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25-06-2013, 07:22 AM
Morning Gerri congrats on the wins.
Good luck at the Dr's today.
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25-06-2013, 07:42 AM
Originally Posted by Rosebud77 View Post
Good morning!
Lol, yes, I get it!!!

Originally Posted by Rosebud77 View Post
Did it again!

Just getting ready to go out,., work calls... market.. may be dry but that word CALM means no wind and midges in cloud formation..dark skies too and little real light.

So am about to improvise protection re you know what! Turning 70 sees me falling apart physically dramatically ....

Now I am seeking which hospital in the area has a and e and that is the easiest way to get help; waiting lists are horrendous here especially for medical card holders. We have a 2 tier system you see; paying gets faster treatment and so can jumping the queue; I know but am getting now some worrying extra symptoms. But the abuse I suffered in the UK leaves a horror of hospitals and drs.

Dobbed the nasty farmer in to DAHG last evening and they are investigating! ( Dept Arts Heritage Gaeltacht) I just happen to know the area manager here! land seems to be protected well here. Learning all the time...

Car all packed and just the work bag now; two baby sets extracted from the stock for Eileen...

Have a lovely day and back later...
Morning Rose, hope you have a brillliant day at the market and don't get rained off like your last one, finger's crossed you come home happy having sold out completely, then you'll be busy with those needles again. Good luck for today Rose.

Originally Posted by Lynn View Post
Morning Helena, morning all.
Enjoy your day to yourself and Zena and popping into the neighbour.
The pork chop for lunch sounds lovely. I hope your gut instincts aren't founded but sometimes best to act them on just in case.
Good luck to Dave with the neck scan.

I am just waiting for Gorden and Michael to leave after a hectic round of sandwich making for lunches, breakfasts and Dillon's breakfast. All after a dreadful nights sleep.
I am picking Mark up at 10.15am to pick Joel up from school and get them to the Comprehensive or it might be an academy now it is the one which the tele series was made about. He will be starting in September as Mark has some forms to sign which Joel's mum kindly left with him on Friday. She won't give him parental rights but dumps this stuff on him at the last minute which actually is fine as the schools are realising what a cr*p mum she is and what a good dad he is.
Mark doesn't drive so this way they won't have to walk and Joel have half a day off school. Tracey would do it usually but she is working.
After all that I am having a nice relaxing day hopefully.

Malka I hope Pereg is ok this morning.
Good luck with the dress hunting Bev.
Morning Lynn, oh dear, not a good night for you then, you must feel like c*ap today, but hopefully, when everything is done this morning, you can have a nice relaxing afternoon I hope.

Originally Posted by madmare View Post
Morning H and all,

All the usual work today but am going to try and get through things so when I go to work this afternoon I can leave a couple of hours earlier and Charly can come with me to help me find a dress to wear at her wedding. I don't do dresses as I don't think I look good in any of them. So need Charly's help.

Lily wasn't very well yesterday afternoon/evening. She started her gulping and throat spasms. I think it was due to an acidy tummy as she had lots of treats she shouldn't have at the walk on Sunday. So I started her on the Antepsin and Zantac and have put her on small meals of chicken and rice, and she seems to be slowly improving now. Hopefully another day on the meds and that will see her right. Time will tell.

Hope your worries turn out to be unfounded H. but best to take precautions.

Hope everyone else is well, the sun is shining so have a good day all.
Morning Bev, pity you can't go with Jenny on her wedding outfit quest but I'm sure you'll find something that's just right for you. Dresses are so "in" atm, there's bound to be something you like and that likes you (that's the important bit with a dress isn't it, some can make you look mumsy or fat lol!) Sorry to hear about Lily, and that's just what I get with Zena with her IBS, but hopefully the Zantac will resolve it.

Originally Posted by Lucky Star View Post

I'm about to make breakfast for Michael and then take Loki out. It's quite bright at the moment. No school today because my little girl isn't well.

Have a lovely day everyone.
Morning Linda, oh dear, poor Carys, hope it's nothing you need to take her to the doctor's for and that she gets better as the day goes on.

Originally Posted by jenny.g View Post
Morning Helena and fellow members,

A lovely bright and sunny start here which bodes well

Helena - I do hope you get your relaxing day and that your concerns are unfounded - however, its better to play safe to protect any money that could be involved. Enjoy your dog walks and your pork chop .. yum, yum
Rosebud - I hope you find an A&E and can jump the queue to get sorted. ((hugs))
Bev - Poor Lily and everything crossed that she improves today with her meds and little-and-often meals. Also that you manage to find that all elusive dress for the wedding when you go out with Charly.
Lynn - Sorry you had a bad night's sleep (I did too) and that you can help Mark sort things out for Joel. His ex does sound fairly useless and unreasonable. After your hectic start to the day hopefully you'll find your walk with Dillon relaxing.

My son has a 3 hour interview this morning at 10.00 for a large company within cycling distance from here. If he gets the job it will be a total career change. The only 'trouble' is he's sporting a huge moustache which he can't save off until after tomorrow as he's doing a photo shoot for 'Movember'
After walking the dogs I'll be off to try and find an outfit for the wedding on Friday.

See all you lovely people later.
Morning Jenny, oh I do hope he gets the job, afterall, he can explain away that moustache can't he, it might give them a good laugh, so they'll know he has a soh like his mum What is this Movember cos it rings a bell with me somehow Hope you find the right dress, today might be the day Jen! Have you tried Coast in Debenhams yet? They have some really gorgeous dresses for special occassions and they're classic, never go out of fashion. I still have a red satin one that I've not yet worn I've told Dave he can bury me in it when the time comes, at least I'll look good on my arrival

Originally Posted by moetmum View Post
Morning H and all

I hope your gut instinct is unfounded H, sounds worrying. It's sunny here BTW.

Just a very quick good morning as I am rushing around again. We had a busy weekend, worked all day Saturday, off to Breed Club show Sunday. We also had an AGM which started to go nasty (it was expected) but turned around and ended up being surprisingly ok. We lost some of our officers but have managed to sort things out where everyone is happy.

Taz won Best in Show and his sister was Reserve Best in Show. The entry was poor to be honest and the show had been deferred due to the snow in March, we were surprised to win and very happy!

I have a dr's appointment later, I suspect that I may have a thyroid problem (I did mention this a few years ago), I have gone from having a lot of hair to having hardly any, not that I am complaining, I quite like it but it isn't normal for me. Luckily the hair on my head hasn't suffered! I also sometimes get very tired.

I still have the leylandii to finish, my side is done but I need to go around to the neighbours side and chop that side down.

I hope Lily is feeling better Bev, good luck with finding a dress, it feels alien when you don't do dresses!

Sorry I have missed so much so can't comment too much.

Have a lovely day all.
Morning Gerry, and lol, you don't have to justify your win there for Taz, he's always winning, no matter how many in his class. You do make me laugh with the way you get stuck in on those jobs that the men should be doing, you're a bit like me there Gerry Good luck with the doc's about the thyroid too.

Originally Posted by Lynn View Post
Hope Carys feels better soon Linda.
Good luck to your son jenny. Maybe you and Bev can get together to sort wedding outfits.

Joel's mum is useless and a piece of work. What Mark had to go through to get access to Joel without going through the courts as he couldn't afford it was unbelievable. Lets just say I never thought he had the crawling abilities he had to find in him. But for the sake of his son he did and it paid off. Now Joel is 11 she cannot dictate too much and after having had another child recently her 4th two by different fathers 2 by the same father she needs Marks and Tracey's help.
Better get off my soap box now it was an awful time in our lives.
You rant away there Lynn, at least it's sorted now, she can't dictate to him as much as she would like

Well, just done my hour in the woods, and I shall do the same again lunchtime. Funny how the sun comes out when I get back, but it was cloudy on my walk, but at least we saw nobody, no free running lunatic dogs running up to us, which has gotta be a bonus. Yesterday lunchtime, I had a staffie type terrier come hurfing up behind Zena as we got into the horse's field. She gave chase, but it outran her, and as she came zooming past me about an inch behind it, luckily I had her ball, so took her mind off the dog and she stopped the chase. Owner nowhere in sight of course I called out "bdooly people want to take control of their dogs in here" Of course, had she attacked it, it would have been HER fault cos the dog was "only trying to be friendly" Yeah, well it needs to learn some manners and Zena would be the one to teach it lol!

MALKA, I was so sorry to hear about your poor little Pereg again, and I hope you're coping admirably as you always have. All the best for her and yourself.xxxx

Off to make a phone call about an enquiry for the van, then I'm hitting the shops, just cos I'm in the mood. It's our 32nd or maybe it's the 33rd anniversary on the 10th July so you never know, Dave might want to go out for a meal, so I will need a new dress too! I don't like to be left out ya know.

Now if this thread is 10 pages long by lunchtime again, I'll have no chance
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25-06-2013, 07:44 AM
Morning all. Looks like its going to be a lovely sunny day here today.
Hope your "gut instinct" proves wrong Helena. Sounds intriguing about DAVE. Good luck with his neck scan.
I hate having to look for a posh frock as well. I don't do posh!! So hope you both find something today. It's cutting it a bit fine now isn't it.
It's hard on the children when parents who split up can't / won't agree on their care. Good on Mark for fighting to get access.
Good luck at the Market Rosebud. Hope you sell everything.

OH is going to town this morning to meet the local press for a photo shoot about that plaque he has been organising to get repaired on the old TA hall. I'm just nipping to town for a few bits so nothing exiting on here again. My leg is much better this morning. I still have a bit of trouble going upstairs - it feels as though its going to give way if I put any weight on it but compared to weekend I can live with it.
Have a lovely day everyone
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25-06-2013, 07:49 AM
Good morning,
Hope everyone is o.k, any news from Malka?
H, that is a worry!!hopefully it'll be sorted. Looks like we're having a lovely day talk soon xx
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25-06-2013, 07:52 AM
Good morning all from sunny (err I mean sweaty) Cyprus. You are all early birds today! We are back from the luvverly lake, muttley been showered and is chomping on a froz. chick. wing. I've packed a huge bag and am going down to the pool for a good few hours. Have packed a ton of assorted drinks, Kindle, sunlotion and even pumped up an inflatable to doss about on the water down there.

Originally Posted by Rosebud77 View Post
Did it again!
Just getting ready to go out,., work calls... market.. may be dry but that word CALM means no wind and midges in cloud formation..dark skies too and little real light.
So am about to improvise protection re you know what! Turning 70 sees me falling apart physically dramatically ...
Now I am seeking which hospital in the area has a and e and that is the easiest way to get help; waiting lists are horrendous here especially for medical card holders. We have a 2 tier system you see; paying gets faster treatment and so can jumping the queue; I know but am getting now some worrying extra symptoms. But the abuse I suffered in the UK leaves a horror of hospitals and drs. Dobbed the nasty farmer in to DAHG last evening and they are investigating! ( Dept Arts Heritage Gaeltacht) I just happen to know the area manager here! land seems to be protected well here. Learning all the time...Car all packed and just the work bag now; two baby sets extracted from the stock for Eileen... Have a lovely day and back later...
It's the same in the UK - pay for initial specialist appointments or any scans etc will get you along quicker. Here in Cyp I pay for everything but it's nowhere near as expensive as in the UK. Regarding your 'protection' - if you want 'washable' stuff - can't you just get terry nappies and rubber pants like for babies whose mums don't want disposable (but of course in bigger size?)
Good luck today with the work stuff Rosebud. Your constant descriptions of the weather, the zillions of bitey things, the natives, health provision et al has me now decided that I am not so keen to visit the land of my forefathers after all! I detest bad weather and detest midges, mozzies and any other 'flying entymological species' that bite or sting! I am one of those skin/blood types they are very attracted to. And lots of bites is misery.

Originally Posted by madmare View Post
Morning H and all,
All the usual work today but am going to try and get through things so when I go to work this afternoon I can leave a couple of hours earlier and Charly can come with me to help me find a dress to wear at her wedding. I don't do dresses as I don't think I look good in any of them. So need Charly's help.
Lily wasn't very well yesterday afternoon/evening. She started her gulping and throat spasms. I think it was due to an acidy tummy as she had lots of treats she shouldn't have at the walk on Sunday. So I started her on the Antepsin and Zantac and have put her on small meals of chicken and rice, and she seems to be slowly improving now. Hopefully another day on the meds and that will see her right. Time will tell.
Hope your worries turn out to be unfounded H. but best to take precautions.
Hope everyone else is well, the sun is shining so have a good day all.
Sorry to hear about Lily. As for dress hunting - come and sit on the step with all the others of us here who don't really 'do' formal dresses and have hell finding them!

Originally Posted by Lynn View Post
Morning Helena, morning all.
Enjoy your day to yourself and Zena and popping into the neighbour. The pork chop for lunch sounds lovely. I hope your gut instincts aren't founded but sometimes best to act them on just in case. Good luck to Dave with the neck scan.
I am just waiting for Gorden and Michael to leave after a hectic round of sandwich making for lunches, breakfasts and Dillon's breakfast. All after a dreadful nights sleep.
I am picking Mark up at 10.15am to pick Joel up from school and get them to the Comprehensive or it might be an academy now it is the one which the tele series was made about. He will be starting in September as Mark has some forms to sign which Joel's mum kindly left with him on Friday. She won't give him parental rights but dumps this stuff on him at the last minute which actually is fine as the schools are realising what a cr*p mum she is and what a good dad he is. Mark doesn't drive so this way they won't have to walk and Joel have half a day off school. Tracey would do it usually but she is working.
After all that I am having a nice relaxing day hopefully.
Malka I hope Pereg is ok this morning. Good luck with the dress hunting Bev.
Custody and access stuff is horrible. It's the kids that suffer when stupid parents use them as bargaining tools or weapons to make the absent parent 'suffer'.

Originally Posted by Lucky Star View Post
I'm about to make breakfast for Michael and then take Loki out. It's quite bright at the moment. No school today because my little girl isn't well. Have a lovely day everyone.
Sorry to hear your little girl isn't well. My little girl texted me yesterday to say 'mummy I am poorly' (just that - no elaboration) turns out she didn't get home until 2.30am the day before and had jammed her toe under her bathroom door - oh my 'little girl' is 25yrs old!

Originally Posted by jenny.g View Post
A lovely bright and sunny start here which bodes well
My son has a 3 hour interview this morning at 10.00 for a large company within cycling distance from here. If he gets the job it will be a total career change. The only 'trouble' is he's sporting a huge moustache which he can't save off until after tomorrow as he's doing a photo shoot for 'Movember' After walking the dogs I'll be off to try and find an outfit for the wedding on Friday.
See all you lovely people later.
Heartstopping when your 'kids' are going for interviews isn't it? I think it's worse than when it's yourself! Good luck to him and shame about the tash - I believe facial hair has been proven to reduce chances at interview (along with a lot of other things like ginger hair, short stature, strong local accents, etc.) He can explain to them it's for his 'hobby' though. Having a hobby is a big plus point (as long as it is not an extreme or dangerous sport!)

Originally Posted by moetmum View Post
Morning H and all
I hope your gut instinct is unfounded H, sounds worrying. It's sunny here BTW.
Just a very quick good morning as I am rushing around again. We had a busy weekend, worked all day Saturday, off to Breed Club show Sunday. We also had an AGM which started to go nasty (it was expected) but turned around and ended up being surprisingly ok. We lost some of our officers but have managed to sort things out where everyone is happy.
Taz won Best in Show and his sister was Reserve Best in Show. The entry was poor to be honest and the show had been deferred due to the snow in March, we were surprised to win and very happy!
I have a dr's appointment later, I suspect that I may have a thyroid problem (I did mention this a few years ago), I have gone from having a lot of hair to having hardly any, not that I am complaining, I quite like it but it isn't normal for me. Luckily the hair on my head hasn't suffered! I also sometimes get very tired.
I still have the leylandii to finish, my side is done but I need to go around to the neighbours side and chop that side down.
congrats to Taz!
Good luck to you at the docs.
Leylandii - argh. I don't envy you trying to cut it down a bit - I hate the things anyway. They've even introduced them over here.
AGMs - yuk
Committees -yuk

My 'frozen shoulder' is a bit better today and I'm being careful with it. Well I am about to hoik my shedload of stuff to the pool now and remain there until I see my legs have turned 2 shades darker! I am NOT wearing tights for the wedding. No way. Hate the things.

*Lovely neighbours below are here again and have said if I can hear banging and sawing it's because he is making me ANOTHER FLY SCREEN! Woo hoo! Doin' the happy dance! Lucky me!
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25-06-2013, 07:54 AM
Morning Helena morning all
Hope the gut instinct turns out to be unfounded better safe than sorry though
Mmmmmmpork chop can I come for lunch pleeeease you've just put me in the notion for that now
Enjoy your Zena walks
Do hope Lily and Carys feel better soon
Sorry to hear you had a sleepless night it's a buxxer when that happens busy day for you chauffeuring hope the school visit goes well
Jenny g
Good luck to your son with his interview phew3hours also the search for the dress I'm sure what ever you buy/wear you'll look a million dollars
Nippy a big Hello to you cos I missed you yesterday hope you have a good day
Feel like a half shut knife this morning as didn't get home till gone 11 last night ,coffee n catch up on here then bed
Woke up around 2am ravenous cheese in toast n cuppa of course the muppets decided they needed some too daftie got up again and made another slice talk about wrapped round your little finger or what
Not looking good weather wise here at the moment
Same old same old today n the pan bashing later
Hip hip horay only 1more day till freedom
Hope all poorly people and doglets get better soon
Gentle hugs to Pereg n Malka
Hope everyone has a good day
Take care stay safe
Hugs to anyone who needs them today sorry if I missed anyone xxxxxxx
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25-06-2013, 07:56 AM
Enjoy your swim Mrs Pat.Easy little roll exercises on that shoulder( know what that's like) ouch xx
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25-06-2013, 08:02 AM
Originally Posted by Eileen Duffy View Post
Enjoy your swim Mrs Pat.Easy little roll exercises on that shoulder( know what that's like) ouch xx
Roll exercises? Explain yerself woman!

Realised Helena got left off my latest multi quote hash up.

Helena - no clue what you are bothered about but any evil money worries are misery. So I hope it turns out to be unfounded worry for you.

Glad to hear just about everything else is going well. Seems none of us can have everything right all the time. Why's that dagnammit?

The only thorn in my side today is the infamous Moneth - we had a 'meeting in the lift'. Ain't even worth updating you on this stupid woman's latest verbal garbage. If anything changes I will let you know!
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25-06-2013, 08:10 AM
Bev I know what you mean about not being a dress person, neither am I. It's hubby birthday Sat and we are having a special party (75) I cannot find anything suitable to wear, even on line. I have sent so much back. Today I have relented and I am waiting for the delivery of a linen skirt. If that is wrong then it is back to black trousers and jazzy top.

My Granddaughter got her BA yesterday So we are going to combine her celebrations with hubbys birthday.
I must get on, lots to do today especially making 2 cakes!!
Thanks for the special mention Norma You are forgiven now
Hope you all have a good day and enjoy the sunshine!
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25-06-2013, 08:13 AM
Originally Posted by Tangutica View Post
Roll exercises? Explain yerself woman!

Realised Helena got left off my latest multi quote hash up.

Helena - no clue what you are bothered about but any evil money worries are misery. So I hope it turns out to be unfounded worry for you.

Glad to hear just about everything else is going well. Seems none of us can have everything right all the time. Why's that dagnammit?

The only thorn in my side today is the infamous Moneth - we had a 'meeting in the lift'. Ain't even worth updating you on this stupid woman's latest verbal garbage. If anything changes I will let you know!
Little backward circle movements in your shoulder helps. I ended up getting cortisone injections in mine Touch wood no bother now xx
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