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28-01-2013, 09:37 AM
Originally Posted by Nippy View Post
Hehehe as a Great Nanny I think I am entitled to
You are indeed entitled.

Originally Posted by moetmum View Post
Morning Lynn, Jen, and all

Not a good start is it, Dillon up to his old tricks and poor Pepsi poorly. I hope Pepsi feels better today and that Dillon calms down.

Fingers crossed there is good news for Kyiro today.

I am off today to see my cousin, then on to his bungalow to see the new bathroom and the rewiring job before arranging to hand over the dosh!

The two young boys enjoyed their bike ride yesterday, my electric bike was such a good buy, we are building back up to going further. I ought to get the older ones out on it again, they haven't been on it for ages and they enjoyed it too!

I hope you all have a good day today.
Morning Gerri it is either the wildlife or a bitch on heat. a We enjoyed the peace while it lasted but knew it would raise its ugly head again at some point. He doesn't seem as bad as last time but bad enough so we shall see.
Glad to read you enjoyed the bike ride yesterday.

Originally Posted by Helena54 View Post
Morning Lynn, Jen and everyone

Oh dear, not a good start today is it, and you're probably in for 3 weeks of it there Lynn if it is what you suspect with Dillon and those ladies out and about early again. So sorry to hear about Pepsi being sick and I hope it's what you suspect, too many titbits yesterday, good luck with her Jen.

Bright and clear, blue sky, but frozen rain on the cars, so the roads could be interesting when we go down the beach. Sorry I went awol from lunchtime yesterday, but after a lunch like that, I went a bit sleepy and it lasted right into the evening, plus I was getting on with washing all the van stuff.

Dave's gone down the slippery slope again, which doesn't fair well with our relationship, cos I'm getting really ground down myself with it all, but hey ho, onwards and upwards I suppose, I still have Zena.

Hope Kyiro is still good on that foot Bev, I did read the good news yesterday, so let's hope the vet visit will finally be a good one. Also hoping Rosie is still ok and your mum Chris. Can't remember anymore so apologies.

Enjoy your day even though it's Monday and you're back at work, it'll soon be over
Morning Helena sorry to hear Dave is going downhill again.
Try to enjoy your walk with Zena hard I know sometimes. (((Hugs))).

Originally Posted by Rosebud77 View Post
Good morning over there.

Well, you know my feelings re chemical castration aka superlorin so we will say no more.. collie too gets barkathon days so this is just DOG . Gets me all riled though, the barking...

well, they say we are in for a real treat today.. winds off the Atlantic (which is just down the road as the seagull flies) of up to 120 kph.... WHOAH! The speed limit here is 100 kph.. arrest that gale! Ban it!

Heavy rain etc too so only time we will, my dogs and I, be outside is to fetch coal in and for them other basic needs. I hope! I am too light weight to be out in high winds

Looking forward to time out on Weds and a shopping list is in progress. I enjoy a good shop and after nearly tw0 weeks in this will be a good one indeed.
Aiming to go over theeh high pass to Killarney via Glencar; a dramatic and challenging drive of utter beauty.

Was so exhausted last evening ( my fault for baking...) that I decided to sleep without the cats. Trying to rest with these two who weigh at least three stone betweeen them is not always easy.. boy was fine and settled in the sitting room but wee girl scratched at the door and i found her perched on the landing window sill at 2 am ... These cats are as faithful and devoted as dogs.. and yes I let her in then so she purred and snuggled

oh 28th; so I am back to full service on broadband. Digiweb. if you go over your allotted quota put you on "restriction" which means you still have service but sllllllooooww.. all to get they hope more money off you.. so I cannot watch eg youtube which I enjoy for old films etc

over to youtube later then..

Have a lovely day all out there
Morning Rose yes I am aware of your feelings on chemical castration but at this point in time its all we can possibly afford.
Originally Posted by madmare View Post
Morning Lynn and all,

Well its decision day today, we have our vets appointment at 9.50. Poor kyiro is going to be wondering why I am feeding Lily and not him.
He started limping again last night so I will wait and see what the vet thinks and be guided by her. I am really nervous and dreading this appointment too.
Work this afternoon, although I have told them if kyiro has another op and is coming home today then I will not be in, so they will cover me and I won't lose any pay.

Sorry to hear Dillon is getting restless again Lynn, lets hope he settles. I think the sooner you can get that implant or have him castrated the better or the behaviour could become a learned habit.

Hope Pepsi is over her sickness now Jenny.

Take care everyone and enjoy your day, although I think I will be glad when today is over
Morning Bev I really hope the visit to the vet goes well today.
I am sure he will settle his hormones seem to be on the rise again since the weekend.
Originally Posted by Brierley View Post
Good morning all

Rosie had a peaceful night so I'm more hopeful that that parcel yesterday was just a blip to keep me on my toes

Good luck at the vets today, Bev. Fingers crossed that all goes well and the Kyiro is getting back to normal without further intervention x

Oh Lynn - I know just how tired and frustrated you must be feeling right now. Those early morning (or should that be middle of the night) wake-up calls are soul destroying and have you walking round like a zombie for most of the day.

Quite a nice morning here - cold, of course, but so nice to see neither rain or snow. Mcd's I think today for us and our usual, albeit only half circuit walk.

I wish I could do 'nanny naps'. Unfortunately, if I nod off in the afternoon, I can't sleep at night so I try to avoid 'em.

I hope all the poorly doggies out there are on the mend and that they all manage a happy walk today. Hope all the 'other end of the leads' also have a good day and stay safe too xxx
Morning Chris so pleased to read Rosie is still doing well.
In the words of Gloria Gaynor I will survive. Just I think.

Originally Posted by youngstevie View Post
Morning All xxx

To those with poorly dogs (((((hugs)))) sorry to hear about Dillon Lynn must be frustrating

Hope everyone has a great day all our love from us and the gang xxx
Morning Steph. Very frustrating but it will stop again in maybe 3 weeks hopefully so we live in hope.

Originally Posted by Lucky Star View Post
Morning everyone

Poor Lynn - I wonder what is going on with Dillon?

Sorry to hear about Pepsi - I hope she feels better once Sunday lunch is out of her system.

Hugs Helena, it can't be easy when Dave is so down. Maybe you both need a break? Could you spend some time in your van together?

Good luck at the vets Bev.

I'm trying to get a dentist appointment today to have Michael's tooth fixed again. He's been very brave but I know it's uncomfortable for him.

Big disagreement over Carys with her hair. She wants to grow her fringe out (again!). I think she looks lovely with her fringe but she won't let me cut it and it's just a bit long for her eyes but too short to do much else with. Argh! It's a right pain with various clips and bands to try to tie it back somehow.

She will win - she did before and we grew it out but then she pulled it out when it tangled and I had to cut the fringe back in!
Morning Linda either wildlife or a bitch on heat again somewhere nearby or being walked near the house and garden.
Good luck with the dentist appointment.
Oh dear already having differences of opinion with Carys. Wait till the teenage years. Good luck with it you are going to be in need of the magic bottle later.

Originally Posted by jenny.g View Post
Good morning Lynn and fellow members,

A bright and potentially sunny morning here although there is a frost on the ground. I'm definitely going to give the dogs a long walk this morning as rain forecast for this afternoon.

Lynn - sorry you've had a disturbed morning, and I hope for your sake it's not Dillon yearning for a local bitch on heat again.

Nippy - I hope Pepsi is OK after the Sunday scraps. I too have to be so careful that one of mine never gets scraps which is such a pain.

Moet - I hope you find the workmen have done a good job so that you can pay them off. An electric bike ... what fun

Helena - You were missed yesterday PM. So sorry that Dave is down in the dumps again. I know it is very hard not allowing yourself to be dragged down there too, but if you feel you are being, get out of the house and go and do something for you - long walk, see a friend, etc. So so hard for you.

RoseB - I'm sorry that one of your dogs has obviously had a bad experience with Superlorin - what a shame as its a great product and it saved my dogs being operated on (Flash has a heart murmur). What part of Ireland are? I think you will be delighted to learn that the latest gales are forecast to go south of the mainland. Just rain forecast for us all now. Stay safe.

Bev - good luck with Kyiro today. ((hugs)) to you and him.

LS - I hope you manage to get Michael't tooth fixed.

Good luck to all those who need it today for whatever reason, and stay safe.

See you later.
Morning Jenny I think it may be what we fear in respect to Dillons behaviour again.

Enjoy your day.

Originally Posted by lore View Post
Morning all,

Lynn, sorry to hear that Dillon is back to barking. Madmare, I hope it goes well with Kyiro. I hope all the other poorly dogs feel better soon.

Me, I'm not great myself, was feeling icky last night and still feel that way today, so no work for me today. I'm about to go back to bed and try to sleep some more. Didn't sleep very well last night.

I might do some study later depending on how I feel later.
Morning Lorraine I hope you feel better soon . I expect you have been over doing it.

Back from a long road walk field to wet today and he is nicely settled after much sniffing, scraping of feet, and lots of marking.
So my suspicions are leaning to bitch on heat somewhere. He got a bit amorous with the elderly gentlemen we know with and ES Saturday. And he has been harassing Michael again recently so I suspected something was up and his hormones are still raging they do say around 18 months he will settle if he is going too.
The neutering has to wait till we know if Gorden is going to have a permanent job soon as we reckon we are looking around the £300 mark.
Funny thing is at 4 this morning he just went outside and lay down no noise at all. It started at 6.30ish.
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28-01-2013, 10:03 AM
Snap at the times Lynn. This morning I got my woo call at 3.45 am, gave them big brekkie, went back to sleep, next it was 5.45 am, gave them a handful of minced tripe and went back to sleep. Woke up at 9am feeling very woozy due to lack of sleep and have just given them a bit of something again and fed girlies, and all is quiet. Ash has discovered how to get over the baby gate so the 5.45 and 9am wake ups were accompanied by him crashing round with Sasha, she is a gentle little soul, he is like your worst nightmare.
I am wondering if it is someone getting up early because it only seems to happen in the week. Keshi has her ears bolt upright this morning, they have drooped a bit now, but will try and get a piccie of her later if they go back up again. It is strange, I have noticed before, when their ears go up, it tends to be earlier in the day, then they get tired and flop again. One of Ash's keeps standing up and then falls over his eyes and then flops down.
Just watching Sasha, and she has hiccups
Fingers crossed for Kyiro, I don't expect he will get better all at once, he will have good days and bad days, and yesterday's outings will have left him a bit stiff and sore, then he will feel better again and gradually he will have more good days than bad, that's what I hope anjyway!!!
Helena, you have been a tower of strength for Dave and it is no wonder you are beginning to buckle at the knees, because where is YOUR tower for YOU to lean on. I really hope he appreciates it all when he is out of the dark dark woods and the sun is appearing over the rooftops once more.
Hope Gordon gets good news on the job front Lynn and you can stop worrying soon.
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28-01-2013, 10:19 AM
Three pages of G'morning already! Thought I'd cracked it yesterday remembering to log in early enough to catch it but you hadn't posted it yet!

No gloating about Cyprus weather today - torrential rain and deafening thunder out there (Bella is hiding under the bed).

Good news is - got the all clear from the doc today for the spider bite. And he gave me a stock of tiny dot dressings for it and, best of all said 'you don't have to pay me today' yay!

Not so good news - the day started well and I planned to drive over to Napa this afternoon and see and hopefully buy a nice rug someone is selling on the buy sell forum. Two probs - forum has gone down in the weather so no contact now and I ain't driving ANYWHERE in this.
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28-01-2013, 10:31 AM
Morning Lynn,Morning all

Cold and wet here this morning,
Taken Luke to his jobcentre appointment and just got back,O/H had another rough night Used O/H's car as it's been standing for 2 weeks as he can't use it, and it was running low on fuel,so will take it out again tomorrow and put some in.

Nothing else planned for today apart from the usual,just put my second load of washing on,first load is in the dryer don't think there is much chance of pegging it out today.

Have a good day all x
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28-01-2013, 10:54 AM
It's funny Lynn, Loki has never been particularly bothered by females but the last few days he's been going strange over the fields, pulling on the lead and sniffing in the same areas. He completely ignored me this morning when off lead, even when I shouted "bye" and hid.

Well, the dentist has put another repair on Michael's tooth. This time he cried a little bit because they sprayed water in his mouth and used suction, even though he had his daddy to lie on (he's Daddy's boy through and through ). Worse though, she said there is a chance the tooth may die in a few months and he'd have to have it removed under anaesthetic.

Teeth are so vulnerable, what a stupid place to have them, where they can be so easily damaged! Being two, Michael falls over a lot and I'm trying not to be overly fussy about him running around, but it's hard.

I am so careful with the children's teeth too, with sugary foods and brushing. A little girl of 5 had to have four teeth removed because they were rotten.

I'm rambling now. It's the extra cup of coffee.

I forgot to say to have a good day before.
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28-01-2013, 11:21 AM
Originally Posted by Helena54 View Post
Morning Gerry An electric bike??? Does that mean you don't have to pedal??? I want one of those please!!! Point me in the direction if you can
Morning H, You can pedal if you want to and it's like having a helping hand, I can concentrate on the dogs and not pedalling when I have to!
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28-01-2013, 11:35 AM
I woke up dreading today and now I am HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY
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28-01-2013, 12:22 PM
Good morning fellow members cold and wet here but at least most of the snow has gone.

I needed to collect a prescription from the Dr and had to go the long way around because the flood gates have been installed , a warning of worse things to come I fear. Thank goodness I am on high ground.

Off to tackle the ironing now and to make a pudding of damson and apple for baby Hannah who will be here all day tomorrow.

Enjoy your day every one
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28-01-2013, 01:52 PM
Originally Posted by Norma808 View Post
Morning all
Not a bad day here so far ,rain forecast for later today
Sorry Dillon had you up so early hopefully just a little blip ,nanny nap in order
Hope Pepsi ,s tummy settles down and is better soon.
Sorry Dave,s down in the dumps I'm sure you'll pull it back together for him (you just look after yourself to don't let the beggars drag you down easier said than done )
HUGEEEEE hugs to Kyiro hope all goes well at the vets
Lucky Star
Hope you get something sorted for Michael at the dentist brave boy can't stand them myself I'm such a wimp when I go
Anyone else iv missed have a good day take care
Of to take madam Gemma for a walk and post the rather large Ck to the insurance company suppose its got to be done !
Not much on today ironing to do which I HATE maybe I could just leave it an a magic fairy will turn up ????
Have a good day all
Afternoon Norma good luck with the ironing.

Originally Posted by Jackbox View Post
Morning all, sorry to hear Dillon is up to his tricks again Lynn.the boys full of hormones

H, sorry Dave is not good at the mo, hope things work out OK for you both

Everyone else, hope your doggies are all OK, and those that are not, get better soon.

Not much going on here today as yet...

Have a good one folks xx
Afternoon Jackie hormones who'd have em hey.
Originally Posted by tawneywolf View Post
Snap at the times Lynn. This morning I got my woo call at 3.45 am, gave them big brekkie, went back to sleep, next it was 5.45 am, gave them a handful of minced tripe and went back to sleep. Woke up at 9am feeling very woozy due to lack of sleep and have just given them a bit of something again and fed girlies, and all is quiet. Ash has discovered how to get over the baby gate so the 5.45 and 9am wake ups were accompanied by him crashing round with Sasha, she is a gentle little soul, he is like your worst nightmare.
I am wondering if it is someone getting up early because it only seems to happen in the week. Keshi has her ears bolt upright this morning, they have drooped a bit now, but will try and get a piccie of her later if they go back up again. It is strange, I have noticed before, when their ears go up, it tends to be earlier in the day, then they get tired and flop again. One of Ash's keeps standing up and then falls over his eyes and then flops down.
Just watching Sasha, and she has hiccups
Fingers crossed for Kyiro, I don't expect he will get better all at once, he will have good days and bad days, and yesterday's outings will have left him a bit stiff and sore, then he will feel better again and gradually he will have more good days than bad, that's what I hope anjyway!!!
Helena, you have been a tower of strength for Dave and it is no wonder you are beginning to buckle at the knees, because where is YOUR tower for YOU to lean on. I really hope he appreciates it all when he is out of the dark dark woods and the sun is appearing over the rooftops once more.
Hope Gordon gets good news on the job front Lynn and you can stop worrying soon.
Afternoon June I htink there are fair few of us who feel we need some good news especially financially lately.
Oh that naughty Ash all the others will be following suit soon.
I hope you feel better soon.
Originally Posted by Tangutica View Post
Three pages of G'morning already! Thought I'd cracked it yesterday remembering to log in early enough to catch it but you hadn't posted it yet!

No gloating about Cyprus weather today - torrential rain and deafening thunder out there (Bella is hiding under the bed).

Good news is - got the all clear from the doc today for the spider bite. And he gave me a stock of tiny dot dressings for it and, best of all said 'you don't have to pay me today' yay!

Not so good news - the day started well and I planned to drive over to Napa this afternoon and see and hopefully buy a nice rug someone is selling on the buy sell forum. Two probs - forum has gone down in the weather so no contact now and I ain't driving ANYWHERE in this.
Afternoon Pat. We have rain too I can pretend I am in Cyprus.
Good news about the spider bite not so good news about the rug.

Originally Posted by Sal View Post
Morning Lynn,Morning all

Cold and wet here this morning,
Taken Luke to his jobcentre appointment and just got back,O/H had another rough night Used O/H's car as it's been standing for 2 weeks as he can't use it, and it was running low on fuel,so will take it out again tomorrow and put some in.

Nothing else planned for today apart from the usual,just put my second load of washing on,first load is in the dryer don't think there is much chance of pegging it out today.

Have a good day all x
Afternoon Sal sorry to hear OH had a bad night again.

Originally Posted by Minihaha View Post
Good morning fellow members cold and wet here but at least most of the snow has gone.

I needed to collect a prescription from the Dr and had to go the long way around because the flood gates have been installed , a warning of worse things to come I fear. Thank goodness I am on high ground.

Off to tackle the ironing now and to make a pudding of damson and apple for baby Hannah who will be here all day tomorrow.

Enjoy your day every one
Afternoon Mini I hope you do not get the floods you are fearing.
The pudding sounds delicous.
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28-01-2013, 01:53 PM
Why why why are you happy happy happy?
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