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16-02-2013, 12:33 PM
Hello is it afternoon already? The way my brains going recently I think I might start a going gaga club, Malka and Nippy can be honorary members!

I've been driving myself potty as I wanted to go to Costco early today but I couldn't find my card or debit card. Spent from 7-1am last night looking indoors for them, no sign, hunted in the car, no sign. It's unbelievable that I've spent the last week de cluttering and then something is so hard to find!

I would've had to cancel the trip anyway as one of my dogs started drinking and weeing a lot, then one of her eyes looked droopy so I was given the option to get down the vets ASAP. As I got into the car park there was a very upset lady cuddling her GSD in the back of the car which had just been PTS. Poor dog, I've been there many times and it doesn't get any easier and when we got called in by the vet I burst into tears and couldn't tell her what was wrong with my dog! Seeing that poor dog got me going and I didn't even know the dog or owner! A infection was diagnosed and we came home with ABs and I will monitor her.

I went to the outhouse where the freezer is to get a chicken out and in a cool bag were my Costco cards, how lucky is that, moral of the story if you put something somewhere 'safe' you better have a good memory!!

I think I need a nanny nap now to recover from the day so far.

Hope you all enjoy your Saturday folks.
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16-02-2013, 12:33 PM
They had an email off me yesterday when I got the piccies off them, so far no reply
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16-02-2013, 12:42 PM
Oh Twix - how upsetting for you and for the owner of the GSD (((hugs))).

I hope your girlie will be OK and I am glad you found your Costco/credit/debit cards. I am a bit OCD about my ID card, my credit cards and my chequebook, and put them straight back where they are supposed to live once taken out and used.

Mind you, I do have enough [I hope] Dogsey members who will tell me where my spare keyboards are if I forget, ditto Pereg's supply of Pb...

Hmm - shall we start an "I am not old I am just a wee bit forgetful" club?
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16-02-2013, 01:19 PM
Originally Posted by Norma808 View Post
Morning Helena Morning all
Your so lucky that both so good at DIY your going to have a simply georgous house by the time ur finished ,I'm not safe let loose with a paint brush or hammer
Enjoy your shopping
Glad things are looking more positive for you both ,9weeks does seem like a long time ,hopefully it will go in quickly ,and you won't have upsets to deal with when your on your own
Not sure what the weather will be today ,like yesterday I hope as it was warm /sunny ,
Not got anything planed ,no word from garage yet will phone before lunch as they only work 1/2day sat not good
News I fear
Hounds will get their long walk like yesterday
Hope all peeps and dogs are well ,or get better soon
Sorry if I've missed anyone
Have a great day all stay safe xxxxxxxx
Hi Norma glad you're getting the car sorted. Re my painting, it's a case of having to, he won't pay their charges so every house we've had it's been down to me to do all the painting and decorating but I quite like it once I'm stuck into it. You're right, this place will be so gorgeous when it's all done!

Originally Posted by madmare View Post
Morning H and all,

Sorry to bring a dampner to the morning thread, but this morning the shock has dissapeared and its hitting me hard about Kyiro. This time last week my boy had started deteriorating rapidly and I was waiting for the vets to open at 8.30 to ring them. He was still here though and I could cuddle and give him a fuss. I was still convinced he must have injured his back somehow although it was starting to enter my head it could be a stroke. What I would give to see my boy again and have another cuddle. . I think this last week I have been on auto pilot with the shock and disbelief and this time last week I certainly didn't think my boy was going to be gone in an hours time. Hopefully once I can stop thinking this time last week he was still here and with me I can move on and my day will get brighter..

Glad to hear everything is coming together for Gordon now Lynn. I will try and catch up on it all later. You will have to come visit this time and we can do something. I promise by then I will be happy again

I will pop back on later, I just need this next hour with my memories.
Take care all and have a good day.
Hi Bev, sending huge (((((((((hugs)))))))) for you today, I know how much you must be missing that lovely boy of yours.xxxxxx

Originally Posted by jenny.g View Post
Morning Helena, Lynn, Moet, Lore and all who follow,

I apologise if someone posts while I'm typing this, so good morning to you too.

Helena - a trip to the tip, is that via Dunelm on the way or way back? I hope you can move an old carpet by yourself, I sure I couldnt - you'll have to chat up the lovely men at the tip to help you.

Lynn - at least Gorden's work schedule is finally being sorted and you can start to get your head around his 9 weeks absence. Just think how financially sound it is and how you'll both feel more relaxed when he is back. We'll all be here for you.

Moet - a long day in store for you today. I hope it passes uneventfully - in a nice sort of way.

Lore - A long day for you today and I'm not surprised your cadets are looking forward to it. Have fun and I hope they all stay safe.

Norma - Enjoy your walk with the dogs and I hope you hear from the garage.

My boys didn't wake me this morning so I had a good night sleep, which makes so much difference. My son's car is going in for a service today so we are about to go and drop it off - its about 10 miles away as a friend of his can do it cheaply and then back to collect it this afternoon. I'll probably take the dogs with me and my son can then drop me and the boys off a couple of miles from home and he drive my car back.

I hope any poorly dogs and humans are feeling better today. Have a good one and see you later.
Morning Jenny thankfully Dave had already cut it into bits as he did the big hallway bit by bit. There was a long queue there though, and one of his bags was really heavy so done my back in a treat now! Enjoy that lovely walk you've planned with the boys.

Originally Posted by Sal View Post
Morning Helena,morning all

Foggy here this morning.

I need to pop to Tesco later,there Lamb is on offer,so that's what I am going to do for lunch tomorrow.

O/H had a rough night,and is still asleep and I am not about to wake him up

Nothing planned so hoping for a quiet day.

Have a good day all x
Hi Sal, good thinking, don't wake him up!!! You'll regret it I'm sure

Originally Posted by Malka View Post

Still half asleep I think so forget who said what and when. When I wake up properly I hope that some sense will have come back into my head and that I will be able to remember what I have already read.

Or - maybe I am just well on the way to being totally gaga? [not THAT one though ]

(((hugs))) to Bev 'cos I think you need them.
Hi Grandma, I'm the same meself! But that's because I've been chasing me tail this morning, like a f*rt in a collander!

Originally Posted by Brierley View Post
Good morning all.

Cloudy start here, but, for the second morning running, my little girl has let me stay in bed until gone 8 am. Yay, I never thought I'd see the day.

Had a rough day yesterday. My ankle played up all day, making it painful to walk, sit, lay - you name it. By the end of the day, I just felt ill - as you do after a day of nagging pain. It's still not fully right, but is much better this morning and will hopefully stay that way.

So glad that things are starting to unravel for Gorden and that it looks like he now has a work schedule for the next couple of months or so

Bev, when I lost Jade, I got the devastating news confirming cancer while I was painting a fence panel. Bless her, she deteriorated so rapidly that I lost her, unexpectedly, that same night. To this day, I still get a lump in my throat when I look at that fence panel. It takes time, but the awful, painful ache does subside and happier memories start to mingle in with the thought of the painful loss suffered.

TW, I'd just drop a line (via email) to Sasha's owners asking how she's settled in and if they are coping OK. They may just be the shy type who think they shouldn't bother you? Hopefully, our girlie is having a whale of a time and is enjoying herself. She certainly looks relaxed on the 'photos.

Have a good 'un all and stay safe.
Morning Chris, sorry to hear you're in pain with that ankle, it's such a shame we have to fall to bits like this in our ageing years isn't it! Hope you feel better

Originally Posted by lynnb View Post
Good morning all,
Well its all "Woo is me " here, ken has man flu!!!, i'm not doubting he feels rough but do we really have to have a blow by blow account of every time he coughs something up .
Nothing much planned here today apart from fetching and carrying for my oh and trying not to overdose him when he gets on my nerves.I love him really.
An extra hug for bev xxx
Hi Lynn, Oh God, not that man flu again

Originally Posted by Nippy View Post

Being of a similar age to Malka, I forget who has said what and so it is almost impossible for me to answer everyone too

Very foggy here too today, not that I mind I like foggy weather, every thing is so still and peaceful

Bev I really feel for you. I understand how you are feeling. Every November 28th my day is full of Mo thoughts. It will never be any different. None of my other dogs affected me in this way

My son goes to Poland on business on Monday. Luckily he has not had any of the problems that Gorden has had except that he is flying with an airline I have never heard of before. Whizz airlines?
You know you never stop worrying about them. He is 44 years old and I have to have all his flight details so that I can track the plane and his itinerary so that I know where he is every day Neurotic Mum. com

Have a good day all.
Hi Jenny Good luck to your son, one day I will go to Poland, but not just yet, far too busy!

Originally Posted by tawneywolf View Post
Everyone fine here and had brekkie, babies skidded sideways into the kitchen did a couple of wheelies, ate brekkie, a very brief hello to Mum, and shot back out again at the speed of sound...... took Cariad for a quick walk round, she did her first poo when I took her for her late walk last night (went the opposite way to where the b...y collie lives) but nothing this morning except emptying her 'hot water bottle' she has had a small brekkie, we are at the vets for 1.30 today for a check up.
I did write them an email when I got the piccies but no reply from them.... so I can do no more because I don't want to completely alienate them, no idea what I've done, except give them a puppy who I actually fought tooth and nail for far and above what the majority of breeders would have done, a lot of people have said they would just have 'let her go', ah well such is life, I know she is well and in a family home, and will try a couple of times more, but I have been here before so many times, and I don't want to embarrass myself. I know I have acted properly and I know I did the right thing all the way along.
Good luck at the tip Helena, because the one I go to leaves you to struggle. I once asked for some help and was told they may hurt themselves if they did.....poor things, one almost feels sorry for the frail creatures ......
Well you'll be packing for Gordon now won't you Lynn, and the Kazikstan trip will be over before you know it, you did have every possible disaster known to man when he went before, but you got through it, so you can do it again if you have to, not that I think you will, but if you had to you would.
Have a lovely day on your new shiny computer Malka, getting all your bits onto it and sorting everything.
Bev, I know how you feel, you are thinking ...this time last week he was still here, after that first week has gone you will be thinking that the second week, but gradually it does recede, and you have so many many happy memories of him.
Hi June, I was telling Dave about Sasha this morning and these new owners, and he said "that's what people are like nowadays, sadly" and I suppose he's right. I do hope you get something later, but I'd be ringing them!

Originally Posted by Minihaha View Post
Good morning fellow members very foggy here at the moment but hoping to see the sun later.

I am just going to potter about today catching up on little jobs, it has been such a busy week I could do with an undemanding day.

Enjoy your day everyone whatever you decide to do...
Hi Mini, enjoy your undemanding day there

Originally Posted by Jackbox View Post
Morning all,
Bev sorry today is a bad one for you {{{hugs}}}
Lynn all systems go (fingers crossed) for Gordon at last .

TW why not drop them a line , they may just need a poke

Well Millie is a puzzle at the moment, not sure what`s going on

The last couple of days when I come in she has destroyed the house yesterday I cam home after being out for an hr or so, she had pulled the seat pads of the sofa, pawed the mat up in the kitchen, pawed the mat in the laundry, pulled he letter rack off the work top, and was sitting in the toilet, crying and panting , this has happened a couple of times now and I cant understand it.

hubby thinks its down to boredom due to not going out , but I am not so sure, she would not be crying /panting if it was that simple, I wonder if she has just got a bit mardy after her op, or she is in pain

Its a mystery thats for sure, we are back at vets on Monday so will see what he says.

its not like her at all,

Anyway have a good one folks,xx
Hi Jackie, so sorry to hear about Millie. If I were you I'd look and smell in those ears, cos this is just what Georgie did to me one day, but he ended up right IN Dave's shower, cos it was cool I suppose. good luck with the dear old

Originally Posted by jenny.g View Post
Hi folks, I've just nipped in for a moment before I go out again. I haven't read all the more recent posts but will do later.

Just wanted to say : Bev - Lots of ((hugs)) to you, it is such early days since you lost Kyiro and you need time to mourn. As you say you've been on auto pilot this last week and it's just hit you like a wall. We'll never Kyiro and he will always hold such a special place in your heart.

Lots of love to you and don't be harsh on yourself, he was one very special dog. ((hugs))
Hi again Jenny, I gotta rush cos I got the chip pan on lol!

Originally Posted by twix View Post
Hello is it afternoon already? The way my brains going recently I think I might start a going gaga club, Malka and Nippy can be honorary members!

I've been driving myself potty as I wanted to go to Costco early today but I couldn't find my card or debit card. Spent from 7-1am last night looking indoors for them, no sign, hunted in the car, no sign. It's unbelievable that I've spent the last week de cluttering and then something is so hard to find!

I would've had to cancel the trip anyway as one of my dogs started drinking and weeing a lot, then one of her eyes looked droopy so I was given the option to get down the vets ASAP. As I got into the car park there was a very upset lady cuddling her GSD in the back of the car which had just been PTS. Poor dog, I've been there many times and it doesn't get any easier and when we got called in by the vet I burst into tears and couldn't tell her what was wrong with my dog! Seeing that poor dog got me going and I didn't even know the dog or owner! A infection was diagnosed and we came home with ABs and I will monitor her.

I went to the outhouse where the freezer is to get a chicken out and in a cool bag were my Costco cards, how lucky is that, moral of the story if you put something somewhere 'safe' you better have a good memory!!

I think I need a nanny nap now to recover from the day so far.

Hope you all enjoy your Saturday folks.
Hi twix, so sorry gotta rush, got chip pan on for lunch!! Back laters.xxxxx
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16-02-2013, 02:42 PM

Chris - I hope your ankle is less painful and you are managing to rest it as much as possible. Remember to elevate it whenever you sit down. Nagging pain is so draining I've had nagging toothache for a couple of months and I have only just plucked up enough courage to go to the dentist next week.

LynnB - Poor you having your OH with man flu, that will be exhausting for you just hearing all about it from him. I hope you make him sleep in a different room so that at least you get some sleep.

Nippy - I constantly worry about my sons - I think its only natural and to be honest they have never given me reason to worry, I just do.

Malka and Nippy - Now, now, no arguing over age or brain power. I think you need to be kept separate today as we don't want any fighting. Also Malka, now that Nippy is armed with her new Black&Decker steamer you may get a severe 'steaming' if you get too close.

June - Can't you phone them to say thanks for the email and photos and you just wondered how she was getting on and it they have any questions to phone you. I'm sure they wouldn't mind a phone call like that ...... hardly imposing on them.

Mini - Hi.

JackBox - Could Millie be having a phantom pregnancy?

Twix - how upsetting for you witnessing that poor owner with her dead dog. I too would have been deeply upset at seeing that poor owner knowing how her/his life has just been turned upside down. Hopefully the abs will sort you dog out.

Helena - Oh no, not your back Such a bad movement for it humping carpet out of your car and into the tip. I have to be so careful with mine having damaged it initially in a riding accident years ago and then spending 5 hours trimming our hedges a few years ago using hedge-trimmers and having my arms outstretched for so long - I was a fool and my goodness I paid for it Maybe you'll actually sit down, have a rest and stop being superwoman!! ((hugs)).

My dogs had a lovely walk this morning - but I didn't They were like little trains pulling a lot of the time which I find totally unacceptable but they clearly didn't. I think the deer are back and they were just trying to follow their scent.
I've just put a casserole on for this evening - pork belly and black-eyed beans. Sounds dreadful but it does taste lovely ............ not slimming food though

Off to take the dogs out for another walk shortly when I hope they behave better so that I can enjoy it too.
See you all later.
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16-02-2013, 04:30 PM
Hi wasnt sure if I should have read your post, being new but found it very warm.It is so difficult to make friends when you have just moved,and my O/H family is 5 hours drive away.We live in avery rural area and the area has only just got itself a decent broadband, which has now allowed us to use the internet crystalgirl
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16-02-2013, 04:38 PM
Goodness Me Crystal Girl, this is the Daily Thread, how on earth can we keep up if we don't READ and then reply none of us would know what the others are doing, and we can't be having that because we're all dead nosey
Took Cariad for her check up, it was Gordon (the puppy vet) who did her op and he said it was all absolutely fine and she had been a model patient, as he said that he got the thermometer out, and she glared at him and sat down firmly on her bum!!!!Eventually she lay down, so Gordon (who is not a small person by any means) is virtually lay down on the floor with her taking her temperature so she has the all clear and is back next Saturday for stitches out. I said to him I was thinking of getting a motorhome and living in their car park (may borrow Dave's if he gets one ) because I am in there with Ash, and will take Keshi along for the ride, on Monday, and he said only got next Saturday to go, not worth the money
Been to the butchers for the girlies and got their mince, chicken wings and he gave me 2 packs of drumsticks a bit cheaper as well, so they're sorted for the week now. Me, I'm still shopping in Asda Casualty Department
I hurt my back in a riding accident Jenny, and I would imagine Helena more than likely did, we should start a club, these horses have a lot to answer for
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16-02-2013, 04:40 PM
Hi Jacquie- everyone is welcome on this thread - just be warned that some of us tend to go a bit doolally especially when the "magic bottle" appears - hang around and it should be here later!

[Nippy - if you aim that steam mop at me I will aim my secret weapon back atcha.]
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16-02-2013, 04:41 PM
Nippy, if you're aiming the steam mop anywhere, please make it my kitchen floor
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16-02-2013, 04:51 PM
Originally Posted by tawneywolf View Post
...[snip]...I hurt my back in a riding accident Jenny, and I would imagine Helena more than likely did, we should start a club, these horses have a lot to answer for
I am now extremely embarrassed 'cos I broke my neck and back in an ice-cream wrapper accident, not a riding one. Ackshully I never fell off an 'orse 'cos I never rode one 'cos I'se scared sh!ddless of 'orses.
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