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Lucky Star
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19-11-2012, 01:49 PM
So glad to hear from you Malka.

Would they take Pereg too if you were to go with them?
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19-11-2012, 01:55 PM
Afternoon all

Glad you're safe grandma, see you have all these people worried about you and Pereg's safety over there, so you can't possibly feel as alone as you are, that must be comforting. Not that we're much help of course, wish we could be somehow.

Anyhoo, that van Dave did all the couplings underneath which could have been causing the water leak underneath, but it transpires, that it is in fact that new bathroom suite we had fitted in it last week *sigh*. From Dave's observations when he went inside the van as his repairs didn't seem to fix it underneath, it's where the waste from the sink connects to the waste pipe. In other words, it aint!!! The water has been running down behind the sink, soaked the bathroom floor, and then trickled into the bedroom behind Now it just so happened that I HAD paid and booked for completely new carpets throughout for this morning, BUT, last week I cancelled it all and said I'll wait until March ready for the new season to start instead of letting the new carpets suffer maybe a cold, damp winter. Bladdy good job I did wasn't it, otherwise that would all have got soaked

This odd job man knows that I'm not happy, coz I rang him straight away when Dave got back with the bad news, and I had to pass him onto Dave coz I might have lost the plot with him. I knew he's a bodger, but I paid good money for a day's work £130 and the job should have been done properly imo. He hasn't done that, so if he DARES to approach me for more when he's fixed it OR tries to b*llsh*t me about what the problem was I'm not buying it, coz Dave is right, he knows where this leak is from. Dave could fix it himself, but he said he doesn't want to interfere, as this bod did the job he can fix it.

I rang my van insurance company who are sending me a claim form as flooring etc is all covered, so it might be doing me a favour and the insurance can pay for all this new carpet, or maybe half of it However, they want the name and address of Mr. Bodgit who put the bathroom suite in there, and I don't really want to get him into trouble, but that will all depend on whether he finishes the job properly and doesn't give me any grief or asks for more dosh, coz he should be insured but I very much doubt that he is. He's a handy bloke to have up at the park coz he lives on site and I always use him for small maintenance jobs which I will still do IF he cures my leaks.

Jesus, good job I don't have any guests in it. Now I've had to fork out £130 to buy a dehumidifier to dry the bladdy thing out, but that'll come in handy for the winter months anyway, but I shall also tell him about that little expense he's incurred me.

Yes June, I sure will need my little nanny nap today won't I, and thanks for our lovely new puppy fix, awwwwww.
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19-11-2012, 02:06 PM
Good afternoon all.

I 'phoned this morning and his temperature is slightly down on yesterday thanks to the paracetamol they are pumping in and his blood pressure is low but stable thanks to the fluids going in.

The nurse said he's a little more settled this morning too. My sister should be there now for this afternoon's visiting and I'm setting off in half an hour or so for this evening's session. Fortunately, my sister can do enough sign language for the physio this afternoon that they are starting up to try to clear his chest a little.

The journey through should be interesting today as there will be a lot more traffic with it being a work day - wish me luck!

I'll try to up-date tonight.

Sorry I don't have much time (or concentration power) to read through the posts today, but I hope any poorly people or doggies get well soon and thoughts are still with you Malka - please stay safe!
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Lucky Star
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19-11-2012, 02:08 PM
Safe journey Brierley.
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tawneywolf is offline  
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19-11-2012, 02:32 PM
My blood ran cold when I saw 3 rockets had hit near you, I knew it was the same name!!!!! So glad you are Ok and looking after the baby soldiers to make sure they come to no harm. Was worried because you hadn't checked in, but then again with 3 rockets hitting the area, the internet connection could be down, so was thinking positive thoughts
It has rained and then stopped, so got Cariad out for a walk round, gave her some lunch, then went out to take Lona and Mabs out, first thing I saw was a chewed off plug, and my heart sank, I have had the heat lamps up for a bit, one with a guard on the other without a bulb in, and no tries from Mabs to chew them, so yesterday I secured their flexes to the beam with cable ties, and I thought I will murder her if she has dragged all that down. Still nothing plugged in, I am proceeding forward on this at a very slow pace, seeing the plug looked extremely bad news for the heat lamps. Opened the top door to look in and everything was where it should be, phew, but where did the chewed off plug come from then? I saw what had happened, there is a box of stuff on top of the sleeping part where I keep the shavings (like a loft) and in the box is an inspection light on a long cable, I had left that partly out of the box when looking for cable ties, and she had seen it and thought it might taste OK. I was envisaging another trip to the vets to find if she had any glass in her from a smashed bulb, but everything secure. She is a Little Madam scaring me like that.
By the time all this had happened Cariad had broken through the baby gate into the utility, jumped on the door handle to the back door and was stood up at the half door, I thought well you've had a walk lady, so you can pipe down, and shut the rest of the door and set off with the girls. Didn't see anyone, because not a very nice day, not cold though. Mabs didn't want to pass the chip shop, but she went anyway, then we saw this woman with 2 shih-tzu's who start yapping at mine the minute they see us, so they set off, and Lona barked back, and the woman looked as though it was my fault (as always of course) so I said Lona LEAVE!!! and she sat down and shut up and Mabs is sat on the other side, both of them looking, and I said they are only Stupid Dogs Lona, I saw the woman's head go up and she marched off in a temper, left her to get ahead and then followed and her dogs set off again, but this time she shushed them straight away and stormed off down the road, Job Done I think
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19-11-2012, 02:50 PM
Good Morning Good Morning...........

OMG I don't post for 1 day and it all happens here, Malka please stay safe, *hugs* to you and Pereg, and Brierley I hope your son continues to improve *hugs* to you too!

What a busy busy busy busy weekend, crazy!! Monday morning now and it is Pouring with rain!! uggggggg.. a busy week ahead, today i shall walk, work, and go food shopping.

Mr M is heading back to England tomorrow so I have to take him to work at 6am, then pick him up in the afternoon and take him to the airport, then on Wed I have a friend coming up from San Francisco to stay for 3 days and then I shall get some quiet time, just me and the girls and Dogsey for a few days.

Hope everyone is having a good Monday x
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19-11-2012, 03:01 PM
Originally Posted by Losos View Post
'morning Lynn and everyone

Really nice day here, don't know how long it will last, have to finish clearing the barn to get the motorhome in for winter, it's full of wood at the moment

Best wishes to you all.
Afternoon Harvey.
Good luck with moving the wood.

Originally Posted by Malka View Post
Sorry I had not "signed in" before but things had sort of gotten on top of me, including a check up on me by the Home Command and yet another inspection of my [unsafe] home, together with the tut tut tuts "you cannot stay here" comments, "you must let us evacuate you."

Yeah, right! Malka and Pereg ain't agoin' nowhere!!!

Yep - Ashqelon is what I mean when I talk about "town". It is where I lived until I moved to the Moshav about 17 years ago, Ashqelon being my nearest town. My Moshav is 15 minutes by car from the centre of town but only about 4 or 5 kilometres as the crow flies.

...just got interrupted by another troupe of what I call "baby soldiers" but only call them that because I have grandsons their age! The first lot were girls, these are young men, and all are doing their IDF service as part of the Home Command, and had they went across the road and perched on the bench by the side of the macolet, with some on the kerb, and when the Color Red sounded a few minutes ago they sort of looked around as to where to go!

And the Home Command want me to be evacuated?!!!

Yeah, right!

Oh, and I heard nothing more from the Welfare Department about someone coming to fix the outside wall so I phoned Nir and he came round to do it. He reckons that it had come adrift due to vibrations from a boom boom landing close, but hey, it could have been worse!

Edited to add - Ashqelon with a "q" is how it normally spelt here in English. Ashkelon with a "k" is how it tends to be spelt [should that be "spelled"?] by the English-speaking media.

Same place, same pronunciation.
Afternoon Malka.
Glad you and Pereg are safe.
It is sounding very scarey out the right now.

Originally Posted by Helena54 View Post
Afternoon all

Glad you're safe grandma, see you have all these people worried about you and Pereg's safety over there, so you can't possibly feel as alone as you are, that must be comforting. Not that we're much help of course, wish we could be somehow.

Anyhoo, that van Dave did all the couplings underneath which could have been causing the water leak underneath, but it transpires, that it is in fact that new bathroom suite we had fitted in it last week *sigh*. From Dave's observations when he went inside the van as his repairs didn't seem to fix it underneath, it's where the waste from the sink connects to the waste pipe. In other words, it aint!!! The water has been running down behind the sink, soaked the bathroom floor, and then trickled into the bedroom behind Now it just so happened that I HAD paid and booked for completely new carpets throughout for this morning, BUT, last week I cancelled it all and said I'll wait until March ready for the new season to start instead of letting the new carpets suffer maybe a cold, damp winter. Bladdy good job I did wasn't it, otherwise that would all have got soaked

This odd job man knows that I'm not happy, coz I rang him straight away when Dave got back with the bad news, and I had to pass him onto Dave coz I might have lost the plot with him. I knew he's a bodger, but I paid good money for a day's work £130 and the job should have been done properly imo. He hasn't done that, so if he DARES to approach me for more when he's fixed it OR tries to b*llsh*t me about what the problem was I'm not buying it, coz Dave is right, he knows where this leak is from. Dave could fix it himself, but he said he doesn't want to interfere, as this bod did the job he can fix it.

I rang my van insurance company who are sending me a claim form as flooring etc is all covered, so it might be doing me a favour and the insurance can pay for all this new carpet, or maybe half of it However, they want the name and address of Mr. Bodgit who put the bathroom suite in there, and I don't really want to get him into trouble, but that will all depend on whether he finishes the job properly and doesn't give me any grief or asks for more dosh, coz he should be insured but I very much doubt that he is. He's a handy bloke to have up at the park coz he lives on site and I always use him for small maintenance jobs which I will still do IF he cures my leaks.

Jesus, good job I don't have any guests in it. Now I've had to fork out £130 to buy a dehumidifier to dry the bladdy thing out, but that'll come in handy for the winter months anyway, but I shall also tell him about that little expense he's incurred me.

Yes June, I sure will need my little nanny nap today won't I, and thanks for our lovely new puppy fix, awwwwww.
Afternoon Helena.
Goodness what a mess Mr Bodgit has made. Lets hope you can get some help off the insurance for the carpeting.
Your physic powers were working overtime with putting off the new carpets till March.
Thank goodness for Dave so he could point the Mr Bodgit guy in the right direction.

Originally Posted by Brierley View Post
Good afternoon all.

I 'phoned this morning and his temperature is slightly down on yesterday thanks to the paracetamol they are pumping in and his blood pressure is low but stable thanks to the fluids going in.

The nurse said he's a little more settled this morning too. My sister should be there now for this afternoon's visiting and I'm setting off in half an hour or so for this evening's session. Fortunately, my sister can do enough sign language for the physio this afternoon that they are starting up to try to clear his chest a little.

The journey through should be interesting today as there will be a lot more traffic with it being a work day - wish me luck!

I'll try to up-date tonight.

Sorry I don't have much time (or concentration power) to read through the posts today, but I hope any poorly people or doggies get well soon and thoughts are still with you Malka - please stay safe!
Afternoon Chris.
We all understand that your head is suite rightly so elsewhere at the moment.
Everything crossed with the continued improvement.
Safe journey. X

Originally Posted by tawneywolf View Post
My blood ran cold when I saw 3 rockets had hit near you, I knew it was the same name!!!!! So glad you are Ok and looking after the baby soldiers to make sure they come to no harm. Was worried because you hadn't checked in, but then again with 3 rockets hitting the area, the internet connection could be down, so was thinking positive thoughts
It has rained and then stopped, so got Cariad out for a walk round, gave her some lunch, then went out to take Lona and Mabs out, first thing I saw was a chewed off plug, and my heart sank, I have had the heat lamps up for a bit, one with a guard on the other without a bulb in, and no tries from Mabs to chew them, so yesterday I secured their flexes to the beam with cable ties, and I thought I will murder her if she has dragged all that down. Still nothing plugged in, I am proceeding forward on this at a very slow pace, seeing the plug looked extremely bad news for the heat lamps. Opened the top door to look in and everything was where it should be, phew, but where did the chewed off plug come from then? I saw what had happened, there is a box of stuff on top of the sleeping part where I keep the shavings (like a loft) and in the box is an inspection light on a long cable, I had left that partly out of the box when looking for cable ties, and she had seen it and thought it might taste OK. I was envisaging another trip to the vets to find if she had any glass in her from a smashed bulb, but everything secure. She is a Little Madam scaring me like that.
By the time all this had happened Cariad had broken through the baby gate into the utility, jumped on the door handle to the back door and was stood up at the half door, I thought well you've had a walk lady, so you can pipe down, and shut the rest of the door and set off with the girls. Didn't see anyone, because not a very nice day, not cold though. Mabs didn't want to pass the chip shop, but she went anyway, then we saw this woman with 2 shih-tzu's who start yapping at mine the minute they see us, so they set off, and Lona barked back, and the woman looked as though it was my fault (as always of course) so I said Lona LEAVE!!! and she sat down and shut up and Mabs is sat on the other side, both of them looking, and I said they are only Stupid Dogs Lona, I saw the woman's head go up and she marched off in a temper, left her to get ahead and then followed and her dogs set off again, but this time she shushed them straight away and stormed off down the road, Job Done I think
Afternoon again June.
Your life certainly isn't dull at the moment.
Isn't it funny how some people who have little yappy dogs give ours the evil eye if the bark back.

Originally Posted by DaisyD0g View Post
Good Morning Good Morning...........

OMG I don't post for 1 day and it all happens here, Malka please stay safe, *hugs* to you and Pereg, and Brierley I hope your son continues to improve *hugs* to you too!

What a busy busy busy busy weekend, crazy!! Monday morning now and it is Pouring with rain!! uggggggg.. a busy week ahead, today i shall walk, work, and go food shopping.

Mr M is heading back to England tomorrow so I have to take him to work at 6am, then pick him up in the afternoon and take him to the airport, then on Wed I have a friend coming up from San Francisco to stay for 3 days and then I shall get some quiet time, just me and the girls and Dogsey for a few days.

Hope everyone is having a good Monday x
Afternoon DD.
It isn't raining here yet but it looks like it might do soon, but thats ok Dillon and I have had our afternoon stroll and ain't going anywhere now.
I hope you didn't get to wet.

What a busy few days you have ahead. Roll on the end of the week by the sounds of things.
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19-11-2012, 03:07 PM
She went off in a real huff,so here's hoping the message went home
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Lucky Star
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19-11-2012, 03:44 PM
Oh June, this morning we were sandwiched between Mr Spaniel and his two on one side whose always run after Loki barking their heads off - until Loki turns and stands his ground. And Barney, a feisty terrier, whose owner always tell us, "it's okay, he won't bite."

Both lots were barking away but Barney was closest (off lead of course) so Loki did have a go back (on lead of course). Barney is actually quite nervous I think and is usually aggressive when his owner is close by. If we're between him and his owner he soon runs off. He did actually launch a stealth attack once though - he burst through a hedge at Loki's neck as Loki was passing by, but Loki caught him and tossed him away.
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19-11-2012, 04:24 PM
Originally Posted by Helena54 View Post
I had to pass him onto Dave coz I might have lost the plot with him. I knew he's a bodger, but I paid good money for a day's work £130 and the job should have been done properly imo.
Yes Helena, it's so depressing isn't it, plumbing is not rocket science and I can tell you (and I'm sure Dave will confirm it) that these modern plumbing fittings are all designed so that you can't really put them together wrong, unless you're a complete idiot, which this guy sounds like he is

The tap in the sink on my campervan has a nut which has to be fully tightened, the idiots who installed it put a short bit of pipe in which meant they had to tighten it from below which in turn meant they couldn't get a proper grip on it, and it was loose and the tap was moving, of course one of the connectors failed. Within microseconds of getting it out I could see what was wrong. It's so b****y obvious, I really think it's down to our education system (or the mixed up, politically correct, government interventionist policies, to be precise )

Hope you get a resolution to the problem soon and without having to pay out any more cash.
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