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23-04-2010, 12:24 PM
Originally Posted by Ben Mcfuzzylugs View Post
Has Ally said who the breeder was?? I have only seen her saying she is happy with the dogs she has and would recommend the breeder.
Yes totally every breeder should be breeding for health and temprament as the most important factor, EVERY single pedigree dog from supposedly decent breeders round here is what I would consider a puppy farmer. People asked questions, but didnt know the right questions to ask
The people are still happy with their dogs and love them, I may slate the breeder but I dont slate the owner or the dog

- and sorry, I should have said my two are rescues - i know nothing about their background - and I have been told - a while ago - on threads here that I should have got health tested pedigrees

Well said! You have the same right as everyone else to love your dog. Seeing as I disagree with most breeders of pedigree dogs I dont see why you should be more slated than anyone else
Now if you were wanting to breed - then I would have words . I hope you found a good breeder - but that is your choice

Yup, I know it is different - but I have been slated for having rescues in the past

I think the problem is its getting too personal

State you views on breeders, what you think is a good breeder, why you dont like deliberate cross breeding

I feel there are too many dogs in the world who dont have homes so ANY breeder should have to really think if their dogs are needed in the world
I think breeding crossbreeds is too risky as you have no idea what the end product is actually going to be - a random mixture of both breeds
I dont think anyone should make money out of breeding dogs, cover costs (of the breeding - not the costs to show the dogs or whatever) yes but if money is made then people can get greedy and standards slip

I do think their is big snobbery that only show dogs should be bred from
Why is one hobby more important than another

If a kennel was producing healthy, and health tested, great temprament and long lived PET dogs I dont ness see that as a bad thing

or more honestly I dont see that as any worse than breeding show dogs
We dont need most of the dogs that are bred at the moment - why be a snob and assume your dogs are better bred than someone elses??

Most of you are happy with how your dogs were bred
I wouldnt have been - I can guarantee I would think most of your dogs were not from a good breeder (IMO)
But you are happy with them
So my standards are stricter than yours - dosent make me better than you - just different, I can still enjoy hearing about your dogs

So Allys standards may be lower than yours - dosent make you any better than her - just different
How many 'Doodle' breeders REALLY health test? I mean, properly health test? I can't speak for the Poodle side, but from the Lab side, I think it is highly unlikely that the Lab parent of a 'Doodle' was screened for hips, elbows, PRA, CNM, EIC and has a current yearly eye certificate. Why? because most Doodle breeders, if we are realistic, are out to make a fast buck. Why mate your Labrador bitch to another Labrador and make £500 off the pups when you could mate it to a Poodle and make £750?

There may be a very small minority of people in this country who are breeding multi-generation 'Doodles', are fully health testing, etc., and those individuals have my respect. I actually like the look of these mixes and their temperaments very much. Unfortunately the for the dogs they will probably never be a registered breed(s) because people don't care enough to pursue this...people want a litter or two to make a bit of money and leave it at that.
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23-04-2010, 01:00 PM
I don't mind, I'll come out and say it, my families dogs, didn't come from health tested stock.

Why would they? when they were purchased I was a child/teenager, my parents didn't have a clue about health testing etc, and neither did I at the time.

Dog number 1. Jet Labrador, got when Iwas 8, from a gamekeeper kc reg, no health tests. Cost £150. Pts, aged 6/7 reason kidney failure. Had no other issues previously.

Dog number 2. Shadow labrador, got when I was 14/15, from a gamekeeper/farmer. Kc reg, no health tests. Has no health issues to date. Cost £250.

Dog number 3. Storm labrador, got when I was about 16 from a hobbie breeder. Kc reg, no health tests, other than that, can't falt them. Apart from the odd ear infection Storm has no issues to date. Cost, £0.00. They did advertize the litter for £400 however, after we all met each other, the only condition we had to agree to was to keep in touch,as they were more concerned about the puppies going to good homes, than getting the money for them.

Dog number 4. Nyle labrador, guide dog. Matched when I was 19/20. Kc reg?. From health tested stock. Occasional ear infections, the odd psyco motor seizure, no other issues. Cost 50 p.

I now know better, and even though so far we've been quite lucky with our untested dogs, any dog I get in future will be from tested stock.

When ever I speek to people who are thinking about getting a puppy, I always make a point to mention researching what tests need to be done on the parents, and to chose a breeder who does them. Like I've said, I've learned, and I think as that is the case, that it is mine and others responsability to pass that knowledge on to others. If they ignore it, it is their choice, but they can never say they weren't informed.

As for designer crosses.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again, I've got no issue with the dogs, I've got an issue with the breeders and their ethics, or lack there of.

Yes, I think some of the names are quite silly, though I find it more amusing than annoying now.

As for cost, people will pay whatever they feel is reasonable, that is their choice after all. Would I pay £800 for a labrador x poodle, if I was interested in owning that cross, and the dog was from health tested lines, maybe, maybe not, I don't know. I wouldn't however pay £2500 for a sarloos wolfhond, or £1800 for a bulldog, but I've got no problem with people who do.

At the end of the day, people will get whichever dog they feel suits them. Wether that be a purebreed, crossbreed or good ol' mut. People will make what some view as mistakes when choosing a breeder, often through lack of knowledge, now ignorance isn't an excuse, but it is a reason. Imo, it is only those who learn but do not act, that can stand accused of anything.
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23-04-2010, 02:56 PM
Originally Posted by lozzibear View Post
but why do people think it is ok to ask that? whether or not her dogs are from good or bad breeders, some people would be very offended about being asked that! what if on another thread i started to question everything about your dogs breeder??

if someone wants to ask about health tests to help someone, or give advice etc, then fine but it isnt ok to do that to get at someone! which is what this is!
I feel people want to ask for the same reason they ask when someone is thinking of buying a Pup. Its education in a way imo for others reading who may be thinking of purchasing.
If I bought from a bad breeder I would tell the truth so to save others going down that difficult/ heartbreaking road.

Most members tell purchasers to do their homework, ask about health tests carried out etc... so same thing imo as asking someone of their dog has been tested It educates
No one gets educated if its all lies about a breeder end of for me.
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23-04-2010, 03:59 PM
I read all this with interest, and a bit of a giggle. Up here, the idea of health testing is sufficiently unknown that when I asked the vet nurse about it, I was met by a blank stare.

For the more "outdoorsy" breeds (e.g.Border Collies), the ultimate test is winter. If the dog survives winter with minimal assistance, it's healthy. If it doesn't, it wasn't.

My BCs so far have all been born on Orkney farms, in barns. They have all panned out as healthy - OK, Snorri-dog was epileptic. but you can't screen for that, anyway - but otherwise, he and Kali demonstrated nothing but rude good health.

Thorgeir is, likewise, disgustingly healthy (so far, at the tender age of 1).

I am, by no means, belittling health tests (in fact, I recommend them) but I am merely pointing out that in "rougher conditions", they can be redundant.

Bear in mind that, in this neck of the woods, a dog is "a beast", and generally, of little import other than to us petlovers.

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23-04-2010, 09:05 PM
Originally Posted by LillyRose View Post
but why do people think it is ok to ask that? whether or not her dogs are from good or bad breeders, some people would be very offended about being asked that! what if on another thread i started to question everything about your dogs breeder??

Because Lozzi, as a dog lover it upsets me to a great deal - to say the least - that there are folk out there who breed these dogs willy nilly without carry out the necessary health testing.What are they actually contributing to the long term health and well being of these dogs, without the measures taking place?

Ok, so Joe Bloggs buy a Doodle for his daughter say, 6 months, 12 months down the line the dog is ill and the owner either has it put to sleep or it's in rescue.Is that fair on the dog? Perhaps if this testing had been carried out in the first place Bloggs Junior would still have her healthy Doodle.We all know there are too many dogs in rescue as there is and I think it is yourself who emphasises on rescue.

I once worked with a women who proudly announced she was to "doing" Doodles next time around Like a chuffing factory! I pretended I had a friend who was interested in getting one and asked about her health testing.What was her reply "Oh God know, too expensive that lark! I'll have made no money by the end, I'm sending daughter to Uni with that dosh"

....don't waste you're time on health testing when you can maximise your profit charging £800 + for an intentional, untested,crossbreed

As for my breed and breeder, ask away honey.I did all my research and homework for 5 years in fact and I have a very good relationship with my breeder.Why 5 years? Because I wanted to dedicate my life to my dog and our life together would mean a happy, loving and HEALTHY one......

ETA - so in whole, that's what boils MY blood
Originally Posted by chaz View Post
I don't think that people should get offended by that, as to me whenever you buy an animal you are supporting the breeder that you brought them from, you should be able to stand their ground, and agree with what they do when they are not around, if you paid them cash, then you agree with how the animals are treated and how they are raised, so you shouldn't feel offended, as you should be ready to stand by your breeder no matter what.

Now of course with Diesel I can't do this, I can't stand by the people involved in his puppy hood, but I still wouldn't be offended to be asked, I'd explain it, and tell them what happened, and then say thats why in the future you should only buy from good breeders, if I followed my own advice I wouldn't have Diesel, and Diesel probally wouldn't be here, he isn't really just a pet, he has a high prey drive, as he was from working stock, he's nervous because of what could be a mix of both the breeds in him, and also his first eleven weeks, and he's also got half a toe missing, and when he sits one of his legs bends out at a odd angle, at the moment I don't know if that affects him, and I don't know if it will, if he ever needs a op I'd like to get that leg x-rayed to see if theres anything unusaul there, but I know that I'll probally have to keep a eye on it to see if a problem occurs. Anyway like I say I wont feel offended if someone asked my where any of my animals came from, I'd just tell them, from the heartstring pullers, to the good breeders, to the ones left on the door step (and thats just the six different pets I have now) if someone feels offended by that question, to me they are embarrased that they lined the pockets of the breeder they got a pet from.
Originally Posted by crestnut View Post
I feel people want to ask for the same reason they ask when someone is thinking of buying a Pup. Its education in a way imo for others reading who may be thinking of purchasing.
If I bought from a bad breeder I would tell the truth so to save others going down that difficult/ heartbreaking road.

Most members tell purchasers to do their homework, ask about health tests carried out etc... so same thing imo as asking someone of their dog has been tested It educates
No one gets educated if its all lies about a breeder end of for me.
I am just going to reply to all these posts at the one time.

That’s fair enough that you may feel upset or angry that people breed without health tests, I do. but that doesn’t mean you should grill someone about if their dogs were health tested. If it were me, I would just say something like, ‘I hope you got from a breeder who did all the necessary health tests’… that can easily inform the person about health tests but not make them feel like they are being jumped on for answers to questions, which in all honesty is none of your business! If she wants to divulge that information, then fair enough but if she doesn’t answer, then there is no need to keep repeatedly asking.

Most of the members on here do understand about health testing, but many people do not. people make mistakes, and IF ally got her dogs from bad breeders who didn’t health test then she will learn for the next time. but it is too late now to change what has been done. so I don’t understand why people cant just explain nicely about health testing, and educate people rather than criticise them. my boss at work wanted to breed his bichon, I asked him if he would be health testing his dog… I was greeted by a look of total and utter confusion! He had no idea about health tests, so I explain about them. now he is putting the breeding on hold, and trying to decide whether he should or not (I really hope he doesnt).

Chaz, maybe people are embarrassed by buying from such breeders, but I think this thread proves perfectly why members may not be willing to admit to buying from those breeders.

People need to be educated and not just criticised constantly. Maybe you all know about health tests but that does not mean every other dog owner does. they should, and should research things first, but when people are getting their first dog… they don’t learn those things until it is too late. If people gradually start to learn though, and refuse to buy from those breeders, then they will have no business to keep going…
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23-04-2010, 09:17 PM
Its not about jumping on some one though Lozzi, its about seeing a member on a forum change her story several times to fit what she has said...
Ok she might be a little embarrassed to admitt she has not brought from a decent breeder, but to post in one thread that she brought from a decent breeder and now her frineds brought from there, and then post in a thread saying she would class one of the dogs breeders as 'bad' breeders is a little silly imo .. does she not think we dont all view the same threads ?? If you dont want people to know what type of breeders your dogs are from then fine! but she brought it up her self and told two different things surely we have the right to question her blatent lies?? as lets face it at least one of her stories do not add up..she brought the attention to her self by telling porkie pies.

Yes people do need to be educated i totally agree..but people lying about where they get dogs from is not helping educate in the slightest.
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23-04-2010, 10:10 PM
Originally Posted by lozzibear View Post

Most of the members on here do understand about health testing, but many people do not. people make mistakes, and IF ally got her dogs from bad breeders who didn’t health test then she will learn for the next time. but it is too late now to change what has been done

People need to be educated
Agree some do not know about health tests and thats why it boils my blood(as this is what the thread is)when a member posts she bought from a reputable breeder who health tested. That comment knowing it is false will not help/ educate anyone thinking of buying Doodle imo
Exactly and lies do not educate
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23-04-2010, 10:24 PM
Originally Posted by crestnut View Post
Agree some do not know about health tests and thats why it boils my blood(as this is what the thread is)when a member posts she bought from a reputable breeder who health tested. That comment knowing it is false will not help/ educate anyone thinking of buying Doodle imo
Exactly and lies do not educate
but some members, like myself, know nothing about her dogs breeder than what has been posted on this thread. whether it is lies or not, it will make no difference to others reading this thread. its not like she has said 'go to this breeder *insert name*, coz they are great and health test all their dogs'. at least other people thinking of buying doodles will think about health testing after reading her post, whether she actually did or not coz she said thats what she did.

im not going to keep on discussing this, people will always disagree with others but i just hate the way some people feel the need to constantly put others down, and a lot of it, whether intended or not, comes across like such bullying (not just on this thread).
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23-04-2010, 10:28 PM
Lozzi...while people go from thread to thread changing stories, how can you expect others to respect them ..I have no respect for liers no matter who it will and wont effect.

You also get treated, how you treat others, Ally has done her fair share of insulting on more than just this thread, She also got a thread closed, and started claming she was 'off to self harm' sick or what!
Anyways the thread isnt about ally, but it turned that way due to no fault but hers!
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23-04-2010, 10:32 PM
Lozzie, I think you will find that people were questioning about the health tests because they knew that the person was telling porkies about the wonderful breeder she had. I will openly say that only 1 pup I have bought was from health tested parents, but I do research the breed and try and find out as much as I can about the breeder and the parents of the pups I am looking at. Many, many years ago I bought a lab pup from what I later found out to be a backyard breeder. Yes I was duped and stupid, but I would not have come on here and told people what a wonderful breeder she was, so good in fact that friends of mine had had pups from her, it would have been lies. And that's the difference I am not a liar. I had to rehome my last GSD, and to this day I blame myself because I should have realized my health was not good enough to give him the exercise he needed, he was a very strong willed dog and started biting family members. I knew I was not the right owner for him and I openly said this on here. Again I did not lie.
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