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tawneywolf is offline  
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22-11-2012, 12:23 PM
Yeah do not give cooked bones!
Lady has just gone. She brought her father with her, and they were impressed by Cariad, who they said was very laid back (they've not seen her in full flight after a cat ) and looked a picture of health. She did her absolute best to be charming and helpful and was very loving, so she held the flatg high for Utonagan. She had loads of questions, which I hope I answered satisfactorily and they have now gone to have a talk about it. She does have horses, so big tick in that box and was very down to earth, she just has questions that she needs answering before she makes a decision, and I can understand that.
No rain here as yet, quite windy when I took Cariad for a walk round, am wondering if I should take Lona and Mabs for a quickie before the weather closes in, it is going quite grey and overcast now. I really thought I would wake up to torrential rain and black skies, I can see some of you have though.
Malka am glad it has gone quiet now, I was watching the news last night and it was saying there was a cease fire and it was quiet apart from the celebrations, and I thought not near Malka it isn't. Hope your bungalow looks after you better in future, fancy injuring you like that
Looking forward to the next picture, I'm getting quite feverish wondering how you are going to torment an old lady next
Wonder what Gordon has had for breakfast, and I hope your car starts Lynn, I have homestart on my breakdown cover, but more usually I can call on A Son to pop over and give me a tow or jump start.
Will take Lona and Mabs out I think and then go for more wood and then to the library to download piccies, yes I have a plan, just need to get of my btw then
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madmare is offline  
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22-11-2012, 12:36 PM
H, I have got the GTN spray, but if I use that it makes my heart really race fast and keep missing beats, even more scary.
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22-11-2012, 12:38 PM
Good Morning All and Pets as well Awfy wet up here so far!

Hope you all enjoy a good day today.

Take care and stay safe xx
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22-11-2012, 12:48 PM
Afternoon all.

Sorry I am so late and didn't get on yesterday evening but we had a power cut at 5pm just us and the house next door this happened two years ago and they said they had fixed the problem.
Anyhow they didn't turn up till just gone 8am this morning and we are now on a generator while they fix the problem.

I hope everyone is well and keeping safe.

Will catch up properly later.
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22-11-2012, 01:07 PM
Originally Posted by Malka View Post
Erm - do you mean that the time of the watershed is 9pm your time only that is 11pm my time by which time there will be no time as it is bedtime!

[The above sentence was the six-times table ]
You are a 'case'!

Morning all. Not a good one for me, neither was yesterday - I got some ferocious tummy bug on Tuesday night and hoped it would have vanished by now. But no - can't even seem to hang on to clear consomme, water or clear tea without the marathon sprint to the bathroom. Horrible eyes/headache with it too. So no Christmas Market at the Cathedral with Gluhwein and bangers and all that for me tonight.
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22-11-2012, 01:36 PM
Originally Posted by coventrycatfish View Post
Morning all. Wet and horrible here too, Guinness went to the back door and didn't want to go any further, that's fine by me, we can go out later (hope it's stopped raining by then).

Have I missed something recently?
Afternoon Bek Unless you come in here in the evenings you wouldn't know about it, so no, you haven't missed anything - apart from some rather nice pictures Malka has put up for our entertainment, (they're a bit norty ) though, so if you're of a nervous disposition, I suggest you avoid this place at night!

Originally Posted by Malka View Post
Erm - do you mean that the time of the watershed is 9pm your time only that is 11pm my time by which time there will be no time as it is bedtime!

[The above sentence was the six-times table ]
Yes grandma, that's the word I was looking for, but it was too early to think what I meant. I see what you mean, hmmmm, oh ok then, watershed is now set for 6 pm!!!

Originally Posted by Minihaha View Post
Good morning fellow members Chloe and I were out early poor Chloe up to the top of her legs in water as we made our way down the lane.

I then got the shopping done before the heavy rain sets in, the wind is very strong already.

Next job is to make a batch of fish pies to go in the freezer for baby Hannah lunches.

Chris it is good to hear Gary is doing ok, I guess while recovering he will have days when he feels better and others when he is not so well.

Malka things sound a little more hopeful where you are, it must be a nightmare for you living in those conditions. Take care..

Have an enjoyable day everyone
Morning Mini Sounds like you've had a lot of rain there then It's still just very windy here, no rain yet, but I'm sure that'll all change after dark.

Originally Posted by Jackbox View Post
Morning all, everything is fine here, apart from just coming downstairs from my shower to find Millie trying to bury her nice new bone in my NEW leather sofa she`s dead if she has scratched it

Crisis over, she is now asleep on said sofa (all intact) and bone has bee put away for now.

The reason she is having bones is due to the state of her teeth, she has some nasty tarter , one loose tooth and some epulis with tarter stuck under them.

I have even bought some chicken wings......... now that was hairy giving her one, I was worried to death whilst she had it .

Can they be given frozen

I know the simple solution is to have a dental, but she is 10 , and I have no intention of giving her a GA, unless absolutely necessary, we have always had an on going battle with her teeth, but this time its far worse than normal, she does not seem to be in any pain, although I am not so daft to believe it must give her some jip, but not enough to warrant a full GA.

Anyway we will have a good go this way, they look better than a few days ago, and I am hoping a good chew on a bone (they are boiled or raw ) will knock it out

Oh well best get one,

Have a good one everyone
Morning Jackie Oh noooooooooooooo to the burying of the bone in the new leather sofa Zena prefers underneath her dad's pillow or in his shower I agree with you about the GA, a friend of mine took her 13 year old pointer to the vet for tooth problems and he took out, I'm sure she said 10 teeth Poor old man, he was so, so sorry for himself when I went to see him back at home I think that was a bit OTT on the vet's part in all honesty at that age, but she never questioned it at the time, she just left him (the vet) to it, as yer do. I hope the chewing does the job for Millie.

Originally Posted by Taffsmum View Post
Good morning everyone. Our weather isn't as bad as some of you seem to be having (thank God) it's very windy but haven't had any rain yet, it keeps thinking about it but Keeps going off.
I've just put a pan of Butternut Squash soup on for lunch , yum yum. The were on offer in Lidl the other day - only 52p for a big one. Wish I had got some more now.
I've just finished cutting all the knots off Taffy - round his trousers at the back get terrible with this weather
On the way back from this afternoons walk I'm going to be calling to see my Uncle to give him his birthday card for tomorrow - he's 93. That is if he is home, I've not seen him for ages as whenever I call he's gone out . He lives by himself now & still does most of his own housework. His DIL does some of the heavy stuff for him.
Keep safe, warm& dry all of you
Afternoon Taffsmum That soup sounds nice, could do with some of that myself for lunch with a nice chunk of crusty bread, so enjoy it. Oh don't talk to me about those knotty trousers, I have the same with Zena, but I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one who resorts to cutting them off, coz they hurt and there is no way I could get a combe through some of those spindly knotted matts. Well done to that uncle of yours getting out and about so much at the ripe old age of 93 Jeesus, there's hope for me yet then!

Originally Posted by tawneywolf View Post
Yeah do not give cooked bones!
Lady has just gone. She brought her father with her, and they were impressed by Cariad, who they said was very laid back (they've not seen her in full flight after a cat ) and looked a picture of health. She did her absolute best to be charming and helpful and was very loving, so she held the flatg high for Utonagan. She had loads of questions, which I hope I answered satisfactorily and they have now gone to have a talk about it. She does have horses, so big tick in that box and was very down to earth, she just has questions that she needs answering before she makes a decision, and I can understand that.
No rain here as yet, quite windy when I took Cariad for a walk round, am wondering if I should take Lona and Mabs for a quickie before the weather closes in, it is going quite grey and overcast now. I really thought I would wake up to torrential rain and black skies, I can see some of you have though.
Malka am glad it has gone quiet now, I was watching the news last night and it was saying there was a cease fire and it was quiet apart from the celebrations, and I thought not near Malka it isn't. Hope your bungalow looks after you better in future, fancy injuring you like that
Looking forward to the next picture, I'm getting quite feverish wondering how you are going to torment an old lady next
Wonder what Gordon has had for breakfast, and I hope your car starts Lynn, I have homestart on my breakdown cover, but more usually I can call on A Son to pop over and give me a tow or jump start.
Will take Lona and Mabs out I think and then go for more wood and then to the library to download piccies, yes I have a plan, just need to get of my btw then
Afternoon June The lady sounds to have ticked most of your boxes, especially her asking lots of questions, that's a good thing I think, so hopefully she will be back once she's made the right decision. Glad Cariad behaved impeccably for you too, coz I do know of her past, when they had the nickname of "the norties", not that they were of course Not much I forget ya know ! Glad you're getting more wood for our fire there, and don't forget the chocolates on your travels please, they're a greedy bunch in here in the evenings, me included! I sat in bed last night and ate a whole bag of Galaxy counters whilst watching Celeb I never do that, I blame you lot!

Originally Posted by madmare View Post
H, I have got the GTN spray, but if I use that it makes my heart really race fast and keep missing beats, even more scary.
Hi Bev, yes, that's what it does for me, because it opens up all your arteries so that the blood can get through quicker and easier, and it lowers your blood pressure, but that only lasts for a couple of minutes, you really ought to persevere with it if you have been prescribed it, as you will find, once you've got through the initial shock of it, the rest of the day you will be fine! Trust me, I used to use mine a lot before they sorted me out, but now I don't have to. Good luck Bev.

Originally Posted by Brandykins View Post
Good Morning All and Pets as well Awfy wet up here so far!

Hope you all enjoy a good day today.

Take care and stay safe xx
Afternoon Rose, not forgetting Loki and Soochie Thanks for popping in to see us today, hope you stick around, it gets fun later on and tonight is party night

Originally Posted by Lynn View Post
Afternoon all.

Sorry I am so late and didn't get on yesterday evening but we had a power cut at 5pm just us and the house next door this happened two years ago and they said they had fixed the problem.
Anyhow they didn't turn up till just gone 8am this morning and we are now on a generator while they fix the problem.

I hope everyone is well and keeping safe.

Will catch up properly later.
Afternoon Lynn, and oh blimey that must have been quite scarey for you all alone there It would have freaked me out even though I prepare myself for anything like this overnight with a torch by the bed and just about everywhere else. Things go in 3's or so they say, so watch out, cos what with the car yesterday and then that What a faff, let's hope they sort it out and quickly for you.
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22-11-2012, 01:39 PM
Originally Posted by Tangutica View Post
You are a 'case'!

Morning all. Not a good one for me, neither was yesterday - I got some ferocious tummy bug on Tuesday night and hoped it would have vanished by now. But no - can't even seem to hang on to clear consomme, water or clear tea without the marathon sprint to the bathroom. Horrible eyes/headache with it too. So no Christmas Market at the Cathedral with Gluhwein and bangers and all that for me tonight.
Afternoon Pat Isn't she just, and she gets worse Sometimes I wonder what we're gonna do with her, but I sure don't know what we'd do without her

Sorry to hear you're suffering, maybe it's that norovirus thingy that's doing the rounds, but whatever it is, plenty of water and rest you can't beat it and you'll soon be able to eat. All the best.
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22-11-2012, 01:47 PM
Pat - you poor thing, that can't be pleasant, hopefully you'll soon be on the mend. Think of the up-side, a few pounds lost in time for the Christmas feast

Well I've done the shopping, hoovered the downstairs done two loads of washing, cleaned the bathroom and had a lovely walk with the dogs ..... and Rucksack didn't roll in anything nasty

I plan to have a lovely lazy afternoon other than another walk with the dogs before the rain is due to arrive early evening and last all night.

See you all later.
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22-11-2012, 01:58 PM
A girl of my own heart Jenny , get it all done in the mornings, and you don't feel guilty having a lazy afternoon I'm off for a power nap, coz I haven't stopped all morning either, plus I've done two mountaineering courses up these muddy hills with Zena (two hours in total), so if she wants any more today, she can forget it, my legs have had it now.
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majuka is offline  
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22-11-2012, 02:51 PM
Afternoon All

Malka, I'm glad that you are safe. What is it with hedgehogs We have one (don't know if it is the same one each time) that tries to live in our hedge. Max goes ballistic at it - each and every time. Move on hedgehog and find somewhere safer!

Chris, I am glad that Gary is improving - wishing him a speedy recovery.

I've been in the office doing some work this morning and have been walking some client's dogs this afternoon so am just putting my feet up now.

Have a good day all
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