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09-12-2012, 01:47 PM
Originally Posted by tawneywolf View Post
I really understand what your mum is going through, and how lovely of you to care and help her. My boys were very good, but that is one of the times you wish for a daughter. Big hugs from here

Thanks. Unfortunately the telephone call did not go well and from what I could hear, it sounded like his mum has gone apesh*t. I think she's been assuming she was having us to stay for Christmas and is really not happy to find out that's not going to happen.

We just can't leave my mum to cope on her own (parents divorced and she's never remarried) for Christmas. She's always been extremely close to her own mum and sister and it's been really hard for her to accept that she's going to lose them both.

I'm going to get Jon to ring his parents back later when his dad is in, then we can explain everything properly to him and he can get Jon's mum to calm down. Hopefully if we can get this other car I've found, we can nip up for a day between now and Christmas to smooth things over.
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09-12-2012, 02:18 PM
Well I think she needs to think about what if the positions were reversed and it was HER that was neck deep in all this. I really know what you are all going through, it is so stressful and people expecting you to act as though nothing is happening make it worse
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09-12-2012, 03:12 PM
Originally Posted by Minihaha View Post
Good morning fellow members the sun is shining and I am hoping for a quiet day.

I went babysitting yesterday evening and it turned out to be quite eventful when baby Hannah and one of the twins developed runny tummies
I was pleased to get home

Hoping to get my Christmas cards written today, I still send Christmas cards but have little else to do with that occasion these days.
Enjoy your day everyone
Afternoon Mini I hope you had a quiet day after your eventful evening.
Originally Posted by tawneywolf View Post
Dark this morning here as well and raining, so that puts my plan for getting the babies out back a day as I don't want them going outside when there will be wet girlies coming in and out, mind you Cariad may well not let them in with the babies, and they will have to go in the Little Kennel (its quite big, but compared to the Puppy Palace pales into insignificance)
Got Cheveyo's new family coming at 1pm so having some me time now as once I have got up it will be non stop.
Am getting a bit worried about a friend of mine, we always always meet for a lunch before Christmas and I have been ringing her for a few days now and got no reply. She moved over the summer and rang me to let me know she was in her new place, her and her BF had bought a narrowboat between them, they don't actually live together, but she had sold her house to finance her part of the boat and they were renting near to each other. I don't have her new landline number, just her mobile and it is ringing out, usually by now we have made arrangements where to meet and booked a table. I am beginning to fear the worst
Will keep trying her off and on, she could just be away and not taken her mobile I suppose, but wouldn't it be switched off, and would it keep ringing out if it was no longer connected????
Afternoon June. I hope all went well with the family coming over to meet the puppy.
I hope you get to contact your friend soon must be worrying.

Originally Posted by coventrycatfish View Post
Morning, folks.

Got up to find Guinness has been sick in the night. Hope it's just a one off. Going to have to go out and get him a cheap spare bed, I can't get this one dry fast enough for his lordship. He's whining to go back into his crate even though there is currently no bed in there. I was going to get him a Tuffies wipe clean bed in time for Christmas, but with the unexpected expense of having to replace the car, that will have to wait.

I'm expecting war to break out later because Jon's going to be telephoning his folks to tell them we're not going up there for Christmas. My gran is in hospital with heart failure and might not even make it to the end of the week , and my aunt has cancer and this is almost definately going to be her last Christmas. My poor mum is running round like a blue a*rsed fly between them and I'm not leaving her to cope with it on her own.
Afternoon CC. I hope Guiness is feeling better.
Johns family or mum sounds a bit OTT about not understanding your situation this year.

I hope when he talks to his dad tings can be smoothed over. Sounds a bit selfish to me.
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09-12-2012, 03:32 PM
The family who came to see Chevaro are lovely and they were thrilled to bits with him. For the first time Cariad brought the babies in here with her when she came for her lie down in front of the fire, so when Chevaro's new family came to the door they were in here all spread out fast asleep like something from a picture book - definitely the 'ah' factor
They will be coming over to see him again before they collect him in January.
I am not on fb personally, I hate the place, but I typed my friend's name into google on the offchance she was, and I found a piccie of her under that name on fb so I will get one of my friends to contact her or at least look her up and see if there is any inkling as to what has happened. I just fear the worst, she is only 10 years older than me, we worked together for quite some time many years ago, but she has always had health problems.
Anyway, not done your PuppyFix for today yet have I

tomorrow I will be off to the library to download more piccies
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09-12-2012, 04:55 PM
Oh my goodness lookit those little pink paws. So cute! They are getting mahoosive now!
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09-12-2012, 05:49 PM
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh Myyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Those puppies are so adorable, I love my puppy fix everyday, what will we do when they leave?? we will need more puppies!!

Morning all, lovely to hear everyone's news.

Tilly is getting a haircut today and I AM SO EXCITED~~ she is currently resembling a bath rug and collects so much crap in her coat, pine needles mostly, so I have to brush her everytime she goes outside.. anyway she is getting groomed today, I only get her done 2x a year just before summer and she has a belly shave and trim around etc.. and then for winter she gets her coat all trimmed up and thinned out etc and will be LUSH later, can't wait for doglet cuddles!!!

Anyway that is my Sunday, homemade Lamb burgers and oven chips for dinner tonight not very traditional but never mind!!

Happy Sunday x
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09-12-2012, 05:57 PM
Afternoon all

Another big ahhhhhhhhhh moment, along with the one you saw by that fireside June, which we've missed sadly

Good luck with finding that old friend of yours, it does sound if if she's usually been in touch by now for a Christmas lunch. Do you know anyone she would know perhaps and you could get in touch with them? Good luck with finding her, let's hope she's gone away or something in that longboat.

Sad time for you Bek, I hope it all works out well with your mum and Auntie, and that you do find the time to get up to see the in-laws before Christmas to quieten them down.

Well, having a really lazy old day here, even Zena is completely zonked! Checked on the fire in the van, and had a tidy up around the back, covered the wooden garden table and chairs, it's far too big and heavy to store somewhere, so it can stay where it is.

Had a chat with that odd bod jobber up at the park, and when I told him I had been leaving that small eco oil filled radiator on permanently, he told me his mate did that for a month and got a £2,000 electricity bill I can't believe that Maybe £200 for a whole month, possibly, but not £2K!!! Anyhoo, I've now decided just in case he's right, that I'm going back up there first thing to switch it off!

Nothing else to report, Zena has got up and is currently sitting and staring at poor Dave with her squeaky ball sitting at her feet, but I don't hold out much hope for her I think it's game time then......
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09-12-2012, 06:06 PM
Originally Posted by DaisyD0g View Post
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh Myyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Those puppies are so adorable, I love my puppy fix everyday, what will we do when they leave?? we will need more puppies!!

Morning all, lovely to hear everyone's news.

Tilly is getting a haircut today and I AM SO EXCITED~~ she is currently resembling a bath rug and collects so much crap in her coat, pine needles mostly, so I have to brush her everytime she goes outside.. anyway she is getting groomed today, I only get her done 2x a year just before summer and she has a belly shave and trim around etc.. and then for winter she gets her coat all trimmed up and thinned out etc and will be LUSH later, can't wait for doglet cuddles!!!

Anyway that is my Sunday, homemade Lamb burgers and oven chips for dinner tonight not very traditional but never mind!!

Happy Sunday x
Hi Debbie You sound more excited than Tilly about this new hairdo I know the feeling, I have the same with Zena, having to brush her after every walk now. Her fluffy pants are a magnet for the tiniest twigs and bits of bramble. If you want a little tip, get a spray of dog conditioner, it'll make your life a lot easier after this super duper groom, coz most of the stuff will just fall off her, it can't get a grip with this silky conditioner on it, or so I've found since I started using it again last week. I'm having to cut big chunks of stringy, long matts off the underside of Zena coz I just can't put her through it trying to get them out, so I'd rather just snip and go, and I think she agrees with me dinner sounds good, mmmmmm, but maybe wrap up warm to do the barbie
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09-12-2012, 06:10 PM
Hi All, June what a wonderful puppy fix again today ..... just adorable

Bek I am sorry you're having problems with relatives. The trouble is everyone wants to 'get together' at Christmas time and it doesn't always work. Its also so much hard work the person everyone descends on. The last time I did Christmas lunch for everyone there were 16 of us ........ just too many now as the family have an additional 7 kids from nieces.

This Christmas it'll just be OH, certainly one son (hopefully the other son if he's not in Thailand working) and the dogs I might actually get to watch all the Xmas Specials on TV this year

I put the tree up today which is the earliest I've ever done it. No lights yet as OH is fixing them.
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09-12-2012, 06:12 PM
Originally Posted by DaisyD0g View Post
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh Myyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Those puppies are so adorable, I love my puppy fix everyday, what will we do when they leave?? we will need more puppies!!

Morning all, lovely to hear everyone's news.

Tilly is getting a haircut today and I AM SO EXCITED~~ she is currently resembling a bath rug and collects so much crap in her coat, pine needles mostly, so I have to brush her everytime she goes outside.. anyway she is getting groomed today, I only get her done 2x a year just before summer and she has a belly shave and trim around etc.. and then for winter she gets her coat all trimmed up and thinned out etc and will be LUSH later, can't wait for doglet cuddles!!!

Anyway that is my Sunday, homemade Lamb burgers and oven chips for dinner tonight not very traditional but never mind!!

Happy Sunday x
Evening DD. How did the hair cut go ? Lamb burges and chips sounds good to me.

June the puppies are growing so much and pleased too hear the family are nice. Fingers crossed the person you know is able to contact your friend for you.
£2000 Helena nothing form Santa for you if it is that much. Fingers crossed he was wrong.
Has Dave thrown that ball yet ?
I have written my christmas cards which need to be posted this afternoon now in the middle of doing yorkshire puds and roast potatoes with some pork I froze for tea.
Dillons limp seems to of mysteriously dissapeared.
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