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17-02-2013, 12:51 PM
Originally Posted by madmare View Post
Morning Lynn and all,

I am feeling much better today thank you. I always find that first week anniversary the hardest and the fact it had all come as such a shock on the day it happenned, yesterday morning it really hit home.

This morning we are off to Alton water for a greyhound walk. Last week at Ipswich we had 58 other greyhounds and I expect there will be more today as Alton water is a favourite its so beautiful there. I know my friend Becky is bringing David the famous greyhound to it so that will attract a lot of new greyhound owners to see him in the flesh .

Charly and Ash are off to Devon this morning. They are going down there for the week, so there will just be me and Lily here this week. It will seem very quiet without them as they are always playing practical jokes on each other and they fill the house with laughter.
I said to Charly the other day she is very lucky to have a boyfriend that owns his own place down there so they can go when they want to. Many people save hard all year for a weeks holiday there.

Lynn you must have both been tired to go to bed before casulty , but now I come to think of it, I was watching it but can't remeber the last half of it so must have dozed off on the sofa , still I record it to in case of such eventualities .

Very Frosty this morning but the sun is shining so hopefully that won't last long.

Have a good day all and take care.
Morning Bev glad to read you are feeling better today enjoy the day out you have lovely weather for it.
Lucky Charly and Ash hopefully you can take Ash up on the offer of that holiday you deserve one.

Originally Posted by Brierley View Post
Good morning all.

I'd love a new kitchen. Put this one in when we moved in six and a half years ago and have never liked it. One of those that looked fantastic in the showroom, but not so good in my 'ickle kitchen. It will have to wait though until we get a pension coming in (and in my case, I'm beginning to doubt it ever will after having the age goalposts moved twice already).

We've had a frost down overnight so the back garden is crisp and white, but the sun is shining now and the sky is a lovely blue so I'm hoping we are in for a brilliant day.

Not sure yet whether we're going on the earlier walk or the later one, but, whichever, we'll enjoy it. We did two yesterday because the weather was so much milder. The later afternoon one was packed with people though. The nicer weather certainly brings the 'trippers' out of the woodwork. My ankle stood up really well, but I paid for it a little last night. Well worth it though .

A body was found in the water a couple of days ago around Gibralter Point and, although it's not confirmed yet, it looks like the missing dog walker has now been found. No details as to what happened, but I do hope he didn't suffer and his family can now start the process of finding a little peace. Such a sad and tragic thing to happen and a warning to all not to walk in desolate areas alone

Rosie is still sleeping longer (YAY), but guess who is tossing and turning from the crack of dawn. Bless her, she's trained me too well now in the early rising. I need to get my body-clock adjusted

Hope you all have a lovely day and that any plans go well. Have a good 'un all and above all, stay safe!!
Morning Chris lucky you Rosie sleeping later seems we have swapped places lately with regards to Rosie and Dillon's sleeping habits.
Enjoy your walk whichever time you go.

Originally Posted by Norma808 View Post
Morning Lynn Morning everyone
What is it with these dogs up at 6am to ,spring must be in the air
Glad things sorted for Gorden ,hope you have a stress free day
I admire you able to do all that DIY I'm not safe let loose with a hammer
Enjoy your gardening chucking that seed around .
Quiet day here today might do our long walk
Change of plan as window not getting done till Tuesday now garage going to let me know how much going to cost for MOT was peeed off yesterday as id made plans for next week
Sorry if I've missed any one
Hope all poorly peeps and dogs feel better soon
Have a good day all stay safe xxxxx
Morning Norma spring is lovely but I do wish Dillon would have a lie-in some days.
What a pain about the window and the car. I hope the long walk blows the cobwebs away.

Originally Posted by Tangutica View Post
Morning all. Glorious sunny day here so far. I've been given some empty boxes by people who moved in opposite me so even less excuses now for not getting stuff packed up.

My first job today was to walk muttley. My next job is to don the cozzie and throw myself out there in that lovely sunshine with my Kindle!
Morning Pat. At you and the boxes not getting packed because you are sunbathing and reading you will still be in that flat next spring.

Originally Posted by crystalgirl View Post
Hi Morning all,go d that sounded just like Dixon of Dock Green.
Sunday going shopping.I woke up thinking of the gang shows,and how much fun,you had all gone to bed so wrote a reply this morning keep up. When I was younger,very accident prone,also had embarressing moments,dare I ask what was yours,you have 15 seconds and this tape will self destruct .

My father was very victorian in his mindset little girls should be seen not heard,anyway I just craved to be fashionable,it was the swinging sixties,and I really wanted a psychdelic hipster skirt,so decided to make one,couldnt do all the fancy bits zip at front etc, just stitched two pieces of material,finished it off with a belt,and borrowed a pair of white boots,thought I was the bees knees,so decided to go to Baker St and walk down to meet dad he was working in London at the time.So got on the tube arrived at Baker Street,stepped out of the train,mylovely skirt got caught in the door one tug,and I was left with just my knickers and the belt,just didnt know what to do,in those days there used to be a place for the guard,so ran in there and there was a big west indian sitting there,I asked if he would help no response,so saw that he was reading a newspaper,grabbed it and flew up the stairs,my next problem was how I was going to tell dad,so I nipped into a phone box,got hold of dad,tried to explain I was half undressed,he was really angry,and told me to wait for him on the Marylebone Rd,how could i stand outside near a busy road,so stayed inthe phonebox for about half an hour,thenwent outside,it was nearly another 10 mins,well you can imagine,I was grounded until I was 21,Ihave never attempted dressmaking again crystalgirl
Morning Cg I often think my good morning sounds like Dixon of Dock Green too sometimes.
Your dad sounds a lot like my dad use to be when I was growing up.

Originally Posted by tawneywolf View Post
OMG Crystalgirl, I think your dad was even stricter than mine, he used to have a purple fit the way I went out, we were talking about those crochet dresses the other week, we all remember them, and IF we wore anything underneath
Beautiful morning here and there has been a frost overnight so everything frosted up at the moment.
Babies full of beans this morning, rampaged into the kitchen at the speed of light, I was still giving Lona and Mabs theirs and had barely put the dishes down when babies came cavorting back wanting their brekkie and started eating Lona and Mabs, cue massive grumbles and growls which does not scare the babies anymore, ended up more or less dragging them away to give them theirs in the kitchen, and it was gone in seconds and off they went to see what Lona and Mabs had left.
Took Cariad for a walk round, loads of birds out doing the couples thing in the trees , brought Cariad back, she had her brekkie and I am now having mine.
Nice and dry today so Ash will go to his first puppy class this afternoon, can hardly believe he didn't go to the Wednesday evening one because of the snow,and it is like spring today, my eyes are itching so a sure sign spring is on its way.
Good idea about the grass seed Helena, I may get some myself, as I have a beaten down muddy patch at the front.
Morning June sounds like the babies are really finding their confidence.
Enjoy your puppy class this afternoon we need to hear about it.

Originally Posted by Malka View Post

Shenanigans last night? I do not have the slightest idea what you are talking about! I am a good girl I am, and I would never "do" shenanigans!

Yup, as Nechda has already said, better get duplicate suitcases packed for Gorden aks Phileas Fogg!

Kazz - glad that Sal is enjoying life again, and after you have taken her out and then finished the few little DIY jobs you have planned, would you please come and re-build my shoebox of a kitchen for me? Oh, and a few other little jobs while you are here...

Nechda - being dumped up at Devil's Dyke somehow sounds the right place for you...[ducks behind Pereg]

Bev - I am glad you feel a bit better today and hope you and Lily enjoy your walk. Charly is not just lucky to have a boyfriend that owns his own place in Devon, but that he is as lovely as Ash is.

Chris - sad about the missing dog walker but at least it will help bring closure to his family.

Sorry for ignoring everyone else - I was interrupted by three phone calls, one after t'other, so will have to catch up once I have re-heated my coffee which is now stone cold.

Enjoy the day everyone!
Morning Malka of course you are a good girl.
I hope you got that coffee reheated and drunk before anymore more disturbances.

Originally Posted by Losos View Post
'morning Lynn and all of you out there

Sun is out, snow is still around in the fields, but even here it looks like Spring might be comming thank goodness.

Looks like plan A (The good one) is comming together for Gordon now and I hope it all goes well.

I had a quick look too but being such a sensitive modest lad I decided it was safer to stay away

Don't know what our latest member (Crystalgirl) will make of it all
Morning Harvey nice to hear you have some sun too.
I am a bit to sensitive for these late nights on here too.

Originally Posted by Minihaha View Post
Good morning fellow members after a very frosty start the sun is out and I am hoping everywhere will begin to dry up a little.

I enjoyed reading all the previous posts , you all sound very busy .

I intend to spend some time on the internet today looking for a top to wear at a wedding in April. I have a charcoal grey suite with a long straight skirt which I last wore at my great nephews christening, he is now 14 and I am delighted to find it still fits perfectly

Enjoy your day everyone
Morning Mini I hope you find the blouse you are looking for.
I know I couldn't possibly fit into anything 14 years old so very well done.
Won't it be nice if this weather allows the fields and tracks to dry out for some decent walks now.

Originally Posted by Jackbox View Post
Morning all, its sunny but cold here today, hope everyone is doing Ok, have a good one folks xx
Morning Jackie how is Millie today ? I hope she is more settled.

Originally Posted by Sal View Post
Morning all

Beautiful morning here,frosty to start but blue sky and the sun is shining now

Lamb is cooking,all veggies prepared,washing on the line and 2nd load in the machine

Hopefully going to have a relaxing afternoon

Have a good day all x
Morning Sal everything crossed you get that well deserved relaxing afternoon.

We had a lovely walk this morning we took Dillon in the car to a park near us 15 min drive away called Fishers Green its round the fishing lakes and mostly paved walk ways.
We met two boxerxstaffs I think they were the man explained his girl had just come out of season and was grumbling at ll the little dogs taking an interest in her. Dillon said hello and we moved swiftly on but he did behave impeccably. We also met two little terriers on lead who barked at him an old Red Setter who told him off and a lovely choc lab with a stick who wanted to play.
The sun was shining and it was lovely and warm too.
When we got home and Gorden got Dillon out of the car our elderly neighbour came out and Dillon decided to love his leg after ignoring the young girl staffx we had not long met just out of season.
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17-02-2013, 01:06 PM
Well its an '' afternoon folks'' from us here

read all the previous posts hugs to those that need it and 'have a great day' to those that are busy.

We went to Pat's brothers housewarming party last night, must say I got bored in the end watching certain ones getting very drunk and making an embarrassment of themselves (bet they wish they hadn't this morning) and of course you get the 'back biter' ones which I spent half the time trying to avoid and the other half going ''ummmm'' and hoping they move away soon
Pat was thinking of organizing a 60th party for me in June....but I have to admit I told him this morning not to bother as I would rather be with people I like rather than people I have to put up with. So we are going to re-think that one
Some of his brothers are fine but its their other halves, so maybe it will be just me and Pat away for a 60th Birthday weekend

Off to walk the dogs in a bit as the sun is out, just need Tess to keep her boot on, so will have to strap it with tape and away we go.......... so on that note ''have a great day folks'' xxxxxxxxxxx
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17-02-2013, 01:30 PM
Afternoon all

Sounds like a lot of you are going to get out and enjoy this lovely weather whilst we have it. I think after the terrible weather we've had for almost a whole year, it makes you appreciate this glorious sunshine even more. The birdies are singing for England in our garden, it must be their mating season, I've never hear such twitterings and tweetings and we've got all the doors and windows open, it's heaven today.

Had a lovely walk down on the beach early, and a young ridgeback came zoooooooming over to Zena, so I grabbed her collar just to see what she would think about that, but she seemed to like him, so I just let her off and although he was turning himself inside and out around her, zooming about, she wasn't too interested in playing but was more than happy for him to be around. He won't go in water, so everytime she plonked herself down in one of the deep pools, he would stand on the edge just looking at her, then he'd leap in the air as if to say "come on, come ooooooon I wanna play"!!! Lovely, lovely dog and he seemed to be with us for most of the walk.

Came home and Dave started removing the old manky doorbell that I wanted off the wall in the hallway so that I could fill it and paint it before the new floor went down. Turned out it was a morning's work, cos as he traced wires back, he managed to get rid of a whole set of blank sockets by the front door, along with wires that went up into the loft and straight back down again for no reason apart from an old light on the front terrace which doesn't work anyway, junction boxes with wires TAPED together in the loft (that's a huuuuge no-no that is!), and eventually, not only was the old doorbell off the wall, but there's now a pile of sockets and old wiring sitting outside the front door! Dave is brilliant with electrics, which is a good job really. I've been slapping on the filler everywhere and caulking, ready for him to paint the walls again tomorrow in the hall, and I'll do all the glossing when he's at work. Job done once the flooring goes down on Friday then, and new rugs to complete the finished look!

I must have been multi tasking again this morning,cos Dave had roast lamb and I had roast pork, plus I did all that filling, 2 loads of washing, steam mopped the kitchen and utility, I'm blooming knackered now. All or nothing with me

Enjoy the rest of your Sunday everyone, this weather is set to last by the looks of it, or am I speaking too soon.
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17-02-2013, 02:22 PM
Afternoon all,

Not sure if my earlier response went on cause my connection was playing up.

It's a gorgeous day here, just beautiful. So I've spent the last couple of hours out in the garden tidying up a bit. Got some washing out, another load on which will go out shortly and tidied round the bins, finally got the rubbish all picked up and some of the de-pooping done. The compost bin blew over during the winter so had to re-site that and was piling in the compost but I've done something to my shoulder and it's a bit sore. Having a rest before doing the rest of it.

Even Jack has been out for a wee run, he was delighted with life. Going to finish off the dishes, sort the dry washing out and maybe iron a bit.

Tonight, definately studying, got two TMA's due within a week of each other. One is due on the 27th and the other on the 7th of March. So got to get moving on both of them. Thank goodness I'm getting the train now, can spend some study time while going back and fore to work.
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17-02-2013, 04:45 PM
Ash was a little star at puppy class, I have been doing little bits with them both, and he did a lovely little recall, sitting in front of me, and he is getting the hang of walking besides me, although sometimes he is leaping and bounding behind me, for a first time ever outing though I am well pleased with him. Afterwards we went and had a cup of tea and he met lots of other dogs and got picked up and cuddled and generally passed around. Everyone thinks he is gorgeous (so do I, but I'm biased)
He was sick in the car on the way home, all the chicken he had consumed during training, but he did do it on the towel so I can't fault him. Fingers crossed we get some more dry sunny days like today and they can go in the car to the football field and that kills 2 birds with one stone, they get used to going nice places in the car and they get a bit of a run round in a new place
Am sat having a cup of tea and bacon and cheese on toast.
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17-02-2013, 04:51 PM
Awwww well done to Ash and you of course.
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17-02-2013, 04:53 PM
Afternoon all,

By the sounds as if everyone has been enjoying and appreciating the glorious weather we've been having today. I certainly have. I went over with the dogs to visit Mum who as usual looked wonderful but was 'all-over-the-place' and dreadfully confused. She thought my dogs were hers and she'd come to visit me She must have asked me a dozen times "How long have you lived here?" Anyway, I stayed for a couple of hours while I could keep my patience and then chose to leave and make the most of the lovely day.

OH has been out at a car club AGM and lunch. I could have gone but I've been before and they are so boring . The only trouble is he will have had a huge 3 course meal and won't want a roast tonight so it's hardly worth me cooking for just me. My younger son as usual is going over to his brothers for a curry.

My dogs have had a lovely day and spent a lot of time playing in the garden when not actually out on the two walks they've had. They are now crashed out on the sofas having had their main meal - so all is quiet until OH gets back.

Helena you and Dave have been so busy todaybut isn't it nice to get some jobs done.

Lynn, I hope you've had a nice day with Gorden as I'd imagine you'll be flat out tomorrow sorting his clothes and helping him pack. I hope Dillon has been a good boy for you.

I'll try and pop in later but not sure what the rest of the day will bring.
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17-02-2013, 04:54 PM
Sun didn't last long Lynn! Made a little more headway by GIVING STUFF AWAY to the new opposite neighbours!

I always wanted to have a minimalistic lifestyle.

The 3 boxes are still sat here on the floor empty.
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17-02-2013, 04:56 PM
June - I was typing when you posted. So pleased Ash enjoyed himself, what a little star I can tell from what you've written just how proud you were of him. Well done to both of you.

I think everyone's posts today have been pretty up-beat, I'm sure a lot is to day with the rare object in the sky ..... the sun.
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17-02-2013, 05:25 PM
Evening all
Just had to do our long walk today ,as the weather was glorious took us longer than our usual 3hrs sat down with a wee picnic ,
Dogs had a ball their totally exhausted ,never saw a soul just brilliant day
Everyone seems to have enjoyed the sunshine to I see (long may it last )
Well done Ash what a wee star
Hope everyone's going to rest up now that they've got their gardening n DIY done
Lazy nite here if I don't crash out with all that fresh air
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