upset over the oil ,has promised to pay for the damage
The garden is on 2sloping levels ,pooled on the bottom one which had shrubs and covered with bark ( had to run with the run of the slope if that makes sense )
Firm organised to get rid of bark ,as has to be disposed of properly
Neibour has access to a mini digger to get rid of contaminatesd soil
That's the plan so far going to look like a building site ,they've been our neibours for 26 years with Niver a cross word ,can't help feel sorry for them .
Poor dogs can't under stand why they can't get out the back for a pee ,their legs are going to be down to stumps with the extra walks their getting .
Am sure other people have many more problems than this ,after all it's only a garden at the end of the day
Hope everyone is having a good day
Thank you all once a gain for your kind comments
Take care stay safe
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26-02-2013, 01:25 PM
MEN - need I say more??

Go on then, I will.

Gary decided he wanted to come with us today which is unusual when it's cold unless he wants something. Got there and what he wanted was an SD card and adapter. No problem, thinks I - am I stupid or what??

Dave, what do you want it for?

Gary, - goes into a lot of signing which Dave can't understand and as I'm not technical, I had no idea what he meant.

Dave - gets frustrated

Gary - gets frustrated

Me - wishes that I was out on my own.

Finally, I took him to the shop. Got the same as he had taken with him. Job done.

Ever since we got back, Dave has been scouring computer finding cheaper ones or better ones.

Me - I want to bloody scream.

Men - ARGGGGGGGGGGGGGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

To top it all, while in Curry's, I got 'em to check to see if a camera we ordered was in yet as it's supposed to be there today. It wasn't. Got home and email has arrived to say it's just been delivered into the shop. It must have arrived within minutes of us leaving.

Also got a message on the answer machine from Gary's friend's wife to ask me to give her a call. Sounds OK? She's partially deaf and conversations are usually strained and very long. I've tried and she's not answering so it looks like I'll be trying on and off most of the afternoon.

Can I go back to bed now please???
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