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12-06-2013, 11:43 AM
Afternoon all Yep, smiling again cos my nightmare has now almost ended up at that blimmin van!

I got no phone call, so I was assuming that bag was still there Couldn't resist any longer, so rang him.He said they lifted it, the bag split, and it went all over the driveway Then he said he was lying just to get me back for yesterday when I told him I was home in the dry last time I rang him when he was still there digging away in the pouring rain!!!

Said he'd be finished in an hour. I raced up to Asda to get my veggies, and outside, they had these beautiful 4ft tall stick plants, with pretty pale green leaves with pink on them, they're called Flamingo something or other, and they were only £9 each I took 4 then decided on 5, which I'd got 8 now!!! Went into pay for them before loading them up and had a good laugh with the salesgirl as I appeared behind her holding one of them Bought a jumbo lot of cakes and asked for one of their special big boxes to put them all in and they kindly obliged. I sorted them out in the car into said box, whilst I raced back up to the park. I collared all the maintenance guys as they were arriving in the tractor, told them about the cakes, they jumped out the tractor and headed for the office where I'd left them, then they came back out to thank me profusely and said they cursed me yesterday when they lifted that bdooly heavy bag

Drove down to the van, and said to my yung mann, "just when you think you're finished, take a look in my boot"!! We positioned them along the back of the short fence at the front,and then 2 either side of the drive, and I left him busy digging more holes, told him how much he loves digging these holes,paid him a good wage in cash and came home.

Chicken in the oven, nothing to worry about now, except to get some topsoil in bags, some new turf for around the new pathway where he's ruined it and I need to slope it down, and then some stepping stones in the gravel - sorted! I will do this Friday when Dave is here to do the lifting and sort that guttering out.

Everyone is happy, including me, and when my guy gets back from his holiday and pays me the rent for this past week, he will in fact be paying for all this work I've just had done lol!

Pat, you have me down to a tee there - I have the picture in my head and woe betide any workman that ruins it!!! I'm a Virgo though, I just can't help it I'm afraid, we are perfectionists and critical to the point of it being painful! We'd get on well though cos I'm a morning person too, I've had it by 2pm, but would rather be up with the lark and get on and get done.

Lynn, OMG, that child and what he did to Dillon there Why do they do that Little David next door gets rough with Zena sometimes and grabs her head instead of the ball rope to play and I have to tell him off and that she'll bite him! She won'tof course, but she's not used to that kind of rough handling same as Dillon isn't.

Moyra, so sorry you're struggling, keep taking what you can to aleviate it.

Jen, Of course I'm your friend (along with my shishter!!!! ), and there aren't many Helena's around, I never use the "a" on the end apart from on here, and Dave has always called me Jon, but then that's another story!

June, I expect you're thinking about going off on the bone run now after a wholesole brekkie and portion of Jeremey Kyle, I'm a big fan, he can be sooooo funny atm.

Now I've lost the plot with this post cos the postman came, Zena went berserk and the phone was going, but such is my life

Talking of Zena, she was sooooo funny last night just when I wanted to go to bed, she decided it was timefor a game. She was zooming around,flinging her rubber chicken in the air, so I got down on the floor and played with her. At one point I thought she had gone mental on me and was going to bite me but I needn't have worried, cos as she caught my finger with her tooth, she knew she'd done it, and then proceeded to flatten me and smother my face in kisses as I laid helpless on the floor laughing! What would I do without this livewire here I don't know, but could somebody please tell her she'll be 5 in November and it's about time she grew up!!! Nah, I wouldn't want it

Roast chicken beckons, sorry for everybody I've forgotten but I've had a bit of a "morning"here
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12-06-2013, 11:49 AM
Oh phew thank goodness your nightmare is over.

Poor Dillon god did my heart stop for a second. Thank goodness I never take my eye off the ball.
The lovely Zena thank goodness you have her. I can't believe she will be 5 soon.

Now back to Dave calling you Jon. You forgot to mention you might be a Tranny. (Only joking).

Still no phone call. I sure as hell ain't chasing them.
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12-06-2013, 12:27 PM
Originally Posted by Helena54 View Post
At one point I thought she had gone mental on me and was going to bite me but I needn't have worried, cos as she caught my finger with her tooth, she knew she'd done it, and then proceeded to flatten me and smother my face in kisses as I laid helpless on the floor laughing!
How do they do that We both feel it's amazing that they know just how hard to close on your finger or arm or leg, Bara has done it to me many times when she was younger.

Originally Posted by Lynn View Post
Still no phone call. I sure as hell ain't chasing them.
Afternoon Lynn, yep you don't need to worry now, he'll either ring or he won't, makes no difference now does it

Last night I posted about that cottage you spotted in Brandon but you had just walked out on me (Only joking ) I know the town and the area quite well and there are many properties of that construction, just watch out for the damp proof course as most were built without one.

OK, garden, workshop, car, and dog walking are calling so must go, will look in again tonight
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12-06-2013, 12:30 PM
Oh dear, no phone call yet then Lynn Maybe she's viewing another one today and will decide later. Some people just don't rush, but my agent did tell me that when he knows somebody is going to buy as he shows them around, they always put the offer in when they come outside. Doesn't always apply, but I know I would if I didn't want to lose something, and you would too wouldn't you. I'm sure she has other ones to look at where she wants to live and you will hear something soon.

Yes, that John bit, we have called each other that since the day we met, he is John and I am John, and it gets kind of confusing when we have people round who don't know that. I remember chatting away down at the stables about Dave and we had a new girl there, who didn't know that I called Dave John. (are you keeping up here ). Anyway, she starts spreading these rhumours around the yard, that I've been having an affair with this bloke called John, cos she'd overheard me talking about Dave (John!) I don't think Dave has EVER called me Helen in 30 odd years, I'm aways John! Very strange couple we are, but neither of us are trannies, although I did see him dress up in one of mum's nighties once when we were staying in her villa! I have a photo of it too!!!

I have located two places locally which have turf arriving tomorrow, so I'm going to be the first in the queue cos it goes as soon as it arrives and I can't miss the chance.

Go on Lynn, ring those bdooly agents!!!! At least you'll know WHY you haven't heard and I could be right and it will put your mind at rest won't it. Plus we're a nosy lot here
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12-06-2013, 12:36 PM
Originally Posted by Losos View Post
How do they do that We both feel it's amazing that they know just how hard to close on your finger or arm or leg, Bara has done it to me many times when she was younger.

Afternoon Lynn, yep you don't need to worry now, he'll either ring or he won't, makes no difference now does it

Last night I posted about that cottage you spotted in Brandon but you had just walked out on me (Only joking ) I know the town and the area quite well and there are many properties of that construction, just watch out for the damp proof course as most were built without one.

OK, garden, workshop, car, and dog walking are calling so must go, will look in again tonight
Hi H Yes, it is amazing isn't it, as I didn't even pull it away or make any noise to let her know that she had caught me on the thumb bone! Zena's all front as you well know having met her, but she was quite scarey last night the way she got so carried away, she even did the play bow at me before she zoooooomed off!!!

Lynn, I've just looked at your link for the lovely little cottage and HOW cheap???!!!! The only thing that would concern me having looked at the street view of it, is the open plan front, and next door is the same, which probably means, that row of cottages (of which this is the end one) probably has a covenant on it that you cannot put up any type of fencing at the front, so ask the agents about that bit if you're viewing. We're open plan front here, but there's only our little sliproad in front of another bit of land we own, before the road, which being unadopted has a car every hour go by, not like that road there, which looks quite a busy one. Just something to bear in mind and ask about. Think about opening that front door with that road there. Maybe block off the front door and let everyone come round the back though lol!
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12-06-2013, 12:55 PM
Originally Posted by Tangutica View Post
This is par for the course for students and young people today it seems. All my kids have 'so much stuff' when they move.

In my day, when single, I could fit all my 'stuff' in a car. They need to hire vans, get mates to store some of it and all that.

The one thing none of them can do nowadays is get MUM TO STORE IT FOR THEM! Too far away! Mind you they still leave loads behind when they visit. And in the case of Jen I get the inevitable pleas after she's gone asking me to post stuff home to her that she decided she wouldn't need.

One time it was a pair of soft lace up boots I'd bought her. She pleaded so much that she wanted them after all, I ended up posting them and the postage cost more than the boots had as I'd bought them in a sale!

She does it with bikinis saying she won't wear them in the UK (how much room would they take up in a suitcase?) then asks me to post them out to her because she wants to sunbathe in the garden!

Good job I luv 'em!
hahah!! I will have to leave a lot of stuff in my mums study, my sister will hopefully be going to uni this summer so that's some of that sorted!

I think i'll be able to fit the bulk of my stuff in 1 big suitcase and a box. I've only got a little car mind...
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12-06-2013, 01:01 PM
Afternoon Harvey. Thank you for the tip about the damp course. Seeings as we have had no news I don't suppose we will be looking at it let alone buying it. Never mind we will stay here for now and plough on with the garden plans for this house.

Afternoon again Helena. I did have a chuckle about the John thing. We have some good photos of Gorden and my brothers and BIL all dressed up in women's clothing at Christmas. Dad had this game of a big black bin bag full of clothes bit like pass the parcel and when it stopped at you, you had to put the first item of clothing you pulled out on. The kids loved it seeing us all dressed up very silly and them too.
If we bought that house I would have a stable door put on same as I have here although here we are not near a busy road and we have put a small fence up even though we are not meant to have one. A lot of people have now mostly to stop the kids cutting corners across the lawns.
We both said something would have to be done because of Dillon and that road.
I am tempted to ring but won't I don't want them to think we're desperate.
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12-06-2013, 01:02 PM
Afternoon all,

Lynn, glad Dillon was okay after all that poking and pulling by the wee fella.

Helena, amazing that Zena just knew she had caught you.

I'm furious with Davie, had a call from his school. He lost his temper over nothing and snapped his glasses in half. He can get them on the NHS but its not the point. He is banned from his Xbox and tablet till the weekend.

Finishing off the assignment tonight, then catching up with reading.
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12-06-2013, 01:05 PM
Afternoon Lorraine thank you Dillon doesn't get phased over much thank goodness.

Oh dear that's out of character for Davie isn't it ? Something must of upset him.
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12-06-2013, 01:37 PM
I've obv. missed the posts about Dillon and the kiddy. Clueless.

What a relief that you are back on form Helena! I employ goodies and bribery too when I either want something done or they've made a really good job of it. Most years I end up giving the 'pool guys' a rack of beers if they get the pool all cleaned up and ready to go well early in the season. (It's cleaned twice a week but that drops down to about once every 3 wks in winter).

I don't think Bella will even get off the daybed to go out to pee any more now! She HAS moved - got up and moved to the other end of it where I'd put her cushion and is now settled curled up asleep again on that! Dogs ARE so funny! You could fit 50 minpins on this thing! She's got an outside sofa and a sunbed, an L shape sofa inside and also a squashy recliner and of course my king size bed. But no - since DayBed arrived yesterday afternoon - that's the only thing she will sleep on!

Here she is cuddling her blanky - she's at the other end now.

*oh and I spoke too soon when I told my son we haven't had any problems with mozzies the past month or so now dry heat is kicking in. I have a huge one on the back of left upper arm now.
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