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10-06-2013, 10:14 AM
Originally Posted by Taffsmum View Post
Morning all.
Sod's law isn't it Lynn that somebody will want to buy now that you're not bothered about it. They will probably offer the full price as well.
I would have thought the site owner would be responsible for your drainage probs as well H. You're paying enough in site fees.
My feet could do with a good going over as well Pat. I keep putting it off though, it's too much like hard work these days.
The sun is thinking about coming out here. Much chillier than it has been though. Hope that's not summer we've just had!
I've changed the curtains this morning - they get rotten where Taff brushes against them or leans against them behind my chair. Washed all the paintwork & radiators as well & done 3 loads of washing. Just going to wash the kitchen floor now I've finished my coffee. Back to the old routine after the hols now.
I forgot to mention. That man who was filming my Grandaughter got his sentence last Friday. 8 weeks suspended for 12 months & put on the sex offenders list for 5 years. Hardly worth putting G/daughter through the trial twice. At least it's all over now & she can put it behind her.
Off to wash the floor now
Have a good day everyone.
Morning Lynne. I bet you missed that cooked breakfast this morning.
Good luck with all the housework I have got to get myself back into housework mode proper housework mode not just enough to satisfy me now we have a viewer tomorrow.
Not sure how I feel about it all now.
The sentence doesn't seem worth it does it but at least he is on that sex offenders register now for at least 5 years.
Mud sticks so it will it do him no favours in the long run. So your Granddaughters bravery will of helped many other young girls and possibly boys in the future.

Originally Posted by Kazz View Post
Good Lord looks like my birthday day has caused a mixture of concern/confusion and surprises.....Lynn I think your house being sold is like looking for another job always easier when you don't need it urgently then everything is magnified and now you are less stressed therefore .............a confident seller.
Morning Kazz. I am not so sure about less stressed our heads are in turmoil it makes sense financially if we do move for the future in case the contract isn't renewed neither of us can live through this again. But we had got use to staying for now.
Oh well what will be will be she hasn't viewed yet let alone made an offer.
Have a lovely birthday with the lovely Bella.
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10-06-2013, 10:56 AM
Originally Posted by Tangutica View Post
I decided a footsoak and pedicure was in order and long overdue - you know you are getting older when a home pedicure is no longer a luxury treat but more of a major CHORE! Nails getting tougher year by year, hard skin appearing in places where you didn't know you had places and just the bending over to cut nails feels like you will either twist your stomach or put your back out lol!

LOl, I have the same problem, so Inow sit on one high stool and put each foot up on another one in front of me to save my back,otherwise I just can't reach them anymore, well not without doing myself further injury

Money problems are horrible. But avoiding talking about them makes them worse. Is there a possibility Dave just FORGOT he said he'd pay?
But whose van is it anyway? Is it a jointly owned venture? Who will get the financial benefit from renting it out?
*did you know about the drainage problem when you bought it?
All I can say is I hope you get less rain in the UK this year than last year.
I do have some past experience of trying to sort out a badly drained garden lawn using DIY methods. Started with making holes all over and filling with sharp sand. Useless. Moved on to laying some drainage pipes as per DIY recommendations. Also useless. My advice is to wait until you can afford a pro job not to waste any money trying to put a plaster on the problem. Apart from maybe some strategically placed stepping stones and maybe a ton of gravel on the worst areas. Having 'got away from grass' for some years now I will never return to having any - wherever I live. I now wish I had back all the years I spent mowing, strimming, edging, clearing up and dumping the cuttings - not to mention waiting for it to be dry enough to cut and even more waiting for it to be dry enough to sit out on in the UK!

I don't have money problems, but I'm saving hard for our little nest egg for the future and I'm darned if I'm gonna throw more money at this van. Dave bought it, but he put it in joint names, and all I do is the letting of it, and I take the money for said nest egg, but as I've already spent nearly £2K on setting it up inside, I'm boogered if I'm gonna throw more at it if I can get away with a much cheaper, quick fix job. Interesting how you say the pipework didn't work in your garden cos that's what they were going to do. Gravel is good for diverting and slowing down water, and then I will chuck some stepping stones on it for a walkway through the gate andto the steps, sorted! Yes, Dave would give me the money if I "reminded" him of what he said originally, but he seems to think because I run all the finances I've got this big money pit somewhere which I don't:twisted:
Just had a 2nd walk with Zena cos we're back to normal now being a week-day and she does love to go in those woods twice. I find on this 2nd walk she spends a lot more time sniffing about, not so interested in ball chucking which is also good.

Well, what a morning. The workmen mailed me back saying no worries, they would just do the one day and do what I wanted up at the van. Went into local Jewsons, told him what I want to do (well, not me, but the muscle men I've got coming tomorrow), and I've ordered all the stuff, hopefully it'll be delivered today so that it's there for an early start for the lads.

Went up the park and saw the manager, who said all is ok for this new project. Then I saw their head maintenance man and he explained to me that this is all over the park, worse than our van in most places, cos it's a forest and that's what forests do, let off lots of water underground. He thinks it's a good idea what I've thought of with the gravel and he said when it's done, he will get a couple of his guys to just dig a 6" trench all the way along the side of the van behind the steps to take any water that wants to flow anywhere. Very nice man! So, all in all, that's sorted, but I'm not telling Dave about my new plan, I don't want to stress him out at work or worry him about it, it'll all be done and no worries for the guests arriving (just so long as it doesn't rain Nah, it'll be fine).

Kazz, Happy Birthday to you today have a lovely time.xx

Moyra, sorry to hear you're both still suffering with those bad backs.

Lynn, oooooh somebody coming to view the house? Good news there then, they can take it or leave itnow huh?

TM, I bet you're missing those slap up brekkies now that you're back home aren't you, and yes, the park is sorting something out for me after I've done my bit. They won't do it all though, it's like getting a blood out of a stone with that lot up there, we're lucky we got all this expensive fencing done if I'm honest in that price we got it for, so can't complain.

Will catch up with everyone else after lunch cos I missed a page lol!
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10-06-2013, 11:03 AM
Hi all.
Lynn I'd try not to worry about it too much for now, you're in an excellent position, so you can probably wait for an asking price offer, or stay! If she makes an offer then you have something to think about i guess!

I've been for my run and cleaned the oven as I leave this house on friday.

meant to be going to dartmoor and we agreed to wait till noon to leave for one of the people who is packing, but surprise surprise they aren't ready!
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10-06-2013, 11:11 AM
Walk one was a success, the two naughty ones are in the garden as we speak. I have left their collars on just in case. Walk two coming up, adding Chico to the mix as he can be a catalyst when trouble is involved!

Fingers crossed that harmony is restored!
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10-06-2013, 11:41 AM
Took the dogs out with my son for an hours walk and hopefully they will settle now as no access to the garden for them until the decorators have gone around 5. I've spent an hour with my OH moving two boats from round the side of the house and clearing the area for the decorators ....... ooh so much to do outside but have to wait for all the painting to finish.

Hi Moyra, I am so sorry that your back is still bad .... you must be so tired with the pain. (((hugs)))

Mini - I hope Chloe enjoys her 'hair appointment' with you I expect you love having the grandchildren but it must be tiring.

Harvey - So its not just us with the dull weather . The trouble is we keep getting little 'tasters' of summer but then it gets snatched away again. Enjoy your day.

Lynn - It's called 'sods-law' suddenly having interest in the house. I assume it would be ideal to be mortgage free but such an upheaval if you don't really know what area to move to and whether it is necessary

Pat - Is the lake drying up through an unusual lack of rain or heat or does it tend to dry up every year? Aren't our dogs lucky, fed, watered, walked and then back to bed ..... Oh for us to be so lucky.

Helena - I'm glad you've got a plan and have sorted tomorrow out for the arrival of your hunky men. Maybe Zena spends more time sniffing on your second walk from other dogs having been there prior to her Its nice to get back in to a routine again after the weekend. I hope you get a nap this afternoon ..... crucial for us weary people.

Moet - That's a relief that your 'naughty' dogs appear to have sorted their argument out ... hopefully peace will reign again throughout your house.

I'm sure I've missed some of you out but in spite of reading all the posts I've forgotten what I've read now .... sorry it's nothing personal.
See you later.
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10-06-2013, 11:46 AM
Originally Posted by Lynn View Post
Would you Adam & Eve it just coming out of the woods with Dillon and Gorden has his phone to his ear listening to a voicemail. From the EA well actually the bloke who owns the EA. A young lady just on their mailing list lives in Enfield first time buyer and wants a house on the Fennells.
Now we have printed plans of what we want to do with the garden as we had decided we were staying but if we sell we will go mortgage free so now where to go as wherever it is in the price range we can go mortgage free it will mean Gorden staying in London for 4 nights and 5 days for this new job.
Our heads are in a muddle now.
Thing is if we do go and can be mortgage free it means we won't be worrying about what happens if this contract isn't renewed.
We are thinking Cambridgeshire possibly the edge of Lincolnshire, Suffolk or Norfolk.
She wanted tonight at 5ish which we can't do as we have the BT engineer coming between 1&6 to upgrade our broadband for free and we are collecting Mark with the big ladders and need my car for that job.
You all said this would happen. As we are not in the position of necessarily needing to sell quite so urgent now we will stick to the asking price as near as possible.

Watch this space.
Oh yes I would Adam and Eve it Lynn, seems like you've now got your own little dilema to sort out then with this new viewing. One thing I would advise is, the most important aspect of the "where" you would go is for Gorden to get to his new job, irrespective of whether the contract is renewed or not, he would have to do that journey twice a week so make it a good one for him. Dave's a year down the line with his journey here and back each week, just like Gorden will be doing, and he's already fed up with it, BUT, we had no choice, we wanted to be mortgage free and this little gem I found here would be £400K or more in West Sussex, so it would never have been, we'd be living in a rabbit hutch near his works, so the journey has to be. You would feel so much more secure if you could do it mortgage free somehow, somewhere.

I worked out at the week-end a little comparison of living in a static on the park or staying put here, and believe it or not, we can live here for £100 a week all in , that's the telly, insurances, water, gas, electric, council tax the lot, whereas the park of course, has an annual ground rent so bumps the annual cost of living up, just like having a mortgage, it's no different really cos the rent over there is £4,500 per annum, but I know where I'd rather be Dave has now gone off the idea of moving into a static in 2 year's time, we're staying put. Whether we and Zena can eat and get about of course, is another matter cos I didn't include that type of living expenses cos it'd be the same in either place.

Good luck with the lady, but at least you're not desperate now and can hang on for that price if she wants it can't you.
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10-06-2013, 11:54 AM
Originally Posted by jenny.g View Post
Took the dogs out with my son for an hours walk and hopefully they will settle now as no access to the garden for them until the decorators have gone around 5. I've spent an hour with my OH moving two boats from round the side of the house and clearing the area for the decorators ....... ooh so much to do outside but have to wait for all the painting to finish.

Helena - I'm glad you've got a plan and have sorted tomorrow out for the arrival of your hunky men. Maybe Zena spends more time sniffing on your second walk from other dogs having been there prior to her Its nice to get back in to a routine again after the weekend. I hope you get a nap this afternoon ..... crucial for us weary people.

See you later.
Hi Jenny, it must be getting quite frustrating having those painters in day in day out, I like to get 'em in and get 'em out quick lol! I hate my routine being upset, especially if it involves having people hanging around inside or out, I vant to be aloooooone!!! Yes, a nap is crucial, especially when you've been awake "organising" something all night like I have, but I think I've decided right here, and as long as they turn up tomorrow all should be fine, otherwise, I'll have big bags of building materials sat on the drive, with the guy's car parked in somebody else's drive next door (it's ok though cos it's a for sale van). What won't be happening is, ME doing the work, that's a dead cert Wish me luck cos it's not over till Wednesday and there's a day inbetween! I also have the garden furniture arriving tomorrow here, which went "missing" at the depot, and I can't be in 2 places at the same time. Now there's a thought, then again, I don't think I'd want that,I'd be even busier than I am now Glad you got a nice hour's walk with the boys and hope they're tired enough to settle like Zena is now, ahhhhh bliss
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10-06-2013, 12:41 PM
Originally Posted by Helena54 View Post
Just had a 2nd walk with Zena cos we're back to normal now being a week-day and she does love to go in those woods twice. I find on this 2nd walk she spends a lot more time sniffing about, not so interested in ball chucking which is also good.

Well, what a morning. The workmen mailed me back saying no worries, they would just do the one day and do what I wanted up at the van. Went into local Jewsons, told him what I want to do (well, not me, but the muscle men I've got coming tomorrow), and I've ordered all the stuff, hopefully it'll be delivered today so that it's there for an early start for the lads.

Went up the park and saw the manager, who said all is ok for this new project. Then I saw their head maintenance man and he explained to me that this is all over the park, worse than our van in most places, cos it's a forest and that's what forests do, let off lots of water underground. He thinks it's a good idea what I've thought of with the gravel and he said when it's done, he will get a couple of his guys to just dig a 6" trench all the way along the side of the van behind the steps to take any water that wants to flow anywhere. Very nice man! So, all in all, that's sorted, but I'm not telling Dave about my new plan, I don't want to stress him out at work or worry him about it, it'll all be done and no worries for the guests arriving (just so long as it doesn't rain Nah, it'll be fine).

Kazz, Happy Birthday to you today have a lovely time.xx

Moyra, sorry to hear you're both still suffering with those bad backs.

Lynn, oooooh somebody coming to view the house? Good news there then, they can take it or leave itnow huh?

TM, I bet you're missing those slap up brekkies now that you're back home aren't you, and yes, the park is sorting something out for me after I've done my bit. They won't do it all though, it's like getting a blood out of a stone with that lot up there, we're lucky we got all this expensive fencing done if I'm honest in that price we got it for, so can't complain.

Will catch up with everyone else after lunch cos I missed a page lol!
Good news then Helena you have a plan see I knew you would. Also got those men eating out of your hands almost anyway every little helps.
Originally Posted by EmmiS View Post
Hi all.
Lynn I'd try not to worry about it too much for now, you're in an excellent position, so you can probably wait for an asking price offer, or stay! If she makes an offer then you have something to think about i guess!

I've been for my run and cleaned the oven as I leave this house on friday.

meant to be going to dartmoor and we agreed to wait till noon to leave for one of the people who is packing, but surprise surprise they aren't ready!
Afternoon E not worrying too much about it now.
I hope the person holding you up gets a move on. You think with the offer of a lift they would at least have the good manners to be ready on time.
Enjoy Dartmoor when you get there.

Originally Posted by moetmum View Post
Walk one was a success, the two naughty ones are in the garden as we speak. I have left their collars on just in case. Walk two coming up, adding Chico to the mix as he can be a catalyst when trouble is involved!

Fingers crossed that harmony is restored!
Hello again Geri glad the walk went ok hope the next one goes as well.

Originally Posted by jenny.g View Post
Took the dogs out with my son for an hours walk and hopefully they will settle now as no access to the garden for them until the decorators have gone around 5. I've spent an hour with my OH moving two boats from round the side of the house and clearing the area for the decorators ....... ooh so much to do outside but have to wait for all the painting to finish.

Hi Moyra, I am so sorry that your back is still bad .... you must be so tired with the pain. (((hugs)))

Mini - I hope Chloe enjoys her 'hair appointment' with you I expect you love having the grandchildren but it must be tiring.

Harvey - So its not just us with the dull weather . The trouble is we keep getting little 'tasters' of summer but then it gets snatched away again. Enjoy your day.

Lynn - It's called 'sods-law' suddenly having interest in the house. I assume it would be ideal to be mortgage free but such an upheaval if you don't really know what area to move to and whether it is necessary

Pat - Is the lake drying up through an unusual lack of rain or heat or does it tend to dry up every year? Aren't our dogs lucky, fed, watered, walked and then back to bed ..... Oh for us to be so lucky.

Helena - I'm glad you've got a plan and have sorted tomorrow out for the arrival of your hunky men. Maybe Zena spends more time sniffing on your second walk from other dogs having been there prior to her Its nice to get back in to a routine again after the weekend. I hope you get a nap this afternoon ..... crucial for us weary people.

Moet - That's a relief that your 'naughty' dogs appear to have sorted their argument out ... hopefully peace will reign again throughout your house.

I'm sure I've missed some of you out but in spite of reading all the posts I've forgotten what I've read now .... sorry it's nothing personal.
See you later.
Afternoon jenny glad you enjoyed your walk and fingers crossed the dogs settle. Its taken Dillon an age his routine has been upset.
What a lot of work preparing for the decorators.

Originally Posted by Helena54 View Post
Oh yes I would Adam and Eve it Lynn, seems like you've now got your own little dilema to sort out then with this new viewing. One thing I would advise is, the most important aspect of the "where" you would go is for Gorden to get to his new job, irrespective of whether the contract is renewed or not, he would have to do that journey twice a week so make it a good one for him. Dave's a year down the line with his journey here and back each week, just like Gorden will be doing, and he's already fed up with it, BUT, we had no choice, we wanted to be mortgage free and this little gem I found here would be £400K or more in West Sussex, so it would never have been, we'd be living in a rabbit hutch near his works, so the journey has to be. You would feel so much more secure if you could do it mortgage free somehow, somewhere.

I worked out at the week-end a little comparison of living in a static on the park or staying put here, and believe it or not, we can live here for £100 a week all in , that's the telly, insurances, water, gas, electric, council tax the lot, whereas the park of course, has an annual ground rent so bumps the annual cost of living up, just like having a mortgage, it's no different really cos the rent over there is £4,500 per annum, but I know where I'd rather be Dave has now gone off the idea of moving into a static in 2 year's time, we're staying put. Whether we and Zena can eat and get about of course, is another matter cos I didn't include that type of living expenses cos it'd be the same in either place.

Good luck with the lady, but at least you're not desperate now and can hang on for that price if she wants it can't you.
It is a dilemma Helena we are at the moment looking at Suffolk an easy drive for me and I know the back ways round when coming to Essex if the motorway gets jammed.
For Gorden once out of London it s the A12 and the M11 but he will probably train it up each time and back again as he would have to use the underground if we stay here due to nowhere to park at this job. Thing is the fares will be even more expensive.
Oh well we see what happens tomorrow evening and if she makes an offer what it is and if we are prepared to accept and if not how far she can go to or is prepared to go too.
Better get on with some housework now the BT man has gone he was meant to come between 1 and 6pm but rang to say he was in the area could he come earlier suits me.
So we now have super fast broadband all free courtesy of BT.
My carrot dangling in front of me is a cup of coffee and choccie biccie.
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10-06-2013, 12:51 PM
Good afternoon, just popping in...

Had a great weekend, got some flooring down and some pictures on the wall, only been waiting five years... but we are getting there....

Eversuffering husband is away all week, so I do sympathise with you, he has done it for the last three years, he is a trucker, so only has a small tin can to live in all week, but he loves do I when he goes over the water and brings me some lurverly french red wine home...and I do try to keep things nice and sweet for when he is home, which is only six days a month, cept when he is home on holiday.

Hope all goes well for all who are doing "stuff" this week and the weather picks up and summer finds her way here at some point this year....

I am cleaning my van out, and hoping to take the dogs out later, but I think another cuppa is first....
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10-06-2013, 01:11 PM
Afternoon all
All dogs walked now n having a much needed cuppa
What a day so far ,finished work later than I thought as gave a hand out with some cleaning ,
One of the housemaids quit your never going to believe her reasonIT WAS SPOILING HER NAILS ,apparently she only took the job as the benefits office was giving her hassle
Thankfully someone starting on Wed
Could you credit some folk ,especially when there's folk desperate for work (sorry rant over )
Hope everyone's having a good day
Very dull n thundery here
Better get on with some boring housework ,not before I've had another reviving coffee
Enjoy the rest of your day everyone hope to catch you all later
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