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21-05-2013, 09:48 AM
Lynne - it was Da Booga who fell off the bed this time, not me - nearly gave me a heart attack though as the only times she has fallen off the bed before are during a seizure.

I only fell off last time because I was trying to reach my feet to cut my toe nails!
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21-05-2013, 10:59 AM
Quick update - my day off has gone haywire. My son is still here as two of his clients have had to cancel and my brother phoned to say he's coming down Love them both dearly but had planned what I was going to do

See you all much later.
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21-05-2013, 11:29 AM
Originally Posted by Lucky Star View Post

It's a bit misty here but I hope it will clear. I seeded the lawn on Sunday and vowed to keep Loki and the children off it but that proved impossible and they were all racing around on it yesterday afternoon. My poor lawn looks like a scrub land.

Loki's trip to the vets went well, thank you for asking. She gave him a thorough check-up (you never get that at the GP! ) and couldn't find anything wrong with his legs or paws to have caused him to yelp or scratch. She took his blood and we are waiting for the results. She also apologised for the mix-up the other day and said it was a locum vet dealing with it that day. No fits.

I'm taking my mum shopping this morning and I really ought to clean the house.

Have a super day.
Afternoon Linda. I remember the state of lawns well when my two boys were young and constantly playing football on it with their friends. No dogs then.
I think you are flogging a dead horse there.
Glad Loki is ok.

Originally Posted by Tangutica View Post
Morning all.

I have given up saying I haven't read all the posts or kept up with everyone's situation now. Sometimes read through it all later but by then it's far too much to comment on - and mostly others have said what I'd have said anyway!

Damp misty muggy start to the day here today. I have no idea WHY I couldn't get to sleep last night but I couldn't. I got up about 3 times and ended up watching a whole series from the boxed set of 'Teachers' that my sis brought over for me. Was still awake when it got light at about 5.30 but just stayed in bed then until around 8 when I took muttley out. Surprisingly don't feel too half dead today but will make every effort NOT to nap as I don't want to be awake all night tonight as well.

Neighbour just popped in to borrow something to wear for a wedding. By the time we'd dragged out everything I had that might do the job it made me think that perhaps it wouldn't matter so much if I can't find anything for my son's wedding in July - I'll wear something I already have! (I've been a bit anxious about finding something as I am crap at shopping for clothes for myself).

Was rearranging furniture yesterday and cleaning and sorting out my verandah storage chests. So was surprised I wasn't tired enough to sleep last night. Didn't do any work on the computer in the end so will put in an hour or so later.

Think I will brave a bit of food shopping now as I've used up just about everything I could find to save me going to the dreaded shops and eaten some very odd meals in the last few days comprised of my fridge/freezer remnants!

So it's off to the supermarket the other side of the airport with me. I've given up on Town until these roadworks are not such a nightmare. Keep ending up going somewhere other than where I set out to go. When I return the plan was to lie outside on a sunbed with a book.

I've been re-reading 'Are You Somebody?' the Memoirs of Nuala O'Faolain, Irish Journalist and Broadcaster who died about 8 yrs ago.

Reading some of the accounts on here of members who have family approaching the end of their life - has brought to mind what Nuala said when diagnosed with terminal cancer in her 60s when refusing chemo, she said she had decided not to go undergo chemotherapy as her life had "turned black" adding "I don’t want more time. As soon as I heard I was going to die, the goodness went from life".

When my father was diagnosed and given 6 months to live he too was adamant he did not want to undergo chemo just to extend his life by a short period. I and others were on at him saying it was just the shock of the prognosis and he might see it differently.

I now regret that because he did go for the chemo - he didn't even last the six months. He was taken in for a couple of days and given one bout of chemo and sent home, returned 3 weeks later for the second bout and died in the hospital while he was there. So, if you like, the last couple of months of his life were spent on constant doctor and hospital visits and treatment. He may of course have changed his mind anyway without any encouragement - who knows?

How people deal with death and impending death, whether their own or a loved one's will be different for everyone and I believe there is no 'right way' or 'wrong way'. But there still seems to be a lot of guilt attached to talking about death (where it concerns someone who is still living) and it also it is 'frowned upon' for you to talk about your own demise - something I tell my kids not to be stupid about. Just not 'talking about' my dying will not result in me living forever!
Afternoon Pat you may well be taking a nanny nap now in the sun bed on the verandah.
I hope the shopping went well.

Originally Posted by Jackbox View Post
Morning all, a dull day here, off to the dentist this morning,,,, not my favourite past time!

Hope everyone is OK , and problems are sorted soon.

Have a good day all.....xx
Afternoon Jackie I hope the dentist went well.

Originally Posted by Malka View Post

I do wish I could remember who said what but as I cannot remember what I did five minutes ago it is not surprising.

The least said about Da Booga the better - suffice it to say that half an hour after we went to bed [and I am one of the lucky people who usually zonk off as soon as I get my pillow comfy] I got the "gotta go pee" nags. Then she had what seemed like hours of fidgeting and kicking [me] and generally being unsettled, ending up falling off the bed and I thought oh 'eck, earwig o again but it was from the fidgets and not from another nasty.

I honestly do not remember getting up to give her her 7am pills but I must have done as they are missing from her pill box in the kitchen, anyhow I got in nearly another three hours' sleep so I cannot really complain.

Gotta bit of a problem though as the handle fell off the outside of the front door when I went to close it after Da Booga came in at whatever o'clock it was, and as the door opens outwards it has to be closed by pulling it shut by the handle from the inside - and with the outside handle falling off, the inside one pulled out...

We make a great pair, my little bungalow and I - both ancient and both falling to pieces!

Right - coffee and ketchup time - hope I have not missed anything drastic happening and that everyone is OK.
Afternoon Malka what a nuisance the door handle falling off and Pereg falling off the bed. I hope the door handle problem doesn't cause too many problems.

Originally Posted by Nippy View Post
Brrrrr did I miss summer it is like autumn today.
Lynn, I'm off to Lidl today too they have got some reasonable weather stations and my other one has packed up. (I love Lidl )
Jenny enjoy your day.
Morning Lore.
Helena you sound much brighter this morning, good news about your booking too. If your house hadn't been cleaned for a month it would still impress me
Oooo Bev I want a Toby breakfast but instead we are having a Crown carvery lunch Hope your tooth improves and that Lily will brighten up.
Morning Moyra.
LS pleased to hear that Loki is fit free and I hope he will be ok today.
Morning Tang, I thought you had started early with lending neighbours clothes then remember the time difference I think we all feel we will live forever! Brian has had a bad night thinking of his sister who died yesterday. The fact that she was in Canada made it even harder
Morning Jackie
Oh dear Malka you do sound in a pickle!

Sorry if all this sounds disjointed, I had a phone call in the middle from my son. He has seen the GP had more bloods, an ECG and now they have actually said that they are fairly sure that he has had a stroke
Can anything else go wrong?
Afternoon Jenny sorry to hear the news about your son. I hope you enjoy your carvery lunch.

Originally Posted by Taffsmum View Post
Morning all. So sorry to hear your son looks as though he has had a stroke Jenny. At least you know what you are dealing with. ((( hugs)))
Glad you're feeling a bit more cheerful today Helena. It will do you good having visitors tomorrow to take your mind off everything .
Malka be careful you're falling off hat bed way too often.
I'm taking Taff for his boosters this morning & his kennel cough ready for him going in kennels in a fortnight when we go away & then we're going to a posh farm shop. They have a big shop there selling everything & the meat is lovely. They breed & slaughter their own beef for sale. We've not been for absolutely ages so I will enjoy treating myself to some nice treats. ( a sad life I have when food shopping is exciting )
Take care everyone & enjoy your day.
Afternoon Lynne. I hope Taff got on ok with his boosters.
Enjoy the farm shop it makes a change from supermarkets.
Don't worry I get excited about shopping in different places too.

Done Lidl now just the housework to do.
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21-05-2013, 11:44 AM
Afternoon everyone I missed this morning

Moyra, shame that plastic bag ruined Amber's fun this morning, and glad to hear you back is a bit better. Good luck for Steve with another trip to to osteopath, they will hopefully keep him upright.

Bev, sorry you didn't get that breakfast, and I hope Charly is wrong with her feelings about the exams, that would be such a shame, she's worked so hard, but hopefully, it'll all be good results.

TM, oh I love farm butchers too, we have one up the road which is actually a pub, but the other half is a farm shop, in Winchelsea which is part owned by one of the Petshop Boys believe it or not, and their beef is to die for and not expensive either. I know you had the Beatles and suchlike, but we've got Graham Norton here and the Petshop boys lol!

Jen, so sorry to hear the latest about your son, and I think that's what they said about my newphew at the time, but ever since that day, he has been totally fine, but I think he's on meds for the rest of his life now and he's only 20. Good luck with him Jen and try your best to keep positive on this

Jenny, sounds like your day has changed for the better there, nobody likes housework do they?

Pat, that was an interesting read about your relatives and their treatments, it's always been at the back of my mind whether to or not if the time ever came. I'm a great believer in when you're number's up, but then of course, I shouldn't be here if I believed that after they fixed me up 20 years ago! I'm on borrowed time here, luckily!

Sorry, it's all gone out of my head now cos somebody phoned me Nothing important either, unlike posting up on here

I can't make my mind up where to book us for lunch tomorrow, cos I know of this fab place where the food is really good, but it's a 7 mile drive in the other direction and one of the girls will be driving over 100 miles tomorrow I might just stick with the local one that I took them to last time, as I'm too late to book the fish and chips now they're fully booked for 2 weeks!

We went in the woods this morning, it was relatively dry, which surprised me with all the rain we've had, and Zena didn't get too dirty. I've cleaned the whole place, changed my bed, and done all the ironing, and that's enough for me for today, but if the sun comes out later, I'll get that pressure washer out again and do these back steps I've been itching to do.

Nothing else to report, Zena is zonked out having watched me working all morning and she's just had a meaty sausage in her kong, so she's happy.

Might watch a dvd that I can't watch when Dave's here cos he doesn't like the Paranormal, and this one's about a camera team who go in to this haunted place to film something and something terrible happens, it's a true story (allegedly lol!). Mind you, is it wise for me to watch something like this when I'm home alone all week Hmmm, maybe not

Oh well, Jeremy Kyle it is then, that'll send me off to sleep early

Catch you all later and sorry I missed loads but I just can't remember who said what now.
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21-05-2013, 12:40 PM
Originally Posted by Nippy View Post
Brrrrr did I miss summer it is like autumn today.
Lynn, I'm off to Lidl today too they have got some reasonable weather stations and my other one has packed up. (I love Lidl )
Jenny enjoy your day.
Morning Lore.
Helena you sound much brighter this morning, good news about your booking too. If your house hadn't been cleaned for a month it would still impress me
Oooo Bev I want a Toby breakfast but instead we are having a Crown carvery lunch Hope your tooth improves and that Lily will brighten up.
Morning Moyra.
LS pleased to hear that Loki is fit free and I hope he will be ok today.
Morning Tang, I thought you had started early with lending neighbours clothes then remember the time difference I think we all feel we will live forever! Brian has had a bad night thinking of his sister who died yesterday. The fact that she was in Canada made it even harder
Morning Jackie
Oh dear Malka you do sound in a pickle!

Sorry if all this sounds disjointed, I had a phone call in the middle from my son. He has seen the GP had more bloods, an ECG and now they have actually said that they are fairly sure that he has had a stroke
Can anything else go wrong?
Thank you Nippy and big hugs for what you are going through with your son. I hope he will be okay and nothing else will go wrong and will keep you both in my thoughts.

L.S - The description of you newly seeded lawn You never know the seed may still germinate Good news about Loki and fingers crossed for his blood results.


Thank you and I hope all goes well with your visit from your brother.

Originally Posted by Lynn View Post
Afternoon Linda. I remember the state of lawns well when my two boys were young and constantly playing football on it with their friends. No dogs then.
I think you are flogging a dead horse there.
Glad Loki is ok.
Thanks Lynn.

Lawns - yes, I would like to get some grass growing in the bare patches but I just can't keep everyone in, the children love playing outside and Loki likes to join them. Maybe turf is the way to go.

An unexpected bonus - Michael has gone back with my mum and dad for his lunch so I am free to walk Loki and pick up Carys.

I have an awful headache and it does feel muggy and thundery.
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21-05-2013, 02:30 PM
Bone run sorted, girlies sorted and all lay out with a bone each. It was raining here when I set off for the bones, but now I am back and sat down after doing all my bits, the sun is out and it is quite warm.
Have had an email from the lovely guy who has Arctic Storm over in Germany, he is going to start training him with this cart, here is the link he has sent me showing what it is all about. Have never seen these things before, maybe we don't have them in England

Looks great doesn't it, I can't see mine jogging along taking no notice of anything, they'd be off after squirrels or something, will see how Arctic Storm gets on because he is taking him to a proper trainer which will probably make all the difference.
Hope you are feeling a bit more like yourself today Helena and a sleep has done you good. Your friends coming over tomorrow will take you out of yourself I think, and then you have this Dancing Hen thing and Salsa lessons to arrange of course!!!
I don't think all the rain we've had over the last 12 months has helped the lawn grow one bit Linda, I keep buying packets of grass patch seed and sprinkling them on my grass to help it along because of the bald patches, and I don't have children playing football on it so heaven help your grass. Nice to hear you got an explanation and apology from your vet re the scenario with Loki's meds.
Can you get someone to come and fix the door handle for you Malka, otherwise you will end up tying it together with string or something - like I would we never heard anymore about what the border police were doing in your village, did you ever find out what was going on?
Can't believe your family have just mucked up your carefully planned day Jenny, that is just typical isn't it. I'll be trundling along doing what I want and I'll get a phone call asking if I am in etc.....and I have to down tools and dispense coffee etc
Now you know what has happened with your son Nippy you can at least stop wondering what is going on and get to the point where they are going to do something about it.
He is only young and surely that is in his favour if it is a small stroke, lots of people get them and don't even realise what has happened, so I really hope he recovers fully and then you won't worry as much, you'll still worry of course, because we always worry about our children, even when they are parents themselves.
Pat you never stopped yesterday did you, and didn't sleep still, try to stay awake all day and then you will just flop around 9pm and be out for the count.
Hope Charly has done well in her exams, she is bound to be feeling down with Ash going back, and so everything will be pretty negative at the moment. She has worked so very hard I can't believe she won't do well, it is surely just her mindset at present.
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21-05-2013, 02:44 PM
TW I could probably count on the fingers of one hand the number of times I've been in bed by 9pm! I'm a night bird and always have been. I only need 6hrs sleep and only ever have but it's a bit worrying if I don't get even that much. Probably too late to worry on the 'beauty sleep' front mind you!

I did actually doze off on the sunbed but only for about half an hour - I hoiked the huge floor fan outside and had that blowing on me otherwise I'd have been too hot and sticky.

I found an old linen Rip Curl Baseball type cap of Jens and shoved all my hair in that so I had the shade for reading. I think it's permanently attached to my head now and I look like an ageing cartoon character!

I managed to spend about 120 euro in Metro visiting just the deli counter, the booze section and the cooked to go food counter! The flat is now full of nice things to eat and drink. (Restocked on Maple Syrup and bought some Acai Berry Juice and other s'posed to be very good for you drinks too to temper the other stuff!) I am the insane sort of person who will eat spotted dick pud and think it's good for me if I drench it in Maple Syrup lol! (Did that yesterday when scratching round looking for food in here!)
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21-05-2013, 02:53 PM
That cart looks brilliant June. You could send the girls off on their own Bone Run.
Sorry Malka - speed reading.
We took Taff for his boosters. Got there abt. 10 minutes early but I think there was only one vet on & he was running late so we had to it there for nearly 1/2 hour. He got a clean bill of health anyway - said his teeth were good for his age. I got a worming tablet for him as well while I was there. £59.86 altogether for the boosters & kennel cough stuff & wormer.
We then went to the farm shop & spent another load of money. This farm shop started off as two small outside buildings. One for the butchers & one for fruit & veg but a couple of years go they built a huge new 2 storey building with everything under one roof now & incorporating a deli as well & a gift shop upstairs. Even though its in the middle of nowhere it gets really busy.
I got a load of meat, a nice loaf, a big piece of Pizza for lunch & two huge marrow bones free for Taff.
Just come home after this afternoons walk & I've hardly done anything in the house yet. Never mind tomorrow's not touched yet.
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21-05-2013, 03:02 PM
Bought some new potted herbs in the supermart - big pots for about a quid each. Here's the mint and parsley - will be going out on the kitchen windowsill.

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21-05-2013, 03:15 PM
I now have nice solid door handles [outside and inside, of course] on my front door, which makes it - the door - look like a solid one and not the flimsy interior one that it is.

The problem is that the actual door opening is not the width of a standard exterior door - do not ask me why 'cos I have not a clue - so short of having a door made [costa fortune] the only off-the-shelf doors that fit it are narrower interior ones, which are basically a soft wood framework with thick cardboard type stuff covering it each side, and gaps filled in with scriggled thin cardboard.

It would cost far too much to have a solid wooden door made to fit, then it would need priming and glossing blah blah blah, so these doors do until the outside layer starts peeling off and if I have to buy a new one every five or so years it is still the best option for me.

Anyhow, as I say, from the outside the door looks like it is solid because of the really good handles, and it was "oh, while you are here, Nir, would you please fix this... and this... etc" and Nir, being the absolute darlin' that he is, fixed everything.

He had a look at the ensuite which will need more patching along where the walls are fixed [not properly, but then you get what you pay for and the ensuite was a real cheapo job - looks brill though, and no, he did not build it but attaching a new room to an old bungalow and you get subsidence and tiny gaps which needs yearly patching] due to the subsidence. No urgency for that though as he has to come to try to do something with the ensuite roof as it leaks like billyo in heavy rain, but as it is highly unlikely that we will have any more rain for months now, he has the whole summer in which to come and do the patching up when he has time.

Everyone should have someone like Nir - phone him in the morning and he turns up that day. In fact once, when the door lock broke and I could not lock the door [it is not an automatic close door/door locked lock] he left the job he was doing, went and got a new lock and fitted it, then went back to where he was working.

As I say, everyone should be so lucky as to have someone like Nir.
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