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Rosebud77 is offline  
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15-12-2012, 10:49 AM
Belated good morning; slept in until 4 am today....been kind of busy since..

All so busy and the baking! oh my!

The small Irish town two hours drive away ( how the AA do it in less than 1 and a half hours defeats me!) was a new venue which is always a little tense for me.

But( and I am smiling) traders and people alike opened their hearts as I have never encountered in all ,my years of trading.. sheltered me from the rain, fed me, and at the end many of the stallholders heaped food on me. ie what they could not sell.. for the work they know I support.

My cupboards and my heart are full; it is a good farmers' market and they tend to open to crafters these weeks..

Beautiful produce and the cakes! And so many kind folk. Interesting and hard working people

Am bidden go next week... and they will give shelter again

Oh and a school choir singing carols.

Sold some larger items eg scarves, so as I am exhausted and sore, am abed these next days catching up. Stock is hand to mouth so late in the season..

It is bearable this month as I know all will stop at Christmas trading wise for at least a month.

The little dog overseas has turned the corner and the vet is behaving now; emerged he did not bother to read the dog's files.

The plumber has been so all is well and the sun is trying to come out...

Flood warnings yesterday and one carpark in town was a river.

On the way in on the mountain road , I had to stop to allow three wild goats to cross.. magnificent creatures, climbing rocks so nimbly The billy had huge horns.
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tawneywolf is offline  
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15-12-2012, 12:11 PM
Raining here, again. Had the family who are taking Sasha (little grey girl) over this morning to meet her. Managed to get babies out into Puppy Palace this morning, after a lot of cleaning up of soggy paper because it was raining. First of all they met Lona and Mabs, then took them out and Cariad came in and I brought Sasha along a few minutes later. Children adored Sasha and loved Cariad as well, then I took Cariad out and brought Che and Ash in, so they all had a little play together. Lovely family and children were just right with the dogs and Cariad very chilled out with them, so I know if she is happy with them they are going to be fine. They took piccies of each other with Sasha and have gone now. Babies back in puppy palace and Cariad in the house with a bone, Lona and Mabs with bones as well. I am just going out to give babies their lunch (sardines) and a shallow dish of water as they won't see mum now till tea time. She seems quite happy to be away from them - at long last!!!
Hope the scan goes OK Bev and all the times fit in together, the traffic is going to be horrendous today I bet, yesterday was bad enough!!! Fingers crossed on the vets appointment as well.
I am so glad Dillon is calming down now, never thought that it may well be a fox, but it could be because I think this is round about the time of year for it, not sure, but if they have their litter around February then it would fit in.
Going out for lpg, tripe and ox heart in a minute then as I did my jobs at record speed this morning due to visitors I may find the time to have a nanny nap. I am sleeping like a log these nights, I find puppies are a real aid to sleep
Here is Today's Fix - it is Isis (My Little Girl)
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15-12-2012, 12:12 PM
Originally Posted by Losos View Post
'morning Helena, Jenny, Bev, and all

Baruska was scratching the door to come in at six o'clock so I got up to let her in, usually she just goes and lies on other side of bed but today she paced around and didn't settle, turns out she was hungry so I prepared some biscuits and a bit of turkey meat and she was happy. She has a small tummy so does not eat a lot in the evening and sometimes wants a top up in the morning.

Anyway, after that I couldn't go back to bed so decided to start planning next year since I bought a 2013 diary yesterday.

Bev, I'm sure the hospital appointment will be OK try not to worry. Jenny, I have the same thoughts as you on that terrible tragedy in America, why do these happen so often, it's less than a week ago when some nutter shot and killed two people in a Portland Oregan shopping centre, because it was only two people it didn't make the headlines, has to be down to the gun laws or rather the lack of any.

Helena, today I will start to search on line for a supplier of genuine printer cartridges at a reasonable price, if you find one can you let me know. That fiasco in WHS that you went through would have made me so mad.
Morning Harvey Thanks for the lovely Card, it's just arrived, bit soggy, but it's now sitting on the radiator in the hope that it will stand up again once dry!!! I get my inks from Printerinks but for some reason I must have ordered fake ones originally, but am still waiting for the original I ordered to replace. Good luck with organising 2013 then Harvey, maybe you can arrange a drive by here!!!

Originally Posted by majuka View Post
Morning Helena, Morning All

Dreadful, you just don't imagine what the day can hold when you wake up and go about your usual routine, send the kids off to school

Bev, I hope that you get well today - both at the vets and the hospital.

Helena, I'm wondering if the timing is the issue? I fall asleep instantly then wake up in the early hours for a few hours whereas Dave takes ages to go to sleep then sleeps right through. Both us can have a very poor night's sleep but not realise that the other one has as well until the morning because I am asleep while Dave is awake and vice versa. Good luck with trying to adjust your sleep pattern, the longer you carry on the more your body will adjust to not sleeping at this time.

Have a good day all
Morning Jane You two sound the same as us, and I'm like your husband at the moment, can't understand why, because normally, when I turn the light off, I'm off within seconds into a lovely deep sleep until the morning. I don't want to end up paranoid about it cos that's actually making the matter worse as you say. Thanks Jane.xx

Originally Posted by jenny.g View Post
Morning Helena and all ,

Helena what about the 'pillow' cure for snoring Sorry I shouldn't laugh as I have a snorer here too

Bev - good luck with the vets and of course for you at the hospital. I'll be thinking of you

Malka I hope you are better today and you got a good nights sleep.

A day of housework today (and dog walking). I still haven't written cards or done any Xmas shopping, so I may try and pop out this afternoon to TK Maxx.

I hope you all have a good day and healthy vibes being sent to all poorly dogs and people.
Morning Jenny Lol I didn't have to use it last night, all was quiet from Dave's room, but then he had shut his door when he went off to bed, much to Zena's disapproval cos she likes our doors open so she can keep a beady eye on both of us. She resorted to sleeping in her bed in the hallway, so I got up to get her into my room in her best, comfy bed, but she didn't stay there long, before she sloped off into the kitchen and thudded on the hard floor! Dogs hey, you can never understand them can you!!

Originally Posted by Malka View Post
Morning Nechda, morning all

Horrible news about the shooting in the US - just horrible. Thoughts and prayers are with all concerned.

On the home front, Bev I hope this morning's appointments go to plan - Kyiro at the vet and you at the hospital. (((hugs)))

Yet again it was waaay past midnight before I got to bed last night - Pereg got me up around 3am for a p&p so I was able to enthrone myself while she was out, then we both zonked until slightly late for her 7am pill but I managed another short nap before finally getting up.

It is sunny out which means - oh bliss - hot water, although I am still feeling cold even with three layers of clothes on, but at least I do not feel as bad as I did yesterday. Not sure whether I am OK to have a shower or wait until my neighbour is home tomorrow so she can come in while I shower [and rescue me if I get the wobbles]. I do so hate losing independence.

Have a good weekend everyone.
Morning Grandma I blame your partying for that one, in fact, weren't you the last one in here last night??!! I think so! Hoping you're feeling a bit better than you did yesterday, and managed to get some sleep after Pereg got you up, but that could have been handy, the fact that she did get you up!!! My mum was the same as you with that independence, but sometimes grandma, you just need that little bit of help, it's called being sensible, and in a day or two you won't need it.xxxx

Originally Posted by Sal View Post
Morning Helena,Morning all

Not up to much today,apart from trying to catch up on the laundry

Off to Tesco in a minute to pick up some veggies and other bits,

Bev hope all goes well for you,

Have a good day all x
Morning Sal You forgot the veggies to go with your roast lamb tomorrow then Sal?? You're going to regret that once you get into Tesco on a Saturday morning

Originally Posted by Brierley View Post
Good morning all.

What a terribly sad time for those poor people in the US. Unimaginable isn't it .

Bev, I hope today goes well for you.

The sun is out here so we're off for our usual walk soon. On the way back we will check on Gary to see if he is up to going over to Barnsley tomorrow. If not, I will do the gift run on my own and we'll also go over another time when Gary is well. He will be so disappointed though if he can't go so fingers and everything else crossed.

Rosie is scratching like mad this morning. She was 'flea'd' last week so I doubt it's that. Me thinks a bath may be in order this afternoon - she won't be pleased. I'm assuming that she's reacted to something, but heaven knows what.

Have a good 'un all.
Afternoon Chris and yes, so, so very sad isn't it, in fact, it's more than sad, it's tragic and unbelievable.

Hopefully, you might be able to persuade Gary to go with you tomorrow I do know how much he was looking forward to it, and you never know, he could be a bit up and down and might be up to it tomorrow, hope so.

Originally Posted by Lynn View Post
Morning Helena, morning everyone.

My sympathies to those poor families in America too dreadful just dreadful.
Bev I hope it all goes well for you today (((hugs))).
Helena sorry you are finding sleeping difficult at the moment it is hard to get your body clock back to any normality.
To everyone with poorly dogs or who are poorly themselves wishing you all well soon.

Another successful night and morning with Dillon been for our walk and he met an old friend with a neutered male who had a go at him poor Dillon he just looks as if to say you don't like me then continues to prance around even when on a lead and they had a little play in the end.
A springer coming out of his drive had a go at him too I wonder if its because he is maturing.

Had a good chat with the vet yesterday have posted in more detail on a new thread he is convinced it is to do with in season bitches and his hormones but is reluctant to implant at the moment while he is settled unless it all kicks off again then he will to save his stress and mine.
We talked about neutering at 18 months or there abouts and he said he is happy to do it if not being shown or bred from there is no reason why not to if he has reached maturity and is the right height which he should be and is a confident dog. He would meet him and assess him first and then advise whether to do it then or await a bit longer Dillons breeder and I are happy with the outcome of the chat.

We are off to Chelmsford in a bit without the children this week to do some christmas shopping not much to get as everyone wants money.

Have a good day all.
Morning Lynn Yayyy, success again for day 2, well done Lynn Not so good about those other dogs having a pop at him, but that's what I found with Zena, as soon as she matured, a lot of dogs just don't like her, she seems to know exactly which ones they are too as they're heading our way, unlike me, she can read them a lot better than I can. Enjoy that bit of christmas shopping with the children.

Originally Posted by Lucky Star View Post
Another one with a snorer.

Big hugs for today madmare - we will all be thinking of you.

I've just had to wrestle my two-year-old away from the computer! Yesterday he managed to turn off the wireless connection and I was going mad trying to find out why I had no internet access. I was even about to go marching across the road to the builders and blame them!

Poor Loki is attacking his feet again and has spent the last two nights in a 'lampshade'.

More Christmas shopping today. It seems never-ending.

Afternoon Linda Oh you can tell he's a boy can't you, I bet Carys was never like this, those boys are soooooo norty (but funny!!! ). Imagine if you'd gone across and taken out your wrath on those builders Try and survive the day there Linda.xx

Originally Posted by Nippy View Post
Sorry you never got any pasties yesterday they were eaten in a flash!

I have just made these and I will guard them with my life and bring them along to tonights party

Mmmmmmmmmm, they look good Jen, and I look forward to scoffing the lot tonight before the others arrive!! Well, you and me both!!!

Originally Posted by Jackbox View Post
Morning all, agree about the horrible news in the US.... my condolences go to all involved.

Not to bad here today, not got a lot on, going to wash bedding and clean up the dinning room me thinks

Madmare, good luck today, H, enjoy the cleaning and Lynn glad Dillons hormone have settled ..

Lucky star, I wonder if "thornit " would help with Loki`s feet, I put it on Millies sometimes when she is biting them

Anyway, have a productive day folks, and stay safe xx
Afternoon Jackie Done my cleaning, van looks all clean and tidy, but left the beds for next week-end, enjoy your bit of cleaning today too

Originally Posted by Rosebud77 View Post
An old remedy is to sew a cotton reel to the back of the pjs as most snore when they sleep on their backs and this prevents that.
Afternoon Rosebud, Oh he wouldn't go for that idea I'm afraid, but thankfully, the shutting of the door seems to be working. I can't understand just how much it deafens the snoring when the door is solid, but has glass in the middle of it, you would have thought, it would travel through some thin glass, but it doesn't. Thanks for the tip though.

Originally Posted by Jackbox View Post
I find a good shove works better
Lol, hence the reason we have separate rooms now, coz he got fed up of me digging him in the ribs when he finally got to sleep around 4.00 am!!! I like your style Jackie, I told you we are alike!!!

Originally Posted by Rosebud77 View Post
Belated good morning; slept in until 4 am today....been kind of busy since..

All so busy and the baking! oh my!

The small Irish town two hours drive away ( how the AA do it in less than 1 and a half hours defeats me!) was a new venue which is always a little tense for me.

But( and I am smiling) traders and people alike opened their hearts as I have never encountered in all ,my years of trading.. sheltered me from the rain, fed me, and at the end many of the stallholders heaped food on me. ie what they could not sell.. for the work they know I support.

My cupboards and my heart are full; it is a good farmers' market and they tend to open to crafters these weeks..

Beautiful produce and the cakes! And so many kind folk. Interesting and hard working people

Am bidden go next week... and they will give shelter again

Oh and a school choir singing carols.

Sold some larger items eg scarves, so as I am exhausted and sore, am abed these next days catching up. Stock is hand to mouth so late in the season..

It is bearable this month as I know all will stop at Christmas trading wise for at least a month.

The little dog overseas has turned the corner and the vet is behaving now; emerged he did not bother to read the dog's files.

The plumber has been so all is well and the sun is trying to come out...

Flood warnings yesterday and one carpark in town was a river.

On the way in on the mountain road , I had to stop to allow three wild goats to cross.. magnificent creatures, climbing rocks so nimbly The billy had huge horns.
Hi again Rosebud What a grand bunch of caring people they are, it gives you back your faith in humanity to hear of such generosity and I'm glad it all landed in your lap! So glad to hear the dog is doing well, and shame on that vet not bothering to read his files hey Enjoy your busy day there getting ready for tomorrow's market then.
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15-12-2012, 03:46 PM
Good afternoon fellow members I am very late checking in today.

As it was a bit warmer I decided to give Chloe a trim, she was looking really scruffy .
I have been putting off doing it because I didn't relish spending hours standing in a cold garage and I thought Chloe may not appreciate it either but it's done now

I hope you have all had a good day
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15-12-2012, 05:05 PM
So utterly silent and peaceful here tonight in the mountains. No wind, not a sound... Resting in the tranquillity..

Love the puppy and the bone! Awwwww....

Have put up more Christmas stuff; am sure there is another boxful somewhere...

Ah well... tomorrow will do for that..

Looking for cartridges here online .. it will have to be the compatible as always the price they are. I got a cheap printer... cartridges cost more than the printer.

Blessings and peace this night.....
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15-12-2012, 05:36 PM
Originally Posted by tawneywolf View Post
Raining here, again. Had the family who are taking Sasha (little grey girl) over this morning to meet her. Managed to get babies out into Puppy Palace this morning, after a lot of cleaning up of soggy paper because it was raining. First of all they met Lona and Mabs, then took them out and Cariad came in and I brought Sasha along a few minutes later. Children adored Sasha and loved Cariad as well, then I took Cariad out and brought Che and Ash in, so they all had a little play together. Lovely family and children were just right with the dogs and Cariad very chilled out with them, so I know if she is happy with them they are going to be fine. They took piccies of each other with Sasha and have gone now. Babies back in puppy palace and Cariad in the house with a bone, Lona and Mabs with bones as well. I am just going out to give babies their lunch (sardines) and a shallow dish of water as they won't see mum now till tea time. She seems quite happy to be away from them - at long last!!!
Hope the scan goes OK Bev and all the times fit in together, the traffic is going to be horrendous today I bet, yesterday was bad enough!!! Fingers crossed on the vets appointment as well.
I am so glad Dillon is calming down now, never thought that it may well be a fox, but it could be because I think this is round about the time of year for it, not sure, but if they have their litter around February then it would fit in.
Going out for lpg, tripe and ox heart in a minute then as I did my jobs at record speed this morning due to visitors I may find the time to have a nanny nap. I am sleeping like a log these nights, I find puppies are a real aid to sleep
Here is Today's Fix - it is Isis (My Little Girl)
Afternoon June Glad it all went very well with Sasha's prospective owners there including the children, that must have put your mind at rest that they are the right family for one of these very prescious pups, and today's fix of your little girlie Isis there is fabulous Glad you're sleeping well at the moment and that doesn't surprise me with the amount of stuff you get through in a day! I hope you remembered to put that petrol in your car, and that lpg ran out quickly didn't it?! I thought that stuff lasts for months. It'll soon be feet up time by the roaring fire with that cuppa and biccies, so enjoy the moment whilst it lasts.

Originally Posted by Minihaha View Post
Good afternoon fellow members I am very late checking in today.

As it was a bit warmer I decided to give Chloe a trim, she was looking really scruffy .
I have been putting off doing it because I didn't relish spending hours standing in a cold garage and I thought Chloe may not appreciate it either but it's done now

I hope you have all had a good day
Afternoon Mini I'm sure Chloe looks divine sporting her new haircut, she's all ready for Christmas now then

Originally Posted by Rosebud77 View Post
So utterly silent and peaceful here tonight in the mountains. No wind, not a sound... Resting in the tranquillity..

Love the puppy and the bone! Awwwww....

Have put up more Christmas stuff; am sure there is another boxful somewhere...

Ah well... tomorrow will do for that..

Looking for cartridges here online .. it will have to be the compatible as always the price they are. I got a cheap printer... cartridges cost more than the printer.

Blessings and peace this night.....
Afternoon Rosebud Be careful with those printer inks, I've just had to throw 3 away because they weren't compatible with my HP, what a waste of money that was, but now I've received the real ones so can get printing again. It sounds so ideallyc (sp?) where you live, peace and quiet is a tonic for the soul in this day and age, and I'm sure you count your blessings Rosebud!
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15-12-2012, 06:17 PM
Good Morning all, sounds like everyone has had a very productive day..

We got up late!! Tilly seems to be MUCH better!! phew, her tail doesn't seem to be bothering her, but she is drinking ALOT I am thinking it is the steroid shot her gave her.

Anyway today we woke up to snow!! YAY not much and it will all be gone soon, we shall walk and I really need to crack on with the housework.

Hope all doctors/vets appts go ok, and poorly dogs and peeps are repairing!! Thoughts are with those poor families who have lost loved ones in Conneticutt.. so sad
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15-12-2012, 06:38 PM
The family that are having Sasha have just come back from living in Conneticut, not sure how long they were out there for. Was asking if it was near where they had been and they said about 20 miles away, and they had done a bit of phoning last night, he said it was the culture out there. Forget which particular episode he was talking about but he said the person had a Glock pistol which fires hundreds of rounds per second or something
Maybe its time the Right To Bear Arms was looked at sensibly
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15-12-2012, 07:25 PM
Evening all Magic bottle is here, and I have already had a glass of wine from it

Nippy I hope that you are not too wet down there, and please reserve some of those yummy choccy thingies that you have made for me, last time I missed out on the doughnuts because of the piglets in here

LS my heart sank when I read that Loki is Liki again......poor darling must feel so fed up when that lampshade appears; I know Jimmi does. His paw is still trying to develop into an abscess but looks nothing like as bad as it did and he is no longer holding it up or licking it, so the ABs seem to be working their magic again.

DD, that is such a relief about Tilly and her sore bottom! Does she have to have any more steroids? Even if she does, what does it matter if she is drinking more for the moment just so long as she is comfortable.

AWWWWW another gorgeous puppy pic!!!! Well done Cariad for beginning to let go of the babies.

Back to Strictly......
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15-12-2012, 07:27 PM
June - I think Isis was laughing at what you'd put in front of her Fab photo as usual!!

Bev, I hope the vet and hospital went OK. If you have posted since this morning I've somehow missed it - sorry.

I managed to get all my cards written and two presents bought at least its a start

I'm off to a party with the other half at in 1/2 hours so need to get the dogs out and get ready. I hope you all have a lovely evening and I'll see you tomorrow.
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