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View Poll Results: Which CM methods do you use on your dog?
Do you make sure your dog has enough exercise? 26 68.42%
Do you use "calm Energy" when handling your dogs? 7 18.42%
Have you ever used Foot tapping for attention? 1 2.63%
Have you ever used Foot tapping for correction? 0 0%
Have you ever used "tsstg" for attention 1 2.63%
Have you ever used "tsstg" for correction 1 2.63%
Have you ever used the "hand bite" for attention 0 0%
Have you ever used the "hand bite" for correction 0 0%
Do you use prong collars 0 0%
Do you use the illusion collar, or other NONslip slipcollar 0 0%
Have you ever used flooding to overcome your dogs fear 0 0%
Have you ever pinned your dog to the floor 1 2.63%
Have you ever pinned your dog to the fllor for any reason other than aggression 1 2.63%
Do you alpha roll your dog? 0 0%
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06-10-2009, 10:30 PM
Originally Posted by Ben Mcfuzzylugs View Post
What exactly are you meaning by communication??
It was your term. You said:

It [your use of a negative marker] is more a communication with the dog that it is heading in the wrong direction - like if Ben is ro excited when I ask him to do something but he dosent think and just does any old trick, I just tell him 'no' and put the treat away - he then calms down and thinks
It is not a punishment - it is just a communication
I was simply listing other types of negative marker and asking if you saw them too as 'just a communication'.
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06-10-2009, 11:32 PM
Originally Posted by CheekyChihuahua View Post
I think you are a little confused Promethean. Perhaps it's time to tuck up with your teddy I'm "pro" not "anti"

Honestly, you need to go and find somebody else to argue with. Real men don't come on internet sites to pick fights with women, it's a pretty poor show really

Anyway, I know what I saw on the DW show but, as usual, you have to change things to suit your argument. Well go ahead; I pity you, I really do
With your head examining you upper colon I can understand your confusion.

You are "anti", anti-training, anti-communication, anti-learning. The only pro stance you take is one of pro-violence; the millan way.

It is really quite pathetic that you feel it is OK to lie about the episode to prop up your failing arguments.
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06-10-2009, 11:54 PM
Originally Posted by scarter View Post
That sounds reasonable to me.

So in your opinion....(And I'm not grilling you - feel free to ignore my questions if my line of reasoning is boring you )

I think most people at one point use punishment. However where the problem lies is that in Millan's way of thinking - and his followers - punishment is about pain, threats, coercion, intimidation.

It is important to note that just because something is aversive to the dog, it is not by definition a punishment. No doubt we are all familiar with people who apply aversives without results.

Dunbar makes it very clear, punishment doesn't have to be painful or scary to be effective.

It is assumed that all punishments are aversive and that all aversive stimuli are punishing. However, neither of these assumptions is true. Once we realize that “punishment” and “aversive” are not necessarily synonymous, we realize we have four combinations.
1. Non-Aversive and Non-Punishing
2. Aversive and Non-Punishing
3. Aversive and Punishing
4. Non-Aversive and Punishing

In Dunbar's Dogstar blog
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07-10-2009, 04:32 AM
Originally Posted by scarter View Post
That makes good sense.

So, say for example someone wants to make use of a negative marker when the dog is working at a distance - perhaps even out of earshot. If the dog is comfy and relaxed about a low stimulus electric collar then presumably that would be no different to THAT dog than your gentle 'no' to YOUR dog? Not a punishment - just communication?

And presumably the same goes for a tap, poke, nudge, noise - anything that the dog is comfortable with and that the handler is using purely for communication. A way of communicating with a dog that is heading in the wrong direction?

Myshflyn - no it's fine. As long as you're clear about what you mean (which you have been) then it's quite straight forward. I am familiar with these terms from clicker training - I just don't personally find it useful to think this way. But my questioning is an attempt to clarify peoples interpretation of various scenarios rather than any confusion about your definitions!

OK, but assume you have a dog that is sent to the kitchen when he doesn't behave. You say you class this as negative punishment - right?


Lets just say you've taught a 'kitchen' command and the dog knows he must go there if he's naughty. Still negative punishment - right?


Now I'm sure many of us know of dogs (or perhaps even have dogs) that will look very sorry for themselves and will immediately behave if their owners say "Do you want to go to the kitchen?" - in a quiet, even playful voice. THAT would be positive punishment according to your definition - right?

No that is NO punishment, just interacting with your dog, UNLESS your dog reacted as a threat, which i dont think many if any dogs would

You seem abit hung up on Clicker use. One of the "best & Easiest" ways dogs learn is operant Conditioning, Which Clicker Trainers use, however not all ways of operant Conditioning use the clicker, & the clicker is defintally not the only means of positive reinforcement .

(im saying this because any members of the board that read some of the posts may think that positve reinforcement = clicker, which it does not only = )
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07-10-2009, 08:40 AM
It's interesting the way we all put our own interpretations on things even with clear 'specifications'.

+ punishment, ie Adding something to your training to punish, a smack, tighten on the collar, zap on the remote
I would most definately say that issuing a threat (ADDING SOMETHING TO YOUR TRAINING TO PUNISH) is positive punishment.

Also the whole area of communication seems to be a little open to individual interpretation. Take for example clicker training.

You might view a click as simple communication - letting the dog know that it's done what you want and is about to be rewarded.

However, I know with my dogs that the sound of the clicker followed by a treat is WAY more desirable than just a boring old treat. And it's because of this that many conclude that the sound of the clicker eventually becomes a positive reward in it's own right.

Those that take that line of reasoning would no doubt conclude that a negative marker isn't just communication, but is in fact positive punishment (ADDING SOMETHING TO YOUR TRAINING TO PUNISH). Your intention might not be to punish, but how does the dog interpret it...?

I know a lot of people say that negative markers shouldn't be used as they shut many dogs down and you can never tell up front what dogs will react in this way. I know my girl reacts badly to them. They help our boy to learn faster. Are they only positive punishment when used on my girl....or maybe it's always positive punishment but positive punishment is a good thing when used in the right circumstances with the right dog.

So many different valid ways of viewing the same thing.
Ben Mcfuzzylugs
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07-10-2009, 09:10 AM
It depends on you and your dog as to whether a negative marker is punishment of not

Which is why I am moving more on to 'try again' rather than 'no' because many people dont just say 'no' it becomes 'NO'

In the example I gave with the weaves then yes in the strictest form of the definition then yes it is a non adversive punishment (thanks for that promethian) it is something I am doing to make the behaviour less likely

another time I am using it is in free shaping, when Ben is on the right track I can be saying 'yes yes yes yes' until he does the thing I want to click him for, I can v gently say 'no' if I can see he is heading in a way I dont want at that moment - it tells him to try something else - it does not make that behaviour less likely in the future it is just letting him know that is not what I want at the moment, Like when I am teaching him to cross his paws and at the moment I want him to only hit the target with his right paw, if I see his left paw going up I gently say 'no' and he tries something else, if I feel the need to say 'no' again then i make the exercise easier by moving the target closer to the paw I want
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07-10-2009, 09:24 AM
Originally Posted by Promethean View Post
With your head examining you upper colon I can understand your confusion.

You are "anti", anti-training, anti-communication, anti-learning. The only pro stance you take is one of pro-violence; the millan way.

It is really quite pathetic that you feel it is OK to lie about the episode to prop up your failing arguments.
I'm sure you're the expert on examining colons, so I'll take your word for anything to do with that subject I've often thought you talk a lot of the waste that passes the colon

The only "anti" I am, is anti rude little men that hide behind a computer screen, insulting women. You do your best though. If you try really hard, you might manage to get another thread locked
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07-10-2009, 01:20 PM
Originally Posted by CheekyChihuahua View Post
I'm sure you're the expert on examining colons, so I'll take your word for anything to do with that subject I've often thought you talk a lot of the waste that passes the colon

The only "anti" I am, is anti rude little men that hide behind a computer screen, insulting women. You do your best though. If you try really hard, you might manage to get another thread locked
I only know about people like you, who refuse help getting their head out of their colon. Another 'anti' is your virulent anti-men attitude. It is misandry at it's finest, there must be a pathological issue as to why you derive such pleasure from insulting men via the net. Anti-fact, anti-science, hell you are anti so many things it's hard to keep track.
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07-10-2009, 01:28 PM
Originally Posted by Promethean View Post
I only know about people like you, who refuse help getting their head out of their colon. Another 'anti' is your virulent anti-men attitude. It is misandry at it's finest, there must be a pathological issue as to why you derive such pleasure from insulting men via the net. Anti-fact, anti-science, hell you are anti so many things it's hard to keep track.
Your posts are like the rantings of a mad-man. Seriously, give it up *yawn* I've been married to a real man for 18 years and have four fine Brothers and a fine Son. It's not men I have a problem with, it's poor excuses for men, like yourself, that make my skin crawl.

You stick to examining colons. I think that's where you are in your comfort zone
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07-10-2009, 01:32 PM
Originally Posted by CheekyChihuahua View Post
Your posts are like the rantings of a mad-man. Seriously, give it up *yawn* I've been married to a real man for 18 years and have four fine Brothers and a fine Son. It's not men I have a problem with, it's poor excuses for men, like yourself, that make my skin crawl.

You stick to examining colons. I think that's where you are in your comfort zone
The echo reverberating from the inner walls of your intestine make it difficult to understand. I guess I must have misunderstood the part about not bothering to respond. Stop insulting men, women, children and minorities, you are a poor excuse for a human being.
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