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20-07-2013, 12:48 PM
Afternoon all - I'm very late on parade.

I slept so well last night and the dogs didn't get up until after 7.30 which must be a record. We had a lovely medium length walk this morning (40mins) as it is cloudy and cool here ............ blissful and it is so nice to cool the house down too. I actually tackled my ironing pile this morning and having ironed for an hour the pile still looks as big My younger son and OH have been coerced into driving their cars for a wedding of good friends of my son. My OH then drives up to Mallory Park around 4 for a race meeting there tomorrow .......... so this evening and tomorrow I'll have all to myself

L.S.- Did you get to go swimming today in the end or did you bottle out?
Nippy - Have a lovely time at your neices 'post transplant' party. Did you not go to one a few weeks ago?
Malka - Can you not get some more water from the shop opposite just to see you through until the next delivery on Tuesday, or if you can't get to them phone them and see if one of the shop lads can bring some over to you. Water is pretty crucial ..... or have they run out .. or maybe the shop is closed? Sorry what a dreadfully drawn out sentence that was .. I wish I hadn't mentioned it now.
Lynn - I did read all your posts this morning but didn't get on in time to wish you luck with your house search. I do hope today proves the day you find your dream home.
Moyra - I'm so sorry to read about your brother-in-law it doesn't sound good does it My goodness 20 years is a long time and what a saint your sister is not to have 'jumped-ship' years ago. ((((hugs)))) to you and your sister.
Mini - I can smell that bread your baking from here Sorry you didn't get your fruit.
June - Oh no that is disastrous that another dog walker has found your little piece of paradise With all the work going on down there it isn't really surprising though that someone has found a way down to the river to see what all the noise etc has been about. Such a bluddy shame though and I can understand your sorrow at someone else finding it. Your first walk made me smile though with Keshi being very interested in the fishermen's bait boxes.
Helena - Wow that was a fast change-over Good luck viewing and trying that car out. You couldn't be taking a better person with you to check it out Have a lovely weekend as I know you don't come on much any more at weekends.

Hi to anyone else who posted but that I haven't commented on.

Off to do a little more ironing again as the sun is still behind cloud.
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tawneywolf is offline  
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20-07-2013, 12:54 PM
Did some ironing last night Jenny, I now have just a top sheet and fitted bottom sheet to iron, oh and the shorts and t shirts that will be dry by then of course.
I am going to try going down again tomorrow at a different time, it is too hot anyway to take Keshi training, I am so pi$$ed off with it all. The actual waterfall is a good way from the banking I get down into the river, so I don't think it will be that. just probably seeing how low the river is and oh I will take the dog on there, if it was full of water like it usually is no one would even think of doing what I do which is wading through it, because no one realises it is pretty shallow in certain places.
Off now to buy a new gentle leader for Lona, thank goodness it was her because she has fantastic recall but when Cariad is about egging her on she forgets that, this time thank goodness she didn't, and even Cariad wasn't that bad, but didn't want to take the risk, as far as the girls are concerned it is 'their territory' and if I had had all 4 there would have been certain handbags!!!!!!
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20-07-2013, 01:44 PM
Afternoon all,

Not had much of a chance to do much online today. Been out shopping for crickets. Yes...crickets. For the new members of our family George and Lenny. They are quite funny, so far George has head bobbed my foot, the dog, his reflection in our stainless steel bin, and the crickets oh, and just a minute ago a bird on the TV - weird lizard - apparently head bobbing is a sign of dominance. They are entertaining and comical. Poor Lenny is shedding though.

Camp was good, too hot amazingly but still cracking weather. We went to Light water Valley for the day out. Was a lot of fun, I got soaked on the water rides. The only thing I didn't.t like was the food, I think it had to be the least varied diet I have ever had at a cadet camp.

Well, this afternoon I'm taking Davie to get his haircut and pick up my luggage from the detachment. Then the washing starts...
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20-07-2013, 02:02 PM
No Jenny that was when I had the invite and I was telling you about it.
Today is the day I'm about to get into my best bib and tucker!
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Lucky Star
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20-07-2013, 04:04 PM
Jenny - yes we did go. The lady herself was there and nobody seems to have told her about my concerns because she didn't slap me or anything.

I've just cleaned the bathroom - a much needed job after the hot weather and not wanting to go in there much. It has a skylight window with no blind so the sun beats down, and it is jammed with only a cm open.

Carys is watching Harry Potter and making some cards for the teachers and Michael is being a mechanic and helping Daddy with the car.

Loki is being a pain (a good thing after his problems) and I am about to start on our bedroom. I may not reappear for a few years!
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20-07-2013, 04:17 PM
Need to get stuck in to housework myself,am all full of good intentions but its so hot!!Normally put it off till later but it doesn't cool at nite much either, by that time you're wasted cause you spent all day outside.Have filled the mop bucket though,it's just sitting there....waiting
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pamela81 is offline  
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20-07-2013, 04:26 PM
evening everyone. hope you have sll had a good day. barney and I have just been at my parents housevas OH is having to stay over at his folks to watch their 2 german shepherds. its me, the hound and the cats tonight. Relaxing night as its too hot to take Barney for big walks
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20-07-2013, 04:30 PM
Dave's bought me anuvver bimmer It's dark blue, it's the 330 again like I had m-sport (so it's fast!) and best of all, it's the tourer (posh german term for estate). We swapped half way home and once I got in it, oh I was in heaven again, nuffink quite like a bimmer for a fast, comfortable cruise. Now I gotta see if Zena will fit in the back without me having to put the back seats down. The back window opens without having to open the boot, so she can dry herself off on our return from the beach if I leave it open (only jooooooking!!! ). Nice young man, met his 6 month old lab and his wife whilst Dave was busy doing the paperwork, and we got it a grand below list price, so Dave's well happy, but I did all the bartering with him, and he kept having to go indoors to ask his missus (as yer do!) I thought we were going to look at this car for HIM not ME, but he said "it's yours"!!!! I feel all guilty now cos he's still in his rust bucket (not!)

It's old, about 12 years old, but it's still a bimmer and I love bimmer's.....anyone wanna buy an Astra Estate??? 3 cars on the drive again then

June, what a horrible walk you had earlier on today Let's hope it was a one off and they had strayed off the beaten track and won't be using that path again.

Jenny, sounds like you've got the same weather as us today, I feel quite chilly in my vest here with this cool breeze and the sun only peeping out of the clouds now and again, isn't it heaven though!
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20-07-2013, 04:41 PM
Afternoon everyone we are back.

Malka I do hope you got the water issue sorted.
Moyra such a shame about your BIL I hope he passes peacefully when his time comes.
Sorry to hear about the fruit not being at the market Mini. I am sure the bread will more than make up for the lack of fruit.
What a lovely write up from the boys Helena and glad it lifted your spirits.
June what a nightmare about that dog turning up. Sounds like the girlies handled it very well and behaved for you.
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20-07-2013, 04:44 PM
Any news on the house search Lynn?
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