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21-02-2013, 10:52 AM
For the last couple of days I have been having email arguments with M&S Outlet store.

Until x months ago they did not supply overseas, and then they did but not to Israel, but then they did and sent me an email with a welcome coupon informing me that however much I ordered it was still only £15 postage per order.


But I did not order anything as I did not need anything, and in the meantime they kept sending me email after email with all their special offers.

So. Lo and behold they had a couple of summer 3/4 sleeve length tunics that I really really wanted, so tried to buy, but

M&S no longer supply overseas.


I really wanted those tunics.

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tawneywolf is offline  
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21-02-2013, 10:54 AM
Once I have got Cariad's stitches out and am no longer having to stay in with her I can go and get them if you want and post them, need to know what they are of course!!!
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21-02-2013, 10:54 AM
Originally Posted by tawneywolf View Post
Very very cold wind this morning, was well wrapped up taking Cariad out but still came back freezing cold. The wind is cutting, I think it is an east wind, wherever its coming from its very cold!!!
Gave babies a chicken wing with their brekkie this morning, they are beginning to go very leggy so think they need a bit more now. Took them nano seconds longer to eat their brekkie but they were still back outside fast to see if there was any left of Lona and Mabs's you would think they would know better by now.
Ash was ready for his bed when we came in from training, popped him back outside with everyone and within a minute or so they had all gone back to bed and there wasn't a sound or sight of them. He is coming along very well already and sits waiting for his piece of chicken by my side. There is a cocker spaniel there that is completely off its trolley, we were next to it as well, but kept bribing him with the chicken and he was taking no real notice of it after a few minutes. The girl with the cocker kept saying 'no' and 'sit' to it, but she was so quiet that it took not a blind bit of notice, eventually the lady on the other side (who breeds labs) got hold of it and said SIT! NOW!!
and straight away it sat we were laughing and saying to the girl, you're too nice
Gave the lab lady a load of big bones for her girls (she has 7) as she is at a show this weekend so won't see her at training on Sunday
As I won't be able to go out without Cariad in tow I will mainly be in today apart from a wood run and cleaning up outside, really goes against the grain this does, but can't risk her doing the window thing and falling, and moreover if she shoves my tv over from the bench and breaks it she may die anyway
Hope you get some sort of reasonable explanation from Gordon, there is nothing you can do, and that is the worst of it, he will do what he will do in the end, but I echo Malka - 'a bird in the hand is worth 2 in the bush' Your tongue will be very sore from biting it by the end of the weekend!!!
Nippy I hope you feel better soon, can you go back to bed with a hot water bottle or something and take painkillers, too much use of the Steam Mop in my opinion
Morning June the wind has arrived back here and it is freezing.
Ash seems a bright little pup. Not long now and Cariad can go back outside and you can have your life back a bit.

Originally Posted by Losos View Post
'morning Lynn and all

Only one more day Lynn and all your questions will be answered, not sure if they'll be the correct answers but at least you'll know

Lots of snow here last night (again ) so looks like I'll be out shifting it this afternoon as we really need to get out tomorrow.

crystal girl, wish you han't told us that - for those that don't know, filing for bankruptcy means you can get out of paying people you owe money to, it's often been used by crooked builders and other business people, it's totaly wrong, and it allows her to go out and spend £10K at the hairdresser it's time a law was brought in to stop people and companies doing this.

Ipswich Town football club did this to their suppliers, hundreds of them, yet the 'fans' still roll up to watch Ipswich Town as if nothing had happened, these supporter muppets think they are still supporting the same club, they are not, they are supporting a club which has avoided paying it's bills and by a legal loophole continues to exist.

Makes me mad

Well you do tell some funny stories but this one did make me laugh, and I can believe it too because our Newfies are about 6ft. when they stand on their hind legs.
Morning Harvey I hope yo have no more snow sounds like you already have a load to shift.
I heard on the weather earlier we are meant to have snow flurries as long as it just flurries I can just about live with that.
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21-02-2013, 11:10 AM
Have been thinking and have come up with an idea, it may not work, but giving it a whirl. Clean yard, puppy palace and smaller kennel. Bring babies in to take to field. Put Cariad in puppy palace and Lona and Mabs in smaller kennel and block off run so they can't get to Cariad and she can't get to them. Take babies onto field, bring back and give lunch to them and Cariad, take Lona and Mabs out onto field, come back and give them lunch, keeping them blocked off from Cariad and babies, see how it goes for the rest of the day. I won't be out very long with the babies, probably 20 mins in total, so if she does kick off it won't be prolonged, Eldest Son still here so he can always go out to her anyway if it gets ridiculous. If she is with the babies she will more than likely settle a bit, and can associate with Lona and Mabs without it getting too lively, if the puppies get a bit bolshy she will tell them off and they will leave her alone.
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21-02-2013, 11:13 AM
Morning all

Didn't make work today cause Brian had a gall bladder attack. He asked me to stay home in case it got worse. He seems a bit better now but is in a right grump cause he's tired and sore. Unfortunately this means I get the brunt of it. Tempted to just ****** off upstairs and leave him to it.

It's blooming cold here today so not going out.

Anyway, instead of a day of classes I now have a day of housework planned, then cadets tonight.

Lynn, hope Dillan is back to normal soon.

Malka, what a booger that they can't send stuff to Israel.

Hope everyone has a nice day.
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21-02-2013, 11:56 AM
Morning to all those I missed earlier

Sorry to hear you're not too good today Jen, but I know that feeling about everything aching, oh Lordy, why do we have to get old like this hey. Tuck yourself up somewhere and dose yourself up and hopefully, somebody might be around to take good care of you and offer sympathy in abundance, that'll be Pepsi then

June, Sounds like a good plan to me, I hope it works!

Sorry about those tunics you wanted grandma, it's always the way, but for me, it's a case of when I've got the money I don't see anything I like, and when I haven't got the money I see it all and I want it all!! That's called s*d's law I think

Well, I was the only car up in the carpark up the top and I'm not surprised, talk about blooming cold, I couldn't wait to get into the wooded bit to get some relief. I walked back along the clifftops and although the wind was behind me by then, by the time I got back to the car I couldn't feel my face, and I had a woolly hat on and a hoody and my thick puffa. I was glad to get home in the warm I can tell you.

I did everything here, then off I went down to the old town on the seafront and found lots of fish stalls on the beach. I treated myself to a dover sole, oh I love dover soles, I could live on those and she said they were only landed an hour ago so I'm really looking forward to that for lunch today with my mash I'm making and some crusty bread I bought in the bakers, mmmm, mmm, mmmmmm

Did a mahoosive shop in Mr S, lugged it all up these steps, it took me 6 trips in all and I had to flake out on the bed when I finished, with Zena leaping all over me kissing my face

Just fed the birdies some walnut cake which I'd forgotten about in a tin but it was ok, not mouldy, and they got some Hobnobs all crushed up so they're well happy up there now. As I came back down, the little robin was sat on the wall staring at me, and I remembered he likes his own robin food, so back I went, found his food and put some of it out on the table bit, and I'm sure he said "thankyou" as I walked back past

Gonna have 5 mins with Zena now with her frisbee, so that she settles for me when I sit down for lunch.

Dave home tonight, he's having bangers and mash cos it's easy as I never know the exact time he'll get home what with the traffic and what time he gets away but it's never before 7.30 nowadays, but hey ho, at least he's coming home.

Still thinking of you Lynn, thank goodness he'll be home tomorrow and you can put your mind at
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21-02-2013, 12:08 PM
Not been back out yet, psyching myself up because it is COLD out there, have been looking at Hunter wellies on ebay and found a couple that are cheap as they are worn a couple of times, but they are only for cleaning the yard, going in the river and some walks so they don't have to be pristine. Have sent questions asking how tall they are, because some (the Huntress) are only on your shinbones and they are annoying!!! Must get out there now though!!!!
Will let you know if Plan X works!!1
Dover Sole sounds scrumptious Helena, had plaice for tea last night when I got in from training, with mash and veg it was lovely.
Bangers and Mash is good as well, any room for a lodger or 6
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21-02-2013, 01:14 PM
Only if you make that 5!!!! I'm sure you know who's missing in that calculation June Oh it was lovely, I just love the taste of a dover sole and they're so meaty, I might go and get myself another one on Tuesday.

Good about the Hunters there June, hope they're the right sort for you. I bought a good pair of blue wellies in B&Q the other day, only £20, but then I don't wear wellies often, I prefer my boots for walking in mud and trainers for hot, dry summers (hmmm where did they go I wonder???).

You're right, it's getting colder out there and it was cold enough at 8 am this morning for me, I won't be going out again thanks. Enjoy your walk June.
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21-02-2013, 01:48 PM
Originally Posted by Tangutica View Post
Had a real good laugh at Bella this morning. After our walk a neighbour pal called me up for coffee. She'd just been donated a second hand hamster cage. It was on the floor on the verandah - Bella just barked and barked at it and shoved it round with her nose (could obviously smell the last inhabitant and she is supposed to be a 'ratter') In the end my pal removed the green plastic wheel from it and gave it to Bella who then proceeded to shove it all round the verandah and turn it over and pick it up by the spindle inside and run around with it over her head! Dogs! lol!
Bella clearly had a wonderful time with her hamster toy. I can just visualise her racing along with the wheel on her head - shame you didn't get a photo. So have you started the packing yet ..... or is it nice enough to sit outside with your Kindle and a drink. Good luck when you do finally get into the packing.

Originally Posted by crystalgirl View Post
What would we do without them, even my Afghan who rarely ever played,sometimes had me in stitches,he used to do the dragon dance,prancing around four feet off the ground,could never capture it on camera,but in my life when things were really shite,I can take out those images,and life seems a lot better.The funniest incident,was I used to take him to a park really early,this particular morning it was quite foggy,but let him off.All of a sudden this voice boomed out,Ay beejeusus theres a bear up that tree,so looked by then the fog was quite patchy,Red was halfway up a tree after squirrels,thisvoice still lamenting,got to call the zoo,it must have escaped,couldnt see the owner of the voice,I was just going to approach Red and put his lead on,when I felt something grab my leg,Missus theres a bear holy mother of god,never going to take a drink again.So extricated myself and went to get Red,the voice was by then weeping.I was'nt sure whether to take Red to the voice or just leave him to sober up.Wicked, I decided to go on home,but even now it makes me smile.Red standing on his back legs was at least 6ft and he had a lot of hair.crystalgirl
This really made me laugh because the post directly before yours was talking about 'men' so when I read this I assumed your Afghan was the nationality of your OH .... so there was me visualising your OH doing a dragon dance etc etc. It was only when you mentioned that you let him off in the park that I realised you were talking about a dog. It really made me laugh

Originally Posted by Nippy View Post
Morning all.
Hugs to Lynn and everyone who needs them.
I'm feeling very low today. Everywhere hurts, my shoulders and elbows are particularly bad today
So I'm going to leave you all to it I don't want to make everyone miserable.
Aw Nippy I am sorry, you poor thing . Don't stay away from us - if you can't go 'ouch and oooh' on here where else can you. We all let off steam at some time or another. If you choose not to, wrap up warm, put your feet up and have a snooze. ((hugs))

Originally Posted by Malka View Post
For the last couple of days I have been having email arguments with M&S Outlet store.

Until x months ago they did not supply overseas, and then they did but not to Israel, but then they did and sent me an email with a welcome coupon informing me that however much I ordered it was still only £15 postage per order.


But I did not order anything as I did not need anything, and in the meantime they kept sending me email after email with all their special offers.

So. Lo and behold they had a couple of summer 3/4 sleeve length tunics that I really really wanted, so tried to buy, but

M&S no longer supply overseas.


I really wanted those tunics.

If only you had put an order in the first time round they may have continued to deliver to Israel .... the 'Malka express'. It's very nice of June to offer to buy and send the dresses to you.

Originally Posted by tawneywolf View Post
Have been thinking and have come up with an idea, it may not work, but giving it a whirl. Clean yard, puppy palace and smaller kennel. Bring babies in to take to field. Put Cariad in puppy palace and Lona and Mabs in smaller kennel and block off run so they can't get to Cariad and she can't get to them. Take babies onto field, bring back and give lunch to them and Cariad, take Lona and Mabs out onto field, come back and give them lunch, keeping them blocked off from Cariad and babies, see how it goes for the rest of the day. I won't be out very long with the babies, probably 20 mins in total, so if she does kick off it won't be prolonged, Eldest Son still here so he can always go out to her anyway if it gets ridiculous. If she is with the babies she will more than likely settle a bit, and can associate with Lona and Mabs without it getting too lively, if the puppies get a bit bolshy she will tell them off and they will leave her alone.
OMG June - such a complicated plan you'll have to write it down. I read your posts and got so confused. It is bl**dy freezing outside, the wind is bitter. You'll have to walk very quickly

Helena - Enjoy your dover sole and mash. It must have been perishingly cold up on the cliffs this morning and I know what you mean about getting a cold face. I got total face freeze when I took my two out.

I think their second walk this afternoon is going to be pretty dam short - they can always 'play' in the garden. Although when I opened the back door half and hour ago (they were both standing asking to go out) as the door opened the cold wind hit them and they just stood there ....... I ended up pushing them as I could feel the warm air in the house being sucked out.

I'm going to have a fairly quiet day today as I'm feeling unbelievably tired which is probably due to the high dose of penicillin. OH is out for lunch so I'll probably get my book out as that is a guaranteed way to make me doze off.

See you later and keep warm.
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21-02-2013, 02:19 PM
I eventually talked myself into going outside. it is so quick and easy to clean up when everywhere is dry and there is no rain. All I got was one carrier bag of wet and a few poos, and that was it, fresh bedding down now for everyone, and IT worked!!!!
Babies had a wonderful time on the field running about, Keshi charged off at one point with Ash following, all of a sudden he stopped and looked back - must have been out of his comfort zone (I don't think Keshi has one ) I opened my arms and he came zooming back, Kesh had a look, shrugged and then sighed and she came back as well, but not quite the enthusiasm Ash showed.
Came back, gave babies lunch, popped them out with mum (who was standing there with a question mark over her head) and opened the little side door of the smaller kennel and ushered Lona and Mabs into the utility, leads on and off we went. So they had a nice charge round as well. Came back, and that's where it got a bit complicated....Had a bag of bones and was holding one with the little side door to the smaller kennel open and trying to get Lona and Mabs in, Ash grabbed the bone and started a tug of war game, I threw the bone in the smaller kennel and he went in with it, Keshi followed, I gave up, threw her one, shut the door to the run and handed bones to Lona, Mabs and Cariad, so no one's where I planned at the moment, but may be able to have shift round when bones are eaten.
At least Cariad is out from under and I can go out!!!!
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