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Rosebud77 is offline  
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14-05-2014, 07:51 AM
Originally Posted by Lynn View Post
Its more likely to be a rat Rose we have them in the garden.
Mice I can just about tolerate rats sorry they have to be stopped. I don't mind them in the garden and down the bottom end but near or in the house nooooooo .

We have a river at the front of the cottage and chickens next door and next door but one.
Oh DEAR! and yes. enclose all food meticulously.

I have to but my thief is a large black and white cat who has a sweet tooth and will try anything..loves cake, but so do i!
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14-05-2014, 07:55 AM
Morning all.
Lynn I hope we get to see the new hair do!
Hi LS Jenny and Rosebud hope you all have a good day.
Helena great to see you and yes your typing is very good, I bet you are still quicker than me with two hands!
Morning Bev don't work too hard
Lovely day here, lovely sunshine.
Brian has to go to see the diabetic nurse this morning. No great hardship because the surgery is beside the marina so we might have a little stroll as well
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14-05-2014, 07:56 AM

Nearly five hours unbroken sleep has worked wonders! Yup - Da Booga went just under five hours without needing to go out, then it was zonk again until the alarm - Da Booga pill'd and pee'd and back to bed again until she heard the bin men so it was jump up and down and woffle time until they went.

More zonk until the phone rang...

- No I do not want to buy a tablet thank you.
- But it is only XYZ because you are a Club Member.
- I am not a Club Member.
- Well that is OK you can still buy a tablet.
- I do not want a tablet.

... which meant I then had to get up and call the Service Department yet again because the Sales Department seem to think that I am a Club Member.

This all goes back to the special cooking wotsit like the one you have Lynn which I bought and they were out of stock so sent me a large pressure cooker instead, plus a free gift of a bed linen set etc etc etc. Which they duly collected a week or three later - and they still have not got the cooking wotsits in.

The finger/wrist breaking seems to be contagious as my neighbour has appeared with her arm plastered up to her elbow. I was beginning to wonder why she had not come back after her normal w/e away and from what I can make out she put her foot down on a stone last Wednesday evening and went crashing down. Still went to her brother as usual on Thursday but her SiL packed her off to the hospital where they said it might be broken but it might not, but plastered it up anyhow and she has to go back tomorrow to have it re-Xrayed. Or something.

I hope you are managing OK Helena and that everyone else is fit and hale. I am also very worried about Lore - does anyone know how to contact her?

Right, so after all that the morning is nearly over so I think it is well time for a coffee and ketchup before I take Da Booga out!

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gordon mac
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14-05-2014, 08:17 AM
Morning everyone - a very quick post today. Glad that all seems well in Dogseyland and health matters all going in the right direction. Off now to take litte Scout for her first haircut (she's now 10 months old and resembles a little Gollywog) doubtless will come back looking like a lavatory spider. As promised I will try and remember how to do the photobucket thingy and pics will follow once she is returned, shorn and shampooed to the bosom of her family, bye fer now.
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14-05-2014, 08:30 AM
Morning all.
I hope Scout looks lovely after her haircut GORDON. She'll be cooler anyway.
Urgh. rats LYNN. You don't want them in the house. Hope the haircut goes well.
Sounds as though you are doing well HELENA. It's going to be a long job though. (((Hugs)))
Hope you can rest today Rosebud. Of course we want you on here. Love your posts.
Good luck to Brian at the diabetic nurse NIPPY. OH has to go every couple of months. Enjoy your little walk later. Maybe a bag of chips sitting by the beach later.
It's a gorgeous day here. pity I have to spend some of it ironing
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Lucky Star
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14-05-2014, 08:38 AM
Good to see you Helena.

Eeek, not a rat! Does Dillon go for them?

Good luck with the diabetic nurse Nippy.

We saw a fox on the way to school. It was amazing; it was hunting in the bushes and it leaped into the air and caught something small. Cycling is much better than driving!
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14-05-2014, 08:41 AM
Hello everyone. Beautiful day out there. Must remember to deflea Amber today but Steve wants me to leave it until tonight as he forgets and rubs her back and ends up with the smell on his hands where as if I do her last thing at night it is only my bed that gets the damn stuff on. Lol.

Helena nice to see you I hope your hand is progressing well.

Every one have a good day, God bless.
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14-05-2014, 08:48 AM
Morning all! All behind here like the cat's tail. Was up working past 2am because the remote connection to the server in UK was dead. Went to bed at 3.30. Got an email from the not very ITish IT guy this morning saying he had fixed it and now I can't get on at all. Decided to do some boring housework instead.

After cleaning and wrapping rugs for storage, vacuuming the patio area and generally tidying things up a bit, sat down in my new (more shaded corner) out here to make a start on the edits that had come through during the night. Only to find it was deader than before with worse error messages. Grrrr if I'd started earlier I could have alerted sh*tforbrains earlier.

Bella has been quite fascinated and busy haring round behind me doing all this work. She gets very agitated when I move rugs (or anything else) and this seems to have made her tired, so I've deferred her walk until she rises up out of her bed again! So as I cannot do much work at the mo - I am catching up on here. When she rouses I will take her out.

Lynn I hope you are happier with your new hairdo than I was with mine. I'm still not happy with it. Worst bit now is my fringe needs trimming but I don't feel like going back there and telling him just to cut the fringe and nothing else. And I know I won't be able to resist having a moan at him because I TOLD HIM he was cutting too much off! As we are now coming well into swimming and sweaty weather - I'm not as bothered about it. Can just about scrape it all into a pony and clip.

Rats? Arghhh! But it's a bit of a foregone if you are by a river methinks. Put some signs up NO RATS PAST HERE.

Helena - no pain - no gain dearheart! Only YOU could go for a one handed manicure! I love it! I've got a good pal, a teacher, who was born with her right arm missing from below the elbow. She had a prosthetic (that she said was to make other people feel better - no use to her - pre the robotic ones) she always had her nails painted and asked one day if I would help her 'do the other hand'. I agreed and said 'do you want me to paint them with you wearing it or do you want to take it off? You should have heard her (and her summing up of my intelligence!) as she explained that she had NO trouble painting the false hand lol! We still laugh about it now.

Hope all goes well for Brian.

You do make me laugh. Glad to hear you have time for a break but it doesn't sound much like 'taking it very easy' to me. Love the tale of the tour bus. When living in Newlyn we had a stretch of road about 6 ft wide that was two-way. I loved the expressions on faces of tourists on the bus when they saw vehicles coming in the opposite direction down there! Hey - Cornwall - if it had been one way locals would have ignored that anyway! They ignored roundabouts if they were constructed AFTER they learned to drive. I love it. It's much the same here. One way signs are seen as a 'suggestion' that you might travel in that direction!

Cycling is better than driving for observing daily life. Walking's even better than cycling for that. But you'd never get where you need to be on foot methinks. I'd have loved to spot the fox. Pals of mine have them visit gardens but I've only ever seen them scavenging in dustbin bags when living in Berks. Tho I suppose that is one of their 'natural behaviours' these days.

Sounds like a lovely riverside morning there. How I remember the eerie mists along the river when we used to go boating a lot. (Trying not to remember how wet it made everything!)

A glance at D.a.D. last night showed 12 pages so I'm not even going to TRY to catch up with that log. Wouldn't be on here until much later if I'd been able to get on with some work.

I would hope Lore is just taking a break for some reason or other. I don't want to assume Lore is ill just because they are not posting on Dogsey. Hope not anyway.
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14-05-2014, 09:21 AM
Morning all...

YAY!!! the laptop started up without any problems this morning, hope it continues to play can only hope.

Hope the haircut is all you want it to be, Lynn, I really must make an appointment at the college, but always forget when I go to town Poor Bella, she needs to charge her nuisance batteries you know, good luck with the "job" stuff, Tang, an exciting bike ride including a bit of wildlife for Carys, bet she loved seeing the fox, Scout will be all primped and proper and wont want to get her feet dirty helping you in the garden, Gordon, trying saying that fast.... Hope the finger isn't too painful after all the exercising and so glad the neighbours stepped into the breach when you needed them Helena. I do worry for us home alone all week sometimes, we have to do all sorts and when you get a handicap, it makes things all the harder Good Luck to NippyBrian, An eventful day there Rosebud yesterday, just have a rest today. The mist down the Thames, how lovely, going to be a lovely day too I think, enjoy the walk with the "boys". And No, Malka, I too dont want a tablet.... Hi to everyone else, I am sure I must have missed someone.....

I too am a bit concerned about Lore, not like her at all, has anyone got any contact details for her, is she on the book face thing?

I am having an "outside day" today. Got to clean out the chicken coop, we have another chick this morning and the first one looks quite happy, but still worried for when they come out the coop. Got another thirteen eggs to hatch, if the thunderstorm hasn't affected them, as sometimes the weather can. Did you get the downpour last night, Lynn. It came down like it was Armageddon and thundered too....

Got all my hoovering done, I do love this little dolls house hoover, done the dusting and have eaten a sausgage roll Got a couple of parcels arrived. Now I have pots down the drive I needed a new hose and have got one of those expanding ones, not a real one cos they were over £50 so got a pretend one off Amazon for £12

But before I do anything else, another cuppa, will nip in later.

PS hope you are feeling a little better this morning TW xx
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Rosebud77 is offline  
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14-05-2014, 09:26 AM
speaking of foxes and other wild life...yesterday morning there were three hares racing along the back lane here...then just missed a sweet looking deer, and sheep and lambs asleep on the roads..

staying awake with difficulty...but change = rest and my poor a great bargain on potting compost yesterday in dunne's so can pot on some seedlings. will enjoy that...getting hands dirty , or rather hand, is very healing. tesco sell off trays of wilted seedlings etc cheap so i have three trays of those. all they needed was a good soak.

will of course sell as many as i can. at a huge profit of course...
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