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18-05-2013, 04:47 PM
Originally Posted by madmare View Post
Morning H and all,
Just a quickie this morning as Lily and I are leaving at 7am to go to the Hadleigh Show to work all day on the greyhound homer stand. Its going to be a long day and I'm tired already . Hopefully it will stay dry and maybe the sun will even put in an appearence. Well I can hope.

Take care all and have a good day.
Hi Bev, I expect by this time you're back home totally exhausted, so hope you had a great day out with Lily.

Originally Posted by Lynn View Post
Morning Helena. Reading about what you have lined for your day has worn me out. I hope the plan all runs smoothly.

Morning Bev enjoy the day out it seems bright here so hope it and stays that way for you today.

Usual here today and maybe we will pop out for a wander round a garden centre and get a coffee seeings as we may have something to celebrate by the middle of next week.
Or do I pop over to see mum thing is if I go today there isn't likely to be anyone official to speak too so I am wondering if it is better to go Monday as I planned and see if I can speak to someone and see what they say. Its not sounding good and I do trust Paul and what he says in fact he is usually the one who tells everyone mum is a drama queen. But I just feel the need to hear with my own ears that she may not have long left now or words to that effect which is what Paul felt they were saying. He says her breathing is very laboured.
Michael eldest brother is going tomorrow but I doubt he will see a Dr.
Hi Lynn, glad you managed to get out to the garden centre (I know you did cos I've read your other posts!). Yes, at last, something to lift your hopes up now, it could all go well for you now if Gorden secures that job next week. Will have everything crossed that he does Lynn, you soooo deserve something positive in your lives.

Originally Posted by Norma808 View Post
Morning Helena morning all
Very over cast here this morning
Busy day ahead then for you and Dave hope yous can catch a wee rest at some point
A hole bed to ones self with no one snoring in your lug ,AhhhhBliss
Hope TM,s making the most of her weekend of freedom to
Do hope all poorly get better soon not forgetting any doglets
Not much on today ,out this evening to do a wee bit of dog sitting ,no idea what kind of dog so sould be interesting
Hope everyone has a good day ,the weathers kind
Take care stay safe
Hi Norma, enjoy the dog sitting tonight, and I bet it was lovely spread eagled in that bed last night without all that snoring, and the other things that men do in bed No not that Norma, the windy bit I mean

Originally Posted by Taffsmum View Post
Morning H & Bev - up to now.
Another busy day for you then Helena!! Take a bit of time out when you can though.
Enjoy your day at the show Bev
It looks very dull & dreary here & is forecast rain for most of the day. I was going to take Taff on the train & go to the coast for a nice day out while I'm by myself but its hardly worth it if its going to rain so nothing else planned.
I enjoyed being in bed by myself but I was cold. Had to get up & put a blanket on top of the duvet.
Morning Lynn - you snuck in while I was typing Hope you don't have any problems today.
Morning Norma. You snuck in as well. Lovely all this freedom int it.
Hi TM, I was right then, the pair of you had the beds to yourselves last night. Another night for you tonight then?? Enjoy the moment!

Originally Posted by Kazz View Post
Morning all.

Thought I would join in and say two words to you Lynn "fingers crossed"

Well off to take Sal out and then get the papers - hope to get the step built to the back door. Would like to get to sort out the garden today too.

Have a good day all and everyone who is poorly or with anyone poorly it is a good day.
Hi Kazz, I hope you've finished the steps by now and made a good job of them.

Originally Posted by Malka View Post

Had a lovely early night, well it was supposed to be but by the time I had gotten into bed Da Booger said Oops, sorry, need a poo, so it was midnight before we were both back in [well me in, her on] bed. An hour and a half later... and then another three hours later...

Anyhow, for the last couple of days she has been so well behaved, not the usual norties from 5pm onwards but a really good girl - in fact I was worried she might not be feeling too good. Seems like she was storing it up for night-time but it is difficult to be cross with her as she is so loving and she does let me have another couple of hours sleep after the 7am alarm goes off.

Right - second coffee and ketchup time to see what everyone has been up to.

Whatever you are doing today I hope you have a good one.
Hi Malka, Sorry you had such a disturbed night there, but she obviously didn't want an early night did she. Maybe tonight?!

Originally Posted by Labrador Lover View Post
Morning everyone, Lynn, Keep optimistic. H, try to space yourself you have a lot to do today, take care. Bev. Hope the show goes ok. If I felt up to it I would have wandered down there but think the roads down that way will be too crowded. I hate that old A.13

Hope the two mums are ok and that if the time is near Lynn that Mum goes peacefully.

Hope everyone else is ok, Steve has been up most of the night with his back. I reckon going straight back to work on painkillers he has probably put the vertebrae out again it was too soon.He will have to get another appointment with the osteopath. He is seriously considering giving up the tiling game. The tiles are getting bigger and heavier and his back and knees are getting weaker. He is 50 next week as his mother that makes me feel really old. I had him when I was 18 so he is catching me up or that's what I tell him.

Have a good day all, God bless, Moyra
Hi Moyra, so sorry to hear your son is suffering again with that back, but then it's hardly surprising, when the osteopath sorted him out he went straight off and laid another patio even though he had some help, you can bet yer bottom dollar he got stuck in too! You can't tell them can you. I'll say night night as I know you'll be off

Originally Posted by Brierley View Post
Good morning all.

Lots of rain last night. Today it's just dull and grey, but dry at least.

Gary is feeling a bit better but still has the aches and pains that the fits leave and a headache which is normal after a bumped head. We've now ordered a panic alarm thing that will 'phone our landline and mobiles should he need us in the night. He had one in Barnsley, but that was connected to a warden service. We didn't know you could get them privately until the doctor at the hospital mentioned them. Since he's been here, we've relied on the computer for instant messaging, but that's no good when we are in bed. He does have a telephone keyboard with a red button on it that goes directly to 999 though, but much better if he can contact us through a pendant at the side of the bed or his 'phone.

Mum still isn't well, but a little better in herself. She still can't walk or even stand without a lot of help, but that nasty drug reaction seems to have now fully gone without any permanent effect. Mum being ill is the only time I wish I lived nearer so I could help out my sister when mum is at home. I do tend to organise my kids to visit though so hopefully that helps.

Gary isn't coming with us on our walk today again, but we'll call in to make sure that he really is fine

Still got everything crossed for Gorden, Lynn. I think I read he's had some kind of offer? I hope so and I hope it's a good 'un, but more than that, I hope he gets that permanent job so that you two can have some worry-free time for a while.

I'm also sorry to read about your mum. It's awful to feel so helpless when they are ill, isn't it?

Sorry that I've not really followed or retained what's going on with everyone, but hope that you are all fit and well.

Have a good 'un all and stay safe xx
Hi Chris, Hope Gary is feeling a lot better now, and also your poor mum, she must have been in so much pain with that back, poor, poor woman. All the best to them both Chris.

Originally Posted by lore View Post
Morning all,

Well just trying to get my bum out of bed. Dad is needing picked up, he's got a large bag of dog food and can't carry it home himself.

Going to chill and play a board game with Davie today I think. It's piddling rain.
Hi Lorraine, hope you're feeling a lot better now, but I'm pleased to see you're almost resting up and chilling, which is soooo unlike you but it will do you good.

Originally Posted by lore View Post
Well been to pick up Dad, dog food and do shopping. Had an illuminating conversation with him in which he found out how bad things got with Mum when he was on nightshift. I found out what had happened with her, we came to the conclusion that it all started when she and Dad decided not to have more kids, we think she secretly wanted more. Given that she came from a large family that made a sort of sense.

This afternoon, lunch, then either monopoly with Davie if he wants to, or assignment...or hoovering, not sure which
((((((((hugs)))))))))) It can't be easy with all the worry atm Lorraine.

Originally Posted by Lynn View Post
Afternoon all. Thank you for the well wishes for mum and the continuing Dogsey vibes for Gorden for Wednesday.

We opted for a wander round a garden centre a coffee and a sticky bun I will visit mum on Monday as planned and see if her neighbour wants to come with me. She usually hops in a taxi to visit mum at the home if Gill isn't able to visit but Basildon is a bit far and none of us would want her attempting to get the bus she is an elderly lady too and not in the best of health.

Having a cuppa and if it hasn't started raining Gorden is going to mow the front grass and I will go out when he is finished with the shears and the broom.

Had a letter today from Dillons insurance company they have reviewed the claim form from the vet re: the castration and decided they will not pay out. The other op for the lump they have paid.
Oh that's a booger isn't it, but you seem to have half expected that one Lynn.

Originally Posted by tawneywolf View Post
Heavy rain which started last night, and it is sort of a light drizzle now today.
Need A Rant....
Took Mabs and Keshi out into the woods for a walk, and of course I had to take a piccie of MY bluebells didn't I, so will put them up later on.
Came home, I had noticed there was no footie match on the field so took a couple of squeaky balls with me when I took Cariad and Lona out. No sooner had I got on the field, but girlies were on a line thank goodness because it was weekend, and this woman walks on the field with an offlead dog, which started running towards mine, barking, I shouted to her call your dog back, it ignored her and kept coming, mine were up on their hind legs (which makes them taller than me ) barking, dog (looked like a wheaten terrier type) kept coming and barking. I was saying Leave It to the girls and trying to walk off with them, I had them on short leads by then with the lines coming along behind me in the mud, got through the fence into the bushes, flaming dog keeps following, girls were being quite good and not having a go, they were hanging back obviously, I kept walking and came out by the garage, stopped to sort the lines out, and it was only still following me, stood a few yards away no sign of the owner, so I had to keep going till I got on the main road, by that time it had gone. So girlies never got a play on the field, just a very quick walk, most of it being dragged along by me because of the blasted dog.
If that had been one of mine I would have had everyone on my back, I keep mine away from other dogs as much as I can, and every week there is at least one incident with another dog causing me problems
Yard and kennels have had a really good clean to work my temper off!!!!!!!! It all smells lovely out there.
Oh Lynn I thought the insurance told you they would pay because the vet said it was a medical necessity to castrate Dillon because of his behaviour. That's a really big blow, is there any appeal at all, or maybe a letter from your vet??? I know you weren't expecting it from the insurance at first either!!!
Glad you managed such an enlightening conversation with your father, Lore. I really hope that the hospital manage to get to the bottom of it all and help her back into normal life.
Malka sorry you got yet another disturbed night, it is like having a baby isn't it, up every couple of hours, you get to the stage where you are more Zombie than anything. I hope you manage a decent nights sleep pretty soon. Is there anyway you can make sure Pereg 'goes' when she goes out last thing, as she should really be able to hold it by now, trouble is it gets to be a normal routine for them, I have been there myself with the puppies as we all know, and it just gets to the stage where it is more or less every hour, and you aren't able to back peddle at all.
Hi June, Oh not another traumatic walk for you Bdooly people not keeping their offlead dogs under control hey!!!! I wish they would bring in some real laws to put a stop to all this hassle some of us responsible dog owners have to put up with out there Calm down now, all's well that ended well, and get out those choccie biccies with a nice cuppa.xxxx I know how you feel, I have the same thing cos Zena would kill it!!! So I probably have worse!

JENNY, I lost you's Hope you're having a nice quiet day just walking the dogs maybe. I did read your post, but now it's gone

I've probably missed some others, it doesn't always pick them all out when you click on the quotes!

Well, managed to get through the day, blimey, I even came home at 11 am after doing the change-over and meeting the bloke for the rent, shoved in a chicken for lunch, and back up to the van to mow the lawn Superwoman or what today!!!

The accountant's visit turned out well, cos that plank that Dave's getting rid of could actually OWE Dave £1000!!! Can't see it meself, but that's what he said, but Dave said he'd rather leave it as it is, let him have the overpayment just so that we can get rid of him without him getting angry and taking him to court.

We never got to Currys for the speakers today cos Dave said I was far too tired by 3pm (I never stopped since 6 am this morning when I got up!) and it isn't important we get them and next week-end we have 3 days to get over there. Saturday is my busiest day what with the change-over and it's going to get worse with 2 vans when the other one is empty ready for the proper guests.

Done 3 lots of washing which are drying nicely on the line, that means more work with the ironing of said washing. Might go and sit down for 10 mins now and chat to Dave with a cuppa cos I'm still stuck out here in the utility. Tomorrow I will move the puter back in the lounge I think cos Dave has been busy fitting the last cabinet and the last boxes in the holes so it's there now, finito!

I must say Hi to Sally before she comes on tonight just in case she has another strop cos a stroppy Sally is not the same Sally that I know who always makes me larf. Hi old bean*gets up and gives Sally the most comfiest chair in the house, offers her a large chotah in her favourite glass, unwraps a bar of the darkest chocolate whilst standing in front of her.........turns around and walks off with it* Then has 2nd thoughts and comes back and gives it to her.xxxx

Catch you all later, hope you're having a great week-end so far and that the sun is shining cos it sure has been here today, it's almost like summer
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18-05-2013, 04:59 PM
A well earned rest is needed now I think Helena.
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18-05-2013, 05:06 PM
Visitors gone and I'm sat here with a glass of red and a box of liqueur choccies waiting for the Eurovision Song Contest
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18-05-2013, 05:12 PM
Hi folks,

Well I went to buy some food, visited the garden centre (but no sticky buns for me), decided to fill and sand the door frame so that is all ready now and then I cut the grass Thought I ought to do the grass in case it rains tomorrow. However, I was fuming as I shut the dogs in, moved my car and got the mower out of the barn and pushed it round to the back lawn. That involves removing temporary chicken wire fencing (dog proof). The blessed mower wouldn't start as his lordship clearly hadn't put any petrol in it. I asked him a couple of days ago and he said he'd go and do it right then I syphoned some out of the sit-on mower. This took an extra 1/2 hour but hey-ho its done for another week now

Pat - Your car journey didn't sound very relaxing with 'Busy-Bella' in the car with you What is your soap-stone carving of?

Lore - Having that chat with your Dad probably did you both good and possibly helped you both understand what has been going on How is your Mum doing?

Lynn - What a disappointment about the insurance company not paying for Dillon's castration, as June suggested maybe a letter from your vet may at persuade them to re-assess it. Under the circumstances I am surprised they won't.

June - I don't know how you manage walking your dogs when there are so many numpties out there with unruly dogs. I had a mastiff chase my two ... and me .. out of a workmans van that I had walked past. My dummy dogs started barking at it through fear and all hell let loose. The workman stood there and laughed so I walked straight out on to the busy main road which finally had the result of him grabbing his dog. I have had so many dog walks ruined by loose dogs with no manners and useless owners. You have my sympathy.

Off to do some ironing as I managed to get two loads washed and dried on the line today.
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18-05-2013, 05:18 PM
Originally Posted by Nippy View Post
Visitors gone and I'm sat here with a glass of red and a box of liqueur choccies waiting for the Eurovision Song Contest
You must feel shattered but a glass or red wine, liqueur chocs and feet up sounds like a plan. I assume you haven't heard from your son again today - no news is good news.

Helena - You snuck in while I was typing .... and chatting with the neighbour. It was Flash who had the upset tum yesterday (not Rucksack) but I have no sympathy for him as he eats so much detritus when out Your day was busy, busy, busy ..... sweet of Dave to realise you were tired and leave going to Currys .... or where you snoring loudly next to him Can't you have a lovely relaxing day tomorrow and both go for a walk with Zena and then a nice pub lunch or something.

See you all later.
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18-05-2013, 05:34 PM
Hey guys,

Had an afternoon of doing nothing except watching TV with Brian.

Helena, jeez girl, slow doon. It's the weekend

Jenny, Mum is in New Craig's for a while yet, she does not think she is ill, so they have put her under the six month section. It's a relief to be honest, they finally believe us.

Tonight I have to pop out, Brian has arranged for me to get a new phone with a bigger screen. I have chubby fingers so struggle with texting, so he is getting me this phone. I have to go pick it up in an hour. So excited

After that play wif new phone, watch Arrow, then bed. Want to get more of the assignment done. I want it finished by Wednesday at the latest.

So excited!!!
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18-05-2013, 05:53 PM
Just got in. We worked 11hrs solid at the show without a let up and Lily and I are completely shattered, it was so busy.
Going to make something to eat and put my feet up now. Lily climbed straight into her chair and crashed out.

Hope you have all had a good day, sorry but I am too tired to wade through all the posts and we have a greyhound walk to go to tomorrow..
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18-05-2013, 06:03 PM
Originally Posted by Lynn View Post
A well earned rest is needed now I think Helena.
Yes I know Lynn, it's always the same on a Saturday, so I didn't really need to collect those 2 big heavy parcels at 9 am and then be here for Dave's accountant before heading up to the van Anyway, it's over now, and Dave and I have had a nice chat discussing just how much that bloke owes Dave having been overpaid through all those days of absence, but Dave being Dave, he's willing to let it go, but will let him know about it in writing when handing over his P45. I might take a picture of that!!!

Originally Posted by Nippy View Post
Visitors gone and I'm sat here with a glass of red and a box of liqueur choccies waiting for the Eurovision Song Contest
Oh Jen, you know how to do the retired bit in style don'tcha! One day it'll be my turn I'm going to have a big glass of red on Wednesday when all my friends come over to visit, I might even have TWO!

Originally Posted by jenny.g View Post
Hi folks,

Well I went to buy some food, visited the garden centre (but no sticky buns for me), decided to fill and sand the door frame so that is all ready now and then I cut the grass Thought I ought to do the grass in case it rains tomorrow. However, I was fuming as I shut the dogs in, moved my car and got the mower out of the barn and pushed it round to the back lawn. That involves removing temporary chicken wire fencing (dog proof). The blessed mower wouldn't start as his lordship clearly hadn't put any petrol in it. I asked him a couple of days ago and he said he'd go and do it right then I syphoned some out of the sit-on mower. This took an extra 1/2 hour but hey-ho its done for another week now

Pat - Your car journey didn't sound very relaxing with 'Busy-Bella' in the car with you What is your soap-stone carving of?

Lore - Having that chat with your Dad probably did you both good and possibly helped you both understand what has been going on How is your Mum doing?

Lynn - What a disappointment about the insurance company not paying for Dillon's castration, as June suggested maybe a letter from your vet may at persuade them to re-assess it. Under the circumstances I am surprised they won't.

June - I don't know how you manage walking your dogs when there are so many numpties out there with unruly dogs. I had a mastiff chase my two ... and me .. out of a workmans van that I had walked past. My dummy dogs started barking at it through fear and all hell let loose. The workman stood there and laughed so I walked straight out on to the busy main road which finally had the result of him grabbing his dog. I have had so many dog walks ruined by loose dogs with no manners and useless owners. You have my sympathy.

Off to do some ironing as I managed to get two loads washed and dried on the line today.
Originally Posted by jenny.g View Post
You must feel shattered but a glass or red wine, liqueur chocs and feet up sounds like a plan. I assume you haven't heard from your son again today - no news is good news.

Helena - You snuck in while I was typing .... and chatting with the neighbour. It was Flash who had the upset tum yesterday (not Rucksack) but I have no sympathy for him as he eats so much detritus when out Your day was busy, busy, busy ..... sweet of Dave to realise you were tired and leave going to Currys .... or where you snoring loudly next to him Can't you have a lovely relaxing day tomorrow and both go for a walk with Zena and then a nice pub lunch or something.

See you all later.
Hi Jen, and sorry I missed your post earlier although I have read them, and sorry I got the dog wrong with the upset tum, but I thought it was that Rucksack who had rubbish disease! Oh these men of ours, why do they always do this to us The times I've gone to do something, only to find something has broken and never got fixed or something was missing that I needed and even after all the years of training old Dave here (33 now I think at last reckoning!), he still does this to me and he gets cursed big time, his ears must catch fire sometimes, let alone burn

Job done now though Jenny, but did you have to suck out the petrol from the other one then? I've done that with a few cars in my time, not pleasant when you get a mouthful of petrol lol! I mowed the lawn at the van today, and it's come up luffery, all that seed and fertiliser I threw at it over the winter period has paid off big time, so hopefully, it'll last through to September for you.

Originally Posted by lore View Post
Hey guys,

Had an afternoon of doing nothing except watching TV with Brian.

Helena, jeez girl, slow doon. It's the weekend

Jenny, Mum is in New Craig's for a while yet, she does not think she is ill, so they have put her under the six month section. It's a relief to be honest, they finally believe us.

Tonight I have to pop out, Brian has arranged for me to get a new phone with a bigger screen. I have chubby fingers so struggle with texting, so he is getting me this phone. I have to go pick it up in an hour. So excited

After that play wif new phone, watch Arrow, then bed. Want to get more of the assignment done. I want it finished by Wednesday at the latest.

So excited!!!
Oh you sound very excited Lorraine Yes, I'm having one of "your" days here today, so make the most of the lazy days you seem to be enjoying at the moment.

Off for a shower now and then the telly, cos Dave's only here 2 nights of the week now and I can't really sit out here chatting to you lot, much as I want to, he might get the hump

I'll say goodnight, cos I doubt I'll be back on later.xxxx
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18-05-2013, 06:37 PM
Well backstep completed Mom and Sal happy. Dad very happy - his balance is not great still following the shingles last year.
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18-05-2013, 06:47 PM
My son is not good. He has the tablets from the consultant now and I think just having the comfort of something being done is helping.
I feel I am walking on egg shells, I'm still sure he is heading for a breakdown.
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