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gordon mac
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11-11-2016, 11:41 AM
Good day everybody.
Pleased to say that there is no shortage of poppy sellers in my neck of the woods. Nikki - so good to hear of the fine work done by both your parents for the Legion's fund raising. The work done by this worthy Association is both remarkabke and much needed. Fortunately I have never been in a position to need their help but have learnt of just how much good they do from members of my Regimental Association. I make a point of never passing a collecting box without dipping into my pocket. The very least I can do for them, considering how much they do for others.
Nippy - bet Brian loves the serenading whilst attending to his ablutions - stereo terriers (how lovely! lol !).
Norma - hope the weather stays fine for your service.
June - I think Zen is just lulling you into a false sense of security - when you start relaxing - she'll pounce and you'll come down in the morning to a mountain of chewed up kennels. Hope this prophecy doesn't come true! lol !
Griff - How are you today - really bad to read of you feeling so terrible yesterday. Hope it's gone by now and you're getting a bit of peace and quiet to recover.
Will be back later - bye fer now.
Moyra - I am pleased to notice that you haven't mentioned your cold for a couple of days, so with a bit of luck this means that it is behind you and that you have finished with them for the winter.
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Sue L
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11-11-2016, 11:43 AM
Good morning everyone

at Pepsie and her friend waiting outside the bathroom You do know that all bathrooms have a secret escape door so you can leave home without doglets at least that what my last Afghan thought as she gradually went senile, no other room would bother her

I too haven't seen any poppy sellers but there was a tin in the the local chemist this morning so I put some money in that I had in my pocket.

Lovely here today, sunny and dry. Washing done and just dry enough to iron so have done that and it is now on radiators and in the airing cupboard. Now cooking fish and chips for lunch.

Have a good day and stay safe and warm.
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11-11-2016, 12:33 PM
Thanks LG those last two bouts of sneezing must have just been dust or air spray. No cold thankfully or it could be because I took your advice and had some whiskey!!
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11-11-2016, 01:33 PM
Afternoon everyone.
Lots of poppy sellers here in the shops. I have no need to buy one I have a badge one but I pop some money in the box out of respect for my dad and uncles fist and second world war, plus the soldiers and families now.

griff could be the chemo Gill suffers terribly with her feet in fact so much so she opened up the other day to the consultant who has prescribed her an antidepressant to help boost her as she said she is never a moaner much like yourself.
Glad to hear the wheelie bin is working June. (For now).
Glad Casy is eating Harvey. sorry to hear about the boiler.

I will confess we have been having terrible trouble with ours since October. Kept blowing a fuse in the house. Have been having to wait 6 days a t a time for the engineer to visit then waiting on a new central heating pump plus air vents as he felt they had leaked got onto the pump and that was the reason for the boiler blowing the fuse. He came today to fix it. Within 1/4 of an hour it had gone again.
He came back within 1/2 hour did so many tests and decided it wasn't the boiler at all but the wiring to the boiler. Suggested an electrician. He did try something though he has partially unscrewed the fuse spur box it is in a recess in the living room so no fear of electrocuting of yourself plus it is is over half way up the wall. Hey presto when he switched the boiler back on and we did the hot water it was fine. He stayed for ages to make sure and has suggested we leave it like that for while and if it doesn't go again we need the wires checked behind the box and a new spur box. Good job we know a good electrician.
We have been 6 days at a time without hot water and heating again, hopefully that is in the past now. thank goodness for the electric shower though.
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11-11-2016, 01:45 PM
Lynn, you seem to have one problem after the other. Do hope the boiler is finally sorted.
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tawneywolf is offline  
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11-11-2016, 02:29 PM
Lynn, no wonder you get down, that flaming boiler seems to have taken over (again) from the car, just like its successor. Maybe they are taking turns
Had the girls out, lovely day. Son rang and we were talking ages. Cariad and Lona having a good sniff around, playing ball with me. Got home, took Mabs, Kesh and Zen out onto the field as it is really getting Kesh running around with Zen to chase and Mabs to join in. By then we were later than usual and had a bit of a scare really. Mine were on the football field, just given them a tidy up and throwing the ball for them again. Someone came on the other side which has the main road fronting it, with an offlead dog, throwing a frisbee, it was leaping up at her running round, I called Zen and Kesh, trying to get leads on them, but too late Zen wriggled free because this dog was obviously exciting for her. I was screaming like a banshee at her, frisbee throwing and leaping dog continued, she kept running back, then turning back to run over to the fence and through to the leaping dog, then Kesh went after her, no idea whether to join in or get her. I was then being a banshee to both of them, absolutely terrified they'd end up on the road and get knocked like Lona. Mabs all of a sudden sprang into action, ran at Zen and chased her to me, then rounded Kesh up who was standing looking confused as to what I actually wanted. Got leads on everyone, gave Mabs a big cuddle for helping me. If I see someone with offlead dogs I do not under any circumstances do what that silly woman did. I take my dogs elsewhere, and they stay onlead,unless I know the person in which case my dogs play with the other dog. They never actually went off the football field, but it was so nearly a disaster. I need eyes at the back of my head I really do. That is the exact reason I go out when I do, because I tend to miss the majority of people and don't get entangled in situations like that!!
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11-11-2016, 02:53 PM
Goodness June what a nightmare. I usually wait by standing still unless its an aggressive dog of course and give the owner time to sort their dog/s out just common courtesy.

Well I jinxed the boiler not long after posting the fuse blew again. Rang the electrician he suggested a few things before paying him to come out which Mark did check for loose wires apparently electricity vibrates all the time so in time things loosen check no wires touching and that there was no charring.
No wires touching Mark didn't feel any wires were necessarily loose but he did find a slight bit of charring so cleaned it up and cut the wires back put everything back and replaced the fuse so off we go again if it blows again electrician coming in to check things. He says it sounds like a neutral fault and may be the pcb board in the boiler.
We need the electricity check done first though before we go back to the heating engineer with that thought. Hopefully neither needed and Mark has fixed the problem.
He is picking up some more 5 amp fuses as we have used 7 in a week. Hoping Gorden hasn't done something when fitting the bath our wiring from the boiler goes along the flooring in the bathroom u to the spur fuse box and now the bath kind of runs alongside it.
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11-11-2016, 04:42 PM
Hi Lynn Our boiler does come on when the the thermostat light comes on, but it will stop for a while and then start again, it's as if there is some temperature sensing thing inside the boiler, so we get heat and hot water, and I'm just waiting to hear when the service guy can come back.

With winter fast approaching we don't need these niggly problems do we
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11-11-2016, 04:48 PM
Just to let you all know Casey is back to his old self today. On our walk he was trotting around and wandering off into the undergrowth and started getting excited when he thought it was time for his walk

I think he may have eaten something bad, he has a terrible habit of picking up horse poo and also sheep

I try to stop him whenever possible but the field where we go to give Lara a swim has had sheep in it recently and he may have grabbed some before I could drag him away.

There is some long name for this habit which I can't remember, horrible is hardly the word
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tawneywolf is offline  
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11-11-2016, 04:48 PM
Oooh and did you have problems before the bath was fitted and sorted or is it since then.
So its not me then is it Lynn. Thats what I do, go elsewhere, to me its courtesy. When I'm on the country park I keep Kesh onlead because she loves to chase other dogs, and its not a good thing, to her its a great game, to the other dogs and their owners its usually scary, all she wants is to be chased back, but they don't know that. She needs to lose some weight so on a diet and chasing Zen along with Mabs is doing the trick, but wouldn't let her free on the country park, not worth the risk. Mabs keeps Zen under control when we're on the country park so I don't have that to worry about really and Zen tends to follow her mum and Kesh, I have Kesh on a line and Mabs doesn't cause problems at all. Was just the nearness of the busy main road that panicked me really. Going to have to really make sure I am out and back in by midday'ish if I go on the field. Thinking of going back on the country park some days now the seasons have finished, and no idea what Zen is doing as regards that,, sick of checking. But free running on the field is helping Keshi's weight loss so need to get on there a couple of days a week.
River is pretty high now after all the rain, despite all my requests the debris wasn't moved whilst it was low, so now we have a risk of it floating off and getting stuck under the bridge and causing a blockage Doubt I'll be able to get the girls on it tomorrow anyway.
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